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I.fl.d Calendars , etc.
A.D. 1437-1445
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THIS volume carries the Calendar of Fine Rolls down to
the end of the twenty- third year of the reign of Henry VI.
The object and character of this Calendar are explained
in the preface to the volume for the reign of Edward I.
The text has been prepared by Mr. P. V. Davies,
M.A., F.S.A., and the index has been compiled by Mr.
J. H. Collingridge, M.A., both of this Office.
14 January, 1937.
Page 369, column 1, line 9 from, foot. For Ippeney read Epney.
" 415> 2. Add Eckington, Egyngton in Scaresdale,
co. Derby, 357.
,, 416, column 1. Delete Egginton . . ., 357.
Egyngton in Scaresdale. For Egginton
read Eckington.
„ 417, column 1. Add Epney, Ippeney [in Moreton Valence],
co. Gloucester, 109.
„ 444, column 1, line 16 from foot. Delete 109 and add See
„ 466, column 1. Add Moreton Valence, co. Gloucester,
Epney in, q.v.
„ 497, column 2. Smyth, William, of Egginton. For Egginton
read Eckington.
Page 52, line 8. After son insert [recte kinsman].
,, 153, line 3. After late insert of.
., 321, line 7. Before pourprestures delete and.
1437 MEMBRANE 24.
Nov. 4. Writ of diem clausit extremum to the escheator in the county
Westminster. of Oxford after the death of Joan late the wife of John Squery,
who (que) held of the king in chief.
Nov. 1.
Nov. 1.
Oct. 14.
Oct. 13.
Nov. 10.
Nov. 10.
Nov. 9.
Nov. 8.
Nov. 26.
Dec. 3.
Dec. 5.
Nov. 14.
Writs of diem clausit extremum, after the death of the following
persons, directed to the escheators in the counties named :—
John Tyrell, knight ; Southampton.
Roger Dalton ; Northampton.
John Seynt John, esquire ; Sussex.
William Thomas, esquire ; Oxford and Berks ; Hereford.
Thomas Markesale ; Essex.
Reynold Lucy, knight ; Hertford ; Kent ; Northampton ;
Bedford and Buckingham.
Constance late countess marshal ; Cambridge and Hunt-
ingdon ; Warwick and Leicester ; Westmoreland ; Essex
and Hertford ; Somerset ; York ; Northampton and
Thomas Duffeld ; York.
Elizabeth late the wife of Thomas Duffeld ; York.
John Howard, knight ; Essex and Hertford ; Cambridge ;
Norfolk and Suffolk ; Northampton.
John Tyrell, knight ; Essex and Hertford.
Thomas late bishop of Durham ; Northampton.
Edmund Daundesey, esquire ; Southampton and Wilts.
Constance countess marshal ; Norfolk and Suffolk ; Bedford
and Buckingham ; Hertford ; Sussex ; York.
Jan. 23.
Jan. 28.
Feb. 1.
Feb. 5.
Oct. 29.
Feb. 5.
Feb. 10.
Feb. 19.
March 11.
April 14.
April 4.
May 1.
May 8.
May 12.
May 12.
May 14.
May 14.
May 17.
May 20.
May 24.
Membrane 24 — cont.
Edward Hastynges, knight ; Norfolk and Suffolk.
John Chechestre ; Devon.
Joan late the wife of John Chetewynd, who (que) held by
knight service of the heir of John earl of Arundell, a minor
in the king's ward ; Salop.
Thomas Anketyll ; Dorset.
Elizabeth late the wife of Robert Lovell ; London (William
Estfeld, mayor and escheator).
John Merbury, esquire ; Salop and the adjacent march of
Wales ; Hereford and the adjacent march of Wales ;
Bedford ; Lincoln ; Nottingham ; Leicester ; Hertford.
Alice late the wife of William Fraunceys ; Devon.
Richard Lone ; Stafford.
John Chechestre ; Somerset ; Cornwall.
Oliver Seynt John, knight ; Northampton.
John Halley, esquire ; Lincoln.
Edward Hastynges, knight ; York ; Nottingham.
Blanche late the wife of Robert Chalons knight ; Hereford
and the adjacent march of Wales.
Richard Edyncham ; Kent.
John Harpeden, knight ; Kent.
William Clyfford ; Kent.
John Harpeden, knight ; Northampton ; Essex ; Oxford
and Berks.
John Kenne ; Northampton ; Somerset ; Gloucester.
William de Strother, esquire ; Northumberland.
John Chechestre ; Cornwall.
Agnes late the wife of Robert Broune, who held in dower
after the death of the said Robert, a tenant in chief of the
king, of the inheritance of Thomas Broune, son and heir of
Robert, certain lands which are held of the king in chief ;
William Whetele ; Norfolk.
Henry Wolford ; Oxford.
1438 Membrane 24 — cont.
April 30. Cecily Dymraok ; Devon.
June 19. John Cokayn, knight ; Warwick ; Derby ; Stafford.
July 2. Robert Baynard ; Southampton and Wilts.
July 4. John Harpeden, knight ; Bedford and Buckingham.
Westminster. William Lynde, esquire ; Buckingham.
Andrew Sperlyng ; Buckingham.
July 4. John Merbury, esquire ; Gloucester.
Westminster. Thomas Bradston ; Gloucester.
Aug. 12. Margaret late the wife of John Cheyne knight ; Gloucester
Dogmersfield. an(j tne adjacent march of Wales.
Extrac1 usque hoc.
,,,- MEMBRANE 20.
Nov. 7. Commitment of the counties of Somerset and Dorset to William
Westminster. Stafford during pleasure, so that he answer at the Exchequer as
Order to all persons of the counties to be intendant to William
as sheriff.
Order to John Seintloo, late sheriff, to deliver the counties to
William by indenture.
The like commitments to the following of the counties
named : —
Christopher Curwen, ' chivaler ' ; Cumberland.
Robert Ogle, ' chivaler ' ; Northumberland.
John Hykelyng ; Nottingham and Derby.
Philip Tylney ; Lincoln.
Robert Ardern ; Warwick and Leicester.
William Lychefeld, ' chivaler ' ; Salop.
Ralph Basset ; Stafford.
John Pauncefot, ' chivaler ' ; Hereford.
John Beauchamp, ' chivaler ' ; Gloucester.
William Alyngton the younger ; Cambridge and Huntingdon.
Humphrey Stafford of Grafton, ' chivaler ' ; Bedford and
John Heve[n]yngham, ' chivaler ' ; Norfolk and Suffolk.
Richard Aired ; Essex and Hertford.
Roger Elmerygge ; Surrey and Sussex.
William Fawconer ; Southampton.
John Stourton, ' chivaler ' ; Wilts.
Thomas Arundell, ' chivaler ' ; Devon.
Renfrey Arundell, ' chivaler ' ; Cornwall.
Laurence Sherard ; Rutland.
1437. Membrane 20 — cont.
Nov. 7. Commitment of the county of Kent and the castle of Canterbury
Westminster. ^o Richard Waller during pleasure, so that he answer at the
Exchequer as sheriff and keeper.
Order to all persons of the county to be intendant to Richard as
sheriff and keeper.
Order to James Fienles, late sheriff, to deliver the county and
castle to Richard by indenture.
The like commitments to the following in the counties
named : —
John Norys ; Oxford and Berks.
Richard Wodevyle ; Northampton.
Robert Constable, ' chivaler ' ; York.
Nov. 16. Commitment to Philip Courteney, knight, and Thomas Stowell,
Westminster, knight, — by mainprise of John Coppleston of Copleston, co.
Devon, esquire, and Walter Porteman of Taunton, co. Somerset,
esquire, — of the keeping of the manor of Mynhede, co. Somerset,
which Katharine late the wife of Hugh Lutrell knight held on
the day of her death in dower of the inheritance of James Lutrell,
a minor in the king's ward, the kinsman and heir of Hugh, to wit,
the son of John the son of the said Hugh ; to hold the same from
Michaelmas last until the full age of the said heir, at a yearly farm
of 100 marks, maintaining houses, enclosures and buildings, and
supporting all other charges incumbent on the said manor ; pro-
vided always that if any other person shall be willing without
fraud to give more by way of increment for the said keeping, then
the said Philip and Thomas are bound to pay such larger sum if
they will have the keeping : as John bishop of Bath and Wells,
to the end that the said Philip and Thomas may have the said
keeping, has surrendered in the Chancery for cancellation the
letters patent of 1 [recte 31] January 14 Henry VI, whereby the
king committed the keeping of the said manor to him from
Michaelmas then last past until the full age of the said heir, at
a yearly farm of as much as might be agreed upon between him
and the treasurer by Pentecost then following [Calendar of Fine
Rolls, 1430-1437, p. 264] ; an agreement afterwards made in the
Exchequer between the said bishop and the treasurer, that the
bishop should pay 100 marks a year for the keeping of the said
manor, notwithstanding. By bill of the treasurer.
Nov. 18. Commitment to William Phelip, lord Bardolf, — by mainprise of
Westminster. John Leventhorp of Sabriches worth, co. Hertford, esquire, and
William Cotton of Landewade, co. Cambridge, ' gentilman,' — of
the keeping of the manor of Bassingborn and of the bailiwick of,
Badburgham (of the honour [and] lordship of Richemond), co.
Cambridge, with the lands, meadows, feedings, pastures, mills,
waters, stews, fisheries, rents, services, bailiwicks, hundreds,
1437. Membrane 20 — cont.
turns, courts, leets. free customs, liberties, franchises, returns of
writs and other royal precepts and execution of the same, which
pertain to the said manor and bailiwick ; to hold the same, being
in the king's hand by the death of John late duke of Bedford, from
Michaelmas last for 10 years, at a yearly farm of as much as may
be agreed upon between him and the treasurer by Easter next ;
with clause touching maintenance of houses, enclosures and
buildings and support of charges. By bill of the treasurer.
Nov. 16.
Commitment (with like clause) to Thomas Bodulgath, Richard
Dawne, William Warham and Alexander Lermouth, — by main-
prise of John Eton of London, esquire, and John Chambre of the
county of Norfolk, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping of the manors of
Yaverland, Roubergh and Wathe, in the Isle of Wight, co.
Southampton, whereof Thomas Russell was seised in his demesne
as of fee, who held of the king in chief on the day of his death ;
to hold the same from 16 October last for 5 years, at a yearly
farm of the extent, or as much as may be agreed upon between
them and the treasurer by the Purification next.
By bill of the treasurer.
Oct. 14.
Commitment (with like clause) to Walter Porteman, — by main-
prise of William Selman of Wyke, co. Middlesex, ' gentilman,' and
John Wolston of Staverton, co. Devon, ' gentilman,' — of the
keeping of all the lands late of Gilbert Basyng, (who on the day
of his death held by knight service of James Luterell, son and heir
of John Luterell knight and a minor in the king's ward), which are
in the king's hand by the death of the said Gilbert and by reason
of the minority of Simon his son and heir ; to hold the same from
Michaelmas last until the full age of the said heir at a yearly farm
of as much as may be agreed upon between him and the treasurer
by Easter next. By bill of the treasurer.
Oct. 19. Commitment of the county of Bristol to Nicholas Freme for
Westminster. one year, so that he answer at the Exchequer as sheriff ; the
mayor and commonalty having submitted to the king his name,
and the names of William Canynges and John Troyt as candi-
dates for the office, in accordance with the terms of their charter
dated 8 August, 47 Edward III.
Order to the mayor, burgesses and whole commonalty of the
town and suburbs of Bristol to be intendant to Nicholas as sheriff.
Order to John Papenham, late sheriff, to deliver the rolls, writs,
memoranda and all other things in his keeping that relate to the
office to Nicholas by indenture.
Oct. 16.
Membrane 19 — cont.
Commitment to John Notte, — by mainprise, found in the
Westminster. Exchequer, of Robert Stouk of Haddeley, co. Suffolk, ' chap-
man,' John Illary of Hadley, co. Suffolk, ' dyer,' and Peter
Cryswell of the same town, ' yoman,' — of the keeping of the manor
of Overburyhall, in Leyham, co. Suffolk, which Elizabeth late
the wife of Robert Lovell esquire held of the king in chief in her
demesne as of fee on the day of her death ; to hold the same from
the time of the death of the said Elizabeth until the full age of
Humphrey earl of Arundell, her kinsman and heir, a minor in
the king's ward, at a yearly farm of 201. ; with clause touching
maintenance of houses, enclosures and buildings and support of
charges ; and proviso that if any other person shall be willing
without fraud to give more by way of increment for the said
keeping, then the said John Notte is bound to pay such larger
sum if he will have the keeping. By bill of the treasurer.
Oct. 19.
Oct. 12.
Order to the escheator in the county of Buckingham to cause
Edmund Rede, son and heir of Edmund Rede and Christina his
wife the daughter and heir of Robert James, to have full seisin of
all the lands which Maud late the wife of the said Robert held in
dower or otherwise for life of the inheritance of the said Edmund
the son, as the king has taken his homage and fealty.
By p.s. [3882].
Order to the escheator in the county of Cornwall ; — pursuant
to divers inquisitions made by him showing that Katharine Jule
was sometime seised of the manor of Wadevast in her demesne as
of fee, and being so seised gave and granted the manor, among
other things, (by name of Katharine late the wife of Roger Jule)
to William Talbot her brother and the heirs of his body, by virtue
of which gift and grant the said William was seised in his demesne
as of fee tail ; and that afterwards the said Katharine (by name of
Katharine Penhyrgard sometime the wife of Roger Julie) ratified
the said gift and grant and released all her right and claim in the
manor to the said William (he being then in possession of the
same) and his heirs aforesaid ; and that afterwards the said
William conveyed the said manor to the said Katharine to hold
for term of her life, with reversion specially reserved to the said
William and his heirs aforesaid ; and that William had issue
Thomas Talbot, esquire, who still survives and is of full age ; and
that afterwards William died, after whose death the right of the
reversion of the said manor descended to the said Thomas, as son
and heir of William, by virtue of the entail aforesaid ; and 'that
afterwards the said Katharine died seised of such estate only,
after whose death the manor descended to the said Thomas by
virtue of the said entail ; and that the said manor is held of the
king as of his duchy of Cornwall, as of his castle of Launceston,
by service of a knight's fee of Mortain ; — to take the fealty of the
Oct. 24.
Nov. 5.
Oct. 25.
Membrane 19 — cont.
said Thomas and cause him to have full seisin of the said manor,
as the king for 135. 4d. paid in the hanaper has respited his
homage until Easter next.
Commitment to Richard Dunton, — by mainprise of William
Dunton of Hadlegh, co. Suffolk, ' gentilman,' and John Benyght
of Chattesham, co. Suffolk, ' yoman,' — of the keeping of the
manor of Reydon, co. Suffolk, which Elizabeth late the wife of
Robert Lovell esquire held of the king in chief in her demesne as
of fee on the day of her death ; to hold the same from the time of
the death of the said Elizabeth until the full age of Humphrey (son
and heir of John late earl of Arundell), her kinsman and heir,
a minor in the king's ward, at a yearly farm of 16 marks ; with
clause touching maintenance of houses, enclosures and buildings
and support of charges ; and proviso that if any other person shall
be willing without fraud to give more by way of increment for the
said keeping, then the said Richard is bound to pay such larger
sum if he will have the keeping. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment (with like clause and proviso) to John Curteys, —
by mainprise of William Norwych of Norwich, ' gentilman,' and
John Sydesden of Bishops Lenn, merchant, — of the keeping of a
moiety of a messuage, 30£ acres of land, 9 acres of meadow and
10s. of rent, in Watlyngton, Rounton, Tottenhill, [Sechith] and
Thorp by Shuldham, co. Norfolk, which is held of the king as of
the honour of Wyrmegeye, and came to the king's hands by the
death of John Glemesford, esquire, (who held the premises on the
day of his death by the courtesy of England as in right of Margaret
late his wife), and by reason of the minority of Katharine,
daughter of John Curteys and Agnes his wife a daughter of the
said John Glemesford and Margaret ; to hold the same from
Easter last until the full age of the said heir, at a yearly farm of
the 14s. Id. at which the said moiety was extended before John
Ryppeley, escheator in the said county, and an increment of
I2d. ; as the said John Curteys, having agreed with the treasurer,
has surrendered in the Chancery for cancellation the letters patent
of 13 May 15 Henry VI, whereby the king committed the keeping
of the said moiety to him from Easter last until the full age of
the said heir at a yearly farm of as much as might be agreed upon
between him and the treasurer by Michaelmas then next to come.
[Calendar of Fine Rolls, 1430-1437, p. 326.]
By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment to Richard Sturgeon and John Sturgeon, — by
mainprise of James Kelom of London and William Swerenden of
Boghton Malherbe, co. Kent, — of the keeping of a messuage in
the parish of Holy Trinity the Less, London, which Elizabeth
late the wife of Robert Lovell esquire held of the king in chief in
Nov. 7.
Membrane 19 — cont.
her demesne as of fee ; to hold the same from the time of the
death of the said Elizabeth until the full age of Humphrey (son
and heir of John [late] earl of Arundell), her kinsman and heir, a
minor in the king's ward, rendering yearly as much as may be
agreed upon between them and the treasurer by Easter next, and
maintaining all other charges incumbent on the said messuage.
By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment to John Bekyswell son of Walter Walyngton, — by
mainprise of Richard Waterton of the county of Lincoln, esquire,
and Robert Peyton of the county of Suffolk, esquire, — of the
keeping of the manor of Bekyswell, called ' Bekyswell maner,' and
300 acres of land and meadow in Bekyswell, Roxharn, Helgey,
Dounham and Wygenhale, a messuage and 300 acres of land and
meadow in the towns of Bekyswell and Roxham, a toft and 60
acres of land and meadow in Fyncham, called ' Combes,' a toft
and 40 acres of land, called ' Walpoles,' in Roxham, and a
messuage and 300 acres of land, called ' Sturmeris,' in Wodeton,
co. Norfolk, which have been taken into the king's hand by bolour
of a certain inquisition taken before John Clifton, knight, and
Thomas Derham by virtue of letters patent directed to them and
to others ; to hold the same from the time of the taking thereof
until Midsummer next, according to the form of the statute
published in the Parliament held at Westminster 8 Henry VI ;
provided that he answer at the Exchequer for the issues forth-
coming therefrom in the mean time, if they shall be adjudged
to the king, and keep the premises in the mean time without
waste and destruction.
Nov. 24. Order to J. archbishop of York to appoint some trustworthy
Westminster, men of the clergy of his diocese to levy and collect in the said
diocese the moiety of a tenth, payable according to the new
assessment at the Purification next, which the prelates and
clergy of the province of York, — after many discussions on suc-
cessive days with the archbishop, who personally in his provincial
council in the cathedral church of York, on 11 June 1436, with all
possible diligence exhorted them to make a grant of a subsidy
to the king, — from the warmth of the affection by which they were
moved to perform the will of the king's highness, granted to the king
for the defence and salvation of the church and people of England,
and especially of the marches towards Scotland, and in relief of the
unwonted pressure of the charges and needs of the king's majesty,
from all their ecclesiastical benefices, as well spiritual as temporal,
and from temporalities annexed to spiritualities, that are assessed
according to the new assessment, with the following exceptions ;
to wit, wholly excepting all priories, monasteries and benefices
1437 Membrane 18 — cont.
of Cumberland, Westmoreland, Northumberland and Copland for
the temporalities and spiritualities annexed to the same in the
said districts, and, generally, all monasteries, benefices, places and
possessions within the province that have been destroyed by fire
or flood, touching the truth of which the certificates of the
ordinaries shall be accepted, excepting also all monasteries of
poor nuns and the goods, benefices and possessions of the same,
touching whom and their poverty the certificates of the ordinaries
shall be accepted, and excepting all benefices with cure of souls
assessed (according to the new assessment, and according to the
old assessment where the new has not been made) at 10 marks
and under, the curates of which do actually reside therein, ex-
cepting also wholly, as at other times, the lands and possessions
of the abbot and convent of Meaux which have been destroyed by
the waters of the sea and of rivers, and the priories or monasteries
of Watton and Shelf ord, and St. Michael near the town of
Kyngeston upon Hull of the Carthusian order, with all their
goods, benefices and possessions within the province, and the
churches of Misterton, Topclyff and Brodesworth which are
appropriated to the aforesaid cathedral church for the speedy
construction and completion of the same, and excepting more-
over, to a moiety of the grant, the monastery of Selby with all its
goods, benefices and possessions within the province, and the
prebend of Langtofft in the cathedral church of York. And
answer is to be made to the king for the said moiety at the said
term ; and the archbishop is to certify the treasurer and barons
of the Exchequer by the said term of the names of the persons
appointed by him.
Order in like terms to M. bishop of Carlisle.
The like to the guardian of the spirituality of the bishopric of
Durham, the see being void.
Nov. 28. Appointment during pleasure of William Boure and John
Westminster. Welles as the king's searchers in the port of Newcastle-upon-
Tyne and in all adjacent ports and places, to examine in person
all ships and boats passing from and to the realm in the said ports
and places, and to make search of all such ships and boats sus-
pected of being laden with uncocketed or uncustomed wools,
woolfells, hides, cloths or other customable wares, or with gold
or silver in money by tale or mass or plate, or with jewels, and of
any persons suspected of having carried into or out of the realm
bulls, letters, instruments or processes, or any other things
prejudicial to the king or his subjects, contrary to the proclama-
tions and prohibitions made thereof in the king's behalf ; and to
arrest all such goods and instruments as forfeit, together with the
ships and persons carrying them, and to keep them safely until
further order ; and to do all other things that pertain to the said
Nov. 23.
Nov. 28.
Dec. 18.
Membrane 18 — cont.
office ; and to certify the king in the Chancery touching all that
is done by them in this behalf, answering and rendering account
at the Exchequer for all the forfeitures arrested by them. And
order to all sheriffs, mayors, bailiffs, lords, masters, mariners of
ships, and other the king's ministers and lieges, under pain of
forfeiture of all that they can forfeit, to be intendant to William
and John. By bill of the treasurer.
Vacated because otherwise below.
Appointment in like terms of the following in the ports and
places named : —
Commitment of the office of the escheatry in the counties of
Somerset and Dorset to John Stork during pleasure, so that he
answer at the Exchequer for the issues thereof.
Order to all persons of the counties to be intendant to John as
Order to Alexander Hody, late escheator, to deliver to John by
indenture the rolls, writs, memoranda and all other things relating
to the said office.
The like commitments to the following of the office of the
escheatry in the counties named : —
John Kelly of Suthwyk ; Devon and Cornwall.
John Holt ; Warwick and Leicester.
John Wygmore ; Hereford and the adjacent march of Wales.
Roger Fox ; Salop and the adjacent march of Wales.
Thomas Berkley ; Gloucester and the adjacent march of Wales.
John Wode of Kele ; Stafford.
John Bachecote ; Worcester.
William Stanlowe ; Lincoln.
William Calcroft ; Northampton and Rutland.
Christopher Conyers ; York.
Roger Wedryngton ; Northumberland.
John Skelton, esquire ; Cumberland and Westmoreland.
John Stathum ; Nottingham and Derby (vacated because
nothing thereof was done).
Miles Stapulton ; Norfolk and Suffolk.
William Whaplode ; Bedford and Buckingham.
Richard Foster ; Cambridge and Huntingdon.
Richard Drayton ; Oxford and Berks.
William Ryngeborne ; Southampton and Wilts.
John Kyrkeby ; Essex and Hertford.
John Tayllard ; Surrey and Sussex.
Richard Frogenhale ; Kent and Middlesex.
Thomas Babyngton ; Nottingham and Derby.
Nov. 14.
Nov. 30.
Nov. 30.
Jan. 27.
Membrane 17 — cont.
Order to the escheator in the county of Gloucester ; — pursuant
to an inquisition taken before John Langle, late escheator,
showing that Alice late the wife of Thomas Paynell held 9 messu-
ages, a dove-cot, 2 carucates of land and 6 acres of meadow in
Little Dorsyngton on the day of her death in dower of the inherit-
ance of John Rous son and heir of Robert Rous sometime her
husband ; and that the messuages, dove-cot, land and meadow
aforesaid are held of the king in chief by service of a sixth part of
a knight's fee ; — to cause the said John to have full seisin of the
premises, if they are in the king's hand by the death of the said
Alice and for no other cause, as the king has taken his homage
and fealty. By p.s. [3923].
Commitment to William Fallan, a baron of the Exchequer,
and John Hunte, — by mainprise of John Jakes of the county of
Essex, ' gentilman,' and Thomas Fraunceys of the county of
Essex, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping of the manor of Aketon, co.
Suffolk, late of Elizabeth late the wife of Robert Lovell, who held
of the king in demesne as of fee, the same being in the king's
hand by the death of Elizabeth and by reason of the minority of
Humphrey son and heir of John late earl of Arundell, her kins-
man and heir, a minor in the king's ward ; to hold the same
from Michaelmas last until the full age of the said heir, at a
yearly farm of 40 marks ; with clause touching maintenance of
houses, enclosures and buildings and support of charges ; and
with proviso that if any other person shall be willing without
fraud to give more by way of increment for the said keeping,
then the said William and John Hunte shall be bound to pay
such larger sum if they will have the keeping.
By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment (with like clause and proviso) to Richard Alrede
and John Jakes, — by mainprise of John Hunte of the county of
Suffolk and Robert Brandon of the county of Norfolk, — of the
keeping of the manors of Westonhalle, Foxherde Halle and
Brokehalle, lying together in the town of Foxherde, together
with the view of frankpledge of Pentelowe, Weston and
Lyston, the courts held every three weeks, a fulling-mill in
Weston, and 38s. of rent in Buhner, co. Essex, late of Elizabeth
late the wife of Robert Lovell, who held of the king, the same
being in the king's hand by the death of Elizabeth and by reason
of the minority of Humphrey son and heir of John late earl of
Arundell, her kinsman and heir ; to hold the same from
Michaelmas last until the full age of the said heir, at a yearly
farm of 111. 6s. Sd. By bill of the treasurer.
Commission during pleasure to John Bedford and Patrick
Skypwyth to levy and collect in the port of Kyngeston upon
Feb. 16.
March 5.
Membrane 17 — cont.
Hull and in all adjacent ports and places the custom on wools,
hides and woolfells which is due to the king of his inheritance ;
and to keep the ' coket ' seal in the said port ; answering at the
Exchequer for the moneys forthcoming. By bill of the treasurer.
The like to the following in the ports and places named : —
Thomas Wederby and John Goode ; in the port of Yar-
mouth, etc. By bill of the treasurer.
John Tarn worth and Thomas Flete ; in the port of Boston,
etc. By bill of the treasurer.
Ralph Harple, clerk, and Thomas Herman ; in the port of
Lenn, etc. By bill of the treasurer.
Thomas Wederby and Robert Brandon ; in the port of Great
Yarmouth, etc. By bill of the treasurer.
Dec. 20.
Order to H. archbishop of Canterbury to appoint some trust-
worthy men of the clergy of his diocese to levy and collect in the
said diocese the tenth, payable a moiety of the tenth at the Annun-
ciation next and the other moiety at the Annunciation then follow-
ing, which the prelates and clergy of the province of Canterbury in
their last convocation in the cathedral church of St. Paul, London,
begun on 29 April and continued from day to day until 8 May
last, granted to the king (over and above the moiety of a tenth
payable at Midsummer then next to come [Calendar of Fine Rolls,
1430-1437, p. 269]), for the defence of the church and realm of
England, of all ecclesiastical goods, benefices and possessions
of the province that are assessed and accustomed to pay to a
tenth, under the following forms and exceptions ; to wit, ex-
cepting from the grant and payment of the said tenth all benefices,
goods and possessions of poor religious, poor nuns and hospitallers,
and of other pious places of the province, and the benefices, goods
and possessions of all religious and other ecclesiastics within the
province whose monasteries, priories, places, goods, possessions
or benefices have been destroyed, impoverished or excessively
diminished by floods, fires, wars or other accidents, or in any
other way ; excepting also all ecclesiastical benefices of the
province which on account of their poverty are unofficed, and
those unappropriated ecclesiastical benefices with cure of souls,
assessed and accustomed to pay to a tenth, whereof the true
yearly value in modern times is under the sum of 12 marks, or
is extended at 12 marks a year and no more, wherein the rectors
of the said benefices, the vicars, or other curates, by whatever
name they be known, reside in person, or, if absent from the same,
effectively pursue the study of letters in some one of the
universities of the realm, having been sufficiently licensed there-
for ; touching all which excepted benefices, goods and pos-
1(3 HENRY VI. 13
1437. Membrane 16 — cont.
sessions aforesaid the ordinaries of the places, as far as it concerns
them, shall have certified the king in the Exchequer, whose
certificates shall be wholly accepted, so that neither the ordinaries
themselves, nor such excepted places, goods, possessions or bene-
fices, or the persons occupying the same, nor the collectors of
the said tenth, or of any part thereof, be vexed or grieved on that
account by the king's writs or in any other manner, contrary to
the form of such certificates ; and excepting also from the said
grant and payment the benefices, goods and possessions of the
colleges at Oxford and near Winchester of the foundation of
William Wikham sometime bishop of Winchester, and the
benefices, goods and possessions of all rectors, vicars and other
beneficed ecclesiastics of the province who, after the day of the
present grant, shall have been indicted for rape or any felony,
and of those who hereafter, up to the term of the last payment,
shall be so indicted, on condition nevertheless that the ordinaries
of such indicted parties, by testimonials freely granted, shall have
certified the king in the Exchequer, and the collectors of the
tenth, by the terms limited for the payment thereof, of the
honest conversation and good report of the indicted persons
(especially as touching the article upon which the indictment has
been made), whose certificates shall be wholly accepted, so that
nothing shall be levied or demanded, by virtue of the present
grant, from the indicted parties who have thus been certified ;
provided nevertheless that no ecclesiastics (or their farmers) be
obliged to pay with the laity to a fifteenth or to any other secular
contribution for their goods, benefices and possessions (or for the
fruits and pro vents thereof), for and of which the said tenth ought
to be paid, and that if it be attempted otherwise, then such
ecclesiastics (and their farmers) shall be excused from payment
of the said tenth and in no wise be bound to pay to it at all, and
that upon this they shall have writs from the Exchequer for their
discharge without any difficulty as often as they shall need or
it shall in any way be meet ; and provided further that if any
collector shall certify the king in the Exchequer on his faith and
oath that from the time of the present grant and before the last
payment of the same he is unable to levy, or has been prevented
from levying, the said tenth or any part thereof from the alien
priories or other possessions, goods or benefices of the province,
not excepted above, in whosesoever hands (of whatsoever estate,
sex or condition) they shall be, and even if in the hands of the
king or of the queen, then the collector shall be wholly discharged
from the collection in respect of such goods, benefices and pos-
sessions, and shall be quit in the Exchequer, and such levying shall
pertain thereafter to the king and his ministers ; and provided
further that the king shall satisfy the said collectors for the
spiritualities and temporalities of cathedral churches and of
others, conventual, regular and others, which shall be in his
Jan. 30.
Dec. 20.
Feb. 16.
Membrane 16 — cont.
hands (or in the hands of his farmers or deputies) at the time
of the collection and payment of the said tenth, or otherwise
discharge and acquit them in the Exchequer without delay,
and that no one succeeding in the said churches shall be
charged to payment of the said tenth. And answer is to be made
to the king for the said tenth at the terms aforesaid ; and the
archbishop is to certify the treasurer and barons of the Exchequer
by the octave of the Purification next at the latest of the names of
the persons appointed by him.
Order in like terms to H. bishop of Winchester.
The like to the following : —
The guardian of the spirituality of the bishopric of Ely, the
see being void.
W. bishop of Lincoln.
Th. bishop of St. Davids.
W. bishop of Rochester.
R. bishop of Salisbury.
Th. bishop of Bangor.
S. bishop of Chichester (vacated because otherwise below).
J. bishop of Bath and Wells.
W. bishop of Coventry and Lichfield.
B. [recte J.] bishop of Llandaff.
E. bishop of Exeter.
W. [recte Th.] bishop of Hereford.
R. bishop of London.
J. bishop of St. Asaph.
Th. bishop of Worcester.
Th. bishop of Norwich.
The guardian of the spirituality of the bishopric of Chichester,
the see being void.
Order in like terms to the abbot of St. Albans touching his
exempt jurisdiction.
Mittitur in extractis.
Commission during pleasure to Thomas Chalton and Hugh
Dyke to levy and collect in person in the port of London and in
all adjacent ports and places, after inspection of the merchandise,
the subsidy on wools- and woolfells which was granted to the
king, for the defence of the realm, in the Parliament held at
Westminster 15 Henry VI, to begin at Martinmas then following
and to last for 3 years, to wit, 53s. 4d. from every alien merchant
and 33s. 4d. from every merchant denizen on every sack of wool
and on every 240 woolfells going out of the realm by way of
merchandise, leviable and payable in such manner and form as the
16 HENRY VI. 15
1438. Membrane 16 — cont.
subsidy of wool and woolfells was at the time of the said grant ;
with proviso that oHhe said 33*. 4d. 20s. shall always be delivered
by the treasurer for payments of the wages of soldiers and for the
safe-keeping of the town of Calais, and to no other use, if so much
shall be necessary therefor ; and that if any wools, woolfells or
other merchandise of a merchant denizen, whereon any subsidy
shall have been paid or surety made therefor, shall be taken by
enemies or perished by the inclemency of the sea or otherwise,
and this be proved by the oath of two credible persons before the
treasurer or chief baron of the Exchequer, then the said denizens
shall be permitted to ship freely, without any difficulty or new
payment, as much wool, woolfells and other merchandise as that
shall amount to that was so perished, lost or taken [Rot. Parl. iv.
503.] And the collectors are to keep the ' coket ' seal in the said
port ; and to answer at the Exchequer for the moneys forth-
coming. By bill of the treasurer.
Jan. 27. Commission during pleasure to Thomas Wederby and John
Westminster. Good to levy and collect in person in the port of Yarmouth and
in all adjacent ports and places, after inspection of the mer-
chandise, the subsidies which were granted to the king in the
Parliament held at Westminster, 15 Henry VI ; to wit ; (1) for
the defence of the realm, a subsidy of 53s. 4d. from every alien
merchant and 33s. 4d. from every merchant denizen on every sack
of wool and on every 240 woolfells going out of the realm by way
of merchandise, the said subsidy to begin at Martinmas following
the date of the grant and to last for 3 years, leviable and payable
in such manner and form as the subsidy of wool and woolfells
was at the time of the said grant, with proviso that of the said
33s. 4d., 20s. shall always be delivered by the treasurer for pay-
ments of the wages of soldiers and for the safe-keeping of the town
of Calais, and to no other use, if so much shall be necessary
therefor ; and (2), for the safe-keeping of the sea, 3s. on every
tun of wine that any merchant, denizen or alien, shall bring into
the realm by way of merchandise, 3s., over and above the 3s. afore-
said, of every alien merchant for every tun of sweet wine which he
shall bring into the realm by way of merchandise, and 12d. of
every merchant, denizen or alien, for every 20s. of merchandise
(other than is recited above) which he shall bring into or take out
of the realm by way of merchandise, — excepting all manner of
victuals going to Calais and all manner of woollen cloth of
merchants denizen going out of the realm, wheat, rye and flour
of the same, and all manner of fresh fish, coming into the realm,
and also all such merchandise as in its coming to the realm shall
be sunk or perished by the inclemency of the sea or the breaking
of the vessel, and afterwards, (at the great cost and loss of the
Feb. 16.
Feb. 16.
March 5.
Nov. 11.
Feb. 1.
Nov. 27.
Feb. 10.
Nov. 28.
May 26.
August 1.
Membrane 15 — cont.
merchants), be recovered, — the said subsidies to begin on 1 April
following the date of the grant and to last for 3 years ; provided
that if any wools, woolfells or other merchandise of a merchant
denizen, whereon any of the said subsidies shall have been paid
or surety made therefor, shall be taken by enemies or perished by
the inclemency of the sea or otherwise, and this be proved by
the oath of two credible persons before the treasurer or chief
baron of the Exchequer, then the said denizens shall be per-
mitted to ship freely, without any difficulty or new payment, as
much wool, woolfells and other merchandise as that shall amount
to that was so perished, lost or taken [Rot. Parl. iv. 503.] And
the collectors are to keep the ' coket ' seal in the said port ; and
to answer at the Exchequer for the moneys forthcoming.
By bill of the treasurer.
The like to the following in the ports and places named : —
John Bedford and Patrick Skypwyth ; in the port of
Kyngeston upon Hull and in all adjacent ports and places.
John Tamworth and Thomas Flete ; in the port of Boston,
etc. By bill of the treasurer.
Ralph Harple, clerk, and Thomas Herman ; in the port of
Lenn, etc. By bill of the treasurer.
Thomas Wederby and Robert Brandon ; in the port of Great
Yarmouth, etc. By bill of the treasurer.
Appointment of Thomas Ryston as searcher of ships in the port
of Pole and in all adjacent ports and places ; in terms as above
[p. 9]. By bill of the treasurer.
Appointments in like terms of the following in the ports and
places named : —
Richard Scoles and John Spenser ; in the port of Kyngeston
upon Hull and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer.
John Thomas ; in the port of Pole and in all adjacent ports
and places. By bill of the treasurer.
John Vagham ; in the port of Bristol and in all adjacent
ports and places. By bill of the treasurer.
William Boure and John Welles ; in the port of Newcastle-
upon-Tyne, etc. By bill of the treasurer.
Robert Wy twang ; in the port of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, etc.
John^ialle ; in the port of Bristol, etc.
Nov. 26.
1437 MEMBRANE 14.
Nov. 26. Commitment to William lord Lovell, knight, — by mainprise of
Westminster. Bartholomew Ardern of the county of Oxford, esquire, and
William West of the county of Northampton, esquire, — of the
keeping of the alien priory of Cogges, with all its rights and appur-
tenances, the same being in the king's hand by the death of
Joan late queen of England ; to hold the same from the time of
the death of the said queen for 10 years, rendering yearly as much
as may be agreed upon between him and the treasurer by Easter
next ; and maintaining there the divine services and other works
of piety customary from of old ; with clause touching maintenance
of houses, enclosures and buildings and support of charges.
By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment (with like clause) to William Lovell, knight,—
by mainprise of Bartholomew Ardern of the county of Oxford,
esquire, and William West of the county of Northampton, esquire,
— of the keeping of the alien priory of Mynstrelovell, with all its
rights and appurtenances, in the county of Oxford, the same
being in the king's hand by the death of Joan late queen of
England ; to hold the same from the time of the death of the
said late queen for 10 years, rendering yearly as much as may be
agreed upon between him and the treasurer by Easter next, and
maintaining there the divine services and other works of piety
customary from of old. By bill of the treasurer.
Nov. 20. Commitment (with like clause) to Nicholas Keld, chaplain,
Westminster. John Maleverer, esquire, and Richard Bolton, chaplain, — by
mainprise of John Tunstall of Thirland, co. Lancaster, esquire,
and Robert de Worseley of Merclay, co. Lancaster, esquire, — of
the keeping of the priory of Allerton Maleverer, with all its rights
and appurtenances, in the county of York ; to hold the same from
the time of the death of Joan late queen of England (who held
it in dower) for 10 years, rendering yearly 4Z. 6s. 4d.* at
Michaelmas and Easter equally, and maintaining there the
divine services and other works of piety customary from of old ;
with proviso that if any other person shall be willing without
fraud to give more by way of increment for the said keeping, then
the said Nicholas, John Maleverer and Richard shall be bound to
pay such larger sum if they will have the keeping : as John
Langton, esquire, and Roger Byrn, to the end that the said
Nicholas, John Maleverer and Richard may have the keeping,
have surrendered into the Chancery for cancellation the letters
patent of 20 July last, whereby the king committed the keeping
of the said priory to them from the time of the death of the said
late queen for 10 years, at a yearly farm of the 41. which the last
farmers had rendered to the said queen and an increment of Qs. Sd.
* 4 written over an erasure.
2— (26)
Nov. 26.
Nov. 28.
The Lodge,
Windsor Park.
Oct. 13.
Membrane 14 — cont.
Commitment (with like clause) to Richard Bytterley, — by
mainprise, found before the treasurer and barons of the
Exchequer, of John Burgh of Hychin, co. Hertford, esquire, and
John Egremond of the county of Surrey, ' gentilman,' — of the
keeping of all the lands, rents and services of the alien abbey of
La Luzerne, in the county of Sussex, with all appurtenances, and
the pensions and portions belonging to it, the same being in the
king's hand by the death of Joan late queen of England ; to hold
the same from Easter last for 7 years, rendering yearly as much
as may be agreed upon between him and the treasurer by the
Purification next, and maintaining there the divine services
and other works of piety customary from of old.
By bill of the treasurer.
Grant to Richard earl of Salisbury, — pursuant to the king's late
recommendation of Robert bishop of Salisbury (the brother of
the said earl) to the bishopric of Durham that is void at present
by the death of Thomas the late bishop, and for the good govern-
ment, easement and peace of the districts and marches there, and
that the temporalities of the bishopric may the better be directed
without waste or destruction to the advantage and profit of the
king and in future to the advantage of the said bishop of Salis-
bury,— of the guardianship of all the temporalities which pertain
to the king by the death of the said Thomas and by reason of the
voidance of the said bishopric ; to hold the said guardianship for
as long as the said temporalities ought to remain in the king's
hands, rendering due and reasonable account thereof in the
Exchequer ; with a further grant to the said earl of authority
and full power to appoint from time to time, in the king's name
under the king's seal in this behalf ordained, the justice,
chancellor, sheriff, escheator and all other officers within the said
temporalities, as in times past has been customary ; and the said
justice, chancellor, sheriff, escheator and other officers thus to be
appointed shall have as great and large a power as they or others
in like case had heretofore. . By p.s. [3960].
Commitment to William Saye, yeoman of the crown, — by
mainprise of Richard Say of London, merchant, and William
Tounesend of London, ' mercer,' — of the keeping of the rectory
of Newenton by Hethe with the grange of Bransete and the lands
of Newenton and Promehill belonging to the said rectory, and
with other appurtenances, in the county of Kent, which Katharine
late abbess of Guynes in the county of Artoys beyond the sea held
on the day of her death as of the right of her abbey, and which were
taken into the hand of Henry V by the death of the said Katharine
and are still in the king's hand ; to hold the same from Michaelmas
last for 10 years, at a yearly farm of 14Z. ; with clause touching
maintenance of houses, enclosures and buildings and support
Jan. 28.
Feb. 3.
Feb. 7.
Membrane 14 — cont.
of charges ; and proviso that if any other person shall be willing
without fraud to give more by way of increment for the said
keeping, then the said William Saye shall be bound to pay such
larger sum if he will have the keeping. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment (with like clause) to John Bartelot and William
Okehurst, — by mainprise of Florence Lee of the county of Salop
and Richard Dawne of the county of Stafford, esquire, — of the
keeping of the priory of Lenemynstre, sometime of the possessions
of an alien priory, co. Sussex, late of Joan queen of England ; to
hold the same from the time of the death of the said queen for
10 years, rendering yearly as much as may be agreed upon
between them and the treasurer by Michaelmas next, and main-
taining there the divine services and other works of piety
customary from of old. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment (with like clause) to Humphrey earl of Stafford, —
by mainprise of Henry Drury of Wyrdewell, co. Suffolk, esquire,
John Harpour of Russhehale, co. Suffolk [recte Stafford], ' gentil-
man,' and Robert Whitgreve of Stafford, co. Stafford, ' gentilman,'
— of the keeping of the manor of Atherstone, co. Warwick, which
is in the king's hand by the death of John late duke of Bedford ;
to hold the same from Michaelmas last for 7 years, at a yearly farm
of as much as may be agreed upon between him and the treasurer
by Michaelmas next. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment to Richard Praty, clerk, dean of the king's chapel,
and John Trokmarton, — by mainprise of John Feryby of the
county of Surrey, esquire, and William Sydney of the county of
Sussex, esquire, — of the guardianship of all the temporalities of
the bishopric of Chichester that are in the king's hand by the death
of Simon Sidenham, the late bishop ; to hold the same from the
time of the death of the said bishop for as long as they shall
be in the king's hand, together with all liberties, franchises,
rights, issues, profits, rents, emoluments and all other commodities
pertaining to the said bishopric, rendering 700 marks yearly by
equal portions at Easter and Michaelmas, if the temporalities
shall remain for so long in the king's hand.
By bill of the treasurer.
Jan. 27.
Commission during pleasure to John Bedford and Patrick
Skypwith to levy and collect in person in the port of Kyngeston
upon Hull and in all adjacent ports and places (1) the customs
granted to Edward I by foreign and alien merchants in peturn for
certain liberties and immunities [Foedera, II. ii. 747], and the
custom and subsidy which by the statute published in the
Feb. 16.
March 5.
Feb. 14.
Membrane 13 — cont.
Parliament of 11 Henry IV all such alien merchants are to pay
for garments made for export from cloths of scarlet, ' sangwyn '
and other colours of the whole or the half grain, and also from
cloths dyed in grain, and all other cloths of wool, which have
been cut, according to the rate and quantity of the same ; and
(2) the custom on cloths of wool made in England for export to
foreign parts, to wit, 14d. from denizens and 21d. from aliens on
every cloth of assize, 2s. 4d. from denizens and 3s. &d. from aliens
on every cloth of scarlet and other cloth of whole grain, a moiety
of such custom on every other cloth of half grain, in which part
of the grain has been mixed, and also the rate of the same customs
proportionably on every other cloth according as the same be
beyond or within the assize, and Id. from denizens and l^d, from
aliens for one whole cloth of worsted, and 5d. from denizens and
7|d. from aliens for one single bed of worsted, and 9d. from
denizens and 13|d. from aliens for one double bed ; and to keep
the ' coket ' seal in the said port ; answering at the Exchequer
for the moneys forthcoming. By bill of the treasurer.
The like to the following in the ports and places named : —
Thomas Wederby and John Goode ; in the port of Yarmouth,
etc. By bill of the treasurer.
John Tarn worth and Thomas Flete ; in the port of Boston,
etc. By bill of the treasurer.
Ralph Harple. clerk, and Thomas Herman ; in the port of
Bishops Lenn, etc. By bill of the treasurer.
Thomas Wederby and Robert Brandon ; in the port of Great
Yarmouth, etc. By bill of the treasurer.
Whereas John Cornewail, the king's knight, has shown to the
king and his council (1) that the king's father, when prince of
Wales and duke of Cornwall and within age, granted the castle
and manor of Trematon, the manor of Calestok, the manor of
Assheburgh, the castle and park of Rostormell, [the manor of
Rostormell], the manor of Penlyn, the manor of Penknyth, the
boroughs and towns of Lestwithiell and Camelford, the whole
of the fishery of the water of Fowey, the manor of Tewynton, the
manor of Moresk and the manor of Tyntagell, to the said John
and to Elizabeth late countess of Huntyngdon, then his wife,
to hold the same (with knights' fees, chaces, parks, offices, mills,
weirs, passages, woods, warrens, fisheries, moors, marshes,
meadows, pastures, fairs, markets, franchises, liberties, customs,
wards, marriages, reliefs, escheats, services of freeholders and of
bondmen, reversions, and all manner of other profits commodities
and appurtenances) for term of the life of Elizabeth without
rendering anything therefor, which grant the king's father, when
prince of Wales and duke of Cornwall and of full age, afterwards
by other letters patent ratified and confirmed ; and (2) that
16 HENRY VI. 21
1438. Membrane 13 — cont.
afterwards the king's father, when prince of Wales and duke of
Cornwall, by other letters patent [see Calendar of Patent Rolls,
1422-1429, p. 59] gave and granted to the said John (for his good
and acceptable service, past and to come, in peace and in war,
against all people of the world, save Henry IV) a certain yearly
rent of 400 marks for term of his life after the death of the said
late countess, to be taken from the castles, manors, boroughs,
towns and fisheries aforesaid by equal portions at Easter and
Michaelmas by the hands of the receiver-general there for the
time being, which last grant the king's father by letters patent
ratified and confirmed ; and (3) that the king (by and with the
advice and assent of his council and in consideration of the good
and disinterested service which the said John at his own great
costs and charges rendered to the king's father, in peace and in
war), by letters patent dated at Leycestre, 18 March, 4 Henry VI,
reciting all the premises, granted the castles, manors, boroughs
and towns aforesaid, with all appurtenances aforesaid, to the said
John, to hold the same from the day of the death of the said
Elizabeth during the king's pleasure, as wholly as the said John
and Elizabeth held the same by force of the said letters patent
of the king's father, at a yearly farm of 100 marks, with proviso
that for the time in which the said castles etc. should be in his
hands by force of those letters patent the said John should take
nothing of the 400 marks aforesaid, but that the king should be
wholly quit and discharged thereof for that time [Calendar of Fine
Rolls, 1422-1430, p. 126] ; now therefore the king has committed
to the said John, — by mainprise of Thomas Kempston of Bedford,
co. Bedford, ' gentilman ' and Walter Pejon of Munden, co. Hert-
ford, ' gentilman,' — the keeping of all the said castles, manors,
park, boroughs, and towns with all appurtenances aforesaid, to
hold the same for 7 years (as wholly as he, the said John, and
Elizabeth held them by force of the said letters patent of the
king's father to them, the said John and Elizabeth, made), at
a yearly farm of 100 marks, with proviso that for the time in
which the said castles etc. shall be in his hands by virtue of the
present letters patent, he shall take nothing of the 400 marks
aforesaid, but that the king shall be wholly quit and discharged
of the payment thereof for that time. By p.s. [4085].
Feb. 19. Commitment to John Arderne, — by mainprise of William
Westminster. Selman, ' gentilman,' and Richard Maydeston, esquire, both of
the county of Middlesex, — of the keeping of the manors of Shene,
Petrisham and Hamme, co. Surrey, together with the island of
Crowet appurtenant to the said manor of Hamme, and with all
other commodities and appurtenances belonging to the said
manors, but excepting the capital manor of Shene with the whole
precinct and the houses for the king's horses within the site of the
grange of the said manor of Shene ; to hold the same from
Membrane 13 — cont.
Michaelmas 14 Henry VI for 10 years, at a yearly farm of the
extent or as much as may be agreed upon between him and the
treasurer by the Purification next ; with clause touching main-
tenance of houses, enclosures and buildings and support of
charges. By bill of the treasurer.
Nov. 25. Commitment of the counties of Surrey and Sussex to Thomas
Westminster. Elyot during pleasure, so that he answer at the Exchequer as
Nov. 27.
Commitment to William Baron, — by mainprise of Robert
Whitygreve of the county of Stafford, ' gentilman,' and John
Poutrell of London, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping of the manor
of Whitechirche, co. Oxford, which is in the king's hand by the
death of Katharine late queen of England, excepting the mill,
weirs, and fisheries there that belong to the said manor ; to
hold the said manor, with exceptions as above, from the time of
the death of the said late queen for 10 years, rendering 10Z. yearly,
by the hands of the receiver of the duchy of Cornwall, by
equal portions at Midsummer and Christmas, and maintaining
all charges incumbent on the said manor, except repairing and
except the charges that belong to the mill and weirs aforesaid ;
with proviso that if any other person shall be willing without
fraud to give more by way of increment for the said keeping,
then the said William is bound to pay such larger sum if he will
have the keeping : as the said William has surrendered in the
Chancery for cancellation the letters patent of 14 February 15
Henry VI [Calendar of Fine Rolls, 1430-1437, p. 317],— whereby
the king committed the keeping of the said manor to him from
the time of the death of the said Katharine for 10 years at a
yearly farm of as much as might be agreed upon between him and
the treasurer by Pentecost then next to come, — agreement having
been made for the keeping of the said manor less the mill, weirs
and fisheries aforesaid. By bill of the treasurer.
Vacated because otherwise this year.
Nov. 26. Order to the escheator in the counties of Bedford and Bucking-
Westminster, ham to cause Walter Lucy, ' chivaler,' son and heir of Reynold
Lucy, knight, to have full seisin of all the lands which the said
Reynold held of the king in chief or was seised of in his demesne
as of fee on the day of his death, as the king has taken his fealty,
and for 20s. paid in the hanaper has respited his homage until
Midsummer next.
Vacated because otherwise below.
Nov. 30.
Nov. 26.
Jan. 28.
Feb. 12.
Membrane 12 — cent.
Order to the escheator in the county of Nottingham ; — pur-
suant to an inquisition made by him showing that Elizabeth late
the wife of Richard Stanop esquire, on the day of her death held
two -thirds of the manor of Tokesford, called ' Longvilers manoir,'
for life of the gift and grant of Richard Stanhope knight, with
reversion to the said Richard Stanhope knight, and his heirs ;
and that the said two-thirds are held of the king in chief by
service of two-thirds of a third part of a knight's fee ; and that
John Stanhope is the kinsman and next heir of the said Richard
Stanhope knight, to wit, the son of the said Richard Stanhop
esquire, the son of the said Richard Stanhope knight ; — to cause
the said John to have full seisin of the said two-thirds, if they are
in the king's hand by the death of the said Elizabeth and for no
other cause, as the king has taken his fealty, and for 65. Sd. paid
in the hanaper has respited his homage until the quinzaine of
Easter next.
Order to the escheator in the counties of Bedford and Buck-
ingham to cause Walter Lucy, ' chivaler,' son and heir of Reynold
Lucy, knight, to have full seisin of all the lands in the bailiwick
which the said Reynold held of the king in chief or was seised of
in his demesne as of fee on the day of his death, as the king has
taken his fealty, and for 20s. paid in the hanaper has respited
his homage until Midsummer next.
Order in like terms to the escheator in the county of Kent.
The like to the following :—
The escheator in the county of Northampton.
The escheator in the county of Hertford.
Writ of diem clausit extremum to the escheator in the county of
Northampton after the death of Alice late the wife of John
Rodenhale ; as Thomas Morstede personally in the Chancery has
made corporal oath that a like writ, given to him for delivery to
the late escheator in the said county, was accidentally lost.
Commitment to Thomas Reynham, — by mainprise of William
Reynham of Edwardeston, co. Suffolk, ' husbondman,' and John
Smyth of Bulmere, co. Essex, ' smyth,'— of the keeping of the
manor called ' Morieves ' in Great Waldingfeld, co. Suffolk, late
of Elizabeth late the wife of Robert Lovell esquire, who held
of the king in chief on the day of her death ; to hold the same
from the time of the death of the said Elizabeth until the full age
of the heir of John late earl of Arundell, her kinsman and heir and
a minor in the king's ward, at a yearly farm of 16 marks ; with
clause touching maintenance of houses, enclosures and buildings
and support of charges ; and proviso that if any other person shall
be willing without fraud to give more by way of increment for the
Nov. 1.
Feb. 4.
Membrane 12 — cont.
said keeping, then the said Thomas is bound to pay such larger
sum if he will have the keeping.
By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment to William Venour, — by mainprise, found in the
Exchequer, of Robert Rodes of the town of Newcastle-upon-
Tyne, ' gentilman,' and John Blewet of the county of Somerset,
' gentilman,' — of the keeping of the rectory of the town of
Upchirche with tithes of sheaves, rents, services, pastures, woods
and all appurtenances, co. Kent ; to hold the same from the time
of the death of Joan late queen of England for 5 years, rendering
201. yearly by equal portions at Easter and Michaelmas, and
maintaining there the divine services and other works of piety
customary from of old ; with clause touching maintenance of
houses, enclosures and buildings and support of charges.
By bill of the treasurer.
Order to the escheator in the county of Hertford to cause John
duke of Norfolk, son and heir of John late duke of Norfolk the
brother and heir of Thomas late earl marshal the son of Thomas
late duke of Norfolk, and kinsman and heir of the said Thomas
late duke, to have full seisin of all the lands in the bailiwick
which Constance late countess marshal, late the wife of the said
Thomas late earl, held in dower and otherwise for life of the
inheritance of the now duke, as the king has taken his fealty, and
for 1005. paid in the hanaper has respited his homage until Mid-
summer next.
Order in like terms to the escheator in the counties of Norfolk
and Suffolk.
The like to the following : —
The escheator in the counties of Warwick and Leicester.
The escheator in the counties of Bedford and Buckingham.
The escheator in the counties of Northampton and Rutland.
The escheator in the counties of Cambridge and Huntingdon.
Feb. 13. Commitment to Geoffrey Rokkell, Thomas Oskyn and Peter
Westminster. Upchare, — by mainprise of William Kene of Mertok, co. Somerset,
' gentilman,' and John Asshefeld of London, ' gentilman,' — of
the keeping of the manor called ' Overhall ' with ' Sylvestre,'
in Bures St. Mary, with the park there, co. Suffolk, late of
Elizabeth late the wife of Robert Lovell, who held of the king in
chief on the day of her death ; to hold the same from the time of
the death of the said Elizabeth until the full age of the heir of
John late earl of Arundell, her kinsman and heir and a minor in
the king's ward, at a yearly farm of 40 marks ; with clause
touching maintenance of houses, enclosures and buildings and
Feb. 12.
Membrane 11 — cont.
support of charges ; and proviso that if any other person shall be
willing without fraud to give more by way of increment for the
said keeping, then the said Geoffrey is bound to pay such larger
sum if he will have the keeping. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment to John Fortescu, Henry Drewe, John Offord,
clerk, and Richard Brounste, clerk, — by mainprise of Henry
Fortescu of Falepytte, co. Devon, ' gentilman,' and Henry
Brokke of Wasshbourne, co. Devon, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping
of the priory of Modbury, sometime of the possessions of an alien
priory, with all its appurtenances, the same being in the king's
hand by the death of Joan late queen of England ; to hold the
same from the time of the death of the said late queen for 7
years, rendering yearly the 231. 13s. 4d. for which answer was
made to the said late queen, and an increment of 65. Sd., yearly
by equal portions at Easter and Michaelmas, and maintaining
there the divine services and other works of piety customary
from of old ; with clause touching maintenance of houses, en-
closures and buildings and support of charges ; and proviso that
if any other person shall be willing without fraud to give more by
way of increment for the said keeping, then the said John, Henry
Drewe, John and Richard are bound to pay such larger sum if
they will have the keeping. By bill of the treasurer.
Feb. 14. Commitment to John Solers, esquire, — by mainprise of Thomas
Westminster. Malefaunt of the county of Gloucester, knight, and John Burgh of
Walyngton, co. Surrey, esquire, — of the keeping of all the mines
of lead which bear gold and silver, in the county of Devon ; to
hold the same in person or by sufficient deputies for 20 years,
rendering to the king a fifteenth part of the pure gold and
a fifteenth part of the pure silver, and discharging, in person or
by his deputies, all costs and expenses of the said mines, by
survey and controlment of the escheator of Devon for the time
being ; with proviso that the present grant shall not be revoked
or granted to another without reasonable cause, during the said
term ; and that the said John, or any deputy, shall not dig
beneath the houses or in the arable land or meadow of any person
without the leave of the lord of such soil ; and that if they cause
any loss or harm to any lord or to any other person by their
digging, then they shall make such reasonable amends as upright
and lawful men of the district shall award.
By bill of the treasurer.
Feb. 10. Commitment to Hugh Halsham, knight,— by mainprise of
Westminster. George Stydolf of Wcstgrenstede, co. Sussex, esquire, Richard
Bitterley of Langley, co. Hertford, esquire, and John Haget of
Chidam, co. Sussex, esquire,— of the keeping of the ^ manor of
Langley Marreys, co. Buckingham, which is in the king's hand by
Feb. 8.
Membrane 11 — cont.
the death of Joan late queen of England ; to hold the same from
Michaelmas last for 7 years, at a yearly farm of 48Z. ; with clause
touching maintenance of houses, enclosures and buildings and
support of charges ; and proviso that if any other person shall
be willing without fraud to give more by way of increment for the
said keeping, then the said Hugh is bound to pay such larger sum
if he will have the keeping. By bill of the treasurer.
Vacated on surrender, since the king on 13 July 17 Henry VI,
by his writ of privy seal, ordered the chancellor to have these letters
recovered and, for a certain cause in the said writ contained, cancelled,
together with the enrolment of the same in the Chancery. And so
these letters are cancelled.
Order to the escheator in the county of Northampton ; — pur-
suant to an inquisition taken before him showing that John
Dalton, ' chivaler,' was seised in his demesne as of fee of 391. 19s.
of rent in Apthorp, and held that rent of Henry IV in chief ; and
that, the said John being so seised of the said rent, a fine was
levied in the king's court at Westminster, 3 Henry IV, before
William Thirnyng, William Rykhill, John Markham, William
Hankeford and William Brenchesle, justices, and others the said
late king's lieges, between Roger Thomlynson of Byspeham and
William de Grenehirst, querents, and the said John Dalton and
Isabel his wife, deforciants, touching the said rent, whereof a
plea of covenant was summoned between them in the same court,
to wit, that the said John acknowledged the said rent to be the
right of the said Roger and William as that which the said Roger
and William had of the gift of the said John, and for that acknow-
ledgement, fine and concord the said Roger and William granted
the said rent to the said John and Isabel and rendered it to them
in the same court, to hold the same to the said John and Isabel
for life, of the said late king and his heirs by the services due and
customary, with remainder to Roger Dalton (now deceased),
by name of Roger son of the said John and Isabel, for life, and
remainder over to the heirs of the bodies of the said John and
Isabel for ever ; and that the said John and Isabel are dead ; and
that Richard Dalton is the son and next heir of the said John and
Isabel, and of full age ; — to cause the said Richard to have full
seisin of the said rent, (which has been taken into the king's
hand by the death of the said Roger), as the king has taken his
fealty and for 20s. paid in the hanaper has respited his homage
until Midsummer next.
Feb. 18. Commitment to Thomas Walker, — by mainprise of Richard
Westminster. Maxfen of Shrewesbury, co. Salop, ' gentilman,' and John Walker
of Walyngborn, co. Salop, ' yoman,' — of the keeping of the
manor of Hordeley, late of John Hordeley late of Shrewsbury,
which has been seized into the king's hand because the said John
Feb. 19.
Membrane 11 — cont.
Hordeley gave and granted it to William Walford and Thomas
More, their heirs and assigns for ever, by collusion and covin made
between John Hampton late abbot of the church of St. Peter,
Shrewsbury, and the said William Walford and Thomas More,
to the use of the said late abbot and his church and their suc-
cessors, contrary to the statute of Richard II touching lands
alienated in mortmain ; to hold the same from the Annunciation
next for 3 years, rendering 5 marks yearly at Michaelmas
and the Annunciation equally ; with clause touching maintenance
of houses, enclosures and buildings and support of charges ; and
proviso that if any other person shall be willing without fraud to
give more by way of increment for the said keeping, then the said
Thomas shall be bound to pay such larger sum if he will have the
keeping. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment (with like proviso) to John Prud, — by mainprise
of John Arderne of the county of Surrey, esquire, and Robert
Forster of the county of Middlesex, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping
of a parcel of land, with all appurtenances, in the county of
Middlesex, which sometime belonged to the king of Scotland and
lies between the lodging of the archbishop of York on the south,
the chapel of St. Mary of Rouncevall on the north, the water of
Thames on the east and the king's way which leads from
' Charryngrosse ' to Westminster on the west ; to hold the same
from Midsummer last for 40 years, rendering 10s. yearly
at Michaelmas and Midsummer, and supporting all charges
incumbent on the said land ; provided that if the said king of
Scotland at any future time shall come to the king's obedience
and wish to claim the said land, and shall have been restored,
fchen the said king of Scotland shall have possession of the said
land. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment to John Burgh, esquire, — by mainprise, found
before the barons of the Exchequer, of Robert Lee of the county
of Sussex, ' gentilman,' and John Burgh the younger of the same
county, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping of the manor of Wedon
Pynkeney, co. Northampton, which is in the king's hand by the
death of Joan late queen of England ; to hold the same from
Michaelmas last for 9 years, at a yearly farm of 14Z. 65. Sd. ; with
clause touching maintenance of houses, enclosures and buildings
and support of charges ; and proviso that if any other person
shall be willing without fraud to give more by way of increment for
the said keeping, then the said Walter is bound to pay such
larger sum if he will have the keeping. By bill of the treasurer.
Feb. 16. Commitment (with like clause and proviso) to Walter Colles,
Westminster, clerk, — by mainprise of William de Lunes of London, ' vynter,'
and Richard Northern of London, ' taillour,'— of the keeping of
Feb. 17.
Feb. 18.
Membrane 11 — cont.
the alien priory of St. James, and all the possessions and rights
pertaining to it, the same being in the king's hand by the death
of Joan late queen of England ; to hold the same from the time
of the death of the said late queen for 10 years, rendering 24
marks yearly by equal portions at Easter and Michaelmas, and
maintaining there the divine services and other works of piety
customary from of old. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment (with like clause and proviso) to John Mydelton,
—by mainprise, found in the Exchequer, of Richard Quater-
mayns of the county of Oxford, esquire, and William Meryng of
the county of Nottingham, esquire, — of the keeping of the manor
of Wyloughton, with all its rights and appurtenances, which
manor is of the abbot and convent of the monastery of St.
Nicholas of Angers and is in the king's hand by the death of Joan
late queen of England ; to hold the same from the time of the
death of the said late queen for 7 years, at a yearly farm of the
10Z. for which answer was made to the said queen.
By bill of the treasurer.
Feb. 1.
Order to the escheator in the county of Somerset ; — pursuant
to an inquisition made by him showing that Richard II long since
being seised of the manor of Haselbeare in his demesne as of fee,
gave and granted the manor among other things to one John de
Holand late earl of Huntingdon to hold the same, together with
knights' fees, advowsons of churches, abbeys, priories, hospitals,
chantries and chapels, chaces, parks, woods, warrens, fisheries,
moors, marshes, meadows, feedings, pastures, fairs, markets,
franchises, liberties, free customs, wards, marriages, reliefs,
escheats, services of free tenants and bondmen, and with all other
profits, commodities and appurtenances, to the said late earl
and the heirs of his body and of the body of Elizabeth then his
wife, of the said late king and his heirs by the services due and
customary, by virtue of which gift and grant the said late earl
was seised thereof in his demesne as of fee tail ; and that the said
late earl and Elizabeth had issue of their bodies John now earl of
Huntingdon and Constance late countess marshal ; and that
afterwards the said late earl gave and granted the said manor to
Thomas late earl marshal and to the said Constance then his wife
and the heirs of their bodies, with reversion, if the said Thomas
and Constance should die without heir of their bodies, to the
said John late §arl and his heirs for ever, by virtue of which gift
and grant the said Thomas and Constance were seised thereof in
their demesne as of fee tail ; and that afterwards the said John
late earl died, and the said Thomas died seised of such estate in
the manor without heir of his body by Constance ; and that
16 HENRY VI. 29
1438. Membrane 10 — cont.
Constance survived Thomas and maintained herself in the said
manor and continued her estate therein for the whole of her life
by virtue of the gift and grant aforesaid, and died so seised without
heir of her body by Thomas ; and that after her death the said
manor reverted, and ought of right to revert, by the form of the
gift made by Richard II to the said John late earl of Huntingdon,
to the said John now earl of Huntingdon (who is of full age), as
son and heir of the body of the said John late earl by the said
Elizabeth ; and that the said manor is held of the king in chief
by knight service ; — to deliver the said manor, which has been
taken into the king's hand by the death of the said Constance,
to the said now earl of Huntingdon, as the king has taken his
fealty, and for 20s. paid in the hanaper has respited his homage
until Pentecost next.
Order to the escheator in the county of Westmoreland ; —
pursuant to an inquisition made by him showing that Joan late
countess of Kent, being seised of the manor of Merton in her
demesne as of fee, gave and granted the manor to John de Holand
late earl of Huntingdon and the heirs of his body, by virtue of
which gift and grant the said late earl was seised thereof in his
demesne as of fee tail ; and that John had issue John now earl
of Huntingdon and Constance late countess marshal ; and that
afterwards the said John late earl gave and granted the said
manor to Thomas late earl marshal and to the said Constance then
his wife and the heirs of their bodies, with reversion, if the said
Thomas and Constance should die without heir of their bodies,
to the said John late earl and his heirs for ever, by virtue of which
gift and grant the said Thomas and Constance were seised thereof
in their demesne as of fee tail ; and that afterwards the said John
late earl died, and the said Thomas died seised of such estate in
the manor without heir of his body by Constance ; and that
Constance survived Thomas and maintained herself in the said
manor and continued her estate therein for the whole of her life
by virtue of the gift and grant aforesaid, and died so seised with-
out heir of her body by Thomas ; and that after her death the
said manor reverted, and ought of right to revert, by the form of
the gift of the said Joan, to the said John now earl of Huntingdon
as son and heir of the body of the said John late earl ; and that
the manor is not held of the king ; — to deliver the said manor to
the now earl, as the king has taken the fealty due from him for the
manor of Haselbeare, co. Somerset, and for a certain fine paid in
the hanaper has respited his homage until a certain day yet to
Order in like terms to the escheator in the county of York
touching the manor of Langton, which is not held of the king ;
pursuant to an inquisition made by the said escheator showing
Membrane 10 — cont.
that the manor was given by Joan late countess of Kent to John
de Holand late earl of Huntingdon and to the heirs of his body,
and by the said late earl to the said Thomas late earl marshal and
Constance ; in terms as above [last entry].
Order in like terms to the escheator in the county of Hertford
touching the manor of Great Gatesden, with its appurtenances ;
pursuant to an inquisition made by him showing that Joan de
Holand late countess of Kent, being seised of the manor of Great
Gatesden with the advowson of the church of the same in her
demesne as of fee, gave and granted the said manor and advowson
to John late earl of Huntingdon, by name of John de Holand, her
son, and the heirs of his body ; and that afterwards the said late
earl gave and granted the said manor with its appurtenances to
Thomas late earl marshal and Constance his wife and the heirs of
their bodies, with reversion, if the said Thomas and Constance
should die without heir of their bodies, to the right heirs of the
said late earl of Huntingdon, by virtue of which gift and grant the
said late earl marshal and Constance were seised thereof in their
demesne as of fee tail ; and that afterwards the said John late
earl died, and the said Thomas died seised of such estate without
heir of his body by Constance ; and that Constance survived
Thomas and continued her estate in the said manor for the whole
of her life and died so seised, after whose death the manor with
its appurtenances reverted, and ought to revert, to John now earl
of Huntingdon (who is of full age), as son and heir of the body of
the said John late earl ; and that the manor is not held of the king.
Order to the escheator in the county of Gloucester and the
adjacent march of Wales ; — pursuant (1) to an inquisition taken
before Robert Poyns, late escheator of Henry IV, showing that
Hugh Mortymer, ' chivaler,' held on the day of his death a
messuage, a dove-cot, 6^ acres of land, 6 acres of pasture and
5 marks of yearly rent in Magor in the said march in his demesne
as of fee of Henry IV in chief ; and that Edmund Rodebergh was
the next heir of the said Hugh and of full age ; and (2) to another
inquisition taken before Robert Andrewe, late escheator, showing
that the said Edmund is the kinsman and next heir of the said
Hugh Mortymer, to wit, son of Hugh the son of Thomas the son
of Maud the sister of Henry the father of the said Hugh, knight ; —
to take the fealty of the said Edmund and cause him to have full
seisin of the premises, which came to the hands of Henry IV
by the death of the said Hugh and are still in the king's hand, as
the king for ^ mark paid in the hanaper has respited his homage
until Midsummer next.
March 26. Commitment to Ralph Legh, one of the clerks of the king's
Westminster, kitchen, — by mainprise of Nicholas Walton of Old Wyndesore,
Feb. 20.
16 HENRY VI. 31
1438. Membrane 10 — cont.
co. Berks, ' gentilman,' and Geoffrey Bolde of Prestcotes, co.
Lancaster, ' yoman,' — of the keeping of a messuage situated in
the parish of St. Alave in Suthewerk (between the messuage
of the prior and convent of Seintmaryovrey and the tenement of
William Redestone), which Peter Godyngburgh, a native of
Oughdeburgh in Flanders, lately purchased from Robert Warner
of London and which has been taken into the king's hand because
the said Peter with collusion and malice aforethought caused
feoffment and seisin of the messuage thus purchased to be made
in his own name to Thomas Barry of London, ' felmonger,' John
Godrych and others, to the use and profit of the said Peter ; to
hold the same from 28 March next for 7 years, rendering 135. 4d.
yearly by equal portions at Michaelmas and Easter, and
supporting all charges incumbent on the said messuage ; pro-
vided always that if any person shall be willing without fraud to
give more by way of increment for the said keeping, then the said
Ralph shall be bound to pay such larger sum if he will have the
keeping. By bill of the treasurer.
March 22. Order to John Wyggemore, escheator in the county of Hereford
Westminster, and the adjacent march of Wales ; — pursuant to an inquisition
taken before him showing that a fine was levied in the king's
court in three weeks of Easter 5 Henry V, before Richard
Norton and his fellows then justices, and afterwards, in the
octave of Hilary 5 Henry V, was granted and recorded there
before the same justices and others the king's lieges then present,
between Geoffrey Harley esquire, Richard Hulle esquire, and
John Monyton, querents, and John Merbury esquire and Agnes
then his wife, deforciants, touching (among other things) the castle
and manor of Webbeley, by which fine the said John Merbury
and Agnes acknowledged the said castle and manor to be the right
of the said Geoffrey, Richard and John Monyton, as had by them
of the gift of the said John Merbury and Agnes, and for that
acknowledgement, fine and concord the said Geoffrey, Richard
and John Monyton granted the said castle and manor to the
said John Merbury and Agnes, to hold to them and the heirs
of their bodies of the said late king by the services due and
customary, for ever, with remainder to the right heirs of Agnes,
the king's licence touching the premises having been first obtained ;
and that the said John Merbury and Agnes were seised of the said
castle and manor in their demesne as of fee tail, by virtue of the
said fine, and peaceably continued that estate therein for the
whole of the life of Agnes ; and that Agnes died, without heir of
her body by the said John Merbury, seised of such estate in the
said castle and manor jointly with the said John Merbury, who
survived her and died so seised of the said castle and manor as
1438 Membrane 9 — cont.
tenant in fee tail after possibility of issue extinct ; and that after
his death the said castle and manor ought to remain by the form
of the said fine to Walter Devereux, esquire, (who is of full age),
as kinsman and heir of Agnes, to wit, as son of Walter the son of
the said Agnes ; and that the said castle and manor are held of the
king in chief ; — to take the fealty of the said Walter the son and
cause him to have full seisin of the said castle and manor, which
have been taken into the king's hand by the death of the said
John Merbury, as the king for 40«s. paid in the hanaper has respited
until the quinzaine of Michaelmas next the homage due from him
in this behalf and for other lands and tenements in divers other
counties of the realm.
Order in like terms to John Holt, escheator in the county of
Leicester ; — pursuant to an inquisition taken before him showing
that by a fine levied as above [last entry] touching the manors of
Cotesbache by Lutterworth, Neubolt Verdon, Hemyngton and
Braunston, 60s. of rent and the view of frankpledge of Skyftynton,
the advowsons of the priory of Gracedieu and of the churches of
Braunston, Skyftynton and Cotesbache, and the advowson of a
fourth part of the church of Boseworth, the said John Merbury and
Agnes acknowledged the said manors of Cotesbache and Neubolt
Verdon to be the right of the said Geoffrey, Richard and John
Monyton, and the rest of the premises as the right of the said
Geoffrey, for which acknowledgement, fine and concord the pre-
mises were granted to the said John Merbury and Agnes to hold
the same to them and the heirs of their bodies, to wit, the said
manors of Cotesbache and Neubolt Verdon of the king and his
heirs by the services due and customary, for ever, the king's
licence having been first obtained, and the rest of the premises of
the chief lords of that fee by the services which pertain thereto,
for ever, with remainder to the right heirs of Agnes ; and that the
said John Merbury and Agnes were seised of the premises in their
demesne as of fee tail, by virtue of the said fine, and peaceably
continued that estate therein for the whole of the life of Agnes ;
and that Agnes died, without heir of her body by the said John
Merbury, seised of such estate in the premises jointly with the
said John Merbury, who survived her and died so seised as tenant
in fee tail after possibility of issue extinct ; and that after his
death the premises ought to remain by the form of the said fine to
the said Walter Devereux the son ; and that the said manors of
Cotesbache and Neubolt Verdon are held of the king in chief, and
the said manors of Hemyngton and Braunston of others than the
king ; — to cause the said Walter the son to have full seisin of the
said manors, rent, view and advowsons, as the king for a certain
fine paid in the hanaper has respited until a certain day yet to
come the homage due from him in this behalf and for other
lands and tenements in divers other counties of the realm and has
16 HENRY VI. 33
1438. Membrane 9 — cont.
ordered his fealty to be taken by John Wyggemore, escheator in
the county of Hereford.
Order in like terms to Thomas Babyngton, escheator in the
county of Nottingham, to cause the said Walter the son to have
full seisin of the manors of Arnald and Tiercewell, as the king for
a certain fine paid in the hanaper has respited until a certain day
yet to come the homage due from him for certain lands and
tenements in other counties of the realm, which were held of his
inheritance by the said John Merbury in form aforesaid on the
day of his death, of the king in chief, and has ordered his fealty to
be taken by John Wyggemore, escheator in the county of Here-
ford ; pursuant to an inquisition showing that by a fine levied
as above touching, among other things, the said manors, the said
John Merbury and Agnes acknowledged the said manors to be the
right of the said Geoffrey, for which acknowledgement, fine and
concord the manors were granted to the said John Merbury and
Agnes to hold the same to them and the heirs of their bodies of the
chief lords of the fee by the services pertaining thereto, with
remainder to the right heirs of Agnes ; and that the manor of
Tiercewell is held of the king as of his honour of Tikhull and the
manor of Arnald of others than the king.
Order in like terms [last entry] to William Stanlowe, escheator
in the county of Lincoln, touching the manor and town of Market
Rasyng, which are not held of the king.
Order in like terms to John Kyrkeby, escheator in the county
of Hertford, touching the manor of Hyde, which is not held of the
Order in like terms to William Whappelode, escheator in the
county of Bedford, touching a fourth part of a water-mill in
Luyton and Whathamstede, which is not held of the king.
Order in like terms to Roger Fox, escheator in the county of
Salop and the adjacent march of Wales, touching a knight's fee
and a fourth part of a knight's fee in Butterley and Bletheley
and the advowson of the church of Lodelowe, which arc not held
of the king.
April 1. Commitment to Mathew Philip, William Strenshal, Christopher
Westminster. Warter and Robert Croke, — by mainprise of Thomas Thorp of
London, ' gentilman,' and John Crooke of London, ' gentilman,'-
of the keeping of 39 acres 3 roods of land and 6 acres of wood,
parcel of 40 acres of land and 6 acres of wood, in Edlesburgh,
Northale and Dagenale, co. Buckingham, which have come to
the king's hands as forfeited because one Thomas Stevenys gave
3 — (26)
April 5.
March 1.
Membrane 9 — cont.
the said land and wood to John Fitz Hugh, the younger son of
John Fitz Hugh, contrary to the form of a certain condition
(made by licence of Henry IV) recited in a certain inquisition
touching the said land and wood which was taken at Wenge, co.
Buckingham, on 3 October last * [recte 15 Henry VI] before
Thomas Rokes, then escheator ; to hold the same from Easter
next for 3 years, if the premises shall remain for so long in the
king's hand for the cause aforesaid, rendering yearly for the keep-
ing the extent, or as much as may be agreed upon between them
and the treasurer by the Purification next ; with clause touching
maintenance of houses, enclosures and buildings and support
of charges. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment (with like clause) to Thomas- Thorp and Dyrik
Pyle, — by mainprise of William Scardeburgh of London, ' vynter,'
and William Kent of London, ' cordwayner,' — of the keeping of
two-thirds of a crane, and divers lands and tenements on either
side [adinvicem jacentium], in the parish of St. Martin in ' Le
Vinetre,' London, which are in the king's hand by the death of
John late duke of Bedford ; to hold the same from Easter next
for 7 years, at a yearly farm of as much as may be agreed upon
between them and the treasurer by the Purification next.
By bill of the treasurer.
Grant, during good behaviour, to Walter Strikland, the king's
servant, for the good service which he has rendered and will
render to the king, of the office of receiver of the king's lordship
of Kendale, with the due and customary fees, wages and profits ;
provided that the office shall not have been granted previously to
any other person. By p.s. [4187].
Commitment to John Basket, esquire, — by mainprise of John
Lane, clerk, and William Kene, ' gentilman,' both of the county
of Somerset, — of the keeping of the lordship, manor and hundred
of Odyham, co. Southampton, with the meadows, feedings,
pastures, water-mills, rents, views of frankpledge, perquisites of
courts and all other appurtenances, commodities, liberties and
franchises pertaining thereto, the castle of Odyham with all its
buildings excepted ; to hold the same, which are in the king's
hand by the death of Joan late queen of England, from the
time of the death of the said late queen for 10 years, rendering
36Z. yearly by equal portions at Easter and Michaelmas, and main-
taining the houses and buildings of the mills and granges of the
manor ; provided always that if any other person shall be willing
without fraud to give more by way of increment for the said
keeping, then the said John is bound to pay such larger sum if
he will have the keeping. By bill of the treasurer.
* Miscellaneous Inquisitions (Chancery), File 310.
Feb. 14. Whereas in a great council of Edward III lately held at West-
Westminster, minster the magnates and commons of the realm, in return for
the remission by the king of the forfeitures pertaining to him of the
alnage of cloths, granted to the said king a subsidy on all cloths
for sale, as well of one colour as another, to be taken from the
seller in addition to the customs due thereon, to wit, on every
cloth of assize without grain 4d., and on the half cloth 2d., on
every cloth of scarlet of assize Qd., and on the half cloth '3d., on
every cloth of half grain of assize 5d., and on the half cloth 2%d.,
and on every cloth exceeding the half cloth of assize by three
ells or more and not being a whole cloth of assize, and on every
cloth exceeding the whole cloth of assize by three ells or more,
an amount in proportion to the rate for a whole cloth of the same
sort, provided nevertheless that nothing be taken on any cloths
made by any one for the clothing of himself and his household, or
on cloths sealed with the seal of the collector of the subsidy on
which the subsidy has already been paid once by the seller, and
that all cloths exposed for sale before being so sealed shall be
forfeit to the king and taken into the king's hand by the collector
or alnager or their deputy, or by the bailiffs of the town in which
they shall happen to be found ; and whereas in the same council
it was ordained that the king's alnager should cause cloths for
sale to be measured and sealed with a seal whereby the measure-
ment thereof might be known, and should take from the seller
for every whole cloth so sealed \d., and for a half cloth \d.,
and should not meddle with the alnage of any cloths except
cloths for sale ; and whereas in divers statutes it is contained that
a cloth of ' ray ' shall be 28 ells in length measured by the list
and 5 quarters in breadth, and a cloth of colour 26 ells in length
measured by the back and 6 quarters in breadth, at least, and half
cloths in proportion ; and whereas in the Parliament of 17
Richard II it is ordained that any person of the realm may make
cloths of ' kerseys ' and other cloths of such breadth and length
as he please, and expose the same for sale and sell them on pay-
ment of alnage, subsidy and other duties, to wit, on every cloth
and piece of cloth proportionably, any statute, ordinance, pro-
clamation, restriction or prohibition to the contrary notwith-
standing, and that no one shall sell any cloths or expose them for
sale until the cloths have been measured by the alnager and sealed
with the seal appointed for the purpose, under the penalties
contained in the statutes ; and whereas in the Parliament held
at Westminster on 1 March 7 Henry IV it was ordained that a
cloth of colour shall contain 28 ells in length measured by the
back absque conculcacione pannorum and 6| quarters in breadth,
and that the makers of cloths thereafter shall forfeit any cloths
found by the alnager to be of less length or breadth, and that the
alnager shall take the said cloths and deliver them to the Ward-
robe to the king's use ; and whereas in a statute in the Parlia-
1433 Membrane 8 — cont.
ment of 1 1 Henry IV it is ordained that proclamation should be
made openly, in the West and elsewhere through the whole
realm, that no person making such cloths and dozens, in the West
or elsewhere within the realm, shall tack or fold together the same
until the alnager shall have duly made his examination and
survey of the same, to see that they keep the length and breadth
last ordained by the statute aforesaid, under pain of forfeiture :
the king has committed to John Benet, — by mainprise, found in
the Exchequer, of Thomas Squery of Thaksted, co. Essex, ' gentil-
man,' Thomas Halle of Welles, co. Somerset, ' gentilman,'
William Lowe of Neuport, co. Salop, ' gentilman,' and Thomas
Grymmesby of London, ' brewer,' — the farm of the subsidy and
alnage of cloths for sale in the town and suburbs of Bristol,
together with a moiety of the forfeiture of the said cloths for sale ;
to hold the same from Michaelmas last for 2 years, rendering
63L 6s. 4d. yearly by equal portions at Easter and Michaelmas,
and answering at the Exchequer for the other moiety of the said
forfeiture ; provided always that if any other person shall be
willing without fraud to give more by way of increment for the said
farm, then the said John Benet is bound to pay such larger sum if
he will have the keeping. And further the king has appointed the
said John Benet in person or by deputy to measure all cloths and
pieces of cloth for sale in the said town and suburbs before they
are exposed for sale or taken out of the town and suburbs, seal
the same with the appointed seal, levy and collect from the
seller the moneys forthcoming from such alnage and also the
subsidy aforesaid in respect of all cloths and pieces of cloth so
measured and sealed, search houses, shops and other places in
the said town and suburbs where such cloths and pieces of cloth
can be found, and take into the king's hand as forfeit all unsealed
cloths and pieces of cloth exposed for sale, retaining a moiety
of the forfeiture in his own hands, answering for the other moiety
as above, and doing all other things contained in the statutes
aforesaid according to the form of the same.
By bill of the treasurer.
Feb. 20. Commitment to John Pytlake, — by mainprise of John Clam-
Westminster. pard Of London, ' smyth,' and Simon Neell of London, ' wol-
monger,' — of the subsidy and alnage of cloths for sale in the
counties of Cornwall and Devon ; to hold the same from Michael-
mas last for 20 years, together with a moiety of the forfeiture of
the said cloths for sale, rendering yearly the 5 marks for which
answer has been made to the king, and answering at the Exchequer
for the other moiety of the said forfeiture ; with proviso that if
any other person shall be willing without fraud to give more by
way of increment for the said farm by Easter next, then the said
John Pytlake shall be bound to pay such larger sum if he will
July 4.
May 27.
Membrane 8 — cont.
have the keeping : and appointment of the said John Pytlake as
alnager and collector ; — in terms as above [last entry].
By bill of the treasurer.
The like to the following : —
Robert Olyvere, — by mainprise of John Hampton of the county
of Stafford, esquire, and Thomas Everdon of the same county,
' gentilman,' — from Midsummer last for 7 years at a yearly farm
of the 20«. for which answer has been made to the king and an
increment of 6s. 8d. ; in the county of Stafford.
By bill of the treasurer.
Thomas Stavard, — by mainprise, found in the Exchequer, of
William Craden of the county of Northumberland, ' yoman,' and
Alan Walssh of the town of Newcastle -upon -Tyne, — from Easter
last for 7 years, at a yearly farm of 485. 8d. ; in the county of
Northumberland and in the town of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.
By bill of the treasurer.
May 13. Grant to William Broune, in consideration of the good services
Kennington which he has rendered and will hereafter render to the king, of a
certain messuage, called ' Garlyk,' with a garden and all appur-
tenances in Brookstrete in the parish of Stebenhithe, co.
Middlesex, which messuage has come to the king's hands by
the death of John Broune, to whom Henry V (who held the said
messuage to himself, his heirs and assigns, of the gift and grant
of Thomas Wyssenden esquire, as in a certain deed on that account
made more fully is contained) gave it for life without any deed
or patent being made but only livery of the evidences of the
same ; to hold the said messuage, with the said garden and
appurtenances, during the king's pleasure, rendering 4d. yearly
for the same by equal portions at Michaelmas and Easter, and
maintaining and supporting all other charges pertaining to the
messuage. By p.s. [4233].
May 21. Commitment to Thomas Parre, knight, — by mainprise of
Westminster. Richard Redmayn of Harwode, co. York, the younger, and
Richard Doket of Kendale, co. Westmoreland, ' gentilman, '-
of the keeping of two-thirds of all the lands in the hamlets of
Crossethwayt and Hoton, in the town of Strykland Ketyll, and
in the towns of Forsethwayt, Strykland Ketyll and Helsyngton,
and of the keeping of the fishery of Kente, co. Westmoreland, and
of all the lands in Whytington, co. Lancaster, which are in
the king's hand by the death of John late duke of Bedford ; to
hold the same from Easter last for 10 years, at a yearly farm
of 251. 12s. Wd. ; with clause touching maintenance of houses,
May 1.
May 24.
May 24.
Membrane 1 — cont.
enclosures and buildings and support of charges ; and proviso
that if any other person shall be willing without fraud to give more
by way of increment for the said keeping, then the said Thomas
shall be bound to pay such larger sum if he will have the keeping.
By bill of the treasurer.
Writ of diem clausit extremum to the escheator in the county of
Essex after the death of Elizabeth late the wife of Robert Lovell ;
as Richard Holcote, personally before the king in the Chancery,
has made corporal oath that a like writ, given to him for delivery
to the late escheator in the said county [Calendar of Fine Rolls,
1430-1437, p. 301], was accidentally lost.
Commitment to William Tynderley, — by mainprise, found in the
Exchequer, of Simon Alman of the county of Southampton, ' gentil-
man,' and Richard Clyvedon of the county of Southampton, the
king's yeoman, — of the keeping of the mills that pertain to the
king's castle of Bristol, with all their appurtenances, which are in
the king's hand by the death of Joan late queen of England ; to
hold the same from Easter last for 7 years, rendering Wl. yearly
by equal portions at Michaelmas and Easter, and supporting all
charges incumbent on the said mills ; provided always that if
any other person shall be willing without fraud to give more by
way of increment for the said keeping, then the said William shall
be bound to pay such larger sum if he will have the keeping.
By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment to Thomas Bateman, esquire, of the marriage of
Richard the son and heir of Margaret late the wife of William
Waldern, he paying for the marriage 401. at the Receipt of the
Exchequer ; as Thomas Tudenham, knight, and Thomas Hoo,
esquire, — to whom the king by letters patent dated 15 November
11 Henry VI committed the keeping of a messuage, 30 acres of
land and an acre of meadow in Staundon, which the said Margaret
held in her demesne as of fee on the day of her death of Richard
duke of York, then a minor in the king's ward, by knight service,
and which ought to pertain to the king by the death of the
said Margaret and by reason of the minority of the said Richard
her son and heir, to hold the same from Easter then last past
[recte 1 Henry VI] until the full age of the said heir, together
with his marriage, rendering for the keeping the extent, or as
much as might be agreed upon between them and the treasurer
by Christmas [recte Midsummer] then next to come, and paying
for the marriage as much as might likewise be agreed upon
[Calendar of Fine Rolls, 1430-1437, p. 121], — have made no
agreement with the treasurer for the said marriage.
By bill of the treasurer.
May 21.
May 20.
May 20.
\\Vst minster.
Membrane 7 — cont.
Commitment to John Inyn, knight, — by mainprise of John
More, ' gentilman,' and William Gascoigne, ' gentilman,' both
of the county of Somerset, — of the keeping of all the lands late of
John Kenne of the said county, ' gentilman,' who held of the king
in chief on the day of his death ; to hold the same from the time
of the death of the said John Kenne until the full and lawful age
of llobert Kenne his kinsman and heir, together with the marriage
of the said heir, rendering yearly for the keeping as much as may
be agreed upon between him and the treasurer by the feast of All
Saints next, paying for the marriage as much as may likewise be
agreed upon, and finding fit maintenance for the said heir ; with
clause touching maintenance of houses, enclosures and buildings
and support of charges. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment (with like clause) to William lord Lovell, knight, —
by mainprise of Henry Alcote of Burton, co. Northampton,
esquire, and Thomas Marton of Sywell, co. Northampton, 'gentil-
man,'— of the keeping of the alien priory of Mynstrelovell, with
all its rights and appurtenances, in the county of Oxford ; to
hold the same from the time of the death of Joan late queen
of England for 10 years, rendering 81. 13s. 8d. yearly by equal
portions at Michaelmas and Easter, and maintaining there
the divine services and other works of piety customary from of
old ; since the said William, having made agreement with the
treasurer, has surrendered in the Chancery for cancellation the
letters patent of 26 November last [p. 17 above], whereby the
king committed the keeping of the said priory to him from the
time of the death of the said late queen for 10 years at a yearly
farm of as much as might be agreed upon between him and the
treasurer by the Purification [recte Easter] then next to come.
By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment (with like clause) to William lord Lovell, knight,—
by mainprise of Henry Alcote of Burton, co. Northampton,
esquire, and Thomas Marton of Sywell, co. Northampton, ' gentil-
man,'— of the keeping of the alien priory of Cogges, with all its
rights and appurtenances ; to hold the same from the time of
the death of Joan late queen of England for 10 years, rendering
131. 6s. 8d. yearly at Michaelmas and Easter equally, and main-
taining there the divine services and other works of piety
customary from of old; since the said William, having made
agreement with the treasurer, has surrendered in the Chancery
for cancellation the letters patent of 26 November last [p. 17
above], whereby the king committed the keeping of the said
priory to him from the time of the death of the said late queen
for 10 years, at a yearly farm of as much as might be agreed upon
between him and the treasurer by Easter then next to come.
By bill of the treasurer.
March 1C.
Order to John Kelly, escheator in the county of Devon ; —
pursuant to an inquisition made by him showing that Alice late
the wife of William Fraunceys held the manor of Hele in her
demesne as of fee on the day of her death ; and that two ferlings
of land, parcel of the said manor, are held of the king as of his
manor of Bradenynch (which is parcel of the duchy of Cornwall),
by service of rendering Qd. to the king yearly at Michaelmas and
doing suit to the king's court of Bradenynch twice a year, to wit,
at Easter and Michaelmas, for all services ; and that the rest
of the manor of Hele is held of other lords ; and that Henry
Fraunceys is the kinsman and next heir of the said Alice, to wit,
son of John the son of the said Alice, and 33 years of age and more ;
— to take the fealty of the said Henry and cause him to have full
seisin of the said two ferlings of land, if they are in the king's hand
by the death of Alice and for no other cause ; removing the king's
hand from the rest of the manor, if it is likewise in the king's hand
by the death of Alice and for no other cause, and delivering to
Henry any issues taken therefrom since the time of the death of
April 27. Commitment to John Threpeland, — by mainprise of Nicholas
Westminster. Bery of London, ' fysshmonger,' and William Colston of London,
' plommer,' — of the keeping of 20 acres of land in Westbergh,
sometime parcels of the manor of Westbergh, which manor is
held of the king in chief by knight service and was purchased by
the prior of St. Mary of Suthwerk for himself and his house ; to
hold the said 20 acres of land, which the said prior afterwards
united and appropriated to the vicarage of Banstede without
licence from the king and which have therefore been seized into
the king's hand, from Michaelmas last for 7 years, at a yearly
farm of the 2Qd. at which the land was extended and an incre-
ment of 4d. ; with proviso that if any other person shall be willing
without fraud to give more by way of increment for the said
keeping, then the said John is bound to pay such larger sum if
he will have the keeping. By bill [of the treasurer].
May 2. Commitment (with like proviso) to Michael Power, esquire, —
Westminster, by mainprise, found in the Exchequer, of David Swan of the
county of Surrey, esquire, and William Mayhowe of the county
of Cornwall, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping of 3 messuages and
20 acres of land in Launceston, co. Cornwall, late of John Page
of Launceston, one of the two mainpernors of William Mustard of
Launceston for a certain surety of the peace that has been broken
by him against John Palmer ; to hold the same from Easter last
for as long as the premises shall remain in the king's hand on that
account, at a yearly farm of the 20s. for which answer has been
made to the king and an increment of 3s. 4d. ; with clause
May 3.
May 15.
Membrane 6 — cont.
touching maintenance of houses, enclosures and buildings and
support of charges. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment (with like clause) to John Kympton, — by main-
prise of Robert Taillard of Luton, co. Bedford, and Fremund
Taillard of the same town, — of the keeping of certain lands, called
' Fyneles,' with all their appurtenances, in Esthid in the parish
of Luton, which are in the king's hand by the death of John late
duke of Bedford ; to hold the same from Michaelmas last for
7 years, at a yearly farm of as much as may be agreed upon
between him and the treasurer by Michaelmas next.
By bill of the treasurer.
William Smyth of Clare, co. Suffolk, on 10 May in the present
year made a fine of 65. 8d., paid in the hanaper, for a contempt
committed by him in that he received a writ of the king to appear
before the king in the Chancery at a certain day, as upon his
examination he expressly confessed, and did not appear.
Commitment to Beatrice countess of Huntyngdon, John
Bartelotte and William Okehurst, — by mainprise of John Gunter
of Racton, co. Sussex, ' gentilman,' and John Knottesford of
Polyng, co. Sussex, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping of the alien
priory of Leomynstre, sometime of the possessions of an alien
priory, co. Sussex ; to hold the same from the time of the death
of Joan late queen of England for 10 years, rendering 25 marks
yearly by equal portions at Michaelmas and Easter, maintaining
there the divine services and other works of piety customary from
of old, maintaining houses, enclosures and buildings, and support-
ing all other charges incumbent on the said priory ; with proviso
that if any other person shall be willing without fraud to give
more by way of increment for the said keeping, then the said
Beatrice, John and William shall be bound to pay such larger
sum if they will have the keeping ; as the said John Bartelot and
William Okehurst, — to whom the king on 28 January 16 Henry VI
by letters patent [p. 19 above] committed the keeping of the
priory of Lenemynstre, sometime of the possessions of an alien
priory, to hold the same from the time of the death of the said
late queen for 10 years, at a yearly farm of as much as might be
agreed upon between them and the treasurer by Michaelmas next,
—have made agreement with the treasurer and have surrendered
the said letters patent in the Chancery for cancellation.
By bill of the treasurer.
Vacated on surrender since the king, on 16 September 17 Henry
VI, granted the said priory, by name of the alien priory of Lene-
mynster in the county of Sussex, at farm to Walter Striklond for
life, he paying 26 marks to the king for the same [Calendar of
Patent Rolls, 1436-1441, p. 203], And the said countess, John
May 19.
May 18.
May 24.
May 13.
Membrane 6 — cont.
Bartelotte and William were unwilling to pay such larger sum for
the keeping of the said priory. And so these letters are cancelled.
Commitment to John Sutton of Dudley, knight, and Thomas
Bradley, — by mainprise of Henry Fortescu of the county of
Devon, ' gentilman,' and John Sheldon of Rowle, co. Stafford,
' gentilman,' — of the keeping of the alien priory of New Abbey
by Alberbury, with all its appurtenances ; to hold the same from
Easter last for 20 years, rendering the 40 marks for which answer
has been made to the king, and an increment of 26«s. 8d., yearly
by equal portions at Michaelmas and Easter, and maintaining
there the divine services and other works of piety customary from
of old ; with clause touching maintenance of houses, enclosures
and buildings and support of charges ; and with proviso that if
any other person shall be willing without fraud to give more by
way of increment for the said keeping, then the said John Sutton
shall be bound to pay such larger sum if he will have the keeping.
By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment (with like clause) to John Sutton of Duddeley,
knight, — by mainprise, found in the Exchequer, of John Harpur
of the county of Stafford, ' gentilman,' and John Sheldon of the
same county, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping of all the lands late
of William Frebody who held of the king in chief on the day
of his death ; to hold the same from Pentecost next until the full
age of William son and heir of the said William Frebody, together
with the marriage of the said heir, rendering yearly for the
keeping as much as may be agreed upon between him and the
treasurer by Christmas next, paying for the marriage as much as
may likewise be agreed upon, and finding fit maintenance for the
said heir. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment (with like clause) to Richard Clyvedon, yeoman
of the king's chamber, — by mainprise, found in the Exchequer,
of Simon Alman of the county of Southampton, ' gentilman,' and
James Lee of the county of Surrey, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping
of two-thirds of the manor, orchard and park of Morholme, co.
Lancaster, and of two-thirds of the manor of Hoton, co. West-
moreland, which are in the king's hand by the death of John late
duke of Bedford ; to hold the same from the time of the death of
the said late duke for 7 years, at a yearly farm of 10Z. 13s. 4d. ; with
proviso that if any other person shall be willing without fraud to
give more by way of increment for the said keeping, then the said
Richard shall be bound to pay such larger sum if he will have the
keeping. By bill of the treasurer.
Grant to Philip Tylney, — by mainprise of Thomas Meres,
esquire, and Thomas Prykfeld, of the county of Lincoln, — of the
May 23.
May 28.
Membrane 6 — cont.
keeping of the county of Lincoln with all issues and profits
belonging to two farms, the one called post terras datas and the
other called firma comitatus nume.ro annuatim, and to the profits
of the county ; to hold the same from 7 November last during
the king's pleasure, rendering 20 II. yearly at the Exchequer by
equal portions at Easter and Michaelmas, without any payment
or allowance being made to him for his fee ; notwithstanding
(1) that the king on 7 November last [p. 3 above] committed the
keeping of the county to him during pleasure, on condition that
he render yearly the farms due to the king and answer at the
Exchequer for the king's debts with all other things pertaining to
the said keeping, and (2) that Edward III, on learning that all
sheriffs of the county since 18 Edward 1 [recte II] had accounted
as agents and not as farmers, so that thereby the king sustained no
small damage formerly through the decrease of the farms by the
deduction of allowances, gave order to the treasurer and barons
of the Exchequer by and with the advice and assent of his council
that answer should be made to him in full for the two farms
aforesaid, and also for as much as could be levied yearly of the
profits of the county, no sheriffs being charged for more than
they could levy. By p.s. [4239].
Commitment to John archbishop of York, — by mainprise of
Thomas Syngylton, esquire, and Ralph Bellers, esquire, — of the
keeping of the manor of Postelyng, alias Posselyng, which came
to the king's hand by the death of Joan late lady de Bergevynny
and by reason of the minority of Humphrey, son and heir of
John late earl of Arundell, and also by reason of the minority of
William now earl of Arundell, Humphrey's uncle and heir ; to
hold the same from the time of the death of the said Humphrey
until the full age of the said William, at a yearly farm of 38Z. ;
with clause touching maintenance of houses, enclosures and
buildings and support of charges ; and with proviso that if any
other person shall be willing without fraud to give more by way of
increment for the said keeping, then the said archbishop shall be
bound to pay such larger sum if he will have the keeping.
By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment (with like clause and proviso) to John Sty ward,
knight, — by mainprise of John Seintlow of the county of Somerset,
esquire, Gilbert Par of the county of Lancaster, esquire, Thomas
Stanley, knight, of the county of Lancaster, and Lewis John of the
county of Essex, esquire, — of the keeping of the manor and lordship
of Ledes, with its appurtenances, and the agistment of the park
there, co. Kent, which Katharine late queen of England held in
dower with reversion to the king and his heirs ; to hold the same
from Easter last for 7 years, at a yearly farm of the 24Z. which
the prior and convent of Ledes rendered to the king.
May 23.
May 24.
May 26.
May 22.
Commitment (with like clause and proviso) to Thomas Gres-
wold,— by mainprise of John Greswold of the county of Warwick,
' gentilman,' and William Coton of the county of Leicester,
' gentilman,' — of the keeping of the manors of Solyhull and
Sheldon, co. Warwick, which were seized into the hand of Henry V
by the death of Edward late duke of York and are still in the
king's hand ; to hold the same from Easter last for 7 years, at
a yearly farm of 50 marks. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment (with like clause) to John Gyles, — by mainprise
of Robert Unwyn of Horton, ' gentilman,' and Philip Morgan of
Chittern, ' gentilman,' both of the county of Wilts, — of the keep-
ing of a third part of 5 messuages, 3 tofts, 5 virgates and 3 acres
of arable land, 8| acres of meadow, and 41. 4s. 3d. and a clove
gillyflower of rent of assize, in Southmorton, called ' Aldres-
hames,' of another messuage, called ' Horwardes,' and 2 tofts
(of the messuages, lands and tenements aforesaid), and also a
third part of 5 cottages in Wantyng, which Agnes late the wife of
Robert Broune held in dower after the death of the said Robert
and which came to the king's hands by her death ; to hold the
same from the time of the death of the said Agnes until the full
age of the heir of the said Robert, at a yearly farm of as much
as may be agreed upon between him and the treasurer by
Michaelmas next. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment to Hamon Sutton, — by mainprise of John
Blyton of the county of Lincoln, ' gentilman,' and William
Blyton of London, ' gentilman,' — of the marriage of Agnes (a
minor in the king's ward) the daughter and heir of John Hauley,
esquire, who held by knight service on the day of his death of
Thomas Roos (son and heir of Thomas Roos) a minor in the king's
ward ; he paying for the marriage as much as may be agreed
upon between him and the treasurer by Midsummer next.
By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment to John Iwardby, — by mainprise of John Hert
of the county of Cornwall and Thomas Beaume, — of the keeping
of the manor of Weston Turvyle and all lands, rents and services,
with all their appurtenances, in the town of Wendovere, co.
Buckingham, which are in the king's hand by the death of Joan
late queen of England ; to hold the same from the time of the
death of the said late queen for 7 years, at a yearly farm of 111. ;
with clause touching maintenance of houses, enclosures and
buildings and support of charges ; and proviso that if any other
person shall be willing without fraud to give more by way of
increment for the said keeping, then the said John Iwardby shall
be bound to pay such larger sum if he will have the keeping : as
the said John Iwardby, having made agreement with the
May 10.
May 17.
July 11.
Membrane 5 — cont.
treasurer, has surrendered in the Chancery for cancellation the
letters patent of 20 July last, by which the king committed to
him the keeping of the said manor of Weston Turvyll from the
time of the death of the said late queen for 7 years, at a yearly
farm of as much as might be agreed upon between him and the
treasurer by Christmas then next to come [Calendar of Fine Rolls,
1430-1437, p. 344]. By bill of the treasurer.
Order to John Wodde, escheator in the county of Stafford ;—
pursuant to an inquisition taken before him showing that Richard
Lone held the manor of Bentelegh, together with the bailiwick
of keeping the hay of Bentelegh, on the day of his death, jointly
with John Lone his son, who still survives, of the gift and grant
of Thomas Gryffyth, esquire, to the said Richard and John and
the heirs and assigns of Richard ; and that the said Richard
held 100 acres of land in Hat ton by Pendeford on the day of his
death in his demesne as of fee ; and that the manor aforesaid,
together with the bailiwick aforesaid, is held of the king in chief
by service of a tenth part of a knight's fee ; and that the land
aforesaid is held of others than the king ; and that the said John
son of Richard is his next heir and of full age ; — to cause the said
John to have full seisin of the said manor, bailiwick and land, if
they are in the king's hand by the death of Richard and for no
other cause, as the king has taken his homage and fealty.
Order to the escheator in the counties of Norfolk and Suffolk
to cause John de Veer, earl of Oxford, and Elizabeth his wife,
the daughter of John the son of John Howard knight and Margaret
late his wife and the kinswoman and heir of the said John Howard
and Margaret, to have full seisin of all the lands in the bailiwick
which the said John Howard on the day of his death held in his
demesne as of fee and in fee tail, and by the courtesy of England
after the death of the said Margaret of the inheritance of Eliza-
beth ; as the king has taken the homage and fealty due from the
said earl by reason of his having issue by Elizabeth.
By p.s. [4250].
Order in like terms to the escheator in the county of Essex.
The like to the escheator in the county of Cambridge.
Commitment to Richard Rest wold of the county of Berks,
esquire, — by mainprise of William Stapulton of Ednell, co.
Cumberland, esquire, and James Kelom of London, ' gentilman,'
— of the farm of the tolls of the fairs in the town of Crowemershe
Gyffard, together with the tolls of clay pots (ollarum lutearum),
salt and all other merchandise passing through the said town by
way of merchandise, the same pertaining to the king as of the
honour of Walyngford, parcel of the duchy of Cornwall ; to hold
July 10.
July 17.
Membrane 5 — cent.
the same from Michaelmas last for 7 years, he rendering 20s.
yearly by equal portions at Easter and Michaelmas ; provided
always that if any other person shall be willing without fraud to
give more by way of increment for the said farm, then the said
Richard shall be bound to pay such larger sum if he will have the
farm. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment to Thomas prior of Taunton, — by mainprise of
Walter Portman of the county of Somerset, ' gentilman,' and
John Batescombe of the county of Dorset, ' gentilman,' — of the
keeping of 12 acres of land and 3 acres of meadow in Cotheleston,
co. Somerset, which have been taken into the king's hand by
virtue of a certain inquisition taken by virtue of his office before
Alexander Hody, late escheator, returned in the Exchequer and
brought before the king into the Chancery ; to hold the same
from the time of the taking of the premises into the king's hand
until Easter next, according to the form of the statute published
in the Parliament held at Westminster 8 Henry VI ; provided
that he answer at the Exchequer for the issues taken therefrom
in the mean time if they shall be adjudged to the king, and keep
the said land and meadow in the mean time without waste and
Grant to William prior of the priory of Modbury ; — after due
consideration of the petition of the said William showing that the
said priory is, and always has been, a cell in subjection to (de
filiacione) the abbey of St. Pierre sur Dive in the duchy of Nor-
mandy, which abbey has for long been obedient to the king and
his father, and to which the said priory has been wont from of
old to pay a yearly contribution (apportion) of 40<s. ; and that the
said William is, and all his predecessors, priors of the said priory,
have been perpetual priors, instituted and inducted and not
nominated (dativi) nor removeable ; and that the said priory
has been for a long time in the hands of the king's ancestors
on account of the war with France and remains in the king's hands
by reason of the war, notwithstanding the faithful obedience of
the said abbey ; and also that the said priory is committed at
farm, by letters patent of the king, to John Fortescu, Henry
Drewe, John Offord, clerk, and Richard Brounste, clerk, for
term of 7 years, they rendering 241. yearly to the king therefor,
whereby the said William has not (as he says) a sufficiency of
sustenance to maintain the customary divine service, hospitality
and alms of the priory, but the dwelling houses (mansiones) of
the priory for want of new building are so old and weak that both
the church there (which is of the martyr, St. George), and all
other houses, unless large sums are spent on them, will probably
soon collapse and be destroyed ; — for the building of the church,
July 29.
Aug. 28.
Aug. 30.
Membrane 4 — cont.
the houses and the enclosures of the said priory, and for the
support and maintenance of divine service there, of 16 marks a
year, during the said 7 years, receivable yearly by equal portions
at Michaelmas and Easter by the hands of the said farmers ; and
a further grant to the said William that, when the said term
of 7 years is ended, he shall have the said priory with all its
emoluments and commodities for term of his life, he rendering
for the same 20 marks a year to the king by equal portions at
Michaelmas and Easter, maintaining the said church and all
houses and buildings of the priory, and supporting all other
charges pertaining to the priory. By p.s. [4358].
Commitment to Edmund Clere, esquire, — by mainprise of
Nicholas Husy of Hertyng, co. Sussex, ' gentilman,' and Henry
Rosyngton of Framyngham, co. Suffolk, ' yoman,' — of the
keeping of the manor of Lesyngham, co. Norfolk, which is in the
king's hand by the death of John late duke of Bedford ; to hold
the same from Michaelmas last for 20 years, at a yearly farm of
161. ; with clause touching maintenance of houses, enclosures and
buildings and support of charges ; and proviso that if any other
person shall be willing without fraud to give more by way of
increment for the said keeping, then the said Edmund shall be
bound to pay such larger sum if he will have the keeping.
By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment (with like proviso) to Thomas Stevenes, — by
mainprise of John Halle, clerk, master of the hospital of St.
John, Bristol, and Philip Ricardes of Bristol, merchant, — of the
keeping of the mills that pertain to the king's castle of Bristol,
which are in the king's hand by the death of Joan late queen of
England ; to hold the same from Michaelmas next for 7 years,
if the mills shall remain for so long in the king's hand for the
cause aforesaid, rendering the 10Z. which William Tynderley now
renders, and an increment of 9/., yearly by equal portions at
Easter and Michaelmas, and supporting all charges incumbent
on the mills. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment to John Feriby, esquire, — by mainprise of
Richard Sturgeon of London and John Martyn of the county of
Southampton, — of the keeping of all the lands late of William
Ingilby, knight, who held of the king in chief on the day of his
death ; to hold the same from the time of the death of the said
William until the full age of John Ingilby his son and heir, a
minor in the king's ward, together with the marriage of the said
heir, rendering yearly for the keeping as much as may be agreed
upon between him and the treasurer by Christmas next and
paying for the marriage as much as may likewise be agreed
upon, finding fit maintenance for the heir until the said feast,
July 5.
May 15.
July 4.
Membrane 4 — cont.
maintaining houses, enclosures and buildings, and supporting all
other charges incumbent on the lands. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment to Peter Ardern, — by mainprise of John Vavesour
of the county of York, ' gentilman,' and Thurstan Banester of
the same county, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping of the manors
of Garton, Howsom and Carleton by Helmesley, co. York, with
all their appurtenances, which Margaret late the wife of William
de Roos, knight, who (qui) held the said manors of the king in
chief, held in dower on the day of her death of the inheritance of
Thomas de Roos, a minor, son and heir of Thomas late lord de
Roos the son of the said William, and kinsman and heir of
William ; to hold the same from the time of the death of the said
Margaret until the full age of the said Thomas son of Thomas, at
a yearly farm of as much as may be agreed upon between him and
the treasurer by Christmas next ; with clause touching main-
tenance of houses, enclosures and buildings and support of
charges. By bill of the treasurer.
Grant to John Catryk, esquire, for the good service which he
has rendered and will hereafter render to the king, of the office
of receiver of the king's county of Richemond, within the county
of York, he taking 100*. yearly for his fee, and also of the office
of receiver of all the king's lands and lordships within North-
umberland and the bishopric of Durham, taking 40s. yearly for
the same, and 2s. for every day in which he shall ride or be
occupied about the said offices, for his wages, the county of
Richemond and the lands and lordships having lately come to
the king's hands by the death of John late duke of Bedford ; and
the said John Catryk shall make lawful account yearly to the
king of all that he shall receive, or that shall come to his hands,
by virtue of the said offices ; and shall hold the said offices
during the king's pleasure, with the wages aforesaid, as is cus-
tomary from of old. By p.s. [4248].
Commitment to Stephen Grybby, John Wryxworth and John
Kynge of London, ' taillour,' — by mainprise of Hugh Fraunceys
of London, ' yoman,' and John Watergate of the county of
Sussex, ' husbondman,' — of the keeping of a tenement and 5
houses annexed to it, situated in the parish of St. Mary Stanynge,
London, which are in the king's hand by the death of John
Dyndon, who lately held them for life, of the grant of Henry IV,
with reversion to the king and his heirs ; to hold the same from
Michaelmas last for 7 years, at a yearly farm of as much as may be
agreed upon between them and the treasurer by Martinmas next ;
with clause touching maintenance of houses, enclosures and build-
ings and support of charges. By bill of the treasurer.
July 12.
Membrane 3 — cont.
Commitment (with like clause) to John Sty ward, knight, — by
mainprise of Robert Shotesbroke of the county of Berks, knight,
Richard Sellyng of the county of Kent, esquire, and Thomas
Stanley, ' chivaler,' — of the keeping of the manors of Estwrotham,
co. Norfolk, and Bledlowe, co. Buckingham, which John late
duke of Bedford held for life with reversion to the king and his
heirs ; to hold the same from Michaelmas next for 7 years, at a
yearly farm of 101. 12d. ; with proviso that if any other person
shall be willing without fraud to give more by way of increment
for the said keeping, then the said John shall be bound to
pay such larger sum if he will have the keeping.
By bill of the treasurer.
July 16.
Commitment (with like clause) to Robert Paynell, esquire, and
James Flore, esquire, — by mainprise of John Scrope of the county
of York, knight, and William Hardy of the same county, esquire,
— of the keeping (1) of the manor of Masham, and 102 messuages,
24 messuages, 12 tofts. 500 acres of land, 133 acres of meadow,
1000 acres of pasture, 140 acres of wood and 331. of rent in
Masham, Helagh, Ellyngton, Ellyngstryng, Sutton,Feerby, Burton
Constable, Burton upon Yore, Nostrefeld, Thirn, Well, Tanfeld,
Aynderby ' with the ' Stepyll, Hun ton, Gars ton, Berdene,
Fosterley, Scotton, Rysewyke, Coverham, Caldebergh, Mel-
morby, Acclethorp, Scrafton, Clyfton, Watlowes, Bernyngham,
Newesom, Bellerby, Richemond, Scrurueton, Fyngale, West-
wytton and Estwotton, co. York, and 8 messuages, 4 tofts, 2
gardens, 2 bovates and 15 acres of land and 5 acres of meadow,
called ' Rymourlandes,' in Masham, Ilkton, Feerby, Sutton and
Ellyngton, and (2) of the manor of Coverham, and 10 messuages,
12 cottages, 3 bovates of land, 12 acres of meadow and 2s. of
rent in the towns of Caldebergh, Little Scrafton, Warlaghby,
Acle thorp and Melmorby, the manors of Burton Constable,
Clyfton, Aynderby ' with the ' Stepyll, Hunton, Garston and
Bellerby, 4 messuages, 13 cottages, 27 bovates and 172 acres of
land, 24 acres of pasture and I2d. of rent in Nostrefeld and Thorp,
the manors of Sylton and Upsale, 100 messuages, 24 cottages,
18 tofts, 3 carucates and 1000 acres of land, 200 acres of meadow,
1200 acres of pasture, 330 acres of wood and 321. 10s. of rent in
Waddeswith, Dalton by Rotherham, Thersk, Oswaldkirke,
Ampleford, Leghtons, Huntyngdon, Sadebergh, Caldecotes and
Blande, and of the manor of Dry field, with all its members and
appurtenances, co. York, late of Henry late lord Lescrop, which
are in the king's hand by reason of an inquisition taken before
Christopher Conyers, escheator in the county of York ; to hold
the same from 15 April last until Martinmas next, they rendering
for the keeping as much as may be agreed upon between them
and the treasurer by Martinmas. By bill of the treasurer.
July 16.
Nov. 6.
Nov. 18.
Membrane 3 — cont.
Commitment to William Clerke, chaplain, and Thomas Fitz
Harry, — by mainprise of John Wyggemore of the county of
Hereford, ' gentilman,' and John Hode of the same county,
' gentilman/ — of the keeping of the alien priory of Carswell in
Wales ; to hold the same from Midsummer last for 10 years,
rendering 46s. 8d. yearly, at Christmas and Midsummer equally,
maintaining there the divine services and other works of piety
customary from of old, and supporting all charges incumbent
on the said priory ; with proviso that if any other person shall
be willing without fraud to give more by way of increment for
the said keeping, then the said William and Thomas shall be
bound to pay such larger sum if they will have the keeping.
By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment (with like proviso) to Robert Burton, — by
mainprise of Robert Mildenale of London, ' gentilman,' and John
Croke of London, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping of a tenement in
Sutton Prior, co. Devon, which John Lede of the same town,
' shipman,' who was outlawed in the county of Devon at the suit
of the king for felony, held on the day of his outlawry ; to hold
the same from Michaelmas last for as long as the said tenement
shall remain in the king's hand as forfeited to the king for the
cause aforesaid, rendering the 3s. 4d. at which the tenement was
extended, and an increment of 8d., yearly by equal portions at
Christmas and Midsummer, maintaining houses, enclosures and
buildings, and supporting all other charges incumbent on the
tenement. By bill of the treasurer.
Vacated because otherwise 17 Henry VI.
Commitment (with like proviso) to William Ludlowe, — by
mainprise of Henry Chancy of Botyrmare, co. Wilts, ' gentilman,'
and Thomas Chancy of Colyngborne, co. Wilts, ' gentilman,' —
of the keeping of the manor and town of Ludgarsale, co. Wilts,
which are in the king's hand by the death of Joan late queen
of England, who held them in dower for term of her life ; to hold
the same from Easter last for 10 years, at a yearly farm of
121. 6s. Sd. ; with proviso (1) that the king, at the beginning of the
said term of 10 years, shall at his own charges well and fittingly
repair two granges and a stable that have already been built in
the manor, and the said William shall, during the said term,
keep and maintain the said granges and stable thus repaired ;
(2) that the said William in the payment of his farm shall
have allowance of the 3d. a day now granted to him for the
office of parker of the park of Ludgarsale, co. Wilts, to be
taken from the issues and profits of the said manor, during the
said term ; and (3) that the said William shall not be bound
to repair the said manor, nor the enclosure of the park there.
By bill of the treasurer.
Non scr'.
Oct. 8.
Oct. 11.
Oct. 8.
Sept. 3.
Sept. 11.
Oct. 19.
Sept. 28.
Sept. 14.
Sept. 19.
Oct. 20.
Oct. 26.
Sept. 3.
Oct. 18.
Nov. 2.
Writ of diem clausil extremum to the escheator in the county of
Devon after the death of John de Sancto Mauro, tenant in chief
of the king.
Writs of diem clausit extremum, after the death of the following
persons, directed to the escheators in the counties named : —
The said John ; Somerset.
Maud late the wife of Peter Maweley knight ; Lincoln ;
John Nevylle ; Buckingham ; Leicester ; Nottingham.
Margaret late the wife of William Roos knight ; York.
Robert Crakenthorp ; Cumberland and Westmoreland.
Isabel Col veil ; Cumberland.
John Maners, knight ; Northumberland.
Thomas Lillebourn, esquire ; Northumberland.
Joan late the wife of Guy Corbet, who held for term of her
life, of the inheritance of Robert son and heir of Guy,
certain lands which are held of the king in chief ; Suffolk.
William Ingilby, knight ; York ; Essex ; Lincoln ; city of
York (Nicholas Usflete, mayor and escheator).
John Harpeden, knight ; Cambridge and Huntingdon.
Christina late the wife of John Ingowe, who held for term of
her life, of the inheritance of William son of Thomas the
brother of the said John and kinsman and heir of the
said John, certain lands which are held of the king in
chief ; Northumberland.
Margaret late the wife of William Roos knight ; Lincoln.
Anne countess of Stafford ; Kent ; Surrey ; Essex ; Nor-
folk and Suffolk ; Huntingdon ; Northampton and
Rutland ; Lincoln ; York ; Nottingham ; Warwick ;
Stafford ; Salop and the adjacent march of Wales ; Here-
ford and the adjacent march of Wales ; Gloucester and the
adjacent march of Wales ; Southampton and Wilts ;
Somerset ; Oxford and Berks ; Bedford and Buckingham.
Margaret late the wife of William Roos knight ;
Nov. 2.
Nov. 20.
Nov. 21.
Nov. 23.
Nov. 26.
Dec. 2.
Jan. 27.
Jan. 29.
Feb. 6.
[Feb. 10.]
Feb. 10.
Feb. 16.
Feb. 16.
Feb. 20.
Feb. 20.
March 13.
March 12.
March 17.
Feb. 18.
Membrane 25 — cont.
John Helyon ; Essex.
Thomas Salkeld, esquire ; Cumberland.
Joan late the wife of Thomas Brounflete, knight, the younger ;
Bedford ; Lincoln ; Northampton.
Katharine late the wife of Richard Salkeld, who held in
dower and otherwise for term of her life after the death
of the said Richard, late her husband, of the inheritance of
Richard Salkeld son and heir of the aforesaid Richard,
certain lands which are held of the king in chief ; Cumber-
land and Westmoreland.
John Boovile of Westwogewyll ; Devon.
Robert Strelley, knight ; Nottingham and Derby ; York ;
Margaret late the wife of Robert Chamberleyn esquire ;
Kent, London (Stephen Broune, mayor and escheator).
Brian Stapilton, ' chivaler ' ; Norfolk and Suffolk.
John Brygges ; Cumberland.
Margaret late the wife of Robert Corbet of Morton esquire ;
Salop and the adjacent march of Wales.
Edmund Benstede, knight ; Suffolk ; Cambridge ; Essex and
Hertford ; Wilts ; Southampton.
William Eland ; Nottingham.
Hugh Dalby of Brokhampton, the elder ; Warwick.
William Scotte ; Surrey.
John Ryvers ; Southampton ; Worcester.
Edmund Gascryk ; Lincoln.
Joan late the wife of John Warre esquire ; Somerset.
William Warner of Pole, ' marchaunt ' ; Dorset.
John Stourton of Preston ; Somerset.
John Saymore of Pery, esquire ; Somerset.
John Palton, esquire ; Somerset.
Thomas Stowell, knight ; Somerset.
Cecily Dymmok ; Devon.
Richard Chaumburleyn, esquire ; Bedford and Buckingham ;
John Lekhull ; Worcester ; Southampton.
March 20.
April 20.
April 21.
April 24.
April 23.
May 4.
April 5.
May 5.
May 5.
May 1.
May 1.
May 7.
May 7.
May 16.
June 8.
June 12.
June 20.
June 24.
June 24.
Membrane 25 — cont.
William Eland ; Derby.
Richard Chaumberleyn, esquire ; Northampton.
Alice late the wife of Thomas Kyngeston knight ;
Eleanor Talbot ; Devon.
Alice late the wife of Nicholas Gabefore ; Northumberland.
William Crakan thorp ; Cumberland and Westmoreland.
John Rassh, esquire ; Hertford.
Brian Stapilton, ' chivaler ' ; York ; Berks.
Robert Caundyssh ; Suffolk.
Richard Chaumburleyn, esquire ; Cambridge.
William Jonson of Tunstall ; York.
Christopher Soureby, clerk ; Cumberland.
Brian Stapilton, ' chivaler ' ; Southampton and Wilts ;
Richard de Bello Campo, earl of Warwick ; Essex ; Kent and
Middlesex ; Surrey ; Southampton and Wilts ; Somerset ;
Devon and Cornwall ; Gloucester and the adjacent march
of Wales ; Hereford and the adjacent march of Wales ;
Worcester ; Warwick and Leicester ; Stafford ;
Northumberland ; Rutland ; Cambridge and Huntingdon ;
Norfolk and Suffolk ; Northampton ; Buckingham ;
Oxford and Berks ; London (Stephen Broun, mayor and
escheator) ; Calais (the mayor and escheator) ; Bristol
(the mayor and escheator).
Robert Warner ; Oxford ; Surrey.
Margaret late the wife of John Lutrell ' chivaler ' ; Somer-
set ; Suffolk ; Devon.
John Petche, knight ; Kent.
Thomas Legh, esquire ; Essex ; Surrey.
Robert Poyntz, esquire ; Gloucester and the adjacent march
of Wales.
June 5.
July 4.
July 9.
July 11.
July 16.
Aug. 27.
Aug. 20.
Aug. 22.
Sept. 9.
Aug. 10.
Nov. 6.
Membrane 24 — cont.
Margaret late the wife of John Radwell ; Bedford.
Grace late the wife of Richard Baynard ; Essex.
Thomas de Legh, esquire ; Kent.
Elizabeth, late an imbecile and idiot, one of the daughters
and heirs of Robert Tresylian ; Devon and Cornwall.
John Treweswethyn ; Cornwall.
John Waleweyn, esquire ; Hereford and the adjacent march
of Wales.
Thomas Brook, knight ; Devon ; Somerset and Dorset.
William Legh, ' chivaler ' ; Cumberland and Westmoreland ;
Sibil Rither ; York. (Vacated because otherwise, 18 Henry
Joan Michelgrove ; Kent ; Sussex.
Commitment of the office of the escheatry in the counties of
Somerset and Dorset to John Spenser during pleasure, so that
he answer at the Exchequer for the issues thereof.
Order to all persons of the counties to be intendant to John
as escheator.
Order to John Stork, late escheator, to deliver to John Spenser
by indenture the rolls, writs, memoranda and all other things
relating to the said office.
The like commitments to the following of the office of the
escheatry in the counties named : —
William Byle ; Kent and Middlesex.
John Wenlok, esquire ; Bedford and Buckingham.
Walter Strikland, the younger ; Cumberland [and Westmore-
Kynard de la Bere ; Hereford.
Bewys Hampton ; Salop.
Nicholas Morley ; Essex and Hertford.
Thomas Wyse ; Devon and Cornwall.
William Hauley ; Lincoln.
Robert Whitgreve ; Stafford.
John Thornbery ; Southampton and Wilts.
Thomas Gyffard ; Oxford and Berks.
John Prysot ; Cambridge and Huntingdon.
Nicholas Fitz William ; York.
William Eyton ; Nottingham and Derby.
Membrane 20 — cant.
Robert Iseham ; Northampton and Rutland.
John Moreyn ; Gloucester.
John Vernay ; Worcester.
John Fenwyk ; Northumberland.
Richard Chappe ; Norfolk and Suffolk.
John Danet, esquire ; Warwick and Leicester.
Thomas Wyntereshull ; Surrey and Sussex.
Nov. 3.
Commitment of the county of Cumberland to Christopher
Moresby, knight, during pleasure, so that he answer at the
Exchequer as sheriff.
Order to all persons of the county to be intendant to Christopher
as sheriff.
Order to Christopher Curwen, ' chivaler,' late sheriff, to deliver
the county to Christopher Moresby by indenture.
The like commitments to the following of the counties named : —
John Bertram, knight ; Northumberland.
William Meryng, knight ; Nottingham and Derby.
Hugh Wylughby, knight ; Lincoln.
Humphrey Stafford of Graf ton, knight ; Warwick and
Humphrey Lowe ; Salop.
Thomas Stanley ; Stafford.
Walter Skulle ; Hereford.
William Stafford ; Gloucester.
Gilbert Hore ; Cambridge and Huntingdon.
John Hampden of Hampden ; Bedford and Buckingham.
Thomas Brewes ; Norfolk and Suffolk.
Robert Whityngham ; Essex and Hertford.
James Fienles ; Surrey and Sussex.
Thomas Uvedale ; Southampton.
John Lisle, knight ; Wilts.
Edward Hull ; Somerset and Dorset.
James Chidelegh ; Devon.
John Colshull ; Cornwall.
William Beaupho ; Rutland.
Nov. 3. Commitment of the county of Kent and castle of Canterbury
Westminster, to Edward Guldeford during pleasure, so that he answer at the
Exchequer as sheriff and keeper.
Order to all persons of the county to be intendant to Edward
as sheriff and keeper.
Order to Richard Waller, late sheriff, to deliver the county and
castle to Edward by indenture.
Oct. 26.
Oct. 10.
Membrane 20 — cont.
The like commitments to the following in the counties named : —
Edmund Rede ; Oxford and Berks.
Thomas Chambre ; Northampton.
William Ryder, knight ; York.
Commitment to John bishop of Bath and Wells and Robert
Perfyt, clerk, — by mainprise of John Basket of the county of
Southampton, esquire, and John Welles of the county of Somerset,
' yoman,' — of the keeping of the lordship of Hynepydel, alias
Pydel Hington, which pertains to the alien priory of Morteyn
and is in the king's hand on account of the war with France ; to
hold the same from Michaelmas last for 7 years, at a yearly farm
of as much as may be agreed upon between them and the treasurer
by Christmas next ; with clause touching maintenance of houses,
enclosures and buildings and support of charges.
By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment (with like clause) to William Say, yeoman of the
crown, — for the good and disinterested service which he has
rendered and will hereafter render to the king, and by mainprise
of Thomas Plesance of Abyndon, co. Berks, ' gentilman,' and John
Iremonger of the same town, ' iremonger,' — of the keeping of the
rectory of Newenton by Hethe with the grange of Bransete and
the lands of Newenton and Promehill belonging to the said rectory,
and with other appurtenances, in the county of Kent, which
Katharine late abbess of Guynes in the county of Artoys beyond
the sea held on the day of her death as of the right of her abbey,
and which were taken into the hand of Henry V by the death of
the said Katharine and are still in the king's hand ; to hold the
same from Michaelmas 16 Henry VI for 20 years, at a yearly
farm of 61. ; since the said William, — to the end that the king
should grant him the said keeping for a term of 20 years at a
yearly farm of 61., — is willing to surrender, and has sur-
rendered, into the Chancery for cancellation the letters patent
of 13 October 16 Henry VI [p. 18 above], whereby the king com-
mitted the said keeping to the said William from Michaelmas
then last past for 10 years at a yearly farm of 14L And a further
grant that the said William and his mainpernors shall be wholly
quit and discharged for ever, towards the king and his heirs, of
the said farm of 141. from Michaelmas 16 Henry VI. By p.s.
Oct. 10.
Commitment (with like clause) to John Hampton, esquire, — by
mainprise of John Thorley of the county of Buckingham, esquire,
and John Stuche of the county of Salop, ' gentilman,' — of the
keeping of the manor of Botrell Aston, co. Salop, late of Joan late
Oct. 11.
Oct. 24.
1438 Membrane 19 — ctmt,
the wife of John Botrell, who held of the king in chief on the day
of her death ; to hold the same from the time of the death of the
said Joan until the full age of John her son and heir, together
with the marriage of the said heir, rendering for the keeping as
much as may be agreed upon between him and the treasurer by
Midsummer next, paying for the marriage as much as may like-
wise be agreed upon, and finding fit maintenance for the heir.
By bill of the treasurer.
Commission to Richard Horde, Thomas Hopton, Bewes
Hampton and William Everton, or to any one of them, and to
the sheriff of Salop, to make inquisition touching the lands and
heir of Joan late the wife of John Botrell, who held by knight
service on the day of her death of Humphrey, now deceased, late
son and heir of John late earl of Arundell and a minor in the
king's ward.
Commitment to Henry Fenwyk, knight, and Richard Moresby,
clerk, — by mainprise, found in the Exchequer, of Robert Rodes
of the town of Newcastle-upon-Tyne and John Whitelok of
Skelton, co. Cumberland, — of the keeping of the manor of
Hoghton, the towns of Ricardeby and Ireby, and a tenement in
the town of Newebyggeyng, co. Cumberland, which are in the
king's hand by the death of Isabel Colvell, who held of the king
in chief on the day of her death, and by reason of the minority of
William Colvell, her son and heir ; to hold the same from the
time of the death of the said Isabel until the full age of the said
heir, at a yearly farm of the extent, or as much as may be
agreed upon between them and the treasurer by Easter next ;
with clause touching maintenance of houses, enclosures and
buildings and support of charges. By bill of the treasurer.
Oct. 24. Commitment (with like clause) to William Lynde, — by main-
Westminster, prise of John Kendale of the town of Gloucester, ' gentilman,' and
Stephen Gribby of London, ' yoman,' — of the keeping of the
portion of the alien prioress of Claruissel in the church of Mapulder-
ham, alias Mapildram, co. Oxford, with the fruits, prevents,
profits and emoluments pertaining to the said portion, which
Robert Bardolf and Amice his wife, both deceased, had of the
grant of Edward III, and which was taken into the hands of the
said late king by reason of the war with France, and is still in
the king's hand ; to hold the same from Michaelmas last for
7 years, rendering the 41. 2s. 3%d. which William Lynde deceased
rendered, and an increment of Is. 8%d., yearly by equal portions
at Easter and Michaelmas, and maintaining there the divine
services and other works of piety customary from of old ; pro-
vided always that if any other person shall be willing without
fraud to give more by way of increment for the said keeping, then
Oct. 28.
Feb. 7.
Jan. 30.
March 10.
March 12.
March 28.
April 3.
May 20.
June 3.
Oct. 30.
Membrane 19 — cont.
the said William Lynde shall be bound to pay such larger sum if
he will have the keeping. [See Calendar of Patent Rolls, 1436-
1441, p. 284.] By bill of the treasurer.
Appointment of John Spenser and Robert Beaume as searchers
of ships in the port of Kyngeston upon Hull and in all adjacent
ports and places ; in terms as above [p. 9].
By bill of the treasurer.
Appointment in like terms of the following in the ports and
places named : —
Richard Yong ; in the port of Bristol and in all adjacent
ports and places. By bill of the treasurer.
Robert Beaume and John Alcok ; in the port of Kyngeston
upon Hull and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer.
John Salle ; in the port of Brigewater and in all adjacent
ports and places. By bill of the treasurer.
Thomas Waterford ; in the port of Yarmouth and in all
adjacent ports and places. By bill of the treasurer.
Henry Crosson and Thomas Waterford ; in the port of
Yarmouth and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer.
John Salle and Roger More ; in the port of Brigewater and
in all adjacent ports and places. By bill of the treasurer.
William Esyngwold ; in the port of Sandwich and in all
adjacent ports and places. By bill of the treasurer.
Roger More ; in the ports of Brigewater and Berstaple and
in all adjacent ports and places. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment to Thomas Haseley, clerk of the crown in
Chancery, — by mainprise of William Godyng of Suthwerk, co.
Surrey, ' gentilman,' and Nicholas Philpot of Suthwerk, co.
Surrey, ' yoman,' — of the keeping of a void plot of land lying
beneath the wall of certain tenements of Edmund bishop of
Exeter, in the parish of St. Clement Danes without the bar of the
New Temple, London, and containing altogether 254 feet in
length and in breadth 12 feet at the east end and 24 feet at the
west end ; to hold the same for 80 years, provided that it be
not to the prejudice or narrowing of the common high way there,
he rendering 4d. yearly at Michaelmas. By bill of the treasurer.
Nov. 18.
Commission during pleasure to master William Estecourt and
William Soper to levy and collect in the port of Southampton
and in all adjacent ports and places the custom on wools, hides
and woolfells which is due to the king of his inheritance ; and to
Nov. 20.
Nov. 21.
Jan. 28.
Feb. 19.
March 14.
May 8.
July 22.
July 22.
Nov. 18.
Nov. 20.
Nov. 21.
Membrane 18 — cont.
keep the ' coket ' seal in the said port ; answering at the Exchequer
for the moneys forthcoming. By bill of the treasurer.
The like to the following in the ports and places named : —
Richard Veer and Thomas Pope ; in the port of Sandwich,
Godard Pulham and Richard Graunger, clerk ; in the port of
Chichester and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer.
Thomas Wetherby and Ralph Lampet ; in the port of
Yarmouth and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer.
John Vagham ; in the port of Bristol and in all. adjacent
ports and places. By bill of the treasurer.
Thomas Doge and Robert Tourges ; in the port of Pool and
in all adjacent ports and places. By bill of the treasurer.
John Doge and John Thomas ; in the port of Pole and in all
adjacent ports and places. By bill of the treasurer.
Walter Green and Thomas West ; in the port of Ipswich
and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer.
Thomas Rokes and Thomas Bateman ; in the port of Bristol
and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer.
Commission during pleasure to master William Estecourt and
William Soper to levy and collect in person in the port of
Southampton and in all adjacent ports and places (1) the customs
granted to Edward 1 by foreign and alien merchants in return for
certain liberties and immunities, and the custom and subsidy
which by the statute published in the Parliament of 1 1 Henry IV
all such alien merchants are to pay for garments made for export
from cloths of scarlet, ' sangwyn ' and other colours of the whole
or the half grain, and also from cloths dyed in grain, and all other
cloths of wool, which have been cut, according to the rate and
quantity of the same ; and (2) the custom on cloths of wool and
worsted made in England for export to foreign parts ; and to
keep the ' coket ' seal in the said port ; answering at the
Exchequer for the moneys forthcoming. By bill of the treasurer.
The like to the following in the ports and places named : —
Richard Veer and Thomas Pope ; in the port of Sandwich, etc.
Godard Pulham and Richard Graunger, clerk ; in the port
of Chichester and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer.
Jan. 28.
March 14.
Feb. 19.
May 8.
July 22.
July 22.
Membrane 18 — cont.
Thomas Wetherby and Ralph Lampet ; in the port of
Yarmouth and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer.
Thomas Doge and Robert Tourges ; in the port of Pool and
in all adjacent ports and places. By bill of the treasurer.
John Vagham ; in the port of Bristol and in all adjacent
ports and places. By bill of the treasurer.
John Doge and John Thomas ; in the port of Pole and in all
adjacent ports and places. By bill of the treasurer.
Walter Green and Thomas West ; in the port of Ipswich and
in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer.
Thomas Rokes and Thomas Bateman ; in the port of Bristol
and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer.
Nov. 18.
Commission during pleasure to master William Estecourt and
William Soper to levy and collect in person in the port of
Southampton and in all adjacent ports and places, after inspection
of the merchandise, the subsidies which were granted to the king
in the Parliament held at Westminster, 15 Henry VI ; to wit ;
(1) for the defence of the realm, a subsidy of 53s. 4d. from every
alien merchant and 335. 4d. from every merchant denizen on every
sack of wool and on every 240 woolfells going out of the realm
by way of merchandise, the said subsidy to begin at Martinmas
following the date of the grant and to last for 3 years, leviable
and payable in such manner and form as the subsidy of wool and
woolfells was at the time of the said grant, with proviso that of
the said 33s. 4d., 20s. shall always be delivered by the treasurer
for payments of the wages of soldiers and for the safe-keeping of
the town of Calais, and to no other use, if so much shall be neces-
sary therefor ; and (2), for the safe -keeping of the sea, 3s. on every
tun of wine that any merchant, denizen or alien, shall bring into
the realm by way of merchandise, 3s., over and above the 3s.
aforesaid, of every alien merchant for every tun of sweet wine
which he shall bring into the realm by way of merchandise, and
12d. of every merchant, denizen or alien, for every 20s. of mer-
chandise (other than is recited above) which he shall bring into
or take out of the realm by way of merchandise, — excepting
all manner of victuals going to Calais and all manner of
woollen cloth of merchants denizen going out of the realm,
wheat, rye and flour of the same, and all manner of fresh fish,
coming into the realm, and also all such merchandise as in its
coming to the realm shall be sunk or perished by the inclemency
of the sea or the breaking of the vessel, and afterwards, (at the
great cost and loss of the merchants), be recovered, — the said
Nov. 20.
Nov. 21.
Jan. 28.
March 14.
Feb. 19.
May 8.
July 22.
July 22.
Sept. 25.
Nov. 3.
Membrane 17 — cont.
subsidies to begin on 1 April following the date of the grant and to
last for 3 years ; provided that if any wools, woolfells or other
merchandise of a merchant denizen, whereon any of the said
subsidies shall have been paid or surety made therefor, shall be
taken by enemies or perished by the inclemency of the sea or
otherwise, and this be proved by the oath of two credible persons
before the treasurer or chief baron of the Exchequer, then the
said denizens shall be permitted to ship freely, without any
difficulty or new payment, as much wool, woolfells and other
merchandise as that shall amount to that was so perished, lost
or taken [Rot. Part. iv. 503}. And the collectors are to keep the
' coket ' seal in the said port ; and to answer at the Exchequer
for the moneys forthcoming. By bill of the treasurer.
The like to the following in the ports and places named :—
Richard Veer and Thomas Pope ; in the port of Sandwich,
etc. By bill of the treasurer.
Godard Pulham and Richard Graunger, clerk ; in the port of
Chichester, etc. By bill of the treasurer.
Thomas Wetherby and Ralph Lampet ; in the port of
Yarmouth, etc. By bill of the treasurer.
Thomas Doge and Robert Tourges ; in the port of Pool and
in all adjacent ports and places. By bill of the treasurer.
John Vaghan ; in the port of Bristol, etc.
By bill of the treasurer.
John Doge and John Thomas ; in the port of Pole and in all
adjacent ports and places. By bill of the treasurer.
Walter Green and Thomas West ; in the port of Ipswich
and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer.
Thomas Rokes and Thomas Bateman ; in the port of Bristol
and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment of the county of Bristol to William Canynges
for one year, so that he answer at the Exchequer as sheriff ; the
mayor and commonalty having submitted to the king his name and
the names of John Troit and Richard Roper as candidates for the
office, in accordance with the terms of their charter dated 8
August, 47 Edward III.
Commitment to John Feriby, esquire, of the wardship of John,
a minor in the king's ward, son and heir of William Ingilby,
knight, who held of the king in chief on the day of his death ; to
hold the same until the full age of the said heir, together with the
marriage of the heir, and so from heir to heir until one of them
shall have attained full age and the said John Feriby shall have
Nov. 16.
Membrane 17 — cont.
effected the marriage, rendering 120Z. by equal portions at Easter
and Michaelmas. By K and by bill of the treasurer.
Order to the escheator in the county of Suffolk ; — pursuant to
an inquisition taken before Miles Stapylton, esquire, late
escheator, showing that John Ereswell and Thomas Isaak lately
being seised in their demesne as fee of the manor of Asyngton
and of 80 acres of land, 5 acres of meadow, 2 acres of wood and
52*. l^d. of rent in Little Cornerche and Bures, gave and granted
the said manor, land, meadow, wood and rent to Guy Corbet and
Joan then his wife and the heirs of the body of Guy, with
remainder to the right heirs of Guy, by virtue of which gift and
grant the said Guy and Joan were seised, to wit, the said Guy in
his demesne as of fee tail and the said Joan in her demesne as of
free tenement ; and that afterwards the said Guy died, after
whose death the said Joan held the premises for term of her life by
right of survivorship (per jus accrescendi), by virtue of the said
gift and grant, and continued that estate for the whole of her life
and so held the premises on the day of her death of the inheritance
of Robert Corbet, son and heir of the said Guy, with reversion
after her death to the said Robert as son and heir of Guy ; and
that the king's licence thereupon was not obtained ; and that
the said manor, land, meadow, wood and rent are held of the
king as of the honour of Hattefeld Peverell by service of half a
knight's fee and by service of rendering 6s. 8d. at Michaelmas for
all services and demands ; — to cause the said Robert to have full
seisin of the said manor, land, meadow, wood and rent, if they
are in the king's hand by the death of Joan and on account of the
trespasses in this behalf made and for no other cause, as the
king for a certain fine paid in the hanaper has pardoned the said
trespasses, and has taken the fealty of Robert, and for 6s. 8d.
paid in the hanaper has respited his homage until Easter next.
Nov. 16. Appointment of Roger Rolleston as escheator and coroner
Westminster. of the lordship of Holdernesse within the counties of York and
Lincoln, which is in the king's hand by the death of Anne countess
of Stafford, to hold those offices during pleasure, answering to the
king for the issues and profits that pertain to the king and taking
the due and customary wages and fees.
By bill of the treasurer.
Nov. 24. Commitment to Maud late the wife of Richard of York earl
Westminster. of Cambridge, — by mainprise of William Southam of Cunnys-
burgh, co. York, ' gentylman,' and William Stayneford of Stayne-
ford, co. York, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping of the manor of
Turnhamhall, co. York, which Thomas late lord de Roos, knight,
Sept. 12.
Feb. 16.
Feb. 28.
Membrane 16 — cont.
tenant in chief of the king, held on the day of his death in his
demesne as of fee ; to hold the same from Michaelmas last for as
long as the manor shall remain in the king's hands by the death
of the said Thomas and by reason of the minority of Thomas lord
de Roos, his son and heir, at a yearly farm of the 211. Is. Id.
which Eleanor lady de Roos used to render ; with clause touching
maintenance of houses, enclosures and buildings and support of
charges, and with proviso that if any other person shall be willing
without fraud to give more by way of increment for the said
keeping, then the said Maud shall be bound to pay such larger
sum if she will have the keeping ; since the said Eleanor, to the
end that the said Maud may have the said keeping, has sur-
rendered into the Chancery for cancellation the letters patent
of 5 July 10 Henry VI, whereby the king committed the keeping
of the said manor from Easter then last past for as long as it
should remain in the king's hand for the cause aforesaid, at a
yearly farm of the 211. Is. Id. at which the said manor was
extended. [Calendar of Fine Rolls, 1430-1437, p. 93.]
By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment to Benet Broun, — by mainprise of Richard
Seyntcler of the county of Kent, ' gentilman,' and Robert Shamell
of the county of Kent, 'gentilman,' — of the farm of the subsidy
and alnage of cloths for sale in the county of Kent ; to hold the
same from Michaelmas next for 10 years, together with a moiety
of the forfeiture of the said cloths for sale, rendering 151. yearly
by equal portions at Easter and Michaelmas, and answering at
the Exchequer for the other moiety of the said forfeiture ; and
appointment of the said Benet as alnager and collector ; in
terms as above \j). 35], By bill of the treasurer.
The like to the following :—
Robert Shirborn and John Derby, citizens of London, — by
mainprise of John Stoker, Emery Matany and William
Northampton, citizens and drapers of London, — from
Michaelmas next for 10 years, at a yearly farm of the
35Z. 6s. 8d. which William Cressy, Robert Forset and John
Ruddok, the farmers there, will (sic) render, and an
increment of U. 135. 4d. ; in the city and suburbs of London.
By bill of the treasurer.
John Boudelere, — by mainprise, found in the Exchequer, of
John Somerton of London, ' grocer,' William Edy of
London, ' draper,' and William Weldone of Langford, co.
Hereford, ' gentilman,' — from Easter next for 7 years, at
a yearly farm of the 121. 13s. 4d. which Edmund Mores and
Richard Bullesdon used to render, and an increment of
13s. 4d. ; in the county of Salop. By bill of the treasurer.
May 12.
June 16.
Membrane 16 — cont.
John Bromyerd, — by mainprise, found in the Exchequer,
of John Vuet of Ledbury, co. Hereford, ' gentilman,' and
John Bykerstafe of Worcester, co. Worcester, ' gentil-
man,'— from Easter last for 10 years, at a yearly farm of
the 100s. for which answer has been made to the king, and
an increment of 4s. ; in the county of Hereford and city of
Hereford. By bill of the treasurer.
Thomas Cook, — by mainprise of John Borley of Sudbury, co.
Suffolk, ' gentilman,' and John Asshton of the parish of
St. Dunstan in the East, ' gentilman,' — from Michaelmas
next for 7 years, at a yearly farm of the 131. 6s. 8d. which
the said Thomas has rendered and renders, and an incre-
ment of 13s. 4d. ; in the towns of Lavenham, Great
Waldyngfeld, Little Waldyngfeld, Brent Illegh and
Acketon, co. Suffolk. By bill of the treasurer.
July 28.
William Hillary, — by mainprise of Thomas Pyke of Hadlegh,
co. Suffolk, ' draper,' and John Hillary of Hadlegh, co.
Suffolk, ' dyer,' — from Michaelmas next for 7 years, at
a yearly farm of the 941. 'Is. 8d. which William Dounton
and Richard Dounton, the farmers there, now will render,
and an increment of 41. ; in the counties of Suffolk and
Essex. By bill of the treasurer.
Aug. 8.
Bernard Brocas and John Croke, one of the clerks in the
Exchequer, — by mainprise of Thomas Clerk of the county
of Devon, ' gentilman,' and John Stone of London, — from
Michaelmas next for 20 years, at a yearly farm of the 5
marks for which answer was made by John Pytlake, now
deceased, and an increment of 12d. ; in the counties of
Devon and Cornwall. By bill of the treasurer.
Sept. 20.
Robert Passemer, esquire, — by mainprise of John Skayf of
the parish of St. Lawrence Jewry, London, ' gentilman,'
John Gredley of the parish of St. Augustine, London,
' goldsmyth,' John Coly of the parish of St. Bride, London,
' skynner,' William Robson of Multon in Holand, co.
Lincoln, ' gentilman,' and Robert Passemer, parson of the
church of Barewell, co. Leicester, clerk, — from Michaelmas
next for 7 years, at a yearly farm of the 36Z. which the said
Robert has rendered, and an increment of 6s. 8d. ; in the
county of Warwick. By bill of the treasurer.
Nov. 12.
Order to the escheator in the county of Northumberland to
take the fealty of John Lilburn, son and heir of Thomas Lilburn,
and cause him to have full seisin of all the lands which the said
Thomas his father held of the king in chief, or was seised of in his
demesne as of fee, on the day of his death, as the king for 13«. 4d.
paid in the hanaper has respited his homage until the Purification
Nov. 12. Order to the escheator in the county of Northumberland to
Westminster, take the fealty of Robert Maners, son and heir of John Maners
knight, and cause him to have full seisin of all the lands which
the said John his father held of the king in chief, or was seised
of in his demesne as of fee, on the day of his death, as the king for
£ mark paid in the hanaper has respited his homage until the
Purification next.
Nov. 23. Order to the escheator in the county of Somerset to (1) take the
Westminster. fealty of John Colshull, — who has taken to wife Elizabeth one
of the daughters of Edmund Cheyne knight, the son of Cecily
late the wife of William Cheyne knight, and one of the kins-
women and heirs of the said William and Cecily, tenants in chief
of the king, and one of the sisters and heirs of Cecily (who lately
died a minor in the king's ward), a second daughter of the said
Edmund and a second of the kinswomen and heirs of the said
William and Cecily his wife, — for Elizabeth's pourparty of all the
lands which the said William and Cecily his wife held of the king
in chief on the days of their death, (2) make a partition into two
equal parts of all the lands in his bailiwick of which the said
Cecily wife of William was seised in her demesne as of fee and in
fee tail, and which by the death of the said Cecily wife of William
and of Cecily daughter of Edmund ought to descend to the said
Elizabeth and to Anne, the third daughter of the said Edmund
and the third of the kinswomen and heirs of the said William and
Cecily his wife, and the other sister and heir of the said Cecily
daughter of Edmund, and of all the lands which the said Cecily
wife of William held for life of the inheritance of the said Eliza-
beth, Cecily daughter of Edmund, and Anne, and which came to
the king's hands and are still in the king's hand by the death of
Cecily wife of William and by reason of the minority of the said
Elizabeth, Cecily daughter of Edmund, and Anne (in the presence
of the said John and of the next friends of the said Anne and of
the farmers of the said lands or of their attornies), and (3) cause
the said John and Elizabeth to have full seisin of Elizabeth's
pourparty of the lands aforesaid, as the said John has sufficiently
proved Elizabeth's age before the said escheator ; retaining the
pourparty of Anne in the king's hand until further order ; pro-
vided always that Elizabeth and Anne have each in her pourparty
5— (26)
Membrane 14 — cont.
a share of the lands which are held of the king in chief, and
so be the king's tenant.
Vacated because elsewhere in the Close Roll of this year. [Calendar
of Close Rolls, 1435-1441, p. 220.]
Order in like terms to the escheator in the county of Wilts,
omitting the clause touching the taking of fealty.
The like to the following : —
The escheator in the county of Lincoln.
The escheator in the county of Devon.
Nov. 15. Order to the escheator in the county of York to take the fealty
Westminster. (a) of Constance late the wife of John Bygod knight, sister and one
of the heirs of Peter Maweley knight, and (6) of John Sal van
knight, son of Elizabeth the other sister of the said Peter and the
kinsman and other heir of Peter, make a partition into two equal
parts of all the lands in his bailiwick which Maud late the wife of
the said Peter held in dower and otherwise for life, of the inheri-
tance of the said Constance and John Salvan, and in fee tail with
remainder to the said Constance and John Salvan, and cause the
said Constance and John Salvan to have full seisin of their
pourparties, as the king, for 4 marks paid in the hanaper, has
respited their homage until Easter next ; provided always that
each of the said heirs and parceners have a share of the lands
which are held of the king in chief, and so be the king's tenant.
Order to the escheator in the county of York ; — pursuant to an
inquisition made by him showing that Maud late the wife of
Peter Maweley knight on the day of her death held a third part
of the castle and manor of Braunceholme and of the manor of
Sutton in Holdernes, and the advowsons of 6 chantries in the
church of Sutton, in dower, of the gift of the said Peter sometime
her husband, of the inheritance of Constance late the wife of
John Bygod knight, John Salvan knight, Robert Ughtred knight,
Agnes late the wife of Brian de Stapulton knight, Maud late the
wife of William Waddesley and Ralph Bulmer knight, since Robert
Lorymer and others gave and granted the said castle, manors and
advowsons to Thomas de Sutton knight and Agnes his wife and to
the heirs male of the bodies of the said Thomas and Agnes, with
remainders successively to Peter de Malo Lacu the sixth and
Constance his wife and the heirs male of their bodies, and to Peter
(son of the said Peter) and Margery his wife and the heirs male of
their bodies, and with remainder over to the right heirs of the said
Thomas ; by virtue of which gift and grant the said Thomas and
Agnes were seised in their demesne as of fee tail and died so
seised without heir male of their bodies ; and that the said
Peter de Malo Lacu the sixth and Constance his wife likewise
17 HENRY VI. 67
1438 Membrane 14 — cont.
died without heir male of their bodies, after whose death
the said Peter (son of Peter) and Margery entered into the
said castle and manor, as into their remainder, and were
seised thereof in their demesne as of fee tail and had issue
the aforesaid Peter late the husband of the said Maud and died
without any other male issue of their bodies ; and that after their
death the said castle and manors descended by the form of the
gift aforesaid to the said Peter sometime husband of Maud as son
and heir male of Peter (son of Peter) and Margery ; and that he
died seised of such estate without heir male of his body, so that
the reversion of the said third part ought to remain to the said
Constance late the wife of John Bygod, John Salvan, Robert
Ughtred, Agnes late the wife of Brian, Maud late the wife of
William, and Ralph, as the kinsfolk and heirs of the said Thomas,
all being of full age, to wit, to Constance as one of the daughters
of Margery one of the daughters [and heirs] of Thomas, to John
Salvan as son of Elizabeth the other daughter of Margery daughter
of Thomas, to Robert Ughtred as son of Margaret one of the
daughters of Constance a second daughter and heir of Thomas, to
Agnes late the wife of Brian as a second daughter of Constance
daughter of Thomas, to Maud late the wife of William as a third
daughter of Constance daughter of Thomas, and to Ralph
Bulmer as son of Agnes a third daughter and heir of Thomas ;
and that the said third part is held of the king as of his manor of
Birstwyke by service of an eighth part of a knight's fee ; — to take
the fealty of Constance daughter of Margery, John Salvan, Robert
Ughtred, Agnes late the wife of Brian, Maud late the wife of
William, and Ralph Bulmer, make a partition of the said third
part, and cause the said Constance daughter of Margery, John
Salvan, Robert Ughtred, Agnes late the wife of Brian, Maud late
the wife of William, and Ralph, to have full seisin of their pour-
parties, as the king for 13s. 4of. paid in the hanaper has respited
their homage until Easter next ; provided always that each of
the heirs and parceners have a share of the said third part which
is held of the king in chief, and so be the king's tenant.
Dec. 16. Order to the escheator in the county of Surrey ; — pursuant to
Westminster. an inquisition taken before John Taylard, late escheator, showing
that Joan late the wife of Robert Constable held 12 acres of land,
4 acres of meadow and £ acre of wood in Walton upon Thames
in her demesne as of fee on the day of her death ; and that the
said land, meadow and wood were held of Richard II .in chief by
service of fealty and I2d. payable yearly to the said late king at
Michaelmas, for all services ; and that William Constable is the
son and next heir of Joan and of full age ; — to take the fealty of
the said William and cause him to have full seisin of the said
land, meadow and wood.
Dec. 5.
Dec. 8.
Nov. 22.
Commitment to William Prestgrave, — by mainprise of John
Warner of Brikstoke, John Parker of Rokingham, William Kinge
of Ocle and Robert Prestgrave, — of the keeping of all the king's
assarts and pourprestures within the forest of Rokyngham
between the bridges of Oxford and Staunford, to wit, in the
counties of Northampton, Buckingham and Huntingdon, with all
appurtenances, the same being in the king's hand by the death of
Joan late queen of England ; to hold the same from the time of
the death of the said late queen for 7 years, rendering the 501. for
which answer was made to the said queen, and an increment of
WL, yearly by equal portions at Easter and Michaelmas, and
supporting all other charges incumbent on the said assarts and
pourprestures ; provided always that if any other person shall
be willing without fraud to give more by way of increment for
the said keeping, then the said William is bound to pay such
larger sum if he will have the keeping. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment to Lewis John, esquire, — by mainprise of John
Mylle of the county of Essex, 'gentilman,' and Robert de la Mare
of the same county, ' yoman,' — of the keeping of a moiety of a
messuage, a water-mill, a carucate of land and 20 acres of wood in
Milton Damarle, a moiety of 2 messuages and 2 gardens in the
city of Exeter, a moiety of a messuage and certain lands in
Brendes worthy in the parish of Blaketoriton, and a moiety of a
messuage and certain lands in Stottesdon in the parish of Brade-
ford ; to hold the same, which are in the king's hand by the
death of Richard Hankeford knight and by reason of the minority
of Anne one of his daughters and heirs, from Michaelmas last
until the full age of the said heir, rendering yearly as much as
may be agreed upon between him and the treasurer by Easter
next, maintaining houses, enclosures and buildings, and supporting
all other charges incumbent on the said moieties.
By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment to Peter Ardern, — by mainprise of John Vavesour
of the county of York, ' gentilman,' and Thurstan Banester of the
same county, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping of the manors of
Garton, Howsom and Carleton by Helmesley, co. York, with all
their appurtenances, which Margaret late the wife of William
de Roos, knight, who (qui) held the said manors of the king in
chief, held in dower on the day of her death of the inheritance of
Thomas de Roos, a minor, son and heir of Thomas late lord de
Roos the son of the said William, and kinsman and heir of
William ; to hold the same from the time of the death of the said
Margaret until the full age of the said Thomas son of Thomas, at a
yearly farm of 40Z. 8d. ; with clause touching maintenance of
houses, enclosures and buildings and support of charges ; and
proviso that if any other person shall be willing without fraud to
Feb. 5.
1438 Membrane 13 — cont.
give more by way of increment for the said keeping, then the said
Peter shall be bound to pay such larger sum if he will have the
keeping : as the said Peter, having made agreement with the
treasurer, has surrendered into the Chancery for cancellation the
letters patent of 5 July last [p. 48 above], whereby the king
committed the keeping of the said manors to him from the time
of the death of the said Margaret until the full age of the said
Thomas son of Thomas, at a yearly farm of as much as might be
agreed upon between him and the treasurer by Christmas then
next to come. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment to John Martyn, usher of the king's chamber,—
by mainprise of Richard Maydeston of Istylworthe, co. Middlesex,
' gentilman,' and Thomas Skargoyll of Haveryng ' of the ' Boure,
" yoman,' — of the keeping of the manor of Swalowfeld, co. Berks,
which is in the king's hand by the death of John late duke of
Bedford ; to hold the same from Easter next for 7 years, at a
yearly farm of as much as may be agreed upon between him and
the treasurer by Pentecost next ; with clause touching main-
tenance of houses, enclosures and buildings and support of
charges : as John bishop of Bath and Wells (to the end that the
said John Martyn may have the said keeping) has surrendered in
the Chancery for cancellation the letters patent whereby the king
lately committed the keeping of the said manor to him, from the
time of the death of the said late duke for 7 years, at a yearly
farm of as much as might be agreed upon between him and the
treasurer. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment to Humphrey duke of Gloucester, — by mainprise
of William Tresham of the county of Northampton, esquire, and
Richard Quatermayns of the county of Oxford, esquire, — of the
wardship of the daughters and heirs of Thomas Seyntclere, who
held of the king in chief on the day of his death, minors in
the king's ward ; to hold the same, together with the marriages
of the said heirs, he paying for the marriages as much as may be
agreed upon between him and the treasurer by Pentecost next,
and finding fit maintenance for the heirs.
Feb. 5. Commitment to John Delaber, clerk, — by mainprise of John
Westminster. Threpelond of London, ' gentilman,' and William Boldbury of
the county of Devon, ' yoman,' — of the keeping of the alien
priory of Cowyk, co. Devon, with all its lands, possessions and
rights ; to hold the same from Easter 1441 until the Easter
following, rendering for that year the 24 marks which William
Dounebaunt, now prior of the said priory, and Nicholas Poleyn,
monk, and John Hethefeld, clerk, used to render yearly for the
keeping, and an increment of 40*., yearly by equal portions at
Michaelmas and Easter, maintaining the divine services used
Feb. 4.
Feb. 8.
Feb. 8.
Feb. 11.
Membrane 13 — cont.
there from of old, and supporting all other charges incumbent
on the priory ; provided always that if any other person shall be
willing without fraud to give more by way of increment for the said
keeping, then the said John Delaber shall be bound to pay such
larger sum if he will have the keeping. By bill of the treasurer.
Vacated on surrender, since the king on 20 February, 18 Henry VI,
by letters patent discharged William Dounebant, prior of the said
priory, of the said farm of 24 marks, under a certain form. And
so these letters are cancelled. [Calendar of Patent Rolls, 1436-
1441, p. 381.]
Commitment (with like proviso) to John Claghton, esquire,—
by mainprise of Hugh Hesketh of the county of York, esquire,
and John Dyneley of Dwnum, esquire, — of the keeping of two-
thirds of the manor of Thorneton in Lonidesdale, co. York,
which are in the king's hand by the death of John late duke of
Bedford ; to hold the same from Christmas last for 8 years, at
a yearly farm of 81. 1 Is. 0|rf. ; with clause touching maintenance
of houses, enclosures and buildings and support of charges.
By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment (with like clause) to John Radclyf, knight, and
to Henry Radclyf and Henry Langley, — by mainprise, found in
the Exchequer, of William Cotton of the county of Cambridge,
' gentilman,' and Thomas Radclyf of the county of Norfolk,
' gentilman,' — of the keeping of all the lands late of Edmund
Benstede, ' chivaler,' who held of the king in chief on the day of
his death ; to hold the same from the time of the death of the
said Edmund until the full age of John his kinsman and heir, a
minor in the king's ward, together with the marriage of the heir,
rendering for the keeping as much as may be agreed upon between
them and the treasurer by Pentecost next, and paying for the
marriage as much as may likewise be agreed upon.
By bill of the treasurer.
Order to the escheator in the county of Northampton to take
the fealty of John Michell, citizen and fishmonger of London, who
has taken to wife Margaret the sister and heir of Alice late the
wife of John Rodenhale, and cause the said John Michell and
Margaret to have full seisin of all the lands in his bailiwick which
the said Alice held of the king in chief or was seised of in her
demesne as of fee on the day of her death, as the king, for 6s. 8d.
paid in the hanaper, has respited until the octave of St. Michael
next the homage due from John Michell by reason of his having
issue by his said wife.
Order in like terms to the escheator in the county of Cambridge,
omitting the clause touching the taking of fealty.
Nov. 28.
Dec. 5.
Commitment to John Iwardeby and Joan Lynde, late the wife
of William Lynde deceased, — by mainprise of Thomas Ledbourne
of the county of Hertford and John Hert of the county of Corn-
wall,— of the keeping of the portion of the alien prioress of
Claruissel in the church of Mapilderham, alias Mapildram, co.
Oxford, with the fruits, provents, profits and emoluments per-
taining to the said portion, which Robert Bardolf and Amice
his wife, both deceased, had of the grant of Edward III, and
which was taken into the hands of the said late king by reason
of the war with France, and is still in the king's hand ; to hold
the same from Michaelmas last for 16 years, rendering the
4Z. 105. which William Lynde now renders [p. 57 above], and an
increment of 105., yearly by equal portions at Easter and Michael-
mas ; with clause touching maintenance of houses, enclosures
and buildings and support of charges ; and proviso that if any
other person shall be willing without fraud to give more by way
of increment for the said keeping by Easter next, then the said
John Iwardeby and Joan shall be bound to pay such larger sum
if they will have the keeping. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment (with like clause) to John Hake, citizen and
draper of London, — by mainprise of William Brampton of London,
' peuterer,' and Thomas Pontesbery of the parish of St. Swythun,
London, — of the keeping of all the messuages, lands, rents and
services in the parish of Henyok, co. Devon, called Madeford,
Madechamell and Gorewell, late of William de Hasthorp,
' chivaler,' which were seized into the hands of Henry IV, as
escheat, since the said William was a bastard and died without
heir of his body, and which are still in the king's hand on that
account ; to hold the same from Michaelmas last for 5 years, at
a yearly farm of as much as may be agreed upon between him and
the treasurer by Easter next. By bill of the treasurer.
Nov. 15. Commitment to John Delaber, clerk, — by mainprise of Richard
\\Vstininster. Waller, esquire, and Thomas Uvedale, esquire, — of the keeping
of the alien priory of Cowyk, co. Devon, with all its lands, pos-
sessions and rights ; to hold the same from Easter 1442 for 20
years, rendering the 24 marks which William Dounebaunt, now
prior of the said priory, and Nicholas Poleyn, monk, and John
Hethefeld, clerk, used to render for the keeping, and an increment
of 40s., yearly by equal portions at Michaelmas and Easter,
maintaining the divine services used there, and supporting all
other charges incumbent on the priory. By bill of the treasurer.
Vacated on surrender, since the king on 20 February, 18 Henry VI,
by letters patent discharged William Dounebant, prior of the said
priory, of the said farm of 24 marks, under a certain form. And so
these letters are cancelled. [Calendar of Patent Rolls, 1436 — 1441,
p. 381.]
Feb. 5.
Feb. 10.
Westminster .
Dec. 5.
Membrane 12 — cont.
Commitment to John Hampton, esquire, — by mainprise of
Robert Whitgreve of Stafford, co. Stafford, ' gentilman,' and John
Styche of the county of Salop, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping of the
manor of Botrell Aston, co. Salop, late of Joan late the wife of
John Botrell, who held of Humphrey (a minor in the king's ward)
the heir of John late earl of Arundell by knight service on the day
of her death ; to hold the same from the time of the death of the
said Joan until the full age of John her son and heir, together
with the marriage of the said heir, rendering yearly for the
keeping as much as may be agreed upon between him and the
treasurer by Midsummer next, paying for the marriage as much
as may likewise be agreed upon, and finding fit maintenance for
the heir ; with clause touching maintenance of houses, enclosures
and buildings and support of charges : as the said John Hampton
has surrendered into the Chancery for cancellation the letters
patent of 10 October last [p. 56 above, and Calendar of Patent
Rolls, 1436-1441, p. 239.] By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment (with like clause) to Michael Power, esquire, —
by mainprise of David Swan of Dorkyng, co. Surrey, esquire, and
Thomas Rescruk of the county of Cornwall, ' gentilman,' — of the
keeping of a messuage and two f erlings of land in Crukelendaunger
and of a messuage, 3 granges, a garden and a close in Penrynburgh,
co. Cornwall, late of David Urban, which, after the death of the
said David Urban, were seized into the king's hand for a certain
debt which the said David Urban owed to the king from the time
when he was one of the collectors of a fifteenth and tenth from the
laity in the county of Cornwall, 1 1 Henry VI ; to hold the same
from Christmas last for as long as the premises shall remain in the
king's hands, at a yearly farm of the 20s. Sd. at which the said
messuages, land, granges, garden and close were extended ; with
proviso that if any other person shall be willing without fraud to
give more by way of increment for the said keeping, then the said
Michael shall be bound to pay such larger sum if he will have the
keeping. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment (with like proviso) to John Fereby, esquire, — by
mainprise, found in the Exchequer, of Thomas Serene of Great
Lyghes, co. Essex, ' gentilman,' and Robert Solers of Shipton
Solers, co. Gloucester, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping of 3 bovates
of land in Colton, co. York, which were extended at 12s. 8d.
[recte 12s.*] a year, and a marsh and 12 acres of arable land in the
county of Essex, which were extended at 4Z. a year, late of
William Ingelby knight, tenant in chief of the king, on the day
of his death ; to hold the same from the time of the death of the
said William until the full age of John Ingilby his son and heir, a
* Inquisitions Post Mortem (Chancery), Henry VI, File 90, No. 9.
Feb. 18.
Feb. 8.
Feb. 12.
Membrane 12 — cont.
minor in the king's ward, rendering for the keeping the 4J. 12«.,
at which the said land and marsh were extended, and an increment
of 65. Sd., yearly by equal portions at Michaelmas and Easter,
and supporting all charges incumbent on the said marsh and
land : as the said John Fereby has made agreement with the
treasurer, in accordance with the letters patent of 30 August last,
whereby the king committed to him, among other things, the
keeping of all the lands late of the said William Ingelby, to hold
the same from the time of the death of the said William until the
full age of the said heir, at a yearly farm of as much as might be
agreed upon between him and the treasurer by Christmas next
[p. 47 above]. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment to Richard Bolde, — by mainprise, found in the
Exchequer, of William Stanley of Hoton, co. Chester, esquire,
and John Tyldesley of Arowe, co. Chester, ' gentilman,' — of the
keeping of all the lands late of Richard Donne of Crouton, who
held on the day of his death of the king, as earl of Chester, in
chief ; to hold the same from the time of the death of the said
Richard Donne until the full age of Richard his son and heir,
rendering yearly for the keeping the extent, or as much as
may be agreed upon between him and the treasurer by the
quinzaine of Midsummer next, maintaining houses, enclosures
and buildings, and supporting all other charges incumbent on
the said lands. [See also Calendar of Patent Bolls, 1436-1441,
p. 239.] By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment to John Wakerynge, master of the hospital of
St. Bartholomew in Westesmythfeld, London, and Richard
Sturgeon, — by mainprise of James Kelom of London, ' gentil-
man,' and William Marchall of Wodestoke, — of the keeping of all
the manors and lands late of William Scot, who held of the king
in chief on the day of his death ; to hold the same from the time
of the death of the said William until the full age of John his son
and heir, a minor in the king's ward, together with the wardship
and marriage of the said heir, rendering yearly for the keeping
as much as may be agreed upon between them and the treasurer
by Midsummer next, paying for the wardship and marriage as
much as may likewise be agreed upon, and finding fit maintenance
for the heir ; with clause touching maintenance of houses, en-
closures and buildings and support of charges. [See also Calendar
of Patent Soils, 1436-1441, p. 402.] By bill of the treasurer.
Grant to Adam Moleyns, the king's servant, clerk of the king's
council, — for the good service which he has rendered and will
render to the king, — of the wardship and marriage of John, a
minor, the son and heir of William Scot of Camberwell, co.
Surrey, who held of the king in chief on the day of his death ; to
Membrane 12—cont.
hold the same, together with all lands, woods, meadows, pastures,
rents and services pertaining to the said wardship (which, it is
said, do not exceed the value of 10?. a year), until the full age of
the said heir, finding fit maintenance for the said heir, maintaining
houses, enclosures and buildings, and supporting all other charges
incumbent on the said wardship ; provided always that the said
Adam take nothing of the king for his expenses, as often as he
shall be directed to the king by the council. [See also Calendar
of Patent Rolls, 1436-1441, pp. 248, 309.] By p.s. [4596-7].
Mittitur in extractis usque hue.
Feb. 21.
Feb. 21.
Commitment to Thomas Parre, knight, — by mainprise of
Thomas Haryngton of Tatham, co. Lancaster, esquire, and
Richard Duket of Grerygge, co. Westmoreland, esquire, — of the
keeping of two -thirds of all the lands in the hamlets of Crosse-
thwait and Hoton, in the town of Strikland Ketill, and in the
towns of Forsethwait, Strikland Ketill and Helsyngton, and
of the keeping of the fishery of Kent, co. Westmoreland,
and of all the lands in Whitington, co. Lancaster, which are
in the king's hand by the death of John late duke of Bed-
ford ; to hold the same from Easter last for 10 years, at a yearly
farm of 251. 12s. lOd. ; with clause touching maintenance of
houses, enclosures and buildings and support of charges : and
with proviso that the said Thomas Parre shall sufficiently build
anew, repair and maintain, at his own charges, during the said
term, the half part of a water-mill in Hoton which (quam) the
king for his part is bound to make, and shall yield the said half
part, sufficiently built and repaired, to the king at the end of
the said term : as the said Thomas, having made other agreement
with the treasurer, has surrendered into the Chancery for can-
cellation the letters patent of 21 May last past [p. 37 above].
By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment (with like clause) to Richard Welles, — by main-
prise of Richard Brygges of Salisbury, co. Wilts, ' gentilman,' and
John Yeldham of the county of Suffolk, ' gentilman,' — of the
keeping of a messuage in the parish of St. Martin without the
walls of the city of Canterbury, which Thomas Combe, late of
Canterbury, who was condemned to death for divers treasons
and felonies, had on the day of his indictment ; to hold the same
from the Purification last for 7 years, at a yearly farm of the 4s.
for which answer has been made to the king, and an increment of
12d. ; with proviso that if any other person shall be willing
without fraud to give more by way of increment for the said
keeping, then the said Richard Welles shall be bound to pay such
larger sum if he will have the keeping. By bill of the treasurer.
Feb. 27.
Membrane 11 — cont.
Commitment to Thomas Stanley, knight, — by mainprise of
John Troutbek of Chester, esquire, and Thomas Pole of Pole, co.
Chester, esquire, — of the marriage of John Chauntrell, a minor in
the king's ward, son and heir of William Chauntrell, who held of
the king in chief on the day of his death ; he paying 66/. 13s. 4'l.
for the said marriage, to wit, 33Z. 6s. 8d. at Easter next and
33£. 6s. 8d. at Michaelmas following. By bill of the treasurer.
Feb. 27. Commitment of the office of the escheatry in the counties
Westminster. of gurrey an(j Sussex to John Bartelote during pleasure, so that
he answer at the Exchequer for the issues thereof.
Order to all persons of the counties to be intendant to John as
Order to the executors of the will of Thomas Wyntereshull,
late escheator, [to deliver to John by indenture the rolls, writs,
memoranda and all other things relating to the said office].
March 2.
Commitment to Richard Bitter-ley, — by mainprise, found.before
the treasurer and barons of the Exchequer, of Thomas Scalys,
alias Scalle, of London, ' drover,' William Sernesfeld of London,
' peutrer,' and Henry Gairstang of the county of Northampton,
' gentilman,' — of the keeping of all the lands, rents and services,
with all appurtenances, in Northmundam, Compton and Welegh,
cos. Sussex and Southampton, late of the abbot of La Luzerne in
Normandy, (alias ' Mundam called Lucerna '), the same being in
the king's hand by the death of Joan late queen of England ; to
hold the same from Easter 15 Henry VI for 7 years, rendering
114s. 2d. yearly by equal portions at Michaelmas and Easter, and
maintaining there the divine services and other works of piety
customary from of old ; with clause touching maintenance of
houses, enclosures and buildings and support of charges, and
proviso that if any other person shall be willing without fraud to
give more by way of increment for the said keeping, then the said
Richard shall be bound to pay such larger sum if he will have the
keeping ; as the said Richard has surrendered in the Chancery for
cancellation the letters patent of 26 November 16 Henry VI
[p. 18 above}, whereby the king, — by mainprise, found before the
treasurer and barons of the Exchequer, of John Burgh of Hychyn,
co. Hertford, esquire, and John Egremond of the county of Surrey,
'gentilman,' — committed to the said Richard the keeping of all
the lands, rents and services of the alien abbey of La Luzerne, in
the county of Sussex, with all appurtenances, and the pensions
and portions belonging to it, to hold the same from Easter then
last past for 7 years, at a yearly farm of as much as might be
agreed upon between him and the treasurer by the Purification
then next to come. By bill of the treasurer.
March 10.
March 24.
March 1.
March 16.
Membrane 11 — cont.
Commitment (with like clause and proviso) to John bishop
of Bath and Wells and Robert Perfite, clerk, — by mainprise of
John Basket of the county of Southampton, esquire, and John
Welles of the county of Somerset, ' yoman,' — of the keeping of
the lordship of Hynepidell, alias Pidelhington, co. Dorset, which
pertains to the alien priory of Morteyn and is in the king's hand
on account of the war with France ; to hold the same from
Michaelmas last for 7 years, at a yearly farm of the 14Z. 2Qd.
which John Frank, deceased, the late farmer, used to render,
and an increment of 65. 8d. ; as the said bishop and Robert,
having made no agreement with the treasurer by Christmas last,
have surrendered into the Chancery for cancellation the letters
patent of 26 October last [p. 56 above], whereby the king
committed the keeping of the said lordship of Hynepidell alias
Pidelhinton to them from Michaelmas last for 7 years, at a yearly
farm of as much as might be agreed upon between them and the
treasurer by Christmas then next to come.
By bill of the treasurer.
Appointment of William Dales as lieutenant of the office of
steward of the lordship of Holdernesse, in the absence of William
Eure, knight, the steward there ; to hold the said office during the
king's pleasure, taking such fees and wages as may be agreed upon
between him and the treasurer by Easter next.
By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment to John Andever, — by mainprise of Walter Bate
of Berkstede, co. Hertford, ' husbondman,' and Henry William
of London, ' brewer/ — of the keeping of two water-mills in
Berkhamstede, whereof one is called ' Le Chastell Mille,' and the
other, ' Le Newe Mille ' ; to hold the same from the Purification
last for 7 years, rendering the 91. Qs. 8d. customarily rendered
by the hands of the receiver of Berkehamstede, and an increment
of 20s., yearly by equal portions at Easter and Michaelmas,
making and maintaining ' Les Cogges ' and ' Runges,' and all
other moving parts (movencia), of the said mills at his own charges,
during the said term ; provided always that if any other person
shall be willing without fraud to give more by way of increment
for the said keeping, then the said John shall be bound to pay
such larger sum if he will have the keeping.
By bill of the treasurer.
Writ of diem clausit extremum to the escheator in the county
of Southampton after the death of Richard Wyndesore, esquire,
tenant in chief of the king ; as the late escheator, to whom a like
writ was directed, was removed from his office before he had
executed the writ.
March 26.
May 18.
April 27.
Membrane 10 — cont.
Commitment to Robert Mirfen, esquire, — by mainprise of
Thomas Blytho of Chesthunte, co. Hertford, and Thomas Ryculf
of Lee, co. Kent, — of the keeping of a tenement and 80 acres of
land in Camerwell, co. Surrey, which William Dorset, an outlaw,
held on the day of his outlawry, as in right of Katharine his wife ;
to hold the same from Michaelmas last for 7 years, at a yearly
farm of the 46s. 8d. at which the said tenement and land were
extended, and an increment of I2d. ; with clause touching main-
tenance of houses, enclosures and buildings and support of
charges ; and proviso that if any other person shall be willing
without fraud to give more by way of increment for the said
keeping, then the said Robert shall be bound to pay such larger
sum if he will have the keeping. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment to Richard duke of York, Richard earl of Salis-
bury, John Beauchamp, knight, William ap Thomas, knight,
John Norys, esquire, John Vampage, Thomas Huggeford, esquire,
and John Throkmarton, esquire, — at the petition of Isabel
countess of Warwick, late the wife of Richard late earl of Warwick,
and by mainprise of John Grey, knight, Thomas Stanley, knight,
John Radclyf , knight, and William Peyto, knight, — of the keeping
of all the castles, lordships, manors, offices, lands, tenements,
meadows, pastures, moors, mines, wastes, turbaries, rivers,
waters, fisheries, rents, farms and services, with chaces, parks,
warrens, hundreds, wapentakes, liberties, views of frankpledge,
franchises and commodities, of which the said late earl was sole
seised at the time of his death in fee simple or in fee tail, and
which have come to the king's hands by the death of the said
late earl and by reason of the minority of Henry his son and heir ;
to hold the said keeping from the time of the death of the said
late earl for as long as the premises ought to remain in the king's
hands by reason of the minority of the said heir, rendering
yearly at the Exchequer the value and sum of the premises,
as shall be agreed upon between them and the treasurer before
the feast of All Saints next to come. By p.s. [4788].
Vacated because otherwise in the Patent Roll of this year [Calendar
of Patent Bolls, 1436-1441, p. 279].
Order to the escheator in the county of Southampton ;—
pursuant to an inquisition made by him showing that one Simon
de Creye the elder was seised in his demesne as of fee of the manor
of Burgate and of the hundred of Fordyngbrigge and the view of
frankpledge there, together with the view of frankpledge at the
manor aforesaid, appurtenances of the manor ; and that the
said Simon afterwards, by a fine levied in the king's court at
Westminster in the quinzaine of St. Michael 14 Edward I, before
Thomas de Weylaund and his fellows, justices of the Common
Bench, granted the said manor, hundred and view of frankpledge,
1439. Membrane 10—cont.
by name of the manor of Burgate with appurtenances, among
other manors in the county of Essex, to John de Ripariis and
Maud his wife and the heirs of John by Maud, to hold of Edward I
in chief by the service that pertains to the manor, with remainder
to the right heirs of the said John ; by virtue of which fine the
said John and Maud were seised of the said manor in their demesne
as of fee tail in form aforesaid, and had issue, one John, and
afterwards died so seised ; after whose death the said John the
son entered into the said manor, as son and heir of the said John
de Ripariis and Maud, by virtue of the said fine, and was seised
thereof in his demesne as of fee tail in form aforesaid, and had
issue, one Edmund and one Christian, and died ; and that
Edmund had issue, one Katharine, and died ; after whose death
Katharine took to husband one William Lekhull ; and that
William and Katharine, in right of Katharine as kinswoman and
heir of John the son of the aforesaid John de Ripariis and Maud,
entered into the said manor and were seised thereof, in right of
Katharine, in their demesne as of fee tail in form aforesaid, and
had issue, John Ryvers alias John Lekhull, and died so seised ;
after whose death the said John Ryvers alias John Lekhull
entered into the said manor as son and heir of Katharine and was
seised thereof in his demesne as of fee tail in form aforesaid and
died so seised without heir of his body ; and that the manor is
held of the king in chief by service of a ninth part of a knight's
fee ; and that one William Bulkeley of Eyton, co. Chester, esquire,
is the kinsman and next heir of the said John Ryvers alias John
Lekhull, to wit, son of John Bulkeley the son of the said Christian
the sister of Edmund the father of Katharine the mother of the
said John Ryvers alias John Lekhull, and 40 years of age and
more ; — to cause the said William Bulkeley to have full seisin
of the said manor, with appurtenances, as the king has taken his
fealty and for 13s. 4d. paid in the hanaper has respited his homage
until the Purification next.
June 14. Commitment to Henry Fenwyk, knight, and Richard Moresby,
Westminster* clerk, — by mainprise of Henry Twaytes of Tiryngton, co. York,
' gentilman,' and John Boterwyk of Baynton, co. York, 'gentil-
man,' — of the keeping of all the manors and lands in the county
of Cumberland, late of Isabel Colvell, tenant in chief of the king,
which are in the king's hand by the death of the said Isabel and
by reason of the minority of William Colvell her son and heir ;
to hold the same from the time of the death of Isabel until the
full age of the said heir, at a yearly farm of the 281. 13s. 4d. at
which the said lands were extended, and an increment of
111. 6s. 8d. ; with clause touching maintenance of houses,
enclosures and buildings and support of charges ; and proviso
that if any other person shall be willing without fraud to give
more by way of increment for the said keeping, then the said
June 8.
Membrane 10 — cont.
Henry Fenwyk and Richard shall be bound to pay such larger
sum if they will have the keeping : as the said Henry and Richard,
having made agreement with the treasurer, have surrendered into
the Chancery for cancellation the letters patent of 24 October
last [p. 57 above], whereby the king committed to them the
keeping of the manor of Hoghton, the towns of Rycardeby and
Ireby, and a tenement in the town of Newbyggeyng, co. Cumber-
land, from the time of the death of Isabel until the full age of the
said heir, at a yearly farm of the extent or as much as might
be agreed upon between them and the treasurer by Easter then
next to come. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment (with like clause) to Walter Hungerford, knight,
Philip Courteney, knight, and Walter Colles, clerk, — by mainprise
of John Cheyne of the county of Devon, esquire, and John Austell
of the county of Somerset, esquire, — of the keeping of all the
manors and lands which Margaret late the wife of John Lutrell
' chivaler ' held in dower of the inheritance of James, a minor
in the king's ward, son and heir of the said John Lutrell, and also
of those manors and lands which the said Margaret held on the
day of her death of the king in chief, in the counties of Somerset,
Devon and Suifolk ; to hold the same from the time of the death
of Margaret until the full age of the said heir, at a yearly farm of
the extent or as much as may be agreed upon between them
and the treasurer by Martinmas next. By bill of the treasurer.
March 23.
Order to the escheator in the counties of Surrey and Sussex ; —
pursuant (1) to an inquisition taken in the county of Surrey
before Roger Fenys, knight, and others, by virtue, of letters
patent lately directed to them, showing that Thomas Seyntclere,
being lately seised, among other things, of the manors of Lageham,
Merden and Heyecourt, co. Surrey, in his demesne as of fee,
gave and granted the said manors, by fraud and collusion, with
intent to defraud the king and others, lords of those fees, of the
keeping thereof and of the marriage of the heirs of Thomas, to
William Cheyne, knight, John Aston and Geoffrey Motte, their
heirs and assigns, to hold the same to the use and profit of the
said Thomas Seyntclere and his heirs ; and that the said William,
John and Geoffrey continued such estate in the said manors, by
the fraud and collusion aforesaid, for the whole of the life of
Thomas ; and that the said manors of Lageham and Merden are
held of the king in chief by knight service ; and that the said
Thomas died on 6 May 13 Henry VI ; and that Elizabeth, his
daughter, who was then 12 years of age, Eleanor, his daughter,
who was then 1 1 years of age, and Edith, his daughter, who was
then 9 years of age, are the next heirs of Thomas ; and (2) to
1439, Membrane 9 — cont.
another inquisition taken in the county of Sussex before the said
Roger and others by virtue of the said letters patent, showing
that the said Thomas being lately seised in his demesne as of fee
of the manors of Noteborne, Heyghton, Torryng, Gevyngton,
Excete Seyntcler, Lampham, Bramyltye, Newenham and Bryght-
helmeston, of a park called ' Lavertye ' and of a tenement called
' Pykstonys,' with 13s. 4d. a year of rent, in Grensted, and of
42s. of rent issuing from certain lands in Portislade and Bryght-
helmeston, gave and granted the same, by fraud and collusion,
with intent to defraud the lords of those fees of the keeping
thereof and of the marriage of the heirs of Thomas, to the said
William, John and Geoffrey, their heirs and assigns, to hold the
same to the use and profit of the said Thomas and his heirs ; and
that the said William, John and Geoffrey continued their said
estate and possession, by virtue of the fraudulent and collusive
feoffment aforesaid, for the whole of the life of Thomas ; and that
the said Thomas died on the said 6 May ; and that the said
Elizabeth, Eleanor and Edith were then of the age aforesaid, and
the next heirs of Thomas ; and that the said manors of Heighten,
Torryng, Gevyngton, Excete, Lampham, Newenham and
Bramyltye, and the park, tenement and rent in Grensted, are held
of the king as of the duchy of Lancaster by knight service ; — to
take the manors, park, tenement and rents aforesaid into the
king's hand and to cause them to be kept safely until further
May 7. Grant to Hugh Wylughby, knight, — with the assent of the
Westminster, council and by mainprise of Nicholas Wyllughby of Wollaton,
co. Nottingham, ' gentilman,' and Robert Rasyn of Notyngham,
' gentilman,' — of the keeping of the county of Lincoln with all
issues and profits belonging to two farms, the one called post
terras datas and the other called firma comitatus numero annuatim,
and to the profits of the county ; to hold the same from
3 November last during the king's pleasure, rendering 20 II. yearly
at the Exchequer by equal portions at Easter and Michaelmas,
without any payment or allowance for his fee ; notwithstanding
(1) that the king on 3 November [p. 55 above] last committed the
keeping of the county to him during pleasure, on condition that he
render yearly the farms due to the king and answer at the Ex-
chequer for the king's debts and all other things pertaining to the
said keeping, and (2) that Edward III, on learning that all sheriffs
of the county since 18 Edward I [recte II] had accounted as agents
and not as farmers, so that thereby the king sustained no small
damage formerly through the decrease of the farms by the
deduction of allowances, gave order to the treasurer and barons
of the Exchequer by and with the advice and assent of his council
that answer should be made to him for the two farms aforesaid,
and also for as much as could be levied yearly of the profits of
May 22.
June 13.
Membrane 9 — cont.
the county, no sheriffs being charged for more than they could
levy. By p.s. [4768].
Order to the escheator in the county of Cumberland to take
the fealty of John Crakanthorp, son and heir of William Crakan-
thorp who held of the king in chief, and cause him to have full
seisin of all the lands in the bailiwick which the said William his
father held of the king in chief or was seised of in his demesne as
of fee on the day of his death, as the king for one mark paid in
the hanaper has respited his homage until Michaelmas next ;
saving to Margaret late the wife of William her reasonable dower
Order in like terms to the escheator in the county of West-
moreland, omitting the clause touching the taking of fealty.
Whereas the king's servant, John Martyn, yeoman usher of the
king's chamber, — having, of the demise of the treasurer, the
keeping of two-thirds of the manor of Swalowfeld, co. Berks, in
the king's hand by the death of John late duke of Bedford, to
hold the same from Easter last for 7 years, at a yearly farm of
34Z. 13s. 4d., maintaining houses, enclosures and buildings, and
supporting all charges incumbent on the said two-thirds, with
proviso that the said John Martyn have allowance of all moneys,
fees or annuities heretofore granted, by the king or by the said
late duke, from the issues and profits of the said lordship or manor
to him or to any other person, as in the letters patent of the king,
in this behalf made, more fully appears [p. 90 below], — is willing
to surrender the said letters into the Chancery for cancellation, to
the end that the king may deign to grant the said two-thirds of
the said lordship and manor to him the said John Martyn for
term of 18 years, he rendering a clear 111. 5s. 5d. a year,
and bearing all charges of moneys, fees or annuities heretofore
granted, by the king or by the said late duke, from the issues or
profits of the said lordship or manor to him or to any other
person, which amount to the sum of 221. 17s. lid. a year ; now,
therefore, the king, — in consideration of the premises, and for the
good service which the said John Martyn has rendered and will
render hereafter to the king, and by mainprise of John Barowe
of Odyham, co. Southampton, esquire, and Hugh Godewyn of
Dytton, co. Kent, ' yoman,' — has granted the said two-thirds
of the lordship or manor to the said John Martyn, to hold the
same, with all appurtenances, from the said Easter for 18 years
at a yearly farm of III. 5s. 5d., he maintaining houses,
enclosures and buildings, bearing all manner of charges, and
paying the fees, moneys and annuities aforesaid, during the said
term ; with proviso that, over and above the said sum of
III. 5s. 5d., he answer yearly at the Exchequer for as much as
6— (26)
June 28.
Membrane 9 — cont.
shall be found to be due to the king, if any of the annuities afore-
said shall come to the king's hands, during the said term, by the
death of the present holder of the same. By p.s. [4866].
Commitment to John lord Scrop, knight, — by mainprise of
Robert Paynell of the county of York, esquire, and John Smyth
of the county of Suffolk, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping of all the
lands in the counties of Essex, Kent and Surrey, late of Thomas
Legh, alias Thomas Lies, esquire, who held of the king in chief
on the day of his death ; to hold the same from the time of the
death of the said Thomas until the full age of his son and heir, a
minor in the king's ward, together with the marriage of the heir,
rendering for the keeping as much as may be agreed upon between
him and the treasurer by the feast of All Saints next, paying
for the marriage as much as may likewise be agreed upon, and
finding fit maintenance for the heir ; with clause touching main-
tenance of houses, enclosures and buildings and support of
charges. By bill of the treasurer.
April 3.
March 30.
Commitment (with like cause) to John Hert, — by mainprise
of John Iwardby and William Baron, — of the keeping of the
manor of Weston Turvyle and all lands, rents and services, with
all their appurtenances, in the town of Wendover, co. Bucking-
ham, which are in the king's hand by the death of Joan late
queen of England ; to hold the same from the Annunciation last
for 7 years, at a yearly farm of the 111. which the said John
Iwardby rendered ; with proviso that if any other person shall
be willing without fraud to give more by way of increment for
the said keeping, then the said John Hert shall be bound to pay
such larger sum if he will have the keeping : as the said John
Iwardby, to the end that the said John Hert may have the
keeping, has surrendered in the Chancery for cancellation, the
letters patent of 22 May last [p. 44 above], whereby the king com-
mitted the keeping of the premises to him from the time of the
death of the said late queen for 7 years at a yearly farm of 111.
By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment (with like clause) to Walter Hungerford, knight,
and Robert Hungerford, knight, — by mainprise of Walter Colles,
clerk, and William Stirop, — of the keeping of all the manors and
lands, in the counties of Buckingham, Berks, Wilts and Cornwall,
late of Margery late lady de Moleyns, late the wife of William de
Moleyns knight, who held of the king in chief on the day of her
death ; to hold the same from the time of the death of the said
Margery until the full age of Eleanor, daughter and heir of
William de Moleyns knight the son and heir of the aforesaid
March 12.
Oct. 11.
April 23.
May 8.
Membrane 8 — cont.
William, and kinswoman and heir of the said Margery (to wit,
daughter of the said William the son of the said William the
father and Margery), at a yearly farm of the extent or as much
as may be agreed upon between them and the treasurer by Mid-
summer next. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment (with like clause) to John Curteys, — by mainprise
of John Squery of the county of Kent, esquire, and Henry
Blakeborn of the county of Essex, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping
of the manor of Kestan, co. Kent, which is in the king's hands by
the death of Thomas Squery, who held of the king in chief on the
day of his death ; to hold the same from 13 February last for
5 years, at a yearly farm of as much as may be agreed upon
between him and the treasurer by Midsummer next.
By bill of the treasurer.
Grant to the prior and convent of Ledes, co. Kent, being of the
king's patronage, — by mainprise of William Eynton and John
Leveseth, both of the county of Kent, — of the keeping of the
manor and lordship of Ledes, co. Kent, and the agistment of the
park there ; to hold the same, to them and their successors, from
23 June next for 20 years, rendering yearly in the Exchequer the
24rl. which they have paid heretofore, maintaining enclosures and
buildings, and supporting all other charges belonging to the said
manor. By p.s. [4413].
Commitment to William Joyntour of Beauchampton, co.
Buckingham, esquire, — by mainprise of John Loughton of the
county of Buckingham, ' gentilman,' and Thomas Syresham
of the same county, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping of the manor of
Beauchampton, which was lately assigned in dower to Joan queen
of England and is in the king's hand by the queen's death ; to
hold the same from Michaelmas last for 7 years, at a yearly
farm of 11 marks ; with clause touching maintenance of houses,
enclosures and buildings and support of charges ; provided
always that if any other person shall be willing without fraud to
give more by way of increment for the said keeping, then the said
William shall be bound to pay such larger sum if he will have the
keeping. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment (with like clause) to William Philip, knight, — by
mainprise of John Leventhorp of Sabriches worth, co. Hertford,
' gentilman,' and Ralph Grey of Brende Pelham, co. Hertford,
' gentilman,' — of the keeping of all the lands in the town of Little
Hadham by Stortford, co. Hertford, sometime of John Pluknet
of the county of Hertford, who was outlawed and convicted for
high treasons against Henry IV, so that all the said lands were
forfeited to the said late king, by whom they were granted, by
May 12.
Oct. 7.
March 20.
Eltham Manor.
Membrane 8 — cont.
letters patent dated 31 January 9 Henry IV {Calendar of Patent
Rolls, 1405-1408, p. 389], to John Rasshe, esquire, for life ; to hold
the same from the time of the death of the said John Rasshe for
10 years, at a yearly farm of the extent, or as much as may be
agreed upon between him and the treasurer by Christmas next.
By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment (with like clause) to Peter Idle, — by mainprise of
John Delabere, clerk, and Richard Drayton of the county of
Oxford, esquire, — of the keeping of (1) all the lands late of Nicholas
Wodegrave in the town of Chellesworde, alias Chellesworthy,
which are in the king's hand by the exile of the Jews, (2) all the
lands in Le Forde, in the parish of Ippelpenne, which the alien
abbot of Fougeres in Brittany alienated to Henry atte Forde and
Juliana his wife in fee without licence from the king, and (3) a
messuage and an acre of arable land within the manor of Ippel-
penne, which Henry Snell acquired in fee from the said abbot (who
held the said lands of Richard II in chief as of the foundation of
his church, it is said) ; to hold the same from Michaelmas next
for 7 years, at a yearly farm of the 50s. which John Cokworthy,
the late farmer, used to render ; with proviso that if any other
person shall be willing without fraud to give more by way of
increment for the said keeping, then the said Peter shall be bound
to pay such larger sum if he will have the keeping.
By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment to John Neuport, esquire, — by mainprise of
William Cumberford of the county of Stafford, ' gentilman,' and
Thomas Ratford of the county of Lincoln, esquire, — of the keeping
of 6 bovates of land in Burgh upon Bayne, co. Lincoln, late of
John Hauley, esquire, who held on the day of his death of Thomas
Roos, a minor in the king's ward, son and heir of Thomas Roos
of Hamelak ' chivaler,' as of the barony of Wragby by service of
a sixtieth part of a knight's fee, the same being in the king's
hands by the death of the said John Hauley and by reason of
the minority of Agnes his daughter and heir ; to hold the same
from the time of the death of the said John Hauley until the full
age of the said heir, rendering yearly the extent, or as much as
may be agreed upon between him and the treasurer by
Michaelmas next, and supporting all charges incumbent on the
said lands. By bill of the treasurer.
Grant to William Staunton, the king's servant, — by mainprise,
found before the treasurer and barons of the Exchequer and sent
into the Chancery, of William Samon of Southwerk, co. Surrey,
' yoman,' Richard Honyngton of London, ' skynner,' and William
Mawedette of Wandesford, co. Surrey, ' gentilman,' — of the keep-
ing of the king's manor of Wedon and Weston, alias Wedon
June 16.
Membrane 8 — cont.
Pynkeney, co. Northampton, which has come to the king's hands
by the death of Joan late queen of England ; to hold the same
from Christmas last for term of his life, rendering 14/. 65. Sd., and
an increment of 33s. 4d., yearly by equal portions at Easter and
Michaelmas ; with clause touching maintenance of houses,
enclosures and buildings and support of charges ; and proviso
that if any other person shall be willing without fraud to give
more by way of increment for the said keeping, then the said
William shall be bound to pay such larger sum if he will have the
keeping. By p.s. [4684].
Order to the escheator in the county of Surrey ; — pursuant to
an inquisition taken before John Taylard, late escheator, showing
that Joan late the wife of Robert Constable held 12 acres of land,
4 acres of meadow and \ acre of wood in Walton upon Thames in
her demesne as of fee on the day of her death ; and that the said
land, meadow and wood were held of Richard II in chief by service
of fealty and I2d., payable yearly at Michaelmas, for all services ;
and that William Constable is the son and next heir of the said
Joan, and of full age ; — to take the fealty of William and Cause
him to have full seisin of the said land, meadow and wood, which
have been taken into the king's hand by the death of Joan.
May 29.
Commitment of the town of Bristol to Hugh Withyford,
mayor of Bristol, and to the commonalty of the same town, and
to their successors ; — with the suburbs of the same and with the
gates, ditches and walls of the same town and suburbs, and with
all those lands and tenements, rents and services, and ' Les Flessh-
ameles,' which Joan late queen of England held for term of
her life in the same town of the grant of Henry IV, sometime her
husband, together with the houses, shops, cottages, stalls, tofts,
gardens, mills, stanks, water-course running down to those mills,
rents, landgables. and local tolls, pleas of courts, fairs, markets,
and courts in the same town and suburbs, with all fines, issues,
redemptions and amercements, in the same forfeited and
adjudged, and all other jurisdictions, customs and appurtenances
of the town and suburbs aforesaid, together with the reversion
of all lands, tenements, rents and services within the precinct of
the said town of all tenants for term of life or of years, whereof
the reversion at present pertains to the king, together with the
farms and rents reserved therefrom (the castle of the said town
and the ditches of the same only excepted, but with a reservation
to the said mayor and commonalty of the water-course running
down in the aforesaid ditches towards the mill under the castle,
as from of old it has been used to do, together with the banks of
the same water by the space of 4 feet in breadth towards the said
1439 Membrane 1 — cont.
castle) ; — to hold the same from Michaelmas next for 20 years :
with a further grant to the said mayor and commonalty that
they and their successors, during the term aforesaid, shall have
all fines, redemptions and amercements of all men and all tenants,
whether entire tenants or not entire tenants, whether residing or
not residing, in and of fees, lands and tenements, and all places
within the precinct of the said town of Bristol and the suburbs of
the same and the county of Bristol (the said castle and ditches
excepted), and issues forfeited and all things that can pertain
to the king and his heirs, during the said term, within the said
town of Bristol and the precinct of the same, from year, day and
waste, forfeitures and fines for murder, in whatsoever courts of
the king and his heirs it shall happen that all those men and
tenants, or any one of them, shall make fines and redemptions or
be amerced, or such issues, fines for murder or forfeitures, year,
day and waste shall be adjudged or forfeited, — whether before
the king or before the king in Chancery, or before the treasurer
and barons of the Exchequer, or before the justices in eyre for
common pleas and for pleas of the forest, or before the justices
of the Bench or the justices of assize and gaol delivery, or before
the justices assigned for hearing and determining and for inquiring
into felonies, trespasses and misdemeanours, or before the steward
and marshal and coroner of the king's household, or the clerk of
the market, or before any other justices and ministers of the king
and of his heirs, — as fully and entirely as the king would have
them if he had kept the town, county, suburbs, fees, lands, tene-
ments and places aforesaid in his own hand ; so that the said
mayor and commonalty of Bristol and their successors, during
the term aforesaid, be empowered to levy and take by the hands
of the sheriff of the county, or of their bailiffs and ministers, the
fines, redemptions and amercements aforesaid and the issues
forfeited in form aforesaid and all things which may belong to
the king and his heirs in form aforesaid from year, day and waste,
forfeitures and fines for murder, of and in the said town, county
suburbs, and fees, lands, tenements and places aforesaid, by
estreats of the Exchequer to be delivered from thence, by the
hands of the sheriff of Bristol and his successors, sheriffs of the
county for the time being, to the bailiffs and ministers of the
mayor and commonalty and of their successors, in whose baili-
wicks the fees, lands, tenements and places aforesaid are, from the
lands, tenements, possessions, goods and chattels of the same men
and tenants, without let or hindrance of the king or of his heirs
or of any bailiffs or ministers whatsoever of the king ; and that
the said mayor and commonalty and their successors, during the
said term, shall likewise have in the town, county, suburbs, lands,
tenements, fees and places aforesaid (the castle and the ditches
of the same excepted) the chattels of felons and fugitives, of
persons outlawed, condemned and waived, so that if any of the
17 HENRY VI. 87
1439. Membrane 1 — ront.
men and tenants aforesaid or others in the town, county, suburbs,
fees and places aforesaid (with exceptions as above) ought, for
his offence, to lose life or limb or shall flee and not choose to stand
to judgement, or shall commit any offence for which he ought to
lose his chattels, wheresoever justice ought to be done on them,
whether in the king's court before the king, or before any of the
aforesaid justices and ministers of the king, or in other courts, their
chattels within the said town, county, suburbs and precinct shall
belong to the said mayor and commonalty, and their successors,
during the said term, and that it shall be lawful for the ministers
of the mayor and commonalty and their successors, during
that term, without let or hindrance of the king or of his heirs or
of others the bailiffs or ministers of the king, to put them, the
mayor and commonalty and their successors, in seisin of those
chattels for the purpose of keeping them for the use and profit
of the said mayor and commonalty and their successors ; and
that the said mayor and commonalty and their successors shall
hold the said town of Bristol with the suburbs of the same, the
tenements, places and fees aforesaid within the precinct of the
same town, together with the fairs, markets, waters, rivers, ways,
fisheries, commons, assarts, wastes and pourprestures, and also
with the rents and returns of all assarts, wastes and pourprestures
in all places aforesaid within the precinct of the same town rented
and hereafter to be rented, as well in the times of the king's
progenitors, sometime kings of England, as in his own times,
together with the fines for the entry of such assarts, wastes and
pourprestures so rented, and with courts, views of frankpledge,
hundreds, ' wrek,' to wit, wreck of sea and wreck royal, ' wayf '
and ' strayff,' and fish royal, within the said town and county
and the jurisdiction of the same, and with other customs and all
other things to the said town, county, suburbs and precinct
and to the lands, tenements, places and fees aforesaid pertaining,
during the said term : with a further grant to the said mayor
and commonalty and their successors that, during the said term,
they shall have all fines, redemptions, issues forfeited, amerce-
ments, forfeitures and other profits whatsoever in the eyres of
the forest or by reason of the same eyres, as well for trespass of
vert and venison as for any other offence and causes whatsoever, .
arising in the said town of Bristol and in all places and fees within
the precinct of the same town, as aforesaid ; so that the said
mayor and commonalty and their successors, during the said
term, shall have by the hands of their bailiffs and ministers the
fines, redemptions, issues forfeited, amercements, forfeitures and
other profits aforesaid from those persons who shall be in and of
the town of Bristol and the suburbs of the same, and in and of
the lands, tenements, places and fees aforesaid within the precinct
of the town aforesaid (the castle and the ditches of the said castle
excepted) by estreats of the justices in eyre of the forest and others
1409 Membrane 7 — cont.
the king's justices in eyre to be delivered to the same the bailiffs
and ministers of the said mayor and commonalty and their
successors, and that they shall have and receive at the Exchequer,
by the hands of the sheriff and the bailiffs of the liberties in whose
bailiwicks they shall be, all the fines, redemptions, issues forfeited,
amercements, forfeitures and other profits aforesaid from those
persons who shall be of and in the said town and suburbs, and of
and in the lands, tenements, places and fees aforesaid within the
precinct of the same town and suburbs, as the king and his heirs
would receive the same (if they belonged to the king and his
heirs), without let or hindrance of the king or of his heirs or of
any bailiffs or ministers whatsoever of the king, if the king had
retained the town in his hand : with a further grant that the
said mayor and commonalty and their successors, during the
said term, shall have the said town of Bristol, with the suburbs
of the same, and the lands, tenements, places and fees aforesaid
(the said castle and ditches excepted), with the franchises
and liberties pertaining to the same, together with the fines,
redemptions, issues and amercements, chattels of outlaws and
fugitives, escheats and forfeitures and deodands which shall
happen within the precinct of the town, county and suburbs
aforesaid and all places, as well by land as by water, within
the liberties and jurisdictions of the same, with all other
profits there happening, and also all profits and emoluments
from punishment for false judgement in any court rendered and
in any court within the precinct of the said town and suburbs of
the same annulled or to be annulled, and moreover all other
profits, treasure trove, and emoluments, howsoever they may
happen, as well from forests, parks, woods, chaces, warrens,
stanks, stews, marshes, moors, mines, as from all other things
which can in any way happen within the town aforesaid, the
county of the same, and the lands, tenements, places and fees
aforesaid, any prerogative, privilege or franchise notwithstanding
(all escheats of lands and tenements hereafter happening being
wholly excepted) ; and that the said mayor and commonalty and
their successors, during the said term, shall have the privileges,
liberties and emoluments or profits, rights and commodities afore-
said within the precinct of the said town of Bristol, and all things
whatsoever pertaining thereto, from all men, whether residing
or not residing, whether entire tenants or not entire tenants, out
of all things arising within the said county, town and precinct, as
fully and entirely as the king would have them, if he had kept the
said town in his own hand : they rendering therefrom yearly at
the Exchequer, from the said Michaelmas during the term of 20
years aforesaid, 102Z. 15s. 6d., by equal portions at Easter and
Michaelmas ; and 14/. 10s. to the abbot of Tewkesbury and to
his successors for the tithes of the town, 60s. to the prior of St.
James of Bristol and to his successors from the yearly rent of the
17 HENRY VI. 89
1439 Membrane 7 — cont.
mill of the town, and 39Z. 14s. 6d. to the constable of the castle of
Bristol and to his officers for the time being, to wit, to the porter
and watchman of the said castle, and to the forester of Kynges-
wode, payable yearly, during the said term, at the two aforesaid
terms of the year by equal portions, for all services and charges :
with a further grant to the said mayor, commonalty and their
successors, — in aid of the repairing of the walls of the quay of the
town, and of the other walls, and the pavage of the town,—
that they shall take, during the said term, by the hands of those
whom they shall have deputed therefor and for whom they will
answer, the undermentioned customs of things for sale, coming to
the said town as well by land as by water ; to wit : —
Of every merchant ship putting in with merchandize
within the port there, every time the same shall
put in there . . . . . . . . . . . . Qd.
Of every ship laden with fish or herring, putting in
there . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4d.
Of every merchant or fishing boat, laden with
merchandise, fish, or herring, putting in there . . 2d.
Of every quarter of corn and rye, for sale . . . . ±d.
Of every two quarters of beans, peas, malt, oats
and salt, for sale . . . . . . . . . . \d.
Of every tun of wine, for sale . . . . . . 2d.
Of every wey of tallow (peisa cepi), for sale . . Id.
Of every last of herring, for sale . . . . . . 3d.
Of every hundred of fish, for sale . . . . . . \d.
Of every ship laden with timber, firewood (bused) or
turves, for sale . . . . . . . . . . 2d.
Of every chaldron (celdra) of sea-coals, for sale . . ^d.
Of every horse-load (summagio) of garlic or onions,
for sale . . . . . . . . . . . . ^d.
Of every ship laden with bark, for sale . . . . Id.
Of every boat or barge laden with firewood, for sale %d.
Of every ten stone of hemp or flax, for sale . . \d.
Of every horse-load of iron, for sale . . . . ±d.
Of every fother (carrata) of lead, for sale . . . . Id.
Of every barrel (dolio) of pitch or tar, for sale . . \d.
Of every barrel of salt, for sale . . . . Id.
Of every barrel of potash (cinerum), [for sale] . . ±d.
Of every barrel of coals, for sale . . . . . . Id.
Of every hundred of wax, for sale . . . . Id.
Of every hundred of woollen cloth, for sale . . Id.
Of every hundred of linen web (linee tele] and canvas,
for sale . . . . . . . . . . • • \d.
Of every hundred of pepper, for sale . . . . Id.
Of every frail (fraello) of figs and raisins, for sale $d.
Of every hundred of almonds, for sale . . . . Id.
1439 Membrane 7 — cont.
Of goods by weight (de averio et ponder e), to wit,
of a hundred . . . . . . . . Id.
Of every hundred of board (bordi), for sale . . \d.
Of every mast (masto), for sale . . . . Id.
Of every hundred of beams (chevironum) or oars
(avironum), for sale . . . . . . Id.
Of every bale of Spanish leather (cordewan') and
basan (basenni), for sale . . . . . . . . Id.
Of every chaldron of earth, for sale . . . . Id.
Of every ship laden with mill-stones, for sale . . Id.
Of every horse or mare, ox or cow, for sale . . \d.
Of ten sheep, goats and pigs, for sale . . . . Id.
Of every hundred of ' grey work ' (grisei operis), for
sale . . . . . . . . . . . . 3d.
Of every hundred of tin and copper, for sale . . Id.
Of all merchandise and things for sale, here not
specified, coming to the town aforesaid, as well
by land as by water, (wools, hides, and woolfells,
for sale, excepted), Id. in the pound, \d. in ten
shillings and \d. in five shillings.* By p.s. [4823-4].
May 7. Commitment to John Martyn, usher of the king's chamber, —
Westminster, by mainprise of Thomas Skargile, one of the yeomen of the crown,
and Hugh Godewyn, another of the yeomen of the crown, — of the
keeping of two-thirds of the manor of Swalowefeld, co. Berks,
in the king's hand by the death of John late duke of Bedford ;
to hold the same from Easter last for 7 years, at a yearly
farm of 34Z. 13s. ±d. ; with clause touching maintenance of
houses, enclosures and buildings and support of charges ; with
proviso that the said John have allowance in the payment of
his farm of all moneys, fees or annuities heretofore granted
by the king, or granted by the said late duke and confirmed
by the king, to him, the said John, or to any other person,
from the issues or profits of the lordship or manor aforesaid ; and
with a further proviso that if any other person shall be willing
without fraud to give more by way of increment for the said
keeping, then the said John Martyn shall be bound to pay such
larger sum if he will have the keeping : since the said John
Martyn, having made agreement with the treasurer, has sur-
rendered into the Chancery for cancellation the letters patent of
5 February last [p. 69 above], — whereby the king committed the
keeping of the said manor of Swalowefeld to him from Easter
last for 7 years, at a yearly farm of as much as might be agreed
* For an extended text, see The Little Red Boole of Bristol (edited by Bickley,
1900), Vol. 1., p. 226; and for a translation, Bristol Town Ditties (by H. Bush,
1828), p. 31. See also Calendar of Charter Rolls, 1427-1616, p. 163.
June 20.
July 5.
July 3.
Membrane 6 — cont.
upon between him and the treasurer by Pentecost next, — to the
end that he may have the keeping of two-thirds of the said
manor, inasmuch as Jacquetta duchess of Bedford, wife of
Richard Wodevyle, is dowered of a third part of the manor.
By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment to Walter Hungerford, knight, and Robert
Hungerford, knight, — by mainprise, found in the Exchequer,
of Edmund Hungerford, knight, and Walter Rodeney of the
county of Somerset, esquire, — of the keeping of all the manors
and lands, in the counties of Buckingham, Berks, Wilts and
Cornwall, late of Margery late lady de Moleyns, late the wife of
William de Moleyns knight, who held of the king in chief on the
day of her death ; to hold the same from the time of the death
of the said Margery until the full age of Eleanor, daughter and
heir of William de Moleyns knight the son and heir of the afore-
said William, and kinswoman and heir of the said Margery (to wit,
daughter of the said William the son of the said William the
father and Margery), at a yearly farm of as much as may be agreed
upon between them and the treasurer by Martinmas next ; with
clause touching maintenance of houses, enclosures and buildings
and support of charges : as the said Walter and Robert, by agree-
ment with the treasurer, have surrendered into the Chancery for
cancellation the letters patent of 30 March last [p. 82 above],
whereby the king committed the said keeping to them, from the
time of the death of Margery until the full age of Eleanor, at a
yearly farm of the extent or as much as might be agreed upon
between them and the treasurer by Midsummer then next to
come. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment (with like clause) to John Cornewaille, lord
de Faunehope, — by mainprise of Thomas Kempston of Bedford,
co. Bedford, ' gentilman,' and Thomas Stokker of Eton, co.
Bedford, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping of all the lands late of
John Radewelle and Margaret his wife, in the said county of
Bedford ; to hold the same from the time of the death of the said
Margaret, who held of the king in chief on the day of her death,
until the full age of Thomas son and heir of the said John and
Margaret, together with the marriage of the said heir, rendering
10 marks yearly, by equal portions at Easter and Michaelmas,
during the said term, for the said keeping, paying for the marriage
10Z. in hand at the Receipt of the Exchequer, and finding fit
maintenance for the heir. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment (with like clause) to Marmaduke bishop of
Carlisle, — by mainprise of William Lumley of the city of London,
esquire, and John Hastyng of Pykeryng, co. York, knight, — of
the keeping of two -thirds of all the castles, manors and lands,
July 5.
July 8.
July 6.
Membrane, 6 — cont.
late of John late duke of Bedford, in Shilbotle, Gisyns, Renyngton,
the bailiwick of Beneley and Faudon, Prodehowe, Hedeley and
Ovngham, with the barony of Whelpington, Ingow, Horsley,
Harelawe, Birteley, Baronnesford and Foucherhows, co.
Northumberland, and in Helagh, co. York, which are in the king's
hands by the death of the said late duke ; to hold the same from
Easter last for 6 years, at a yearly farm of 184Z. 17s. 5d. ; with
proviso that if any other person shall be willing without fraud to
give more by way of increment for the said keeping, then the said
bishop is bound to pay such larger sum if he will have the keeping.
By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment (with like clause and proviso) to John Battes-
combe, — by mainprise of William Combe of Chilesfrome, co.
Dorset, ' gentilman,' and John Whitwode of Hanley, co. Dorset,
' gentilman,' — of the keeping of a messuage and 20 acres of land
in Okeford in Mersshewodehale (sic), which Philip Bate, deceased,
held for term of his life, for a certain yearly rent, of Thomas
Reynsham, clerk, with reversion to the said Thomas and his heirs,
and which are in the king's hands by reason of the felony of which
the said Thomas was convicted on the Saturday after the feast
of the Nativity of the B. V. M., 14 Richard II ; to hold the same
from Michaelmas next for 7 years, at a yearly farm of the 20s.
which William Warner and John Stampe the late farmers there
were wont to render, as in the letters patent to the said William
Warner and John Stampe in this behalf made more fully is
contained [Calendar of Fine Rolls, 1399-1405, p. 29].
By bill of the treasurer.
Order to the escheator in the counties of Bedford and Bucking-
ham to cause Richard Chaumburleyn, son and heir of Richard
Chamberleyn esquire, to have full seisin of all the lands which the
said Richard the father held of the king in chief or was seised
of in his demesne as of fee tail, to himself and the heirs of his body,
on the day of his death, as the king for one mark paid in the
hanaper has respited his homage and fealty until the morrow of
St. Martin next ; saving to Margaret late the wife of Richard the
father her reasonable dower thereof.
Order to the escheator in the county of Essex to take the
fealty of David Mortymer, who has taken to wife Elizabeth the
sister and heir of William Doreward, the son and heir of Ellis
Doreward the son of Walter the son of Anne the sister of Thomas
Martell esquire, who held of the king in chief, and kinsman and
heir of the said Thomas, — the said Ellis son of Walter, and the
said William, having each lately died a minor in the king's ward, —
and to cause the said David and Elizabeth to have full seisin
of all the lands which the said Thomas held of the king in chief or
17 HENRY VI. 93
1439 Membrane 6 — cont.
was seised of in his demesne as of fee on the day of his death,
the same having been taken into the king's hand by the death of
the said Thomas and by reason of the minority of the said Ellis
son of Walter ; as the king for 65. 8d. paid in the hanaper has
respited until Midsummer next the homage due from David by
reason of his having issue by Elizabeth.
May 22. Order to the escheator in the county of Northampton ; —
Westminster. pursuant to an inquisition taken before him showing that Joan
late the wife of Thomas Brounflete, knight, the younger, held
no lands or tenements in her demesne as of fee on the day of her
death ; but that one Thomas Faucomberge, ' chivaler,' being
sometime seised in his demesne as of fee of the manors of Throupe
and Patteshull, co. Northampton, gave those manors, long before
18 Richard II, to one John Faucomberge, his son, and to the said
Joan then the wife of the said John, to hold the same (of the said
Thomas and his heirs) to the said John and Joan and the heirs
of their bodies, with reversion to the said Thomas Faucomberge
and his heirs ; by virtue of which gift the said John and Joan,
before 18 Richard II, were seised of the said manors in their
demesne as of fee tail ; and that the said John died seised of such
estate, in the lifetime of the said Thomas his father, without heir
of his body by Joan ; and that the said Thomas the father sur-
vived the said John and afterwards had issue, one Joan wife of
William Neville, ' chivaler,' lord de Faucomberge, and died,
after whose death the reversion of the manors aforesaid descended
to the said Joan wife of William, as daughter and heir of the said
Thomas ; and that the said Joan wife of John, after the death
of the said John her husband, continued her estate in the said
manors, as tenant in tail after possibility of issue extinct, for the
whole of her life, and died so seised, the reversion then belonging
to the said Joan wife of William and her heirs, as daughter and
heir of the said Thomas Faucomberge ; and that the said manor
of Throupe is held of the king in chief by a twentieth part of a
knight's fee ; and that the said manor of Patteshull is not held
of the king ; and that the said Joan wife of William is the
daughter and next heir of the said Thomas Faucomberge, and
of full age ; — to cause the said William and Joan his wife to have
full seisin of the said manors, as the king for 20s. paid in the
hanaper has respited until Easter next the homage and fealty due
from William, for the said manor of Throupe, by reason of his
having issue by his said wife.
Order to the escheator in the county of Bedford ; — pursuant to
an inquisition taken before him showing that Joan late the wife
July 15.
Aug. 2.
Membrane 5 — cont.
of Thomas Brounflete, knight, the younger, held a certain yearly
rent of service of 69s., issuing from certain lands in Cardyngton,
payable at Michaelmas, in dower on the day of her death, after
the death of John Faucomberge knight, sometime her husband,
of the inheritance of Joan wife of William Neville, knight, lord
de Faucomberge, the daughter and heir of Thomas Faucomberge
knight who assigned the said rent to the said Joan wife of Thomas
in dower after the death of John ; and that the said rent is not
held of the king ; and that the said Joan wife of William is the
daughter and next heir of the said Thomas, and of full age ; — to
cause the said William and Joan to have full seisin of the said
rent, as the king for a certain fine paid in the hanaper has respited
until a certain day yet to come the homage and fealty due from
William, by reason of his having issue by his said wife, for the
manor of Throupe, co. Northampton, which is held of the king in
Order to Stephen Broun, mayor of London and escheator
therein ; — pursuant (1) to an inquisition taken before John
Michell, late mayor and escheator, showing that William Grome
of London, ' chesemonger,' held a brewhouse, called ' Le Swanne,'
and 9 cottages, situated in the parish of St. Giles in the ward of
Crepulgate, in the suburbs of London, in his demesne as of fee
on the day of his death ; and that the premises are held of
the king in free burgage, as all the city of London is held ; and
that Adrian Grome was the son and next heir of the said William,
and of full age ; and (2) to another inquisition taken before the
present escheator showing that the said Adrian was born in
Flanders, of a mother that was a Flemish woman and likewise
born in Flanders ; — to take the premises into the king's hand
and cause them to be kept safely until further order ; and, when
execution of the present order has been made, to notify the king
in the Chancery, by the quinzaine of St. Michael next, of all that
is done by him in this behalf.
Order to the escheator in the county of Suffolk ; — pursuant to
an inquisition made by him showing that Robert Caundyssh on
the day of his death held the manor of Caundyssh, called ' Over-
halle,' in his demesne as of fee, and died so seised ; and that the
said manor is held of the king in chief by service of a fourth part
of a knight's fee ; and that Alice Nell, who is of full age, wife of
William Nell, is the kinswoman and next heir of the said Robert
Caundyssh, to wit, the daughter of John Caundyssh the brother
of the said Robert, since Robert died without heir of his body ; —
to take the fealty of the said William, and cause him and Alice
to have full seisin of the said manor, as the king for \ mark paid
in the hanaper has respited until Easter next the homage due
from William by reason of his having issue by Alice.
July 10.
Feb. 5.
July 30.
Membrane 5 — cont.
Commitment to John Taylboys the elder, esquire, John Tarn-
worth and William Stanlowe, — by mainprise of Thomas Meres
and John Heron, both of the county of Lincoln, esquires, — of the
keeping of two-thirds of the castle, manor and lordship of Somer-
ton, co. Lincoln ; to hold the same from Easter last for 12 years,
at a yearly farm of the 151. 6s. 8d. for which answer has been made
to the king for the same ; with proviso that the said John, John
and William, their heirs, executors and assigns, be wholly dis- •
charged of the maintenance and repairing of the premises, for
term of the said 12 years. By bill of the treasurer.
Grant to the king's servant James Fenys, esquire for the body,
of the wardship of John, son and heir of William Scotte of Camber-
well, co. Surrey, (who held in his lifetime of the king in chief),
together with the marriage of the said John and with all the lands,
woods, meadows, pastures, rents and services, (which do not exceed
the value of IQl. a year), pertaining to the said heir, and so from
heir to heir until one of them shall have attained full age, without
rendering anything therefor, but finding fit maintenance for the
said heir, maintaining houses, enclosures and buildings, and
supporting all other charges incumbent on the said wardship :
as Adam Moleyns, clerk of the king's council, — to the end that
the king should grant the said wardship to the said James, in the
manner and form expressed in a petition of the said James to the
king, — has surrendered into the Chancery for cancellation the
letters patent, whereby he had the said wardship, together with
marriage and with the lands etc. aforesaid pertaining to the said
wardship, until the full age of the said heir [p. 73 above].
Vacated because otherwise in the Patent Roll of this year [Calendar
of Patent Rolls, 1436-1441, p. 309].
Commitment to Thomas Arblaster, esquire, — by mainprise of
John Andre we of the county of Gloucester, ' gentilman,' and
John Halton of the county of Stafford, ' gentilman,' — of the
keeping of the pannage of the king's chaces in Cauelegh, Alrewas,
Chesteleyn, Hopwas and Benteley, co. Stafford ; to hold the same
from Michaelmas next for 10 years, rendering 13s. 4d. yearly
by equal portions at Easter and Michaelmas, and supporting all
charges ; with proviso that if any other person shall be willing
without fraud to give more by way of increment for the said
keeping, then the said Thomas shall be bound to pay such larger
sum if he will have the keeping. By bill of the treasurer.
June 22.
Order to the escheator in the counties of Nottingham and
Derby ; — pursuant to divers inquisitions taken before him show-
Membrane 4 — cont.
ing that William Eland died seised in his demesne as of fee of the
bailiwick of the honour of Peverel, in the said counties ; and that
the whole bailiwick is held of the king in socage by service of
rendering at fee farm 14 marks at the Exchequer, yearly at Easter
and Michaelmas equally, for all services ; and that William Eland
is the son and next heir of the said William Eland, and 20 weeks
and 4 days of age, and more ; — to deliver the bailiwick to the next
friend of the said heir to whom that inheritance cannot descend,
together with the issues taken therefrom since the time of the
death of the said William the father, to keep the same to the use
of the said heir ; saving to Margaret late the wife of the said
William the father her reasonable dower of the said bailiwick.
June 18. Order to the escheator in the county of Northumberland ; —
Westminster, pursuant to an inquisition taken before him showing that Nicholas
Jngowe, in the time of Edward III, was seised of a messuage,
200 acres of land, 40 acres of meadow, 200 acres of pasture and
a moiety of a water-mill in Ingowe, and of 110 acres of land,
30 acres of meadow, and 100 acres of pasture in Netherton in
Cokdale, in his demesne as of fee, and being so seised gave and
granted the said messuage, land, meadow, pasture and moiety,
in Ingowe and Netherton in Cokdale aforesaid, to John Ingowe
(his son) and Christina his wife and the heirs of the body of John,
with remainder to Thomas Ingowe, the younger son of the said
Nicholas and the brother of the said John, and his heirs for ever ;
by virtue of which gift the said John and Christina were seised,
to wit, John in his demesne as of fee tail and Christina as of free
tenement ; and that afterwards John died seised of such estate
without heir of his body ; and that Christina survived him and
maintained herself in the messuage, land, meadow, pasture and
moiety aforesaid by right of survivorship, and was seised in her
demesne as of free tenement and died seised of such estate ; after
whose death the premises ought to remain to one William Ingowe
as son and heir of the said Thomas son of Nicholas ; and that the
said messuage, land, [meadow], pasture and moiety in Ingowe
are held of the king in chief as of his barony of Prydowe, by
fealty and service of Id. for all services, and the said land, meadow
and pasture in Netherton in Cokdale of Walter Taylboys as of his
castle and lordship of Redesdale ; and that the said William is of
full age ; — to take the fealty of William and cause him to have
full seisin of the said messuage, land, meadow, pasture and
moiety in Ingowe ; removing the king's hand from the land,
meadow and pasture in Netherton in Cokdale which are held of
another than the king, if they have been taken into the king's
hand by the death of Christina and for no other cause, and
delivering to William any issues taken therefrom since the time
of the death of Christina.
June 20.
July 26.
Membrane 4 — cont.
Order to the escheator in the counties of Devon and Cornwall ; —
pursuant to divers inquisitions taken before him showing that
Eleanor Talbot was seised on the day of her death of a sixth part
of the manor of Wykecolham (sic), co. Devon, and of a sixth part
of the manor of Hilton, co. Cornwall, in her demesne as of fee ; and
that the said manor of Hilton is held of the king as of the castle of
Launceston as of the duchy of Cornwall in free socage by rent of
10s., called ' Motles rent/ payable yearly at Michaelmas, for all
services and demands, and the manor of Wykecolham of others
than the king ; and that Robert Hungerford, knight, is the
kinsman and next heir of the said Eleanor, to wit, son of Katharine
the sister of the said Eleanor, and of full age ; — to take the fealty
of the said Robert and cause him to have full seisin of the said
sixth part of the manor of Hilton ; removing the king's hand from
the said sixth part of the manor of Wykecolham, if it has been
taken into the king's hand by the death of the said Eleanor and
for no other cause, and delivering to Robert any issues taken
therefrom since the time of the death of Eleanor.
Whereas it was lately shown to the king and his council by
Edmund earl of Dorset and Eleanor his wife, one of the daughters
and heirs of Elizabeth late countess of Warwick and wife of
Richard late earl of Warwick, by John lord de Talbot and Mar-
garet his wife, another of the daughters and heirs of the said late
countess, and by George lord de Latymer and Elizabeth his wife,
the third of the daughters and heirs of the said late countess, that
divers manors, lands, rents, knights' fees, advowsons and other
possessions, profits, commodities and hereditaments, in the
counties of Cornwall, Devon, Oxford, Northampton and divers
other counties, which the said late earl at the time of his death held
for term of his life by the courtesy of England after the death of
the said late countess with reversion to the said Eleanor, Margaret
and Elizabeth the daughter, as daughters and heirs of the said
late countess, duly came to the king's hands by the death of the
said late earl, a tenant in chief of the king, and were remaining in
the king's hands since livery of the same had not been sued out
of the king's hands by the said Edmund and Eleanor, John and
Margaret, and George and Elizabeth, and were likely so to remain
for long, because the muniments and evidences concerning a
great part of the inheritance aforesaid were in the custody of the
executors of the said late earl who were then in France, so that
until their coming livery of the said muniments and evidences
probably could not be had, nor livery of any parcel of the lands
and tenements aforesaid well be made to the said petitioners
until all the inquisitions on writs of diem clausit extremum after
the death of the said late earl had been taken in every county and
returned in the Chancery, to the no small damage and loss of the
petitioners, but for the king's special grace and a remedy in this
7— (26)
1439 Membrane 4 — cont.
behalf to be awarded, since certain persons for this cause pur-
posed and greatly laboured, it was said, to hinder the taking of
the inquisitions aforesaid ; and whereas the king, on 25 May last
[Calendar of Patent Rolls, 1436-1441, p. 293], in consideration of
the premises, and of the fact that the said Eleanor, Margaret and
Elizabeth the daughter were then of full age, and of the long
service done, at their great costs and expense, in France by the
said earl of Dorset and lord de Talbot, and by the said George
in the marches of England towards Scotland, granted, by and
with the advice and assent of his council, that the said Edmund
and Eleanor, John and Margaret, and George and Elizabeth, as
inquisitions after the death of the said late earl were taken and
returned in the Chancery, might at their will, from time to time,
without let or hindrance, have livery out of the king's hands, parcel
by parcel as each inquisition was taken, of all the manors, lands,
rents, knights' fees, advowsons, returns of writs and execution of
the same, possessions and hereditaments, contained in each such
inquisition and ascertained thereby to be of the inheritance of the
said Eleanor, Margaret and Elizabeth the daughter, and that
the said Edmund and Eleanor, John and Margaret, and George
and Elizabeth should not be prevented from having such parti-
cular liveries, parcel by parcel, of the premises until all the
customary inquisitions had been taken and returned in the
Chancery, but that such particular liveries should be of such
force as if a single good, due and entire livery of all the premises
had been sued and had by the said petitioners, by the course of
the Chancery and the custom of the realm heretofore used and
approved, after all the inquisitions, in this behalf to be taken, had
been well and duly taken and returned in the Chancery ; with a
further grant, by and with the advice and assent of the council, that
the homage of the petitioners should be respited without fine or fee
for as long as the said earl of Dorset and the lord de Talbot should
be in foreign parts in the king's service : the king now orders the
escheator in the county of Somerset to make a partition into three
equal parts of all the manors, lands, rents, knights' fees, advow-
sons, returns of writs and execution of the same, possessions and
hereditaments aforesaid, in the bailiwick, which have been taken
into the king's hand by the death of the said late earl, and to
deliver to the said earl of Dorset and Eleanor, John and Margaret,
and George and Elizabeth his wife, the pourparties of Eleanor,
Margaret and Elizabeth respectively, as the king for 205. paid in
the hanaper has respited the fealty of the said earl, John and
George for as long as the said earl and John shall be in the king's
service aforesaid, and has likewise respited the homage due from
the said earl and John by reason of their having issue by their
wives for as long as the said earl, John and George shall be in
the king's service aforesaid ; provided always that each of the
said heirs and parceners have in her pourparty a share of the
July 31.
July 18.
Aug. 22.
Aug. 26.
Membrane 4 — cont.
lands which are held of the king in chief, and so be the king's
The like to the following :—
The escheator in the counties of Devon and Cornwall.
The escheator in the county of Bristol.
The escheator in the county of Wilts.
Commitment to James lord de Berkeley, knight, — by main-
prise of William Merbury of Brighthempton, co. Gloucester,
esquire, and Richard Venables of Slymbrigge, co. Gloucester,
' gentilman,' — of the keeping of the manors of Portebury and
Weston, and 8 messuages, 4 tofts, 3 cottages, a dove-cot, 5 virgates
of land, 149| acres of land, 42 acres of wood and 13s. Sd. of rent
in Portebury, Porteshede, Charleton, Wroxale, Eston, Uppeshull,
Cryston, Lynerigge and Longeasshton, co. Somerset, a certain
island in the Severn, called ' Stypelholmes,' a fishery in the Severn
at the head of Porteshed, and a third part of the manor of Portes-
hede ; to hold the same from the time of the death of Richard
de Bello Campo, late earl of Warwick, tenant in chief of the king,
until the feast of All Saints next, according to the form of the
statute published in the Parliament held at Westminster 8
Henry VI ; so that it may be decided in the mean time whether
the premises should of right pertain to the king or to the said
James ; provided that the said James answer at the Exchequer for
the issues, if the same shall be adjudged to the king, and keep the
premises in the mean time without waste or destruction.
Commitment of the counties of Kermerdyn and Cardigan, in
Wales, to Edward Stradlyng, knight, during good behaviour ; so
that he render the farms due to the king and answer for the king's
debts and all other things pertaining to the offices of the said
counties, yearly at the Exchequer of Kermerdyn.
By p.s. [4992].
Commitment to John bishop of Bath and Wells and Philip
Courtenay, knight, — by mainprise of William Selman of Loghtone,
co. Devon, ' gentilman,' and Ralph Cruys of Tory ton, co. Devon,
' gentilman,' — of the keeping of two-thirds of all the castles,
manors and lands late of John Lutrell, knight, who held of
the king in chief on the day of his death, which are in the
king's hands by the death of the said John Lutrell and by
reason of the minority of James his son and heir ; to hold the
same from Michaelmas next until the full age of the said heir,
at a yearly farm of 100Z. ; with clause touching maintenance
of houses, enclosures and buildings and support of charges,
Membrane 3 — cont.
and proviso that if any other person shall be willing without
fraud to give more by way of increment for the said keeping,
then the said bishop and Philip shall be bound to pay such
larger sum if they will have the keeping : as Robert Coker, for
his part, to the end that the said bishop and Philip may have
the said keeping, — is willing to surrender in the Chancery for
cancellation the letters patent of 4 June last [recte 10 Henry VI,
Calendar of Fine Rolls, 1430-1437, p. 85], whereby the king
committed the keeping of the said two-thirds to him and to the
said bishop, to hold the same from 1 December 9 Henry VI until
the full age of the said heir, at a yearly farm of 100/., with clause
touching maintenance of houses, enclosures and buildings and
support of charges, and proviso that if any other person should
be willing, within a year, without fraud to give more by way of
increment for the said keeping, then the said bishop and Robert
Coker should be bound to pay such larger sum if they would have
the keeping, or, if they would not pay the larger sum which others
offered, should be removed from the said farm, taking for their
repairing of the premises a reasonable sum at the discretion of the
treasurer from those who should have the said farm.
By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment to Thomas Leuesham, clerk, Mathew Gough, and
Thomas Charles, esquire, — by mainprise of John Squery of the
county of Kent, esquire, and Henry Blakeborn of the county
of Essex, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping of the manor of Kestan,
co. Kent, which is in the king's hand by the death of Thomas
Squery, who held of the king in chief on the day of his death ; to
hold the same from 13 February last for 5 years, if the manor shall
remain for so long in the king's hands, at a yearly farm of the 4Z.
at which the said manor was extended, and an increment of
13s. 4rf. ; with clause touching maintenance of houses, enclosures
and buildings and support of charges, and proviso that if any
other person shall be willing without fraud to give more by way
of increment for the said keeping, then the said Thomas, Mathew
and Thomas shall be bound to pay such larger sum if they will
have the keeping : as John Curteys, — to whom the king by letters
patent dated 12 March last [p. 83 above] committed the keeping
of the said manor from the said 13 February for 5 years, at a
yearly farm of as much as might be agreed upon between him and
the treasurer by Midsummer then next to come, — has made no
such agreement with the treasurer, and is willing to surrender the
said letters patent into the Chancery for cancellation, to the end
that the said Thomas, Mathew and Thomas may have the said
keeping. By bill of the treasurer.
Aug. 23. Commitment to James Kelom and Hugh Louther, esquire, —
Westminster, by mainprise of Robert Louther of the county of Cumberland
Aug. 28.
1439. Membrane 3 — cont.
and John Damet of the county of Lincoln, — of the keeping of all
the manors and lands in the counties of Cumberland, Westmore-
land and Norfolk, late of William Legh, knight, who held of the
king in chief on the day of his death ; to hold the same from the
time of the death of the said William Legh until the full age of
William his son and heir, at a yearly farm of as much as may be
agreed upon between them and the treasurer by the Purification
next ; with clause touching maintenance of houses, enclosures
and buildings and support of charges. By bill of the treasurer.
Aug. 30.
Commitment (with like clause) to Thomas Broun, esquire, —
by mainprise of William Venour of London and George Tromy
of London, — of the keeping of 100 acres of pasture or land in
Copperland, alias the manor of ' Archers Court,' co. Kent, the
same being in the king's hand by the death of John Baker of
Caldham, who held of the king in chief on the day of his death ;
to hold the same from 10 September next for 2 years, if the
premises shall be for so long in the king's hand, at a yearly farm
of 5 marks ; with proviso that if any other person shall be willing
without fraud to give more by way of increment for the said
keeping, then the said Thomas shall be bound to pay such larger
sum if he will have the keeping. By bill of the treasurer.
July 19.
Commitment to Henry Filyngley and William Cotton, — by
mainprise of William Tirell of Banham, co. Suffolk [recte Norfolk],
esquire, and Thomas Burton of Leycestre, co. Leicester, ' gentil-
man,' — of the keeping of the alien priory of Lynton, with all its
rights and appurtenances, which is in the king's hand by the death
of Joan late queen of England ; to hold the same from Easter last
for 10 years, rendering 33Z. 6s. 8d. for the said keeping, yearly by
equal portions at Michaelmas and Easter, maintaining there the
divine services and other works of piety customary from of old,
maintaining houses, enclosures and buildings, and supporting all
other charges incumbent on the said priory ; provided always
that if any other person, by Christmas next, shall be willing with-
out fraud to give 5 marks or more by way of increment for the
said keeping, then the said Henry and William shall be bound to
pay such larger sum if they will have the keeping : as John lord
de Tiptoft and de Powys, — to whom the king by letters patent,
dated 18 July 15 Henry VI [Calendar of Fine Rolls, 1430-1437,
p. 344], committed the said keeping from the time of the death
of the said late queen for 10 years, at a yearly farm of as much as
might be agreed upon between him and the treasurer by Christmas
then next to come, — made no agreement with the treasurer by
the said feast ; and as the said Henry and William have come
before the treasurer and barons of the Exchequer and have
offered to render yearly, for 10 years from Easter last, the
1439 Membrane 3 — cont.
301. 6s. Sd. which the said John offered to render, and an increment
of 60s. By bill of the treasurer.
Vacated on surrender, since the king, on 16 June 18 Henry VI,
at the petition of the warden or master of the college of Valence
Marie, called ' Penbrokehall,' within the university of Cambridge,
and of the scholars of the same college, admitted as well the surrender
which the said Henry and William Cotton then made to the king of
all the estate which they then had in the said priory and advowson
(sic) as also the surrender of these letters in the Chancery for that cause
to be cancelled. And so these letters are cancelled. Provided always
that of the said 331. 6s. #d. the said warden or master and scholars,
and their successors, pay to Humphrey duke of Gloucester, yearly
from the said 16 June during his life, the 201. a year which the king
by letters patent [Calendar of Patent Rolls, 1436-1441, p. 304] has
granted to the said duke for life. [See also Calendar of Patent Rolls,
1436-1441, p. 377.]
( 103 )
Oct. 2.
Oct. 11.
Sept. 9.
Oct. 13.
Oct. 13.
Oct. 15.
Oct. 14.
Oct. 16.
Oct. 21.
Oct. 20.
Oct. 28.
Oct. 26.
Oct. 28.
Nov. 2.
Nov. 5.
Nov. 16.
Nov. 17.
Nov. 18.
Nov. 19.
Writ of diem clausit extremum to the escheator in the county
of Lincoln after the death of John Boys, esquire, tenant in chief
of the king.
Writs of diem clausit extremum, after the death of the following
persons, directed to the escheators in the counties named : —
John Grey, knight ; Norfolk and Suffolk.
Sibil Either ; York.
John Grey, knight ; Essex and Hertford.
Thomas Sampson, esquire ; Suffolk.
Robert Laurence, knight ; Westmoreland.
Robert Hoton of Hotonforest ; Cumberland.
Thomas Rufford ; Buckingham.
William Caldecote, son and heir of Thomas Caldecote, who
held of the king in chief lately while he was within age
and in the king's ward ; Buckingham.
Thomas Bataille ; Essex.
John Walweyn, esquire ; Hereford.
Thomas Makworth, esquire ; Nottingham and Derby.
John Annesley, esquire ; Nottingham and Derby.
Richard Chaumburleyn, esquire ; Northampton ; Bedford
and Buckingham ; Lincoln.
Laurence Acton, esquire ; Northumberland.
John Wanstede ; Southampton.
William Fouleshurst ; Hereford and the adjacent march of
Adam Forster ; Huntingdon.
Katharine late the wife of William Rukeby ; Derby.
Robert Poyntz, esquire ; Gloucester. ( Vacated because other-
wise, 17 Henry VI.)
William Fouleshurst of Edlaston ; Northampton ; Salop.
Dec. 8.
Dec. 2.
Dec. 15.
Dec. 29.
Oct. 16.
Nov. 4.
Jan. 18.
Jan. 22.
Jan. 23.
Jan. 24.
Jan. 18.
Jan. 29.
Feb. 6.
Feb. 12.
Jan. 30.
Feb. 11.
Feb. 19.
Feb. 21.
March 24.
March 17.
April 13.
Membrane 36 — cont.
Robert Skelton, esquire ; Cumberland.
Margaret late the wife of Robert Skelton esquire ; Cumber-
Beatrice late countess of Arundel ; Salop and the adjacent
march of Wales ; Middlesex ; Norfolk and Suffolk ; Hert-
ford ; Surrey and Sussex.
William Frognale ; Kent.
Isabel late countess of Warwick ; Devon ; Gloucester and
the adjacent march of Wales ; Hereford and the adjacent
march of Wales ; Worcester ; Stafford ; Northampton ;
Thomas Bataille ; Essex.
John Flory ; Somerset.
Beatrice late countess of Arundel ; Gloucester and the
adjacent march of Wales ; Wilts.
Margaret late duchess of Clarence ; Somerset and Dorset ;
Beatrice late countess of Arundel ; Essex.
Beatrice late countess of Arundel ; Southampton.
Isabel late countess of Warwick ; Warwick and Leicester.
Elizabeth late the wife of Henry Percy knight ; Norfolk and
Suffolk ; Cambridge ; York.
William Deaunvers, esquire ; Berks.
Simon Ralegh ; Somerset and Dorset ; Devon.
Thomas Delahay, the elder, esquire ; Hereford and the
adjacent march of Wales.
Robert Blenkhowe ; Cumberland.
John Warner, esquire ; Essex.
Isabel late countess of Warwick ; Oxford ; Berks ; Rutland ;
Suffolk ; Kent ; York ; Southampton ; London (Robert
Large, mayor and escheator).
Richard Kirkeby ; Cumberland.
Robert Blencowe ; Cumberland.
Simon Ralegh ; Hereford.
Elizabeth late the wife of Thomas Criston knight ; Essex,
April 20.
Feb. 4.
April 29.
April 30.
April 30.
Membrane 36 — cont.
Isabel late countess of Warwick ; Wilts ; Bedford ; Somer-
Margaret late duchess of Clarence ; London (Robert Large,
mayor and escheator) ; Kent and Middlesex ; Essex and
Hertford ; Cornwall ; Lincoln ; Stafford ; Cambridge
and Huntingdon ; Salop ; Northampton and Rutland ;
Norfolk and Suffolk ; Gloucester ; Southampton and
Wilts ; Warwick and Leicester ; Surrey ; York ; Not-
tingham and Derby.
Thomas Billesby of Billesby ; Lincoln.
Isabel late countess of Warwick ; Cornwall ; Norfolk ;
Beatrice late the wife of Ralph Shirley knight ; Leicester.
April 14.
June 11.
June 15.
June 14.
June 26.
July 4.
July 6.
July 7.
June 28.
John Inyn, ' chivaler ' ; Somerset.
Philip Hampton ; Somerset.
Guy Whityngton, esquire ; Worcester ; Gloucester and the
adjacent march of Wales ; Warwick ; Hereford and the
adjacent march of Wales.
Isabel late countess of Warwick ; Nottingham ; Lincoln.
John Fauntleroy ; Dorset.
John Belasys ; Northumberland ; Newcastle-upon-Tyne
(the mayor and escheator).
Thomas Rolf ; Essex.
John Skelton ; Cumberland.
John Champ ; Berks.
Roger Ask, esquire ; York ; Northumberland.
Extract' usque hue.
Oct. 20.
Commitment to John Giles, — by mainprise of John Chafyn of
Wermynstre, co. Wilts, and Thomas Pakyn of Salisbury, co.
Wilts, — of the keeping of a third part of a capital messuage, called
' Aldresham,' in Southmorton, 30 acres and | rood of land, lying
separately in divers cultivated plots in the fields of Southmorton,
2 acres, a rood and 8 feet of meadow, a several pasture, called
' Stonystretelese/ containing 3 roods, and 31s. lOd. of rent of
1439 Membrane 32 — cant.
assize, to wit, 23s. 6d. from Richard Kene for his free tenement,
8s. from Richard Tayllour, and 4d. from John Colyn, and Id.
from John Marteyn, payable at the terms usual there, of which
said sum of 31s. Wd., 7s. are held in socage of Thomas Rothwell ;
to hold the premises, — which Agnes late the wife of Robert
Broun held in dower, in the county of Berks, after the death of
the said Robert of the inheritance of Thomas son and heir of the
said Robert, — from 6 November last during the minority of the
said Thomas, at a yearly farm of the 45s. 8%d. at which the said
lands and tenements are extended, and an increment of 4s. 3|d. ;
with clause touching maintenance of houses, enclosures and
buildings and support of charges, and proviso that if any other
person shall be willing without fraud to give more by way of
increment for the said keeping, then the said John Giles shall be
bound to pay such larger sum if he will have the keeping : as the
said John Giles, to the end that he may have the keeping of the
premises, and having made no agreement with the treasurer by
Michaelmas 17 Henry VI, is willing to surrender into the Chancery
for cancellation the letters patent of 24 May 16 Henry VI [p. 44
above], whereby the king committed to him the keeping of a third
part of 5 messuages, 3 tofts, 5 virgates and 3 acres of arable land,
8| acres of meadow, and 4Z. 4s. 3d. and a clove gillyflower of rent
of assize, in Southmorton, called ' Aldreshames,' of another
messuage, called ' Horwardes,' and 2 tofts (of the messuages,
lands and tenements aforesaid), and also a third part of 5 cottages
in Wantyng, which the said Agnes held in dower after the death
of the said Robert Broun and which came to the king's hands by
her death, to hold the same from the time of the death of the said
Agnes until the full age of the heir of the said Robert, at a yearly
farm of as much as might be agreed upon between him and the
treasurer by Michaelmas then next to come.
By bill of the treasurer.
Nov. 14. Commitment to John Tamworth, William Stanlowe and
Westminster. Robert Caylflete, — by mainprise of Thomas Burton of the county
of Rutland, esquire, and Nicholas Mason of Blankeney, co.
Lincoln, ' yoman,' — of the keeping of two-thirds of 30s. of rent-
service issuing yearly from certain lands within the lordship or
manor of Colby by equal portions at Christmas and Midsummer,
two-thirds of the manor of Colby, called ' North Hall,' and two-
thirds of 8 acres of arable land in Barton upon Humbre, co.
Lincoln, the same being in the king's hand by the death of Thomas
Swynford, knight, who held the premises in his demesne as of fee,
to himself and his heirs, on the day of his death ; to hold the
same from Michaelmas last for 8 years, at a yearly farm of the
30s. 2d. for which answer has been made to the king and an in-
crement of 29s. lOd. ; provided always that if any other person
shall be willing without fraud to give more by way of increment
Nov. 17.
Nov. 17.
Nov. 16.
Membrane 32 — cont.
for the said keeping, then the said John. William and Robert shall
be bound to pay such larger sum if they will have the keeping.
By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment (with like proviso) to Robert Clerk of Eston, — by
mainprise of John Browne of Boston, co. Lincoln, ' gentilman,'
and Thomas Gelson of Skirbek, co. Lincoln, — of the keeping of
(1) a bovate of land in Somerby, co. Lincoln, late of William
Taillour of Paunton, a fugitive for felony, (2) a messuage and
5 acres of land and meadow in the town of Basyngthorp, co.
Lincoln, late of William Olyvere of Basingthorp, who fled for
the felony which he committed in killing John Thurston of
Basingthorp on the Monday next after Michaelmas 4 Richard II,
and (3) a waste toft and 20 acres of uncultivated land in Withum,
late of John Cook of South withum, chaplain, an outlaw ; to
hold the same from Michaelmas last for 7 years, at a yearly farm
of the 6s. 4d. for which answer has been made to the king, and
an increment of 4d. ; with clause touching maintenance of houses,
enclosures and buildings and support of charges.
By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment (with like clause and proviso) to Richard Leek,
John Reyncok and Robert Caylflete, — by mainprise of John
Medebourne of Grantham, co. Lincoln, ' woleman,' and John
Hardeben of Bilesby, co. Lincoln, — of the keeping of the manor or
lordship of Gedyngton, with Berford, Clondon, Cranesley and
Islep, members of the said manor or lordship, the same being in
the king's hand by the death of Joan late queen of England ; to
hold the same from Michaelmas last for 7 years, at a yearly farm
of the 321. for which answer was made to the king by Richard
Widevill, late sheriff of Northamptonshire, and an increment
of U. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment (with like clause and proviso) to John Durem
the elder, — by mainprise of Nicholas Clopton of the county of
Buckingham, esquire, and Thomas Riculf of the county of Kent,
' gentilman,' — of the keeping of the manor or lordship of Great
Kymbell, alias the lordship or manor sometime ' Fynels,' co.
Buckingham, which is in the king's hand by the death of Joan
late queen of England ; to hold the same from the time of the
death of the said late queen for 7 years, at a yearly farm of HZ. ;
provided that the said John have allowance in the payment of
his farm of any annuity granted heretofore by the king to any
person out of the said manor : as the said John, having made no
agreement with the treasurer, has surrendered into the Chancery
for cancellation the letters patent of 15 July 15 Henry VI, whereby
the king committed the keeping of the said manor to him from
the time of the death of the said late queen for 7 years, at a
Oct. 20.
Membrane 32 — cont.
yearly farm of as much as might be agreed upon between him
and the treasurer by Christmas then next to come {Calendar of
Fine Rolls, 1430-1437, p. 337]. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment to John Arderne, — by mainprise of Richard
Maydeston of Thistelworthe, co. Middlesex, ' gentilman,' and
William Selman of Wyke, co. Middlesex, ' gentilman, ' — of the
keeping of the manors of Shene, Petrisham and Hamme, co.
Surrey, together with the island of Crowet appurtenant to the
said manor of Hamme, and with all other commodities and
appurtenances belonging to the said manors, but excepting the
capital manor of Shene with the whole precinct and the houses
for the king's horses within the site of the grange of the said
manor of Shene ; to hold the same from Michaelmas 14 Henry VI
for 10 years, at a yearly farm of 24Z. ; with clause touching
maintenance of houses, enclosures and buildings and support of
charges (any annuities or fees issuing from the said manors only
excepted) ; and proviso that if any other person shall be willing
without fraud to give more by way of increment for the said
keeping, then the said John Arderne shall be bound to pay such
larger sum if he will have the keeping : as the said John Arderne,
having made agreement with the treasurer, has surrendered in
the Chancery for cancellation the letters patent of 19 February 16
Henry VI [p. 21 above], whereby the king committed the keeping
of the premises to him from Michaelmas 14 Henry VI for 10 years,
at a yearly farm of the extent or as much as might be agreed
upon between him and the treasurer by the Purification then
next to come. By bill of the treasurer.
Oct. 5.
Oct. 12.
Grant to Robert Shrigley, esquire, of all the lands which John
Annesley held in his life-time of the king in chief ; to hold the
lands (which he will sue out at his own proper charges) at farm for
the true value of the same, paying the true value of the same to
the king during the minority of the heir of the said John Annesley :
with a further grant of the marriage of Alice the daughter and
heir of the said John, in compensation for the said suit and charges,
the yearly rent aforesaid, and for the good service which the said
Robert has rendered and will hereafter render to the king.
By p.s. [5035].
Commitment to John Styward, knight, — by mainprise of John
Roger of Hedecron, co. Kent, ' gentilman,' and Robert Doley of
Estberghwold, co. Suffolk, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping of the
castle of Rouchestre, co. Kent, together with all rents, profits
and commodities pertaining to the said castle, which is in the
king's hands by the death of Katharine late queen of England ;
Oct. 1.
Membrane 31 — cont.
to hold the same from Easter last for 7 years, at a yearly farm of
the 36Z. Is. l^d. for which answer has been made to the king by
John Selby, late escheator in the county of Kent, and an incre-
ment of 72.9. 4£rf. ; with clause touching maintenance of houses,
enclosures and buildings and support of charges, and proviso
that if any other person shall be willing without fraud to give
more by way of increment for the said keeping, then the said
John Styward shall be bound to pay such larger sum if he will
have the keeping : as the said John Styward, having made agree-
ment with the treasurer, has surrendered into the Chancery for
cancellation the letters patent of 27 February 17 Henry VI,
whereby the king committed the said keeping to him from Easter
then next to come for 7 years, at a yearly farm of the extent,
or as much as might be agreed upon between him and the
treasurer by Pentecost then next to come.
By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment of the county of Bristol to Richard Roper for
one year, so that he answer at the Exchequer as sheriff ; the
mayor and commonalty having submitted to the king his name
and the names of John Stanley and John Troyte as candidates
for the office, in accordance with the terms of their charter dated
8 August, 47 Edward III.
Order to all persons of the county to be intendant to Richard
as sheriff.
Grant to Walter Scull, the king's esquire, of the wardship of
Richard de Crofte, brother and heir of John de Crofte, and of the
keeping of all lands and tenements to the value of 4cL a year ; to
hold the same together with the marriage of the said Richard,
(the same pertaining to the king by reason of Richard's minority,
since the said John held the lands and tenements aforesaid, in the
county of Hereford, of the king in chief by knight service on
the day of his death), and so from heir to heir until one shall have
attained full age. And since Margery late the wife of the said
John is with child by John, so that her child, if it shall happen
to be born, will be John's heir, the king has made a further grant
to Walter of the wardship of the said child, during minority, and
the keeping of all lands and tenements, with the marriage, per-
taining to the king as above (and so from heir to heir until one
shall have attained full age), without rendering anything therefor
to the king or his heirs. By p.s. [5056].
Oct. 20. Commitment to Nicholas Rede of Brawnston, co. Norfolk, — by
Westminster, mainprise of Robert Brampton of Brampton, co. Norfolk, ' gentil-
man,' and Thomas Baker of the town of Westminster, co.
Middlesex, ' yoman,' — of the keeping of a certain close, called
' Borellescrofte,' in Causton, co. Norfolk, containing 20 acres of
Oct. 19.
Oct. 17.
Nov. 2.
Membrane 31 — cont.
land, which is in the king's hand by the death of Joan late queen
of England ; to hold the same from Michaelmas last for 7 years,
rendering 6s. Sd. yearly by equal portions at Easter and Michael-
mas and supporting all charges incumbent on the said close ;
provided always that if any other person shall be willing without
fraud to give more by way of increment for the said keeping,
then the said Nicholas shall be bound to pay such larger sum if he
will have the keeping. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment to John Leventhorp, esquire, — by mainprise of
William Cotton of Landwade, co. Cambridge, ' gentilman,' and
Richard Kybbell of Savageston, co. Southampton, ' gentilman, '—
of the keeping of all the lands, in the county of Essex, late of
Thomas Bataille, who held of the king in chief on the day of his
death ; to hold the same from the time of the death of the said
Thomas until the full age of John his son and heir, together with
the marriage of the said heir, rendering for the keeping and
marriage as much as may be agreed upon between him and the
treasurer by Christmas next, maintaining houses, enclosures and
buildings, and supporting all other charges incumbent on the
lands. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment to Thomas Scargill and Thomas Thorp, — by
mainprise of Roger Lees of the county of Essex, esquire, and
James de Legh of the county of Middlesex, esquire, — of the keeping
of all the lands, in the counties of Essex, Kent and Surrey, late of
Thomas Legh, esquire, who held of the king in chief on the day of
his death ; to hold the same from the time of the death of the said
Thomas until the full age of his son and heir, a minor in the king's
ward, if the premises shall remain for so long in the king's hand,
together with the wardship and marriage of the said heir, render-
ing for the keeping of the lands in the counties of Essex and
Surrey the 121. 1 5s. 4d. at which they were extended severally,
beyond reprises and charges, before the escheators of the said
counties for the year 17 Henry VI, and an increment of 13s. 4d.,
yearly by equal portions at Michaelmas and Easter, and for the
keeping of the lands in the county of Kent as much as may be
agreed upon between the said Thomas and Thomas and the
treasurer by Easter next, if the lands come to the king's hands
within that time, paying also 40 marks in hand for the wardship
and marriage of the said heir, and finding fit maintenance for the
said heir ; provided always that if any other person shall be
willing without fraud to give more by way of increment for the
keeping of the said lands in Essex and Surrey, then the said
Thomas and Thomas shall be bound to pay such larger sum if
they will have the keeping : as John lord Scrop, knight, having
made no agreement with the treasurer, has surrendered into
the Chancery for cancellation the letters patent of 28 June
Nov. 5.
Membrane 31 — cont.
last [p. 82 above], whereby the king committed to him the
keeping of all the lands in the counties of Essex, Kent and
Surrey, late of the said Thomas Legh, esquire, to hold the
same from the time of the death of the said Thomas until the
full age of the said heir, together with the marriage of the heir,
rendering for the keeping as much as might be agreed upon
between him and the treasurer by the feast of All Saints then
next to come, paying for the marriage as much as might likewise
be agreed upon and finding fit maintenance for the heir.
By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment to John Hope, Thomas Egerden and Henry
Tebbe, all. of Sandwich, — by mainprise of John Milne of Prestclyf ,
co. Derby, ' gentilman,' and Robert Chaworth of London, ' gentil-
man,' — of the keeping of the water called Gestnynge, by Sand-
wich, co. Kent ; to hold the same from Michaelmas last for 7
years, rendering yearly as much as may be agreed upon between
them and the treasurer by Easter next, and supporting all
charges incumbent on the said water : as Thomas Broune, esquire,
—to whom the king on 2 July 15 Henry VI [Calendar of Fine
Rolls, 1430-1437, p. 334], committed the said keeping from the
said 2 July for 10 (sic) years at a yearly farm of as much as might
be agreed upon between him and the treasurer by Midsummer
then next to come, — has made no agreement with the treasurer.
By bill of the treasurer.
Nov. 18.
Dec. 18.
Jan. 18.
Nov. 2.
Commission during pleasure to John Bere and Rowland
Tempest to levy and collect in the port of Newcastle-upon-Tyne
and in all adjacent ports and places the custom on wools, hides
and woolfells which is due to the king of his inheritance ; and to
keep the ' coket ' seal in the said port ; answering at the
Exchequer for the moneys forthcoming. By bill of the treasurer.
The like to the following in the ports and places named : —
Ralph Lampet and Edmund Clere ; in the port of Yarmouth,
etc. By bill of the treasurer.
Thomas Gylle and William Soper ; in the port of Southamp-
ton, etc. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment of all the lands, in the counties of Essex, Kent and
Surrey, late of Thomas Legh, esquire, together with the wardship
and marriage of his heir, to Thomas Scargill and Thomas Thorp :
in terms as above [p. 110]. By bill of the treasurer.
Vacated because otherwise above.
Nov. 18.
Dec. 18.
Jan. 18.
May 10.
Nov. 18.
Dec. 18.
Jan. 18.
Commission during pleasure to John Bere and Rowland
Tempest to levy and collect in person in the port of Newcastle-
upon-Tyne and in all adjacent ports and places (1) the customs
granted to Edward I by foreign and alien merchants in return for
certain liberties and immunities, and the custom and subsidy
which by the statute published in the Parliament of 1 1 Henry IV
all such alien merchants are to pay for garments made for export
from cloths of scarlet, ' sangwyn ' and other colours of the whole
or the half grain, and also from cloths dyed in grain, and all other
cloths of wool, which have been cut, according to the rate and
quantity of the same ; and (2) the custom on cloths of wool and
worsted made in England for export to foreign parts ; and to
keep the ' coket ' seal in the said port ; answering at the Ex-
chequer for the moneys forthcoming. By bill of the treasurer.
The like to the following in the ports and places named : —
Ralph Lampet and Edmund Clere ; in the port of Yarmouth,
etc. By bill of the treasurer.
Thomas Gylle and William Soper ; in the port of Southamp-
ton, etc. By bill of the treasurer.
William Lwnys and Thomas Chinnore ; in the port of London,
etc. By bill of the treasurer.
Non scr'.
Commission during pleasure to John Bere and Rowland
Tempest to levy and collect in person in the port of Newcastle-
upon-Tyne and in all adjacent ports and places, after inspection
of the merchandise, the subsidies on wool and woolfells, and of
tunnage and poundage, which were granted to the king in the
Parliament held at Westminster, 15 Henry VI ; in terms as
above [p. 60] ; and to keep the ' coket ' seal in the said ports ;
answering at the Exchequer for the moneys forthcoming.
The like to the following in the ports and places named : —
Ralph Lampet and Edmund Clere ; in the port of Yarmouth,
etc. By bill of the treasurer.
Thomas Gylle and William Soper ; in the port of Southamp-
ton, etc. By bill of the treasurer.
Oct. 20.
Commitment to John Arderne, esquire, — by mainprise of
Richard Maydeston of Thistelworth, co. Middlesex, ' gentilman,'
and William Selman of Wyke, co. Middlesex, ' gentilman,' — of the
keeping of the manor of Totyngbek, which is in the king's hand
Nov. 24.
Nov. 24.
Membrane 27 — cont.
by the death of John late duke of Bedford ; to hold the same
from Michaelmas last for 10 years, at a yearly farm of 19/. ; with
clause touching maintenance of houses, enclosures and buildings
and support of charges, and proviso that if any other person
shall be willing without fraud to give more by way of increment
for the said keeping, then the said John Arderne shall be bound
to pay such larger sum if he will have the keeping.
By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment to John Iwardeby and Joan his wife, late the
wife of William Lynde deceased, — by mainprise, found in the
Exchequer, of Thomas Ledbourne of the county of Hertford,
' gentilman,' and John Hert of the county of Cornwall, ' gentil-
man,' — of the portion of the alien prioress of Claruissel in the
church of Mapulderham, alias Mapildram, co. Oxford, with the
fruits, prevents profits and emoluments pertaining to the said
portion, which Robert Bardolf and Amice his wife, both deceased,
had of the grant of Edward III, and which was taken into the
hands of the said late king by reason of the war with France, and
is still in the king's hand ; to hold the same from Michaelmas 17
Henry VI for 16 years, rendering 100s. yearly by equal portions
at Easter and Michaelmas, maintaining houses, enclosures and
buildings, and supporting all other charges incumbent on the
said portion : as William Lynde has surrendered into the
Chancery for cancellation the letters patent of 31 October 17
Henry VI [Calendar of Patent Rolls, 1436-1441, p. 284], whereby
the king granted the said portion to him from Michaelmas then
last past for life at a yearly farm of 41. 10s., he maintaining there
the divine services and other works of piety customary from of
old ; and as the said John Iwardeby and Joan have likewise sur-
rendered the letters patent of 28 November last [p. 71 above],
whereby the king committed to them, as John Iwardeby and
Joan Lynde late the wife of William Lynde deceased, the keeping
of the said portion from Michaelmas then last past for 16 years
at a yearly farm of the 42. 10s., which the said William Lynde
lately rendered, and an increment of 10s., they maintaining there
the divine services and other works of piety customary from of
old. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment to Thomas lord de Dacre, knight, — by mainprise,
found in the Exchequer, of Thomas Warcop of Sandford, co.
Westmoreland, esquire, and William Thrilkeld of Melmerby, co.
Cumberland, esquire, — of the keeping of two-thirds of all the
manors, lands, rents and services, in the counties of Cumberland,
Westmoreland and Norfolk, late of William Legh, knight, who
held of the king in chief on the day of his death, touching which
inquisitions have been taken before the escheators of the said
counties for the year 17 Henry VI and returned in the Chancery ;
8— (20)
Dec. 1.
Dec. 1.
Jan. 16.
April 23.
May 10.
July 7.
Dec. 4.
Membrane 27 — cont.
to hold the same from the time of the death of the said William
Legh during the minority of William his son and heir, at a yearly
farm of the 131. 10s. 1\d. at which the said two-thirds are ex-
tended, and an increment of 50 marks ; with clause touching
maintenance of houses, enclosures and buildings and support of
charges, and proviso that if any other person shall be willing
without fraud to give more by way of increment for the said
keeping, then the said Thomas shall be bound to pay such larger
sum if he will have the keeping. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment to Henry Aleyn, — by mainprise of Thomas Lovell
of Berton Bendyche, co. Norfolk, esquire, and Thomas Morstede of
London, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping of the manor of Boxstede,
co. Essex, which has been taken into the king's hand by the death
of Peter Boxstede, who held of the king in chief ; to hold the same
from the time of the death of the said Peter until Pentecost next,
according to the form of the statute published in the Parliament
held at Westminster, 8 Henry VI, so that it may be decided in the
mean time whether the manor ought of right to pertain to him
or to the king ; provided that he answer at the Exchequer for
the issues taken therefrom, if they shall be adjudged to the king,
and keep the said manor in the mean time without waste and
Appointment of Henry Talbot and John Talbot as searchers of
ships in the port of Southampton and in all adjacent ports and
places ; in terms as above (j). 9]. By bill of the treasurer.
Appointment in like terms of the following in the ports and
places named : —
Walter Elwyn ; from Kyngeston upon Hull to Berwick
upon Tweed and in all ports and places between them.
By bill of the treasurer.
Peter Lokwode ; in the port of Bristol and in all adjacent
ports and places. By bill of the treasurer.
John Wiche ; in the port of Bristol, etc. By bill etc.
Alexander Swynbourne ;
Tyne, etc.
in the port of Newcastle-upon-
By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment to Walter Veer, esquire, — by mainprise of
William Leyot of Manston, co. Dorset, ' gentilman,' and Thomas
Paken of Salisbury, co. Wilts, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping of
the priory of St. Helens in the Isle of Wight ; to hold the same
from Michaelmas last for 10 years, rendering the 11. which Conan
Aske used to render, and an increment of 20,$., yearly by equal
portions at Easter and Michaelmas, maintaining houses, enclosures
Dec. 4.
Dec. 1.
Membrane 27 — cont.
and buildings, supporting all other charges incumbent on the
priory, and maintaining there the divine services and other works
of piety customary from of old ; with proviso that if any other
person shall be willing without fraud to give more by way of
increment for the said keeping, then the said Walter shall be
bound to pay such larger sum if he will have the keeping.
By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment to John Stathum, esquire, and John his son, —
by mainprise of John Tunstede of Wormele, co. Derby, ' gentil-
man,' and Robert Rasyn of Notyngham, co. Nottingham, ' gentil-
man,' — of the keeping of the castle and lordship of Hereston, with
all its appurtenances, co. Derby ; to hold the same from the time
of the death of Richard Hastynges, knight, for 12 years, at a
yearly farm of 111. ; with proviso that if any other person shall
be willing, by Easter next, to give more for the said keeping, then
the said John and John shall be bound to pay such larger sum if
they will have the keeping. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment to Walter Everard and Richard Fourbour,— by
mainprise of John Bacon of Chesynbury, co. Wilts, ' gentilman,'
John Staunford of Russhale, co. Wilts, ' gentilman,' Thomas
Coventre of Wanbarogh, co. Wilts, ' gentilman,' and Ingelram
Walronde of Aldebourne, co. Wilts, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping
of the priory of Clatford, with all its members, which is in the
king's hand by the death of Joan late queen of England ; to hold
the same from Michaelmas last for 7 years, rendering 40£. yearly
by equal portions at Easter and Michaelmas, and maintaining there
the divine services and other works of piety customary from of
old ; with clause touching maintenance of houses, enclosures and
buildings and support of charges, and proviso that if any other
person shall be willing without fraud to give more by way of
increment for the said keeping, then the said Walter and Richard
shall be bound to pay such larger sum if they will have the
keeping. By bill of the treasurer.
Dec. 5. Commitment (with like clause and proviso) to Thomas lord de
Westminster. Dacre, knight ; — by mainprise, found in the Exchequer, of
Thomas Warcop of Sandford, co. Westmoreland, esquire, and
William Thrilkeld of Melmerby, co. Cumberland, esquire, and
pursuant to the surrender by the said Thomas lord de Dacre
into the Chancery for cancellation of the letters patent of 24
November last [p. 113 above], whereby the king committed to
him the keeping of two-thirds of all the manors, lands, rents and
services, in the counties of Cumberland, Westmoreland and
Norfolk, late of William Legh, knight, who held of the king in
Nov. 1.
Dec. 1.
Membrane 26 — cont.
chief on the day of his death, touching which inquisitions have
been taken before the escheators of the said counties for the year
17 Henry VI and returned in the Chancery, to hold the same from
the time of the death of the said William Legh during the minority
of William his son and heir at a yearly farm of the 131. 10s. 1\d.
at which the said two -thirds are extended, and an increment of
50 marks ; — of the keeping of the said two-thirds ; to hold the
same from the time of the death of the said William Legh until
the full age of the said heir, rendering 261. 11s. 3\d., and an
increment of 50 marks, yearly by equal portions at Michaelmas
and Easter. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment to Robert Dauson, — by mainprise of John Solers
of Langford, co. Gloucester, esquire, and Thomas Wyse of Syden-
ham, co. Devon, esquire, — of the keeping of the manor of Eltham
with its members, to wit, Brandon, Mordyngham and Henle,
with the rents, lands, meadows, pastures, hays and other profits
pertaining to the said manor, both within and without the park,
saving sufficient pasture for the deer there and excepting the
capital manor with the whole precinct and the gardens ; to hold
the same from Michaelmas next for 7 years, together with
sufficient ' housebote,' ' haybote ' and ' firebote ' in the wood
without the said park, rendering yearly the 46Z. 13s. 4rf., which
William Warner, farmer there, used to render, by equal portions
at Easter and Michaelmas, and maintaining the houses and
buildings belonging to the manor of Brandon and to the other
houses for husbandry ; with proviso that the said Robert Dauson
have allowance yearly in the payment of his farm of the annuity
of 3d. a day granted to him by the king for the office of parker
of the parks there, and of other annuities, fees or assignments
granted by the king from the manor and members aforesaid ;
and with a further proviso that if any other person shall be
willing without fraud to give more by way of increment for the
said keeping, then the said Robert shall be bound to pay such
larger sum if he will have the keeping. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment to John Staunford of Russhale, co. Wilts, — by
mainprise of John Bacon of Chesynbury, co. Wilts, ' gentilman,'
Richard Furbour of Marleborgh, co. Wilts, ' yoman,' and Thomas
Coventre of Wanbarogh, co. Wilts, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping
of the manor of Charleton, co. Wilts, which is in the king's hand
by the death of Joan late queen of England ; to hold the same (the
fees, advowsons, forfeitures and escheats pertaining to the said
manor, excepted) from Michaelmas last for 7 years, at a yearly
farm of the 221. which the said John Staunford and others
rendered to the said late queen ; with clause touching mainten-
ance of houses, enclosures and buildings and support of charges,
and proviso that if any other person shall be willing without
Dec. 10.
Dec. 10.
Dec. 2.
Dec. 8.
Membrane 26 — cont.
fraud to give more by way of increment for the said keeping, then
the said John Staunford shall be bound to pay such larger sum
if he will have the keeping. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment (with like clause and proviso) to William Heton, —
by mainprise of Thomas Curson of Bulcote, co. Nottingham,
esquire, and John Heton of Howys, co. Leicester, esquire, — of
the keeping of all the lands in the towns of Warsop and Eykeryng,
co. Nottingham, that are in the king's hand by the death of
Margaret late lady de Roos and by reason of the minority of
Thomas son and heir of Thomas late lord de Roos ; to hold the
same from 26 November last until the full age of the said heir,
at a yearly farm of 161. , to wit, 121. for the lands in Warsop and
4Z. for the lands in Eykeryng. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment (with like clause and proviso) to John Freman,
clerk, and William Heton, — by mainprise of Thomas Curson of
Bulcote, co. Nottingham, esquire, and John Heton of Howys, co.
Leicester, esquire, — of the keeping of the manor of Bottesford
and 6s. 4d. of quit-rent in the town of Redmylde, co. Leicester,
which are in the king's hand by the death of Margaret late lady
de Roos and by reason of the minority of Thomas son and heir of
Thomas late lord de Roos ; to hold the same from the time of the
death of Margaret until the full age of the said heir, at a yearly
farm of 4 II. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment (with like clause and proviso) to Robert Roos,
knight, — by mainprise of John Chival of the county of Hertford,
esquire, and Robert Etton of the county of York, esquire, — of the
keeping of all the lands in the county of Gloucester of the alien
abbey of Bailbek, with all rights and appurtenances ; to
hold the same from Michaelmas last for 7 years, rendering 111.
yearly by equal portions at Easter and Michaelmas, and main-
taining there the divine services and other works of piety cus-
tomary from of old : as John Vampage and Norman Wassheborn,
to the end that the said Robert Roos may have the said keeping
from Michaelmas last, have surrendered into the Chancery for
cancellation the letters patent of 1 June 15 Henry VI [Calendar
of Fine Rolls, 1430-1437, p. 362], whereby the king committed the
said keeping to them, in like terms, from Easter then last past
for 7 years at a yearly farm of III. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment (with like clause and proviso) to Robert Roos,
knight, — by mainprise, found in the Exchequer, of Kynard de
la Bere of the county of Hereford, esquire, and Thomas Byllyng
of Houghton, co. Northampton, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping of
the manor of Stoke Daubeney, co. Northampton, which is held
Membrane 26 — cont.
of the king in chief, excepting the third part of the whole manor
which Margaret late the wife of John late lord de Roos has held
in dower of the endowment of the said John sometime her hus-
band, and the third part of two-thirds of the said manor which
Eleanor late the wife of Thomas late lord de Roos likewise has
held in dower of the endowment of the said Thomas sometime
her husband, and excepting also the offices of bailiff, parker and
keeper of the woods of the said manor and lordship, which offices
the king, on 14 November 17 Henry VI [Calendar of Patent Rolls,
1436-1441, p. 219], by letters patent, granted to William Overton
during the minority of Thomas son and heir of the aforesaid
Thomas and kinsman and heir of Margaret late the wife of William
Roos knight, to wit, son of the aforesaid Thomas late lord de Roos
the son of the said Margaret [wife of William], the said two-thirds,
with exceptions as above, being in the king's hands by the death of
Margaret [wife of William] and by reason of the minority of the
said Thomas the son, a minor in the king's ward ; to hold the
same from the time of the death of Margaret until the full age of
the said heir, at a yearly farm of 1 II. By bill of the treasurer.
Dec. 3.
Commitment (with like clause and proviso) to Robert Roos,
knight, — by mainprise of Laurence Leventhorp of the county
of York and William Austyn of the county of Salop, — of the
keeping of the manor of Uffington, co. Lincoln, which Margaret
late the wife of William Roos knight held of the king in chief
on the day of her death, and which is in the king's hands by the
death of the said Margaret and by reason of the minority of
Thomas son of Thomas Roos knight, the kinsman and next heir
of Margaret, and a minor in the king's ward ; to hold the same
from Michaelmas last until the full age of the said heir, at a yearly
farm of 60Z. By bill of the treasurer.
Nov. 4. Order to the escheator in the county of Norfolk ; — pursuant
Westminster, to an inquisition made by him showing that Hamon Pattesley
held the manor of Pattesley in his demesne as of fee on the day
of his death, with the advowson of the church of Pattesley,
parcel of the said manor, and with all members and appurtenances
in the town of Pattesley and elsewhere in the said county ; and
that the said manor, with the advowson of the said church, is
held of the king in chief by service of a twentieth part of a knight's
fee ; and that John Pattesley, citizen and alderman of London,
is the kinsman and next heir of the said Hamon, to wit, the son
of Richard Pattesley the son of Adam Pattesley the brother of
the said Hamon, and of full age ; — to take the fealty of the said
John and cause him to have full seisin of the said manor and
advowson, as the king for 6s. 8d. paid in the hanaper has respited
his homage until Easter next.
Dec. 3.
Commitment to Roger Honyton, — by mainprise of John Waller
of Norton, co. Kent, ' gentilman,' and Hugh Brent of Charryng,
co. Kent, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping of the manor of Bokeland
and all the lands in the county of Kent late of William Frogenale,
who held of the king in chief on the day of his death ; to hold the
same from the time of the death of the said William until the full
age of Roger his son and heir, together with the marriage of the
said heir, rendering for the said keeping and marriage as much
as may be agreed upon between him and the treasurer by the
Purification next, and finding fit maintenance for the said heir ;
with clause touching maintenance of houses, enclosures and
buildings and support of charges. By bill of the treasurer.
Vacated on surrender, since the king on 14 December in the
present year, by other letters patent, granted the marriage of the
said Roger son and heir of William to the said, Roger Honyton,
he paying 100 marks for the said marriage. And so these letters
are cancelled.
Dec. 5.
Commitment (with like clause) to Walter Hungerford, knight,
Philip Courtenay, knight, and Walter Colles, clerk, — by mainprise,
found in the Exchequer, of James Chuddele of the county of
Devon, esquire, and John Cheyne of the same county, esquire, —
of the keeping of all the manors and lands which Margaret late
the wife of John Lutrell ' chivaler ' held in dower of the inheritance
of James, a minor in the king's ward, son and heir of the said John
Lutrell, and also of those manors and lands which the said
Margaret held on the day of her death of the king in chief, in the
counties of Somerset, Devon and Suffolk ; to hold the same from
the time of the death of Margaret until the full age of the said
heir, at a yearly farm of the extent, or as much as may be
agreed upon between them and the treasurer by the octave of the
Purification next : as the said Walter, Philip and Walter have
surrendered into the Chancery for cancellation the letters patent
of 8 June last [p. 79 above], whereby the king committed the said
keeping to them, in like terms, at a yearly farm of the extent of the
premises, or as much as might be agreed upon between them and
the treasurer by Martinmas then next to come ; the said Walter
(sic) having made no agreement with the treasurer by the said
date. By bill of the treasurer.
Dec. 4.
Grant of the keeping of the county of Lincoln to John Neville,—
with the assent of the king's council and by mainprise of John
Kelyngholm of Kyngeston upon Hull, co. York, ' gentilman,' and
Henry Bury of Kyngeston upon Hull, co. York, ' gentilman, '-
from 5 November last, during pleasure, at a yearly farm of 2011. ;
in terms as above [p. 80] ; the commitment of 5 November last
[p. 129 below] notwithstanding. By p.s. [5120].
Nov. 14.
Dec. 8.
Membrane 25 — cont.
Commitment to John Cokfeld, William Heton, Robert Cowsell
and William Stanlowe, — by mainprise of Hamon Sutton of the
county of Lincoln, ' gentilman/ and John Taylboys of the same
county, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping of the manors of Maunsfeld
and Lyndeby in Shirewode, and of the manor, lordship and town
of Clipston in Shirewode, co. Nottingham ; to hold the same
from Michaelmas last for 12 years, rendering 36/. 2s. for the keep-
ing of the manors of Mansfeld and Lyndeby, and 4Z. Ws. for the
keeping of the manor, lordship and town of Clipston, yearly by
equal portions at Easter and Michaelmas ; with proviso that
the said John, William, Robert and William, their executors
and assigns, be wholly discharged of the maintenance and
repair of the said manors, lordship and town for term of the
said 12 years : — pursuant to the surrender into the Chancery,
for cancellation, (1) by Ralph lord Cromwell of the letters
patent of 16 July 11 Henry VI [Calendar of Fine Molls, 1430-
1437, p. 162], whereby the king committed to him the keeping
of the said manors of Maunsfeld and Lyndeby, which Henry IV
by letters patent granted to Eleanor late the wife of Nicholas
Dagworthe ' chivaler,' for term of her life, with reversion to the
said late king and his heirs [Calendar of Patent Rolls, 1399-1401,
p. 393, and 1405-1408, p. 143], to hold the same from the time of
the death of Eleanor, to wit, from the feast of Holy Innocents 1 1
Henry VI, for 12 years, at a yearly farm of 361. 2s. ; and (2) by
Robert Cowsell, clerk, and John Manchestre of the letters patent
of 12 June 12 Henry VI [Calendar of Fine Rolls, 1430-1437,
p. 205], whereby the king committed to them the keeping of the
said manor, lordship and town of Clipston, from Easter 12 Henry
VI for 12 years, at a yearly farm of 4Z. 105.
By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment to Elizabeth Newporte, — by mainprise of John
Neuport of the county of Southampton, esquire, and Henry
Domer of the county of Southampton, ' gentilman,' — of the
keeping of the manor of Wodehall in Kelsill, co. Hertford, which
John Philipot held by knight service on the day of his death of
the bishopric of Ely (then void by the death of Philip late bishop
of that place, so that the temporalities of the bishopric were then
in the king's hands), the said manor having been taken into the
king's hand by the death of the said John and by reason of the
minority of John his son and heir ; to hold the same from
Michaelmas last until the full age of the said heir, rendering the
8 marks which Richard Newporte, esquire, rendered, and an
increment of 6s. 8d., yearly at Easter and Michaelmas equally,
maintaining houses, enclosures and buildings, and supporting
all other charges incumbent on the said manor : as the said
Richard Newporte, to the end that the said Elizabeth may have
the said keeping, has surrendered in the Chancery for cancellation
Dec. 9.
Dec. 14.
Membrane 25 — cont.
the letters patent of 8 (sic) March 15 Henry VI [Calendar of Fine
Rolls, 1430-1437, p. 310], whereby the king committed the
keeping of the said manor to him from the time of the death of
the said John the father during the minority of the said heir, at
a yearly farm of 8 marks. By bill of the treasurer.
Grant to Thomas Arblaster, esquire, for his good service, of the
keeping of all the lands in the counties of Essex, Kent and Surrey,
late of Thomas Legh esquire, who held of the king in chief on
the day of his death ; to hold the same from the time of the
death of the said Thomas Legh until the full age of his son
and heir, together with the marriage of the said heir, without
rendering or paying anything for the keeping of the lands or for
the wardship and marriage of the heir : as Thomas Scargill and
Thomas Thorp, to the end that the said Thomas Arblaster may
have the said keeping, wardship and marriage, are willing to
surrender in the Chancery for cancellation the letters patent
[p. 110 above], whereby the king granted the keeping of the said
lands to them, to hold the same, together with the wardship and
marriage of the said heir, from the time of the death of the said
Thomas Legh until the full age of the said heir : provided always
that the said Thomas Scargill and Thomas Thorp be discharged,
against the king and his heirs, for the said term. By p.s. [5125A].
Grant to Roger Honyton, — by mainprise of John Waller of
the county of Kent, ' gentilman,' and John Selman of the county
of Devon, ' gentilman,' — of the marriage of Roger son and heir
of William Frogenhale, who held of the king in chief on the day
of his death, a minor in the king's ward ; he paying 100 marks
for the marriage, to wit, 50 marks at Easter next and 50 marks
at Michaelmas following, and finding fit maintenance for the
said heir during his minority : as the king, by letters patent dated
3 December last [p. 119 above} committed the keeping of the
manor of Bokeland and all the lands in the county of Kent late
of the said William Frogenhale to the said Roger Honyton, to
hold the same from the time of the death of the said William until
the full age of Roger his son and heir, together with the marriage
of the said heir, he rendering for the said keeping and marriage
as much as may be agreed upon between him and the treasurer
by the Purification next ; and as the said Roger has made agree-
ment with the treasurer, before the said feast, touching the fine
for the marriage aforesaid. By bill of the treasurer.
Sept. 19.
Order to the escheator in the county of Gloucester and the
adjacent march of Wales, in terms as above [p. 97], to make a
partition into three equal parts of all the manors, lands, rents,
Jan. 20.
Membrane 24 — cont.
knights' fees, advowsons, returns of writs and execution of the
same, possessions and hereditaments, in his bailiwick, which
have been taken into the king's hand by the death of Richard late
earl of Warwick, — who held the same by the courtesy of England
for life, after the death of Elizabeth late countess of Warwick,
late his wife, with reversion to Eleanor (wife of Edmund earl of
Dorset), Margaret (wife of John lord de Talbot) and Elizabeth
(wife of George lord de Latymer), as daughters and heirs of the
said late countess, — and to deliver to the said earl of Dorset and
Eleanor, John and Margaret, and George and Elizabeth his wife,
the pourparties of Eleanor, Margaret and Elizabeth respectively ;
as the king for a certain fine paid in the hanaper has respited the
fealty of the said earl, John and George for as long as the said
earl and John shall be in the king's service in foreign parts, and
has likewise respited the homage due from the said earl and
John by reason of their having issue by their wives, for as long
as the said earl, John and George shall be in the king's service
(the earl and John in France and George in the marches of England
towards Scotland) ; provided always that each of the said heirs
and parceners have in her pourparty a share of the lands which
are held of the king in chief, and so be the king's tenant.
Commitment to Ralph Boteller, John Beauchamp, William
Mounfort and William Thomas, knights, and to John Throk-
merton, John Vaumpage, John Norreys, John Nanfan and
William Menston, — by mainprise of John Cressy, knight, Thomas
Erdyngton, knight, John Abrahale, esquire, and Henry Fylongley,
esquire, — of the keeping of all the castles, lordships, manors,
hundreds, commotes, cantreds, lands, rents and services, together
with knights' fees, advowsons of churches, abbeys and priories,
hospitals, vicarages, chantries, chapels and other ecclesiastical
benefices, in England and Wales and in the march of Wales,
which have come to the king's hands by the death of Isabel
countess of Warwick, late the wife of Richard late earl of Warwick
deceased, who held of the king in chief on the day of her death,
and by reason of the minority of Henry her son and heir ; to hold
the same from the time of the death of the said countess, until
the said Henry shall have had livery of the premises from the
king or his heirs, at a yearly farm of the extent, or as much
as may be agreed upon between them and the treasurer by
Michaelmas next ; with clause touching maintenance of houses,
enclosures and buildings and support of charges.
By letters patent of the king.
1439 MEMBRANE 23.
[blank] 10. Commitment (with like clause) to Walter Strikland, esquire, —
by mainprise of Thomas Strikland of Kendall, co. Westmoreland,
Dec. 5.
Dec. 21.
Membrane 23 — cont.
knight, and William Strikland of Hemphill, co. Bedford, ' gentil-
man,' — of the keeping of all the lands, rents and services, with all
appurtenances, in Northmundam, Compton and Welegh, cos.
Sussex and Southampton, late of the abbot of La Luzerne in
Normandy, (alias ' Mundam called Lucerne'), the same being in the
king's hand by the death of Joan late queen of England ; to hold
the same from Michaelmas last for 7 years, rendering the 114s. 2d.
which Richard Bitterley rendered, yearly by equal portions at
Michaelmas and Easter, and maintaining there the divine services
and other works of piety customary from of old ; with proviso
that if any other person shall be willing without fraud to give
more by way of increment for the said keeping, then the said
Walter shall be bound to pay such larger sum if he will have the
keeping : as the said Richard Bitterley, to the end that the said
Walter may have the said keeping, has surrendered into the
Chancery for cancellation the letters patent of 26 November 16
Henry VI [recte 2 March 17 Henry VI, p. 75 above], whereby the
king committed the keeping of the said lands, rents and services
to him from Easter 15 Henry VI for 7 years, at a yearly farm of
1145. 2d. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment (with like clause) to Richard Caudray, clerk,
Hugh Dyke, Peter Paule, Thomas Hall and John Richard, clerk, —
by mainprise of Edmund Arblaster of the county of Stafford,
esquire, and Thomas Kethull of London, ' gentilman,' — of the
keeping of all the lands which Beatrice late countess of Arundell
held in dower or otherwise for life in the counties of Wilts and Salop
and the adjacent march of Wales ; to hold the same from the
time of the death of Beatrice for as long as the lands shall remain
in the king's hand by her death, at a yearly farm of as much as
may be agreed upon between them and the treasurer by the octave
of the Purification next. By bill of the treasurer.
Appointment of John Aburhale, — at the instance of John
bishop of Bath and Wells and Roger Aston, knight, — as receiver-
general of all moneys, rents, issues and profits forthcoming from
the castle and town of Brenles, from the lordships of Cantrecelly
and Penkelly, from the manors and lordships of Langoit and
Alisaundreston, and from a third part of the warren (recte barony)
of Penkelly in Wales, in the place of William Botiller, esquire ;
to hold that office during the king's pleasure, taking the customary
fees and wages ; provided that he answer for the moneys, rents,
issues and profits aforesaid to the said bishop and Roger, to whom
the king committed the keeping of the said castle, town, manors,
lordships and third part by letters patent [Calendar of Patent
Rolls, 1422-1429, p. 542], by virtue of which letters the said
bishop and Roger are still the farmers and occupiers of the
premises. By bill of the treasurer.
Dec. 20.
Membrane 23 — cont.
Commitment to Robert Selby, William Gant, Robert Priour
and Roger Wyke, — by mainprise of William Bury of Stoke, co.
Essex, ' gentilman,' and John Yeldham of London, ' gentilman,' —
of the keeping of 3 acres of land in Colchestre which are in the
king's hand because the prior of St. Botolph of Colchestre ac-
quired them, after the statute, for himself and his house from one
John Hervey without licence from the king, and of 3 acres of
free land, opposite the street called ' Northstrete,' in the said town
of Colchestre, which are in the king's hand because John Batell
of Colchestre killed his servant and was outlawed for the felony ;
to hold the same from Michaelmas last for 7 years, rendering the
4s. 8d. for which answer has been made to the king, and an
increment of 4d, yearly by equal portions at Easter and Michael-
mas, and supporting all charges incumbent on the lands ; with
proviso that if any other person shall be willing without fraud
to give more by way of increment for the said keeping, then the said
Robert, William Gant, Robert and Roger shall be bound to pay
such larger sum if they will have the keeping.
By bill of the treasurer.
Dec. 16.
Order to the escheator in the county of Salop and the adjacent
march of Wales ; — pursuant to an inquisition made by him show-
ing that Margaret late the wife of Robert Corbet of Morton
esquire died seised in her demesne as of fee tail of the manor of
Shawebury, of the gift and feoffment of William Boerley and
William Lopyngton, chaplain, made with licence from the king,
to the said Robert and Margaret and the heirs of their bodies,
with remainder to the right heirs of Robert, to hold of the king
by the services due and customary ; and that the said manor is
held of the king in chief by service of a fifteenth part of a knight's
fee ; and that Roger Corbet is the son and next heir of the said
Robert and Margaret, and of full age ; — to cause the said Roger
to have full seisin of the said manor, as the king has taken his
homage and fealty. By p.s. [5141].
Oct. 20. Order to the escheator in the county of York ; — pursuant to
Westminster. an inquisition made by him showing that there is in the said
county a manor called the manor of Herwod, of which the site is
a castle called the castle of Herwod ; and that Sibil Rither, late
the wife of William Rither knight, was seised on the day of her
death in her demesne as of fee of a moiety of this manor, the whole
site of the said castle, with a close called ' Le Conyngarth,'
excepted ; and that the said moiety, with exceptions as above,
is held of the king in chief by service of a fourth part of a knight's
fee ; and that William Rither, knight, is the son and next heir
of the said Sibil, and of full age ; — to take the fealty of the
said William the son and cause him to have full seisin of
Nov. 6.
Dec. 9.
Nov. 14.
Dec. 1.
Membrane 23 — cont.
the said moiety, as the king for 10s. paid in the hanaper has
respited his homage until the morrow of the Purification next.
Order to the escheator in the county of York ; — pursuant to an
order, on 15 November last [p. 66 above], to the late escheator
to take the fealty (a) of Constance late the wife of John Bygod
knight, sister and one of the heirs of Peter Maweley knight, and
(6) of John Salvan knight, son of Elizabeth the other sister of the
said Peter and the kinsman and other heir of Peter, make a
partition into two equal parts of all the lands in his bailiwick
which Maud late the wife of the said Peter held in dower and
otherwise for life, of the inheritance of the said Constance and
John Salvan, and in fee tail with remainder to the said Constance
and John Salvan, and cause the said Constance and John Salvan
to have full seisin of their pourparties, as the king for a certain
fine paid in the hanaper had respited their homage until a certain
day now past ; with proviso that each of the said heirs and
parceners should have a share of the lands which are held of the
king in chief, and so be the king's tenant ; — to make a partition
of the said lands into two equal parts, and cause the said Constance
and John Salvan to have full seisin of their said pourparties, as
the said late escheator was removed from his office before he could
make full execution of the order aforesaid ; provided always that
each of the heirs and parceners have a share of the lands which
are held of the king in chief, and so be the king's tenant.
Writ of diem clausit extremum to the escheator in the county
of Cumberland after the death of Robert Hoton of Hotonforest ;
as Walter Strikland the younger, late escheator in the said county,
to whom a like writ was addressed, was removed from his office
before he had executed the writ.
Order to the escheator in the county of Northampton to cause
George Longevile, son and heir of John Longevile esquire and Joan
late his wife, both deceased, to have full seisin of all the lands in
the bailiwick whereof the said John was seised in his demesne as
of fee, and of those which he held for life by the courtesy of
England after the death of Joan, of the inheritance of the said
George, on the day of his death, as the king has taken the homage
and fealty due from George for the lands which his father held of
the king in chief. By p.s. [5079].
Order in like terms to the escheator in the county of Bucking-
ham. By the same writ.
Whereas the king, by letters patent dated 5 December 17
Henry VI [p. 72 above], committed the keeping of 3 bovates of
1439 Membrane 22 — cont.
land in Colton, co. York, and of a marsh and 12 acres of arable
land in Chaldewell, co. Essex, (late of William Ingilby knight,
tenant in chief of the king), to John Feryby, to hold the same from
the time of the death of the said William until the full age of
John his son and heir, rendering for the said keeping the 4Z. 12s.
at which the said land and marsh were extended, and an increment
of 65. 8d., yearly by equal portions at Michaelmas and Easter, and
supporting all charges incumbent on the said land and marsh,
provided always that if any other person should be willing with-
out fraud to give more by way of increment for the said keeping,
then the said John Feryby should be bound to pay such larger
sum if he would have the keeping ; and whereas it appears by an
inquisition taken, by virtue of a writ of que plum, before Nicholas
Moreley late escheator in the said county of Essex that the said
William held more lands and tenements in the said county of
Essex than the aforesaid marsh and 12 acres of land, to wit,
12s. 3d. a year of quit-rent, issuing from certain lands in Chalde-
well, extended at 12s. '3d. a year, a messuage called ' Tholmodis,'
40 acres of arable land and a certain toft called ' Hampstedes,'
in the same town, extended at 8s. a year ; and whereas it appears
by another inquisition taken, by virtue of a writ of diem clausit
extremum, before William Hawley late escheator in the county
of Lincoln that the said William held 4 messuages, 52 bovates
of land and 6 cottages with small gardens in Spridlyngton, co.
Lincoln, extended at 36s. Sd. a year ; and whereas the said ad-
ditional rent, messuage, land and toft in the county of Essex
and the messuages, land and cottages in Spridlyngton have been
taken into the king's hand at the suggestion and diligent suit of
William Dales, who also offers more by way of increment for the
keeping of the bovates of land in Colton and the marsh and land
in Essex than the said John has rendered ; the king therefore,
by mainprise of William Thornholme of London, esquire, and
William Hall of Swynbroke, co. Oxford, ' gentilman,' has com-
mitted to the said William Dales the keeping of the said 3 bovates
of land in Colton, co. York, and the marsh and 12 acres of arable
land in Essex, and also the keeping of the 12s. 3d. a year of quit-
rent issuing from the said lands in Chaldewell, the messuage
called ' Tholmodys,' the 40 acres of arable land and the toft called
' Hamstedes,' in the town of Chaldewell, and the 4 messuages,
52 bovates of land and 6 cottages with the gardens in Spridlyngton,
co. Lincoln ; to hold the same from Michaelmas last until the
full age of the said heir, rendering (1) for the keeping of the
3 bovates of land in Colton and the marsh and 12 acres of arable
land the 4Z. 18s. Sd. which the said John Feriby has rendered,
and an increment of 16d., yearly by equal portions at Easter and
Michaelmas, (2) for the keeping of the 12s. 3d. of rent, the messu-
age, 40 acres of land and toft aforesaid the 20s. 3d. at which they
were severally extended, and an increment of 2s., yearly, at the
18 HENRY VI. 127
1439 Membrane 22 — cont.
same terms equally, and (3) for the keeping of the messuages,
land and cottages with the gardens in 8pridlyngton the 36s. 8rf.
at which they were extended, and an increment of 3$. 4k/., yearly,
at the same terms equally ; maintaining houses, enclosures and
buildings, and supporting all other charges incumbent on the
premises ; provided always that if any other person shall be
willing without fraud to give more by way of increment for the
said keeping, then the said William Dales shall be bound to pay
such larger sum if he will have the keeping.
By bill of the treasurer.
Nov. 11. Order to the escheator in the county of Hereford ; — pursuant
Westminster. to an inquisition made by him showing that Henry IV, by letters
patent dated at Kermerdyn 26 September 4 Henry IV [Calendar
of Patent Rolls, 1401-1405, p. 295], granted to Thomas Dyer,
burgess of Kermerdyn, in consideration of his having been
despoiled of his goods and chattels to the value of 1000Z. by
Welsh rebels, the lands late of William Gwyn ap Jevan within
the lordship of Kedewelle, 2 messuages with 3 acres of land late
of Rees ap Griffith ap LI' within the lordship of Kermerdyn, and
a messuage late of lorward Bola, forfeited by reason of the rebel-
lion of the said William Gwyn, Rees and lorward, to hold the same,
to him the said Thomas and his heirs for ever, to the value of
13 marks a year, answering to the said late king for any surplus ;
and that by virtue of those letters patent the said Thomas Dyer
was seised in his demesne as of fee of 200 acres of arable land,
100 acres of pasture, 4 acres of meadow and a weir, by Godreth
upon Towy, by name of the lands which belonged to the said
William Gwyn ap Jevan within the lordship of Kedewelle in
Wales at the time of his forfeiture aforesaid, of the said 2 messu-
ages and 3 acres of land which belonged to the said Rees ap
Griffith within the lordship of Kermerdyn at the time of his
forfeiture aforesaid, and of the said messuage which belonged to
the said lorward Bola at the time of his forfeiture aforesaid, and
died so seised ; and that the said lands late of William Gwyn ap
Jevan are held of the king as of the crown by service of rendering
a red rose to the king and his heirs yearly at Midsummer, if the
same be sought, for all services and customs, the said 2 messuages
with 3 acres of land late of the said Rees ap Griffith, of the king
as of the crown by service of 2s. payable yearly by equal portions
at Easter and Michaelmas for all services, and the said messuage
late of lorward Bola, of the king by service of 6d. payable yearly
at Easter and Michaelmas equally for all services ; and that
Marion wife of Thomas Philip is the sister and next heir of the said
Thomas Dyer, and of full age ; — to take the fealty of the said
Thomas Philip and cause him and Marion to have full seisin of
the premises.
Dec. 4.
Membrane 22 — cont.
Order to the escheator in the county of Huntingdon ; — pur-
suant to an inquisition made by him showing that Adam Forster
was seised on the day of his death of a messuage, 80 acres
of land, 20 acres of meadow and 24 shillings of rent in
Brampton, and held the same for life, by the courtesy of England
after the death of Margaret his wife, of the king by fealty and
service of 6s. of rent payable yearly by equal portions at Easter
and Michaelmas for all service, with reversion after his death to
one Gerard Forster, his son and the son of the said Margaret ;
and that the said Gerard is the son and next heir of the said
Adam and Margaret, and of full age ; — to cause the said Gerard
to have full seisin of the said messuage, land, meadow and rent,
as the king has taken his fealty.
Nov. 5.
Order to the escheator in the county of Kent to make a parti-
tion into five equal parts of all the lands in his bailiwick whereof
John Baker of Caldham, co. Kent, tenant in chief of the king, was
seised in his demesne as of fee on the day of his death, and to
cause Roger Twysden and Agnes his wife, one of the daughters
and heirs of the said John Baker, to have full seisin of the pour-
party of the said Agnes, as the king has taken the fealty of the
said Roger, and for 6s. 8rf. paid in the hanaper has respited until
Pentecost next the homage due from him by reason of his having
issue by his said wife ; retaining in the king's hand until further
order the pourparties of Robert Brandrede son of Joan the second
daughter of the said John, Juliana (whom John Queke has taken
to wife) the third daughter of the said John Baker, Beatrice
(whom Robert Wolet has taken to wife) the fourth daughter of
the said John Baker, and Alice (whom Peter Alkeham has taken
to wife) the fifth daughter and heir of the said John Baker ; pro-
vided always that each of the said heirs and parceners have a
share of the lands which are held of the king in chief, and so be
the king's tenant ; and saving to Isabel late the wife of the said
John Baker her reasonable dower of the lands.
Vacated because nothing thereof was done.
Dec. 9. Order to the escheator in the county of Kent to cause John
Westminster. Queke and Juliana his wife to have full seisin of the pourparty
of the said Juliana of the lands late of John Baker of Caldham
deceased, — the said pourparty having been retained in the king's
hand by virtue of an order lately given to the then escheator in
the county [last entry], — as the king has taken the fealty due
from John Queke ; retaining in the king's hand until further order
the pourparties of Robert Brandrede, Beatrice (Wolet) and Alice
(Alkeham), and saving to Isabel late the wife of the said John
Baker her reasonable dower of the lands.
Vacated because nothing thereof was done.
Nov. 5.
Nov. 5.
Nov. 5.
Commitment of the county of Cumberland to Hugh Louther
during pleasure, so that he answer at the Exchequer as sheriff.
Order to all persons of the county to be intendant to Hugh as
Order to Christopher Moresby knight, late sheriff, to deliver
the county to Hugh by indenture.
The like commitments to the following of the counties
named :—
Robert Harebotell, knight ; Northumberland.
John Cokfeld, esquire ; Nottingham and Derby.
John Neville ; Lincoln.
Laurence Berkeley, knight ; Warwick and Leicester.
Nicholas Eyton ; Salop.
John Grysley, knight ; Stafford.
Richard Walweyn of Markehill ; Hereford
John Stourton, knight ; Gloucester.
Henry Langley ; Cambridge and Huntingdon.
Walter Strykland ; Bedford and Buckingham.
Miles Stapilton ; Norfolk and Suffolk.
Richard Witherton ; Essex and Hertford.
Roger Leukenore ; Surrey and Sussex.
John Lysle, knight ; Southampton.
John Saintlo ; Wilts.
Walter Rodney ; Somerset and Dorset.
William Beauchamp, knight ; Devon.
John Nanfan ; Cornwall.
Thomas Burton ; Rutland.
Commitment of the county of York and castle of York to
John Tempest knight, during pleasure, so that he answer at the
Exchequer as sheriff and keeper.
Order to all persons of the county to be intendant to John as
sheriff and keeper.
Order to William Ryder knight, late sheriff, to deliver the
county and castle to John by indenture.
The like commitments to the following in the counties
named : —
Walter Skulle ; Oxford and Berks.
Eustace Burneby ; Northampton.
Gervase Clyfton ; Kent.
Commitment of the office of the escheatry in the counties of
Somerset and Dorset to Thomas Seintbarbe during pleasure, so
that he answer at the Exchequer for the issues thereof.
Order to all persons of the counties to be intendant to Thomas
as escheator.
9 — (26)
Feb. 22.
April 22.
Membrane 21 — cont.
Order to John Spenser, late escheator, to deliver to Thomas by
indenture the rolls, writs, memoranda and all other things relating
to the said office.
The like commitments to the following of the office of the
escheatry in the counties named : —
Robert Burton
Thomas Palmer
John Abrahale :
John Chetwyn ;
John Harpour ;
Thomas Dyngley
Devon and Cornwall.
Warwick and Leicester.
John Penycok ; Surrey and Sussex.
Thomas Chapman ; Kent and Middlesex.
William Percy j Lincoln.
John Heton ; Northampton and Rutland.
Robert Ughtrede ; York.
John Heron ; Northumberland.
Richard Redman, the younger ; Cumberland and West-
William Neville ; Nottingham and Derby.
John Tymperley ; Norfolk and Suffolk.
Edmund Hampden ; Bedford and Buckingham.
Mathew Hay ; Cambridge and Huntingdon.
Peter Fetiplace ; Oxford and Berks.
John Tychebourne ; Southampton and Wilts.
Thomas Stokdale ; Essex and Hertford.
Thomas Rokes ; Gloucester and the adjacent march of
John Burgh ; Kent and Middlesex.
Oct. 24.
Nov. 30.
Order to the escheator in the county of Kent to cause John
Michelgrove, son and heir of Joan Michelgrove, to have full seisin
of all the lands in the bailiwick which the said Joan held of the
king in chief, or was seised of in her demesne as of fee, or held for
life of the inheritance of the said John, on the day of her death,
as the king has taken the fealty of John and for | mark paid in
the hanaper has respited his homage until Midsummer next.
Order in like terms to the escheator in the county of Sussex.
Order to the escheator in the county of Southampton to cause
John Wanstede, son and heir of John Wanstede who held of the
king in chief, to have full seisin of all the lands whereof the said
Nov. 20.
Nov. 22.
Dec. 6.
Dec. 19.
Feb. 12.
Dec. 21.
Membrane 20 — cont.
John the father was seised in his demesne as of fee on the day of
his death, as the king has taken his homage and fealty.
By p.s. [5104].
Writ of diem clausit extremum to the escheator in the county of
Gloucester and the adjacent march of Wales after the death of
Robert Poyntz, esquire, tenant in chief of the king ; since a
like writ lately directed to the then escheator did not come to
his hands, as has been testified in the Chancery.
Writ of diem clausit extremum to the escheator in the county of
Dorset after the death of Thomas Brook, knight, tenant in chief
of the king ; since the late escheator, to whom a like writ was
directed, was removed from his office before he had executed the
The like to the escheator in the county of Cornwall after the
death of John Chechestre, tenant in chief of the king.
The like to the escheator in the county of Devon after the death
of Cecily Dymmok, tenant in chief of the king.
The like to the escheator in the county of Hereford and the
adjacent march of Wales after the death of John Walweyn.
Commitment to Thomas Stanley, knight, — by mainprise of
John Troutebek of Chester, co. Chester, esquire, and Henry de
Kyghley of Inskip, co. Lancaster, esquire, — of the keeping of a
third part of the lordships and manors of Howardyn and
Mohaudesdale, which are in the king's hands by the death of
Margaret late duchess of Clarence, who held them in dower after
the death of Thomas late duke of Clarence, sometime her husband ;
to hold the same from the time of the death of the said late
duchess for 10 years, rendering 301. Id. yearly at the Exchequer
of Chester, at Easter and Michaelmas equally ; with clause
touching maintenance of houses, enclosures and buildings and
support of charges, and proviso that if any other person shall be
willing without fraud to give more by way of increment for the
said keeping, then the said Thomas Stanley shall be bound to
pay such larger sum if he will have the keeping. By p.s.
Commitment to Lewis John, esquire, — by mainprise of Robert
Boyton of Little Berdefeld, co. Essex, ' gentilman,' and Thomas
Ardale of North Wokyndon, co. Essex, ' gentilman,' — of the
keeping of a [moiety of a] messuage, a water-mill, a carucate of
land and 20 acres of wood in Milton Damarle, a moiety of 2
messuages and 2 gardens in the city of Exeter, a moiety of 135. a
year of rent issuing from a messuage and certain lands in Brendes-
worthi in the parish of Blaketoriton, and a moiety of 15s. 6d. a
year of rent issuing from a messuage and certain lands in
Feb. 11.
Membrane 20 — cont.
Stottesdon in the parish of Bradeford ; to hold the same, which
are in the king's hand by the death of Richard Hankeford knight
and by reason of the minority of Anne, one of his daughters and
heirs, from Michaelmas 17 Henry VI until the full age of the said
heir, rendering the 54s. 3d. at which the said moieties were ex-
tended, and an increment of 20d., yearly by equal portions at
Easter and Michaelmas, maintaining houses, enclosures and
buildings and supporting all other charges incumbent on the
moieties aforesaid ; with proviso that if any other person shall
be willing without fraud to give more by way of increment for
the said keeping, then the said Lewis John shall be bound to pay
such larger sum if he will have the keeping, or, if he shall be un-
willing to pay as much for the keeping as others offer for the
same, then he shall be removed from the said keeping, taking at
the discretion of the treasurer, from those who ought to have
the keeping, a reasonable sum for the repairing of the messuages
and mill aforesaid had and maintained by him ; as the said Lewis
John, having made agreement with the treasurer, has surren-
dered in the Chancery for cancellation the letters patent of 8
December 17 Henry VI [p. 68 above], whereby the king commit-
ted to him the keeping of a moiety of a messuage, a water-mill, a
carucate of land and 20 acres of wood in Milton Damarle, a moiety
of 2 messuages and 2 gardens in the city of Exeter, a moiety of a
messuage and certain lands in Brendesworthi in the parish of
Blaketoryton, and a moiety of a messuage and certain lands in
Stottesdon in the parish of Bradeford, which were in the king's
hand for the cause aforesaid, to hold the same from Michaelmas
[then] last past until the full age of the said heir, at a yearly farm
of as much as might be agreed upon between him and the treasurer
by Easter then next to come.
By bill of the treasurer of England.
Order to the escheator in the county of Wilts to take the fealty
of Miles Stapilton, son and heir of Brian Stapilton ' chivaler,' who
held of the king in chief, and cause him to have full seisin of all
the lands in the bailiwick which the said Brian held of the king
in chief, or was seised of in his demesne as of fee, on the day of
his death, as the king has taken his homage. By p.s. [5238].
Order in like terms to the escheator in the county of Suffolk,
omitting the clause touching the taking of fealty.
Jan. 14. Commitment to Roger Fenys, knight, — by mainprise of James
Beading. Fenys, esquire, and Nicholas Carreu, esquire, — of the keeping of
the manors of Hoo and Preston, co. Sussex, which are in the
king's hands by the death of John late duke of Bedford ; to hold
Nov. 24.
Feb. 4.
Membrane 19 — cow/.
the same from Michaelmas last for 7 years, at a yearly farm of
the 23£. 16s. 4rf. at which the said manors were extended ; with
clause touching maintenance of houses, enclosures and buildings
and support of charges, and proviso that if any other person shall
be willing without fraud to give more by way of increment for the
said keeping, then the said Roger shall be bound to pay such
larger sum if he will have the keeping. By bill of the treasurer.
Vacated on surrender, since the king on 6 [recte 26] March in the
present year granted the said manors to the said Roger for life,
under a certain form [Calendar of Patent Rolls, 1436-1441, p. 385].
And so these letters are cancelled.
Commitment (with like clause and proviso) to Hugh Dike,
Edward Sakevile and John Threll, — by mainprise of John
Tychebourn of the county of Southampton, esquire, and Walter
Urry of Horsham, co. Sussex, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping of the
manor of Wymeryng, co. Southampton, which is in the king's
hands by the death of Katharine late the wife of John Botiller ;
to hold the same from 24 October last for 7 years, if it shall remain
for so long in the king's hand, at a yearly farm of the 16/. 11s. 8d.
at which the said manor was extended, (as appears in an inquisi-
tion taken before John Thornbury, escheator in the said county
of Southampton, by virtue of his office, on the said 24 October),
and an increment of 65. Sd. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment (with like clause) to John bishop of Bath and
chancellor of England, and to Walter Hungerford, knight,
Philip Courteney, knight, and Walter Colles, clerk, — by mainprise
of John Cheyne of the county of Somerset, esquire, and John
Sydenham of the same county, esquire, — of the keeping of all the
manors and lands which Margaret late the wife of John Lutrell
' chivaler ' held in dower of the inheritance of James, a minor in
the king's ward, son and heir of the said John Lutrell, and also
of those manors and lands which the said Margaret held on the
day of her death of the king in chief, in the counties of Somerset,
Devon and Suffolk ; to hold the same from the time of the death
of the said Margaret until the full age of the said heir, at a yearly
farm of the extent, or as much as may be agreed upon between
them and the treasurer by the quinzaine of the Nativity of St. John
the Baptist next : as the said Walter, Philip and Walter, having
made no agreement with the treasurer, intend to surrender into
the Chancery for cancellation the letters patent of 5 December
last [p. 119 above], whereby the king committed the said keeping
to them from the time of the death of the said Margaret until the
full age of the said heir, at a yearly farm of the extent, or as much
as might be agreed upon between them and the treasurer by the
octave of the Purification then next to come.
By bill of the treasurer.
Feb. 22.
March 5.
March 6.
March 14.
Membrane 19- — cont.
Commitment (with like clause) to John Tisyng, — by mainprise
of William Calcrofte of Grymston, co. Derby, ' yoman,' and John
Penson of Grymston, co. Derby, ' yoman,' — of the keeping of a
messuage and 200 acres [of land] in Batheley, a messuage and
60 acres of land in Northcarleton, and a messuage, 2 tofts and
30 acres of land in Northwell, co. Nottingham, which are in the
king's hands by the death of John Touke ; to hold the same
from the time of the death of the said John for 12 years, if the
premises shall remain for so long in the king's hand, at a yearly
farm of the extent, or as much as may be agreed upon between
him and the treasurer by Pentecost next.
By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment (with like clause) to William Hawes, — by main-
prise of Richard Bedford of the county of Buckingham, ' gentil-
man,' and John Forthei of the county of Worcester, ' gentilman,'
— of the keeping of a tenement and 9 acres of land in the town
of Offle, co. Hertford, which came to the hands of Henry V, and
are in the king's hand, because John atte Gate, late parson of the
church of Offle, gave and granted the same to Edmund Hamden
and John Kymbell with intent that they should give the issues
and profits forthcoming therefrom to the vicar of the said church
and his successors, for ever ; to hold the same from Easter next
for 7 years, at a yearly farm of the 3s. 4e£. which Richard Perche-
mener and Thomas Nougill, clerk, late farmers there, rendered ;
provided always that if any other person shall be willing without
fraud to give more by way of increment for the said keeping, then
the said William Hawes shall be bound to pay such larger sum if
he will have the keeping. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment (with like clause) to John archbishop of York, —
by mainprise of Thomas Bate of Tarn worth, co. Warwick, ' gentil-
man,' and Thomas Scotte of Batheleye, co. Nottingham, ' gentil-
man,'— of the keeping of 3 messuages, 2 tofts, 190 acres of land
and 2 closes in Batheleye, Holme, Northmuskham, Northecarleton
and Northwell, co. Nottingham, which by the death of John
Touke were seized into the king's hands by William Heton, late
escheator, by virtue of an inquisition taken before him, by virtue
of his office, at Cromwell on the morrow of St. Simon and St. Jude
last past ; to hold the same from the time of the taking of the said
inquisition for one year at a farm of as much as may be agreed
upon between him and the treasurer by Pentecost next.
By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment to Robert Sheffield, — by mainprise of Henry
Etwell of Potynho, co. Bedford, ' gentilman,' and Nicholas
Repynghale of Repynghale, co. Lincoln, ' gentilman,' — of the
marriage of the son and heir of Thomas Bylsby (who held of the
March 14.
Membrane 19 — cont.
king in chief on the day of his death), a minor in the king's ward,
paying for the marriage as much as may be agreed upon between
him and the treasurer by Pentecost next, and finding fit main-
tenance for the said heir during his minority.
By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment to Robert Sheffeld, — by mainprise of Henry
Etwell of Potynho, co. Bedford, ' gentilman,' and Nicholas
Repynghale of Repynghale, co. Lincoln, ' gentilman,' — of the
keeping of all the lands late of Thomas Bylsby, who held of the
king in chief on the day of his death ; to hold the same from
the time of the death of the said Thomas until the full age of his
son and heir, at a yearly farm of as much as may be agreed upon
between him and the treasurer by Pentecost next ; with clause
touching maintenance of houses, enclosures and buildings and
support of charges. By bill of the treasurer.
April 18.
Order to H. archbishop of Canterbury to appoint some trust-
worthy men of the clergy of his diocese to levy and collect in the
said diocese the tenth, payable a moiety of the tenth on the vigil
of St. John the Baptist next and the other moiety at Martinmas
1441, which the prelates and clergy of the province of Canterbury
in their last convocation, in the church of St. Paul, London, begun
on Saturday 21 November, 1439, and continued from day to day
until 22 December following, granted to the king, for the defence
of the church and realm of England, of all ecclesiastical goods,
benefices and possessions of the province that are assessed and
accustomed to pay to a tenth, under the following forms and
exceptions ; to wit, excepting from the grant and payment of the
said tenth all benefices, goods and possessions of poor religious,
poor nuns and hospitallers, and of other pious places of the pro-
vince, and the benefices, goods and possessions of all religious
and other ecclesiastics within the province whose monasteries,
priories, places, goods, possessions or benefices have been
destroyed, impoverished or excessively diminished by floods,
fires, ruin, wars or other accidents, or in any other way ; ex-
cepting also all ecclesiastical benefices of the province which on
account of their poverty are unofficed, and those unappropriated
ecclesiastical benefices with cure of souls, assessed and accus-
tomed to pay to a tenth, whereof the true yearly value in modern
times is under the sum of 12 marks, or is extended at 12 marks
a year and no more, wherein the rectors of the said benefices, the
vicars, or other curates, by whatever name they be known, reside
in person, or, if absent from the same, effectively pursue the study
of letters in some one of the universities of the realm, having
been sufficiently licensed therefor ; touching all which excepted
1440. Membrane 18 — cont.
benefices, goods and possessions aforesaid the ordinaries of the
places, each for his diocese, shall have certified the king in the
Exchequer, whose certificates shall be wholly accepted, so that
neither the ordinaries themselves, nor such excepted places,
goods, possessions or benefices, or the persons occupying the
same, nor the collectors of the said tenth, or of any part thereof,
be vexed or grieved on that account by the king's writs or in
any other manner, contrary to the form of such certificates ; and
excepting also from the said grant and payment the ecclesiastical
goods, benefices and possessions of the college of All Souls in
Oxford, the benefices, goods and possessions of the king's college
at Cambridge, and also the benefices, goods and possessions of the
colleges at Oxford and near Winchester of the foundation of
William Wykham sometime bishop of Winchester ; and excepting
moreover the benefices, goods and possessions of all rectors,
vicars and other beneficed ecclesiastics of the province who, after
the day of the said grant, shall have been indicted for rape or
any felony, and of those who hereafter, up to the term of the last
payment, shall be so indicted, on condition nevertheless that the
ordinaries of such indicted parties, by testimonials freely granted,
shall have certified the king in the Exchequer, and the collectors
of the said tenth, by the terms limited for the payment thereof,
of the honest conversation and good report of the indicted persons
(especially as touching the article upon which the indictment has
been made), whose certificates shall be wholly accepted, so that
nothing shall be levied or demanded, by virtue of the grant
aforesaid, from the indicted parties who have thus been certified ;
provided nevertheless that no ecclesiastics (or their farmers) be
obliged to pay with the laity to a fifteenth or to any other secular
contribution for goods, benefices and possessions (or for the
fruits and prevents thereof), for and of which the said tenth
ought to be paid, and that if it be attempted otherwise, then such
ecclesiastics (and their farmers) shall be excused from payment
of the said tenth and in no wise be bound to pay to it at all, and
that upon this they shall have writs from the Exchequer for their
discharge without any difficulty as often as they shall require and
it shall be necessary or in any way meet ; and provided further that
if any collector shall certify the king in the Exchequer on his faith
and oath that from the time of the said grant and before the last
payment of the same he is unable to levy, or has been prevented
from levying, the said tenth or any part thereof from the alien
priories or other possessions, goods or benefices of the province,
not excepted above, in whosesoever hands (of whatsoever estate,
sex or condition) they shall be, and even if in the king's hands,
then the collector shall be wholly discharged from the collection
in respect o5 such goods, benefices and possessions, and shall be
quit in the Exchequer, and such levying shall pertain thereafter
to the king and his ministers ; and provided further that the king
18 HENRY VI. 137
1440 Membrane 18 — cont.
shall satisfy the said collectors for the spiritualities and temporal-
ities of cathedral churches and of all others, conventual, regular
or others, which shall be in his hands (or in the hands of his
farmers or deputies) at the time of the collection and payment
of the said tenth, or otherwise discharge and acquit them in the
Exchequer without delay, and that no one succeeding in the said
churches shall be charged to payment of the said tenth ; and
provided especially that no collector shall in any wise be excused
from collection by obtaining any immunity or privilege from
the king in that behalf. And answer is to be made to the king
for the said moieties at the terms aforesaid ; and the archbishop
is to certify the treasurer and barons of the Exchequer by the
morrow of the Ascension next at the latest of the names of the
persons appointed by him.
Order in like terms to H. bishop of Winchester.
The like to the following : —
W. bishop of Lincoln.
J. bishop of Bath and Wells.
Th. bishop of St. Davids.
W. bishop of Rochester.
W. bishop of Salisbury.
Th. bishop of Bangor.
R. bishop of Chichester.
W. bishop of Coventry and Lichfield.
[blank] bishop of Llandaff.
E. bishop of Exeter.
Th. bishop of Hereford.
Robert bishop of London.
J. bishop of St. Asaph.
Th. bishop of Worcester.
Th. bishop of Norwich.
L. administrator of the bishopric of Ely or his vicar-general,
the administrator being in remote parts.
Order in like terms to the abbot of St. Albans touching his
exempt jurisdiction.
Extract' usque hue.
April 20. Commission to Th. bishop of Worcester, and to John Throgh-
Westminster. marton and Robert Russell the knights for the county of Worcester
in the last Parliament, or to any two of them ; — pursuant to the
grant of a fifteenth and tenth and a moiety of a fifteenth and tenth,
(payable a fourth part of the whole fifteenth and tenth at Mid-
summer next, a moiety of the whole fifteenth and tenth at Martin-
mas following, the other fourth part of the whole fifteenth and
tenth at Easter following, and the other moiety of a fifteenth and
1440 Membrane 17 — cont.
tenth at Martinmas then following), which was made to the king
by the commonalties of the realm, with the assent of the lords
spiritual and temporal, in the last Parliament, for the defence of
the realm ; in terms as below ; to wit, excepting the sum of 4000Z.
which is to be deducted from the sum to which the said fifteenth
and tenth attain, and 2000/. from the said moiety of a fifteenth
and tenth, in -part relief and discharge of the poor towns, cities
and boroughs within the realm that are desolate, laid waste and
destroyed, or over-greatly impoverished or over-greatly charged
to the said tax, every county of the realm that is chargeable by
the said grant to the said fifteenth and tenth and moiety of a
fifteenth and tenth to be quit and discharged of its rateable
share of the said sums of 4000Z. and 2000L (which are to be dis-
tributed evenly according to the sums at which the counties are
assessed to the said whole fifteenth and tenth and moiety of a
fifteenth and tenth), the same to be expressed in the commissions
directed to the collectors of the grant ; and providing that, before
any commission be directed to the said collectors, commissions be
directed, in every county of the realm that is chargeable to the
said fifteenth and tenth and moiety of a fifteenth and tenth, to a
lord of the said county and to the two knights of that county
who are in the Parliament aforesaid by return of the summons of
the same Parliament, giving them or any two of them full
power at their discretion, by inquisition and in other ways, to
appoint and assign, according to the sums stated in the com-
missions aforesaid for deduction, for every impoverished town,
city and borough the sum of its discharge ; and that likewise in
every city or borough of the realm that is chargeable to the said
tenth and moiety of a tenth, being a county corporate, like
commissions be directed to a lord and to the two citizens or
burgesses of the said city or borough who are in the Parliament
aforesaid by return of the summons of the same Parliament,
giving them or any two of them a like power at their discretion,
by inquisition and in other ways, to appoint and assign, according
to the sums stated in the commissions aforesaid for deduction,
for every impoverished parish or ward, in the said county so
corporate, the sum of its discharge ; and that thereupon the said
lords and knights of the county, in every county as they be
severally appointed, or two of them, and the lords and citizens
of cities, and the lords and burgesses of boroughs, being counties
corporate, or two of them, as they be severally appointed, shall
certify to the collectors of the said tax the towns, cities and
boroughs, parishes and wards, and the sums of their discharge ;
and that the said collectors by force of the said certificate shall
forbear to make any levy from any such town, city, borough,
parish or ward to the extent of the sum so certified for discharge ;
and that every such town, city, borough, parish and ward shall
be quit and discharged of that sum ; and that by the said certi-
18 HENRY VI. 139
1440 Membrane 17 — cont.
ficates the said collectors shall have due allowance upon their
accounts of the said assessment of the said sum so certified,
and they themselves, and the said towns, cities, boroughs, parishes
and wards, shall be quit and discharged for ever (provided always
that the said certificates do not exceed the sum appointed for
deduction within the county) ; and providing likewise that the
laity within the city of Lincoln and the suburbs and precinct of
the same, and the laity within the poor towns of Elm,
Wysebeche, Leveryngton, Newton and Tidde St. Giles, co.
Cambridge, be not compelled to payment of the said whole
fifteenth and tenth and moiety of a fifteenth and tenth, and the
laity of the towns of Andever and Alsford, co. Southampton, be
not compelled to payment of a moiety of the said whole fifteenth
and tenth and moiety of a fifteenth and tenth, by virtue of the
grant aforesaid, but be wholly quit and discharged of payment
of the said whole fifteenth and tenth and moiety of a fifteenth and
tenth, and of payment of a moiety of the said whole fifteenth and
tenth and moiety of a fifteenth and tenth, respectively ; — at their
discretion, by inquisition and in other ways, to appoint and assign
among the impoverished towns, cities and boroughs of the said
county the sum of 521. 14s. 4d. for the rateable share of the said
4000Z., and 261. Is. 2d. for the rateable share of the said 2000Z.,
to be deducted as aforesaid ; and, that the payment of the said
fifteenth and tenth and moiety of a fifteenth and tenth may not
be delayed through their default, to certify the collectors of the
said tax in the said county, in form aforesaid, as soon as possible
before Midsummer next ; provided always that the said sums of
521. 14s. 4d. and 261. Is. 2d. be distributed evenly for the payments
of the said fifteenth and tenth and moiety of a fifteenth and tenth
that are to be made at the terms aforesaid. [Rot. Parl. v. 4.]
Mittitur in extractis.
Commissions in like terms to the following, to distribute the
under-mentioned sums in the counties, cities and boroughs
named : —
W. bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, John Hampton,
Thomas Arblaster ; 601 12s. \Q\d. and 30Z. 6s. 5±d. ; in
the county of Stafford.
The lord de Audele, Walter Devereuse, John Aburhale ;
45Z. 16s. Qd. and 221. 18s. ±\d. ; in the county of Hereford.
James de Berkele, knight, Thomas Mille, John Boteller ;
149Z. 19%d. and 74J. 10s. 9fd. ; in the county of Gloucester.
Walter lord de Hungerford, John Seymour, knight, Richard
Milborne ; 167Z. 6s. 6fd. and 831. 13s. 3|d. ; in the county
of Wilts.
The abbot of Hyde, John Popham, ' chivaler,' Richard
Neuport ; 140Z. 13s. 2d. and 70J. 6s. Id. ; in the county
of Southampton.
1440 Membrane 17 — cont.
The lord de Botreaux, Edward Brook, ' chivaler,' John
Austyll ; 1421. Is. O^d. and 71Z. 3s. 6Jd. ; in the county of
The abbot of Shirborne, William Stafford, William Brounyng ;
SQL 4s. ll^d. and 44Z. 12s. 5fd. ; in the county of Dorset.
Thomas earl of Devon, John Speke, ' chivaler,' John Copies-
ton ; 99Z. 19s. 5|rf. and 49Z. 19s. 8|rf. ; in the county of
E. bishop of Exeter, Thomas Bonevyle, esquire, Nicholas
Assheton ; 501. 4s. 2\d. and 251. 2s. l\d. ; in the county
of Cornwall.
Humphrey Stafford of Graf ton, Thomas Erdyngton, Thomas
Porter ; 88/. 7s. 4Jd. and 442. 3s. 8|eZ. ; in the county of
William Babyngton, knight, William Babyngton, esquire,
John Bowys ; 73Z. 18s. l^d. and 36Z. 19s. 3fd. ; in the
county of Nottingham.
Henry lord de Grey, John Curson, Fulk Vernon ; 49Z. 6s. 6%d.
and 24:1. 13s. 3|d. ; in the county of Derby.
The lord de Ferers of Groby, Richard Hotoft, Thomas
Palmer ; 79Z. 8s. 3%d. and 39JL 14s. Ifd. ; in the county of
The abbot of Petirburgh, Robert Browe, Hugh Boivyle ;
221. 12s. Sd. and 111. 6s. 4d. ; in the county of Rutland.
The lord de Zouche, William Tresham, Richard Knyghtley ;
1211. lls. 6%d. and 60Z. 15s. 9%d. ; in the county of
The lord de Faunhop, John Wenlok, William Pekke ;
70Z. 14s. IQd. and 351. Is. 5d. ; in the county of Bedford.
The abbot of Nuttele, Edmund Hampden, Robert Manfeld ;
121. 3s. 10|d. and 36J. 23|d. ; in the county of Buckingham.
John lord de Tiptot, William Alyngton the younger, William
Cotton ; 106Z. 4s. 10|d. and 531. 2s. 5±d. ; in the county
of Cambridge.
The abbot of Ramsey, Robert Stonham, Everard Dygby ;
46Z. lls. 8d. and 231. 5s. lOd. ; in the county of Huntingdon.
The lord de Morley, Thomas Tudenham, knight, John
Wyndham, esquire; 3551. 3s. 9fd. and 177Z. lls. 10|<1 ;
in the county of Norfolk.
Thomas bishop of Norwich, Miles Stapilton, esquire, John
Harleston, esquire ; 1501. 16s. 2d. and 151. 8s. Id. ; in the
county of Suffolk.
The lord de Bourgchier, Lewis John, knight, Robert Darcy,
esquire ; 129Z. 7s. 9rf. and 64?. 13s. 10^. ; in the county
of Essex.
18 HENRY VI. 141
Membrane 16 — con/.
The abbot of Waltham Holy Cross, John Creasy of Whet-
hampstede, knight, Ralph Gray of Pelham Mersa, esquire ;
64/. 4s. 4d. and 32Z. 2s. 2d. ; in the county of Hertford.
Ralph Cromwell, knight, John Assh, Walter Grene ;
361. 14s. 3fd. and 181. Is. l|d. ; in the county of Middlesex.
Robert lord de Ponynges, James Fenys, Gervase Clyfton ;
202Z. 8%d. and 1011. 4jd. ; in the county of Kent.
The abbot of Chertesey, Nicholas Carreu, William Sydeneye,
the younger ; 611. 12s. l±d. and 301. 16s. 3fd. ; in the
county of Surrey.
William earl of Arundell, Roger Fenys, ' chivaler,' Roger
Leukenore ; 115Z. 15s. 4Jrf. and 511. 17s. 8^d. ; in the
county of Sussex.
The lord de Lovell, Richard Restwolde, Thomas Fetiplace ;
147Z. 2s. 9fd. and 131 Us. 4|d. ; in the county of Oxford.
The abbot of Redyng, Robert Shotesbroke, knight, John
Noreys ; 1081. 12s. 4Jd. and 54Z. 6s. 2^d. ; in the county
of Berks.
The abbot of Shrewsbury, William Boerley of Brounecroft,
Roger Corbet of Morton Corbet ; 611. Us. fyd. and
331. 15s. 8fd. ; in the county of Salop.
R. bishop of London, William Estfeld, knight, Robert Clopton,
John Carpenter, Geoffrey Feldyng ; 161. 15s. 6±d. and
381. Is. 9|d. ; in the city of London.
The abbot of St. Mary of York, Nicholas Usflete, Nicholas
Wyspyngton ; 16Z. 19s. 7fd. and 81. 9s. 9fd. ; in the city
of York.
The prior of Norwich, Robert Topp, William Asshewell ;
91. 18s. Ofd. and 41. 19s. Ofd. ; in the city of Norwich.
J. bishop of Bath and Wells, Thomas Yonge, William
Canynges ; 231. 15d. and III. 10s. l\d. ; in the town of
The lord de Haryngton, Thomas Stanley, Henry Kyghley ;
39Z. 11s. fyd. and 191. 15s. 8fd. ; in the county of Lan-
John lord de Scrop, John Constable, * chivaler,' Alexander
Neville,' chivaler ' ; 651. 19£d. and 32/. 10s. 9|d. ; in the
North Riding, co. York.
The abbot of St. Mary of York, John Constable, ' chivaler,'
Alexander Neville, 'chivaler'; llll. 2s. Q±d. and
551. Us. O^d. ; in the East Riding, co. York.
The lord de Clyfford, John Constable, ' chivaler,' Alexander
Neville, ' chivaler ' ; 111. 17s. 5£d. and 38J. 18s. 8|d. ; in
the West Riding, co. York.
14.4.0 Membrane 15 — cont.
John lord de Beaumont, John Taylboys, Hamon Sutton ;
100Z. 3s. Qd. and 501. 2ld. ; in the parts of Kesteven, co-
Leo lord de Wellys, John Taylboys, Hamon Sutton ;
149Z. 17s. 4d. and 74Z. 18s. 8d. ; in the parts of Lyndesey,
co. Lincoln.
The abbot of Croyland, John Taylboys, Hamon Sutton ;
69Z. 18s. Sd. and 34Z. 19s. 4eZ. ; in the parts of Holand, co.
April 24. Commission to John Hille of Belle, Thomas Marche of Kynges
Westminster. Norton, William Mirihuest of Dudley, Walter Colles of Sukley,
John Oxton of Clyfton upon Tenend, Nicholas Breton of Ellesfeld,
John Faukener of Quynhill, Richard Milward of Seynt Jones,
John Cave of the parish of Pendok, Thomas Blokley of Dome,
Nicholas Pynke of Bradway and John Smyth of Benge worth, to
levy and collect from all cities, boroughs and towns, and from
all secular lords of towns and other lay persons having goods and
possessions, and from others, both great and small, in the county
of Worcester (excepting the city of Worcester), and also from
ecclesiastical persons in respect of goods forthcoming from lands
acquired by them since 20 Edward I, the fifteenth and tenth and
moiety of a fifteenth and tenth, (payable a fourth part of the
whole fifteenth and tenth at Midsummer next, a moiety of the
whole fifteenth and tenth at Martinmas following, the other
fourth part of the whole fifteenth and tenth at Easter following,
and the other moiety of a fifteenth and tenth at Martinmas then
following), which the commonalties of the realm, with the assent
of the lords spiritual and temporal, in the last Parliament, granted
to the king for the defence of the realm, in terms as above (j>. 137],
to wit, as great a sum as has heretofore been levied in like case,
and no more, but excepting the sums of 521. 14s. 4(Z., for the rate-
able share of the said sum of 4000Z., and 261. Is. 2d., for the rate-
able share of the said sum of 2000Z., to be deducted as above,
which are to be distributed by Thomas bishop of Worcester, and
by John Throkmarton and Robert Russell, the knights for the
said county in the said Parliament, or by any two of them, in
relief and discharge of the impoverished towns, cities and
boroughs within the said county ; provided always that the said
secular lords of towns and lay persons and others aforesaid
contribute to such payment in respect of all their goods and
chattels whatsoever, and the ecclesiastics as above for their
portion with the commonalty of the county, and that no one be
spared, and that answer be made for such fifteenth and tenth
and moiety of a fifteenth and tenth (with exceptions as above)
at the Exchequer or other appointed place at the terms aforesaid ;
and order to them to go in person from town to town and from
18 HENRY VI. 143
1440 Membrane 14 — cont.
place to place within the county (excepting the said city of
Worcester), and cause to come before them two men and the
reeve from every town, and the mayor, bailiffs and four men from
every city and borough, from the most discreet and upright men
of the said towns, cities and boroughs, charging them to have the
money levied and delivered to them (the commissioners) without
delay by one or two of the most sufficient men of every city,
town and borough, or else to have the money levied from the men
themselves and answer made therefor to the commissioners ;
provided always that answer be made to the king for the whole
sum (with exceptions as above) at the terms aforesaid, so
that the affairs of the realm be not delayed for failure of pay-
ment through their default. And order to dukes, earls, barons,
knights, lords of towns, free men and the whole commonalty
of the county, and to the mayors, bailiffs and commonalties
of the cities, boroughs and towns, and to the sheriff of the
county, to be intendant to the said commissioners ; and to
the sheriff to join with the commissioners in distraining those
who refuse to pay. For the king has ordered the said bishop,
John and Robert, or any two of them, to certify to the com-
missioners as soon as possible before Midsummer next touching
the said sums of 521. 14s. 4d. and 261. Is. 2d. which are to be
distributed evenly by them (the said bishop, John and Robert)
for the payments of the fifteenth and tenth and of the moiety of
a fifteenth and tenth that are to be made at the terms aforesaid.
Mittitur in extractis.
Commissions in like terms to the following, to levy and collect
the said fifteenth and tenth and moiety of a fifteenth and tenth
in the counties, cities, boroughs and places named, excepting the
sums named for distribution : —
John Richelot of Surbeton, Richard Roppele of Chyddyng-
fold, ' tanner,' Robert Balle of Dorkyng, William Inyng-
feld of Lyngefeld, William Chelsham, John Whyte of
Legh, William Fuller of Chertesey, Henry atte Hille,
William Dounton of Wandesworth, Thomas La we ton of
Wandesworth ; in the county of Surrey, excepting the
borough of Suthwark ; excepting 611. 12s. l\d. and
30Z. 16s. 3fd. to be distributed by the abbot of Chertesey,
and by Nicholas Carreu and William Sydeneye the
younger, knights coming to Parliament.
William Capron of Bannebury, John Boreman of Dadyngton,
Robert Raynold of Norton, Henry Busshop of Burford,
Thomas Houchyld of Dorchester, Richard Newby of
Qwatelee, John Wilmot of Hokeynd, Thomas Bartlot of
1440. Membrane 13 — cont.
Claye ; in the county of Oxford, excepting the town of
Oxford ; excepting 1411. 2s. 9fd. and 731. 11s. 4fd. to be
distributed by the lord de Lovell, and by Richard Rest-
wolde and Thomas Fetiplace, knights coming to Parlia-
John Boorne of Chaldefeld, John Foxhanger, Robert
Hampton of Brodeblonttysdon, Edmund Penstone of
Wynterborn, Henry Stanley of Hyndon, ' gentilman,'
John Farley of Stokton, ' gentilman,' Richard Page of
Warmestre, ' yoman,' John Edward of Bishop's Lav-
yngton, ' yoman ' ; in the county of Wilts, excepting the
city of Salisbury ; excepting 167Z. 6s. 6fd. and 83Z. 13s. 3fd.
to be distributed by Walter lord de Hungerford, and by
John Seymour, knight, and Richard Milborn, knights
coming to Parliament.
William Toppesfeld of Toppesfeld, John Algood of Dony-
land, John Ponder of Gynge Margarete, John Wakeryng
of Great Leghes, William Billyngton of Mokkyng, John
Copdo of High Estre, Richard Gobyon of Wokyngdon
Bysshop, Robert Farthynge of Sutton Temple ; in the
county of Essex ; excepting 1291. Is. 9d. and 64Z. 13s. 10|d.
to be distributed by the lord de Bourgchier, and by Lewis
John, knight, and Robert Darcy, esquire, knights coming
to Parliament.
John Tylton of Northluffenham, John Tomlynson of Cottes-
more, John Trottere of Okam, William Plompton of
Gretham ; in the county of Rutland ; excepting
221. 12s. 8d. and 11Z. 6s. 4d. to be distributed by the abbot
of Petirburgh, and by Robert Browe and Hugh Boivile,
knights coming to Parliament.
Thomas Bakere of Hoddesdon, John Barbour of Bishop's
Hatfeld, John Moredon of St. Albans, Thomas Herst of
Asshewell, Thomas Swetman of Watford, William Brante-
feld of Hertford ; in the county of Hertford ; excepting
64Z. 4s. 4d. and 32Z. 2s. 2d. to be distributed by the abbot
of Waltham Holy Cross, and by John Cressy of Whetham-
stede, knight, and Ralph Grey of Pelham Mersa, esquire,
knights coming to Parliament.
William Turburvile, Robert Rampston, John Strode of
Bloxworth, Robert Bertram, John Frampton of Cerne,
Henry Colmore, Thomas Blakemore, Walter Dabron ; in
the county of Dorset ; excepting 89Z. 4s. ll^d. and
44J. 12s. 5|d. to be distributed by the abbot of Shirborne,
and by William Stafford and William Brounyng, knights
coming to Parliament.
John Framyngham of Debenham, esquire, James Joce of
Helmyngham, esquire, Edmund Stratton of Shotle, esquire,
Thomas Curson, esquire, John Aylemer of Tatyngton,
18 HENRY VI. 145
1440 Membrane 13 — cont.
John Styward of Yoxford, John Person of Lavenham,
John Halle of Framyngham, Robert Moryell of Sudbery ;
in the county of Suffolk ; excepting 150/. 16s. 2d. and
151. 8s. Id. to be distributed by Thomas bishop of Norwich,
and by Miles Stapulton, esquire, and John Harleston,
esquire, knights coming to Parliament.
Humphrey Ackeworthe of Bysshecote, John Sare of Lym-
bury, William Ponde of Leghyton, Laurence Baldok of
Dunstaple, John Pesshon of Salford, John Crowe of Little
Stoughton, John Hornedale of Birchemore, Robert Torold
of Temysford, Baldwin Smyth of Sutton, John Doget of
Dunstaple ; in the county of Bedford ; excepting
70Z. 14s. lOd. and 351. 7s. 5d. to be distributed by the lord
de Faunhop, and by John Wenlok and William Pekke,
knights coming to Parliament.
Robert Cliderowe of Alkeley, esquire, John Fraunceys of
Allerton in Shirwode, Robert Hassok of Trowell, Thomas
Watnowe of Cotgrave, William Crescy of Newerk, Thomas
Brynghirst of Newerk, Laurence Thomlynson of Bonyngton ;
in the county of Nottingham ; excepting 131. 18s. l\d.
and 36Z. 19s. 3fd. to be distributed by William Babyngton,
knight, and by William Babyngton, esquire, and John
Bowys, knights coming to Parliament.
Thomas Burgoyn of Caxton, John Boteler of Royston, John
Palfrey man of Sutton in the Isle, Thomas Cosyn of
Melrethe, William Messenger of Hadenham, William
Ermynglond, Henry Roys, Thomas Caumpys ; in the
county of Cambridge ; excepting 106Z. 4s. 10|J. and
531. 2s. 5^d. to be distributed by John lord de Tiptot, and
by William Alyngton the younger and William Cotton,
knights coming to Parliament.
Thomas Byflete, esquire, William Austen of Basyngstoke,
John Haket of the Isle of Wight, William Borogham,
Richard Seman of Lymyngton, Philip Clerc of Nether
Walhop, William Halle of Lepoke, Ralph Hassheford of
the hundred of Ryngwode, William Benam of Kyngesclere ;
in the county of Southampton ; excepting 140/. 13s. 2d.
and 101. 6s. Id. to be distributed by the abbot of Hyde,
and by John Popham, ' chivaler,' and Richard Neuport,
knights coming to Parliament.
John Pratte of Clay broke, William Chapman of Assheby
la Zouch, John Freman of Wydirley, William Hunton of
Merston ' in the ' Vale, John Boydell of Stretton ' in the '
Feld, Thomas Mercer of Norton, John Webster of Wheston,
John Goldesmyth of Melton ; in the county of Leicester ;
excepting 191. 8s. tyd. and 39/. 14s. Ifd. to be distributed
by the lord de Ferrers of Groby, and by Richard Hotoft
and Thomas Palmer, knights coming to Parliament.
10 — (20)
1440. Membrane 13 — cont.
William Wright of Nor toft, Richard Lodyngton of Wolde,
Richard Inglond of Welton, John Whitehede of Lylle-
burne, John Graunt of Daventre, William Wotton of
Brigstoke, John Darwent of Waldegrave, William Sander
of Dosthorp ; in the county of Northampton ; excepting
1211. Us. 6%d. and 60Z. 15s. 9|d. to be distributed by the
lord de Zouche, and by William Tresham and William
[recte Richard] Knyghtley, knights coming to Parliament.
Richard Horton of Dothyll, Humphrey Hull, John ap Rerith
of Mersch, Hugh Dodde of Cloreley, Walter Walcote,
John Husee of Balderton, Thomas Seympere of Asterley,
Roger Freman of Albrighton, William Rowlowe of Old-
yngton, John Eton of Golston ; in the county of Salop,
excepting the town of Shrewsbury ; excepting 611. 1 Is. 5|d.
and 33Z. 15s. 8fdL to be distributed by the abbot of Shrews-
bury, and by William Boerley of Bromecroft and Roger
Corbet of Morton Corbet, knights coming to Parliament.
Thomas Lovedon the younger, Thomas Prentys of Padbury,
John Pawlyn of Crawle the younger, Thomas Putnam of
Chesham, John Basset of Ayllesbery, John Gaunt of Den-
ham, John Taillour of Wolverton, Richard Kent of Mid-
delton, John Munde of Bukyngham ; in the county of
Buckingham ; excepting 121. 3s. 10£dL and 36Z. 23|dL to
be distributed by the abbot of Nuttele, and by Edmund
Hampden and Robert Manfeld, knights coming to Parlia-
Thomas Gylle, Henry Gyn, John Swavesey, John Wyssyng-
den, Walter Godegame, Robert Forthe, John Leef of
Bukworth, Richard Tetteworth, William West, Reynold
Boxston ; in the county of Huntingdon ; excepting
46Z. lls. Sd. and 23Z. 5s. lOd. to be distributed by the abbot
of Ramsey, and by Robert Stonham and Everard Digby,
knights coming to Parliament.
John Laurence of Feltham, Thomas Martyn of Heston,
John Roger of Harowe, John Mordemer of Enfeld, John
Smyth of Woxbrygge, Richard Forde of Hakeney ; in the
county of Middlesex ; excepting 36Z. 14s. 3fd. and
18L 7s. Ifd. to be distributed by Ralph Cromwell knight,
and by John Assh and Walter Grene, knights coming to
William Sherman of New Wyndesore, Robert Beche of
Wokyngham, John Kirkeby of Redyng, John Colyns of
Gynge, John Collee of Beneham, Thomas Blake of North-
morton, Richard Rider of the parish of Hungerford, John
Beremylle of West Hannee, John Cokkys of Est Henry th ;
18 HENRY VI. 147
1440. Membrane 12 — cont.
in the county of Berks ; excepting 108/. 12.*. ±^d. and
547. 6s. 2^d. to be distributed by the abbot of Redyng,
and by Robert Shotesbroke, knight, and John Noreys,
knights coming to Parliament.
William Payn of Roudeham, Thomas Burgh of Bishop's
Lenn, John Aleyn of Castelacre, Simon Draper of Bishop's
Lenn, William Prentys, William Taverham of Athelbrig,
Robert Boniour, John Elmham, John Talnas ; in the
county of Norfolk ; excepting 3551. 3s. 9|rf. and
llll. lls. lOfd. to be distributed by the lord de Morley,
and by Thomas Tudenham, knight, and John Wyndham,
esquire, knights coming to Parliament.
William Michell of Wemdon, esquire, Richard Bykcombe
of Crecombe, esquire, Robert Cammell by Castell Gary,
esquire, John Milburne of Quene Cammell, ' gentilman,'
Robert Tayllour of Staunton Drewe, merchant, John
Colyns of Clyvedon, ' mercer,' Thomas Horner of Mellys,
' gentilman,' Robert Stanlynche of Bishop's Lydeard,
' gentilman ' ; in the county of Somerset ; excepting
142Z. 7s. 0£d. and 111. 3s. 6|d. to be distributed by the lord
de Botreaux, and by Edward Brook, ' chivaler,' and John
Austyll, knights coming to Parliament.
Edmund Draper of Teukesbury, Thomas Wodward of
Micheldene, Thomas Goderiche of Homme, William Hogell
of Serincestre, ' bocher,' Henry Rome of the parish of
Hembery, Thomas Arnolde of Mynsterworth, John
Taundy of Teukesbery, John Hareward of Weston under
Egge ; in the county of Gloucester ; excepting 149Z. Ityd.
and 14:1. 10s. 9fd. to be distributed by James de Berkele,
knight, and by Thomas Mille and John Boteller, knights
coming to Parliament.
John Clerc of Tybyngton, Thomas atte Meere of Enfeld,
Robert Berdmore of the parish of Kyngeley, William
Wolriche of Wereston, Thomas Norethale of Brewod,
Robert Bridde of Asshmerbroke, Robert Busshop of Burton
upon Trent, Thomas Madeley of Denston, Roger Milles
of Heywode, Clement Jordan of Hampton, Clement Wilkes
of Wodersfeld ; in the county of Stafford ; excepting
60Z. 12s. I0$d. and 301. 6s. 5%d. to be distributed by W.
bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, and by John Hampton
and Thomas Arblaster, knights coming to Parliament.
Hugh Wylloughby of Ryseley, Robert Thormonde of Lynton,
John Bullok of Norton, Robert son of Richard of Engelby,
John Houghton of Hethe, John Rolleston of Le, William
Herteshorn of Chaddesden ; in the county of Derby ; ex-
cepting 49iL 6s. 6%d. and 24:1. 13s. 3^d. to be distributed by
Henry lord de Grey, and by John Curson and Fulk Ver-
noun, knights coming to Parliament.
1440 Membrane 12 — cont.
William Brette of Anstley, Robert Crooke of Orlescote,
Richard Whitheley of Whitheley, Richard Osbarn of
Coventre, John Danyell of Haloughton, Thomas Umfray
of Overton, Henry Corley of Amynton, William Swyft
of Graf ton ; in the county of Warwick ; excepting
SSL Is. ±\d. and 44Z. 3s. 8|d. to be distributed by Hum-
phrey Stafford of Graf ton, and by Thomas Erdyngton and
Thomas Porter, knights coming to Parliament.
John Beauchamp, Thomas Liewcombe, John Crendecote,
Richard Menebryll ; in the county of Cornwall ; ex-
cepting 501. 4s. 2^d. and 251. 2s. \\d. to be distributed by
E. bishop of Exeter, and by Thomas Bonevile, esquire, and
Nicholas Asshton, knights coming to Parliament.
John Hunte of Wydecombe by Exmouth, Richard Wyke
atte Mille of South Taunton, John Charde of Otere St.
Mary, John Colemore of South Lobbe, John Hill of Pay-
hembury, John Rem of the parish of Staverton, Richard
Stacy of Holdesworthy, John Holemore of Yeartecombe ;
in the county of Devon ; excepting 99Z. 19s. 5%d. and
49Z. 19s. 8fd. to be distributed by Thomas earl of Devon,
and by John Speke, ' chivaler,' and John Copleston,
knights coming to Parliament.
John Preston of Brydham, John Glover of Gate, John
Exton of Walberton, Richard Hovvyke of Lemynstre,
Henry Wendovere of Cicestre, Henry Mayfaye of Rype,
Richard Page late of Est Hodlegh, John Stotherd of
Chytynglegh, William Hore of Erlyngton, Hugh Brom-
feld, John Hendyman of Jevyngton, John Thunder ; in
the county of Sussex ; excepting 1151. 1 5s. 4|d. and
511. 17s. 8^d. to be distributed by William earl of Arundell,
and by Roger Fenys, ' chivaler,' and Roger Leukenore,
esquire, knights coming to Parliament.
John Adys of Stackebache, Thomas Jonys of Bolyngehope,
John Ragon of the parish of Madley, Richard Connyng
of Bromyard, Thomas Morelay the elder of Assperton,
John Bakere of Ledbury ; in the county of Hereford ;
excepting 451. 16s. 9d. and 221. 18s. 4|-d. ; to be distributed
by the lord de Audele, and by Walter Devereuse and John
Aburhale, knights coming to Parliament.
Richard Coumbe of Canterbury, ' gentilman,' John Bele
of Sevenoke, ' husbondman,' John Orgar of Ealdyng,
' draper,' John Sandre of Esshetisford, ' yoman,'
John Payn of Chilham, ' frankeleyn,' Walter Bakere
of Maydeston, ' yoman/ John Eytherst of Ten-
ham, ' yoman,' John Silvester of Reynham, ' yoman,'
18 HENRY VI. 149
1440. Membrane 11 — cont.
Henry Dore of Boxle, ' husbondman,' Thomas Criste-
masse, Laurence Beclysdon of Bydynden, ' husbondman,'
Michael Dogesell of Merden, ' husbondman ' ; in the
county of Kent ; excepting 2021. 8$d. and 1011. t\d. to
be distributed by Robert lord de Ponynges, and by James
Fenys and Gervase Clifton, knights coming to Parliament.
William Kyme of Langton by Parteney, John Lumpner of
Halton by Spyllesby, Richard Wolfcy of Thorp by Wayn-
flete, William Screvyn of Castre, Thomas Somercotes of
Wyflyngham, Roger Noone of Wadyngham, John Whityng
of Irby by Bray toft, John Tomlynson of Wot ton ; in the
parts of Lyndesey, co. Lincoln ; excepting 149Z. 175. 4d.
and 74Z. 185. Sd. to be distributed by Leo lord de Wellys,
and by John Taylboys and Hamon Sutton, knights coming
to Parliament.
Richard Belle of Benyngton, Thomas Uttirdyke of Sotreton,
Thomas Sparowe of Spaldyng, Richard Braytoft of Hol-
bech ; in the parts of Holand, co. Lincoln ; excepting
C9Z. 185. 8d. and 34Z. 195. 4d. to be distributed by the abbot
of Croyland, and by John Taylboys and Hamon Sutton,
knights coming to Parliament.
John Hamund of Lesyngham, William Slory of Rouceby,
John Harbard of Steneby, John Colvyle of Swynstede ;
in the parts of Kestevyn, co. Lincoln ; excepting
100Z. 85. 6d. and 501 2ld. to be distributed by John lord
de Beaumont, and by John Taylboys and Hamon Sutton,
knights coming to Parliament.
John Bekquyt, William Berkestone of Berkestone, John
Percy Hay (sic) of Ryton, Thomas Gray of Barton, William
Yerislay of Yerislay ; in the North Riding, co. York ;
excepting 65/. 19|d. and 321. 105. 9|d. (sic) to be distributed
by John lord de Scrop, and by John Constable, ' chivaler,'
and Alexander Neville, ' chivaler,' knights coming to
William Rysom of Rysom, Thomas Thornholme of Hasthorp,
Robert Ledys of Sledmare, Thomas Nutthille of Ryston,
William Cawode of Wetwang ; in the East Riding, co.
York ; excepting 111Z. 2s. 0±d. and 551. Us. tyd. to be
distributed by the abbot of St. Mary of York, and by
John Constable, ' chivaler,' and Alexander Neville,
' chivaler,' knights coming to Parliament.
Hugh Tonge of Hondesworth, Thomas Ledys of Westwyk,
Henry Chambre of Brame, John Laton of Sproxton,
William Barry of Sessay, William Wakefeld of Usborne ;
in the West Riding, co. York ; excepting 111. 175. 5fd. and
381. 18s. 8fd. to be distributed by the lord de Clifford, and
by John Constable, ' chivaler,' and Alexander Neville,
' chivaler,' knights coming to Parliament.
1440. Membrane 11 — cont.
John Sutton, William Wetenhale, Eborard Flete, Nicholas
Wyfeld ; in the city of London ; excepting 1QI. 15s. §\d.
and 381. Is. 9^d. to be distributed by R. bishop of London,
and by William Estfeld, knight, Robert Clopton, John
Carpenter and Geoffrey Feldyng, citizens coming to
William Towthorp, ' bocher,' Robert Holdernesse, ' lytster,'
William Walley, ' taillour,' William Nevylle, ' cordwaner ' ;
in the city of York ; excepting 16Z. 19«s. 1\d. and SI. 9s. 9|d.
to be distributed by the abbot of St. Mary of York, and
by Nicholas Usflete and Nicholas Wyspyngton, citizens
coming to Parliament.
Henry May, ' marchant,' William Chestre, William Reynes,
' barbour,' John Yong of Bristol, ' marchant,' John
Sengilday, Thomas Spencer, ' marchant,' John Bullok,
' mercer,' John Tynby, ' bakere ' ; in the town of Bristol ;
excepting 231. I5d. and HZ. 10s. 7|d. to be distributed by
J. bishop of Bath and Wells, and by Thomas Yonge and
William Canynges, knights coming to Parliament.
John Dounyng and Edmund Bretayn ; in the city of Nor-
wich ; excepting 9Z. 18s. OfoL and 4Z. 19s. Ofd. to be dis-
tributed by the prior of Norwich, and by Robert Topp and
William Asshewelle, citizens coming to Parliament.
Commission in like terms to Hugh Doppyng, ' spicer,' and
Richard Priour, ' fleccher,' both of Worcester, to levy and collect
the same in the city and suburbs of Worcester ; and order to
them to cause to come before them the mayor and bailiffs of the
city and four or six of the most discreet and upright men of the
city and suburbs, and, in person or by deputy, to have the money
levied by their advice.
The like to the following in the cities, towns and boroughs
named : —
John Salford, John Calewey, Henry Trewennok, John
Bartlot ; in the borough of Suthwerk.
John Perant, ' goldsmyth,' Thomas Pakker, ' mercer,' both
of Salisbury ; in the city of Salisbury.
Nicholas Trumpe, alias Nicholas Clement, ' brewer,' John
Hervy, ' brewer,' Richard Kenley, ' scrivyner,' Richard
Cleobury, ' corvyser,' all of Shrewsbury ; in the town of
William Hamys, Thomas Herberfeld, Thomas Hawvill,
Nicholas Fairewey ; in the town of Oxford,
1440 Membrane 10 — cont.
Order to the chancellor in the county palatine of Lancaster to
cause Thomas Laurans, John de Broghton, Nicholas Boteler,
Roger de Elston, William de Coppull, Edward de Chernok,
Alexander Nowell, John de Lynals. James de Holme, Geoffrey
de Ewode, John de Langton and Henry de Bradshagh of
Aspull to be appointed to levy and collect the said fifteenth and
tenth and moiety of a fifteenth and tenth in the said county,—
excepting 391. 11s. 5%d. and 191. 15s. 8$d. to be distributed, as
above, by the lord de Haryngton, and by Thomas Stanley and
Henry Kyghley, the knights for the said county in the said Parlia-
ment, or by any two of them, — and to answer to the king therefor
at the terms aforesaid ; and the chancellor is to certify the
treasurer and barons of the Exchequer by Midsummer next of
all that is done in the matter by him and by the said collectors.
April 4. Commitment to Brian Stapilton, knight, — by mainprise of
Westminster. Robert Roclyffe of Estcrike, co. York, ' gentilman,' and John
Faukes of Rippele, co. York, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping of
3 bovates of land in Colton, co. York, and of a marsh and 12 acres
of arable land in the county of Essex, and also the keeping of
12s. 3d. a year of quit-rent (issuing from certain lands in Chalde-
well), a messuage called ' Tholmodis,' 40 acres of arable land and
a toft called ' Hamstedes,' in the town of Chaldewell, and 4
messuages, 52 bovates of land and 6 cottages with gardens, in
Spridlington, co. Lincoln ; to hold the same, which are in the
king's hand by the death of William Ingilby, knight, tenant in
chief of the king, and by reason of the minority of John his son
and heir, from 2 March last until the full age of the said heir, and
so from heir to heir until one of them shall have attained full
age, rendering yearly for the keeping the SI. 2s. 3d. which William
Dales rendered, — to whom the king, by letters patent dated
1 December last [p. 125 above], committed the keeping of the
premises from Michaelmas last until the full age of the said heir, —
and an increment of 6s. Sd., by equal portions at Easter and
Michaelmas, maintaining houses, enclosures and buildings, and
supporting all other charges incumbent on the premises ; as the
king, by writ of privy seal, dated at Rochestre 2 March last and
directed to the treasurer, has ordered the premises, seized into
the king's hand by reason of the minority of the said John son
and heir of the said William Ingilby and lately demised at farm
by the treasurer to the said William Dales, to be demised in such
form to the said Brian Stapilton, knight.
By bill of the treasurer.
Feb. 14. Commitment to Walter Pope and William Potell, clerks, — by
Reading. mainprise of John Bannebury of Redyng, co. Berks, ' yoman,'
Nov. 4.
Feb. 21.
May 3.
Membrane 9 — cont.
and Thomas Baynton of Stratfeld Say, co. Southampton, — of the
keeping of the alien priory of Stratfeld Say, with all its rights,
pensions and appurtenances ; to hold the same from Michaelmas
last for 7 years, rendering the 11 marks for which answer has been
made to the king, and an increment of 13s. 4^., yearly by equal
portions at Easter and Michaelmas, maintaining there the divine
services and other works of piety customary from of old, main-
taining houses, enclosures and buildings, and supporting all other
charges incumbent on the said priory ; with proviso that if any
other person shall be willing without fraud to give more by way
of increment for the said keeping, then the said Walter and
William shall be bound to pay such larger sum if they will have
the keeping. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment (with like proviso) to Henry Baret, — by mainprise
of Richard Stafford of the county of Stafford, esquire, and John
Salveyn of the county of York, esquire, — of the keeping of a
messuage, a carucate and 26 acres of land, 7 acres of wood and
8 marks of rent in Endeston, co. Somerset, late of the alien priory
of St. Sever ; to hold the same, which are in the king's land by
reason of the war with France, from Michaelmas last for 7 years,
at a yearly farm of the 11. for which answer has been made to the
king ; with clause touching maintenance of houses, enclosures
and buildings and support of charges. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment (with like clause) to Otewell Worsley and Row-
land Vaux, — by mainprise of Robert Ogle of Norham, co.
Northumberland, knight, and William Stapilton of Ednyll, co.
Cumberland, esquire, — of the keeping of the manor of Corkby,
co. Cumberland, which Katharine late the wife of Richard Salkeld
held for life of the king in chief ; to hold the same from the time
of the death of Katharine until the full age of Richard son
of Thomas Salkeld, the kinsman and next heir of the said Richard
Salkeld, at a yearly farm of the 4Z. 15s. Wd. at which the said
manor was extended (according to an inquisition taken on the
vigil of St. Hilary before Richard Redmane, escheator in the said
county), and an increment of 37s. Qd. ; with proviso that if any
other person shall be willing without fraud to give more by way
of increment for the said keeping, by the feast of All Saints next,
then the said Otewell and Rowland shall be bound to pay such
larger sum if they will have the keeping.
By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment to John Neuport, esquire ; — by mainprise of
William Walshale of Walshale, esquire, and John Knyvet of
Suthwyk, ' gentilman,' and pursuant to an agreement made with
the treasurer by the said John Neuporte and to the surrender by
him into the Chancery for cancellation of the letters patent of
18 HENRY VI. 153
1440 Membrane 9 — cont.
7 October 17 Henry VI [p. 84 above], whereby the king committed
to him the keeping of 6 bovates of land in Burgh upon Bayne,
co. Lincoln, late John Hauley, esquire, who held on the day of
his death of Thomas Roos, a minor in the king's ward, son and
heir of Thomas Roos of Hamelake ' chivaler,' as of the barony
of Wragby by service of a sixtieth part of a knight's fee, the same
being in the king's hands by the death of the said John Hauley
and by reason of the minority of Agnes his daughter and heir,
to hold the same from the time of the death of the said John
Hauley until the full age of the said heir, rendering yearly the
extent, or as much as might be agreed upon between him and
the treasurer by Michaelmas then following, and supporting
all charges incumbent on the said land ; — of the keeping of the
said 6 bovates of land, which are in the king's hand for the cause
aforesaid ; to hold the same from the time of the death of the
said John Hauley until the full age of the said heir, rendering
26s. 8d. yearly by equal portions at Easter and Michaelmas, and
supporting all charges incumbent on the land ; with proviso that
if any other person shall be willing without fraud to give more by
way of increment for the said keeping, then the said John Neu-
port shall be bound to pay such larger sum if he will have the
keeping. By bill of the treasurer.
May 7.
Commitment to Ives Impyngton, prior of the church of St.
Mary of Huntyngdon, — by mainprise of Gerard de la Hay and
William Castell of Glatton, co. Huntingdon, ' gentilman,' — of the
keeping of 4 acres and 3 roods of meadow lying together in
Gumecestre, co. Huntingdon, in a place called ' Le Calceholme,'
by the little bridges there, and enclosed with the several water
of the bailiffs, commonalty and men of Gumecestre, which have
been taken into the king's hand by colour of a certain inquisition
taken by virtue of his office before John Ansty the elder, late
escheator in the said county, returned before the treasurer and
barons of the Exchequer and brought before the king into the
Chancery ; to hold the same from the time of the said taking
until Easter next, according to the form of the statute published
in the Parliament held at Westminster 8 Henry VI ; provided
that he answer at the Exchequer for the issues taken there-
from in the mean time, if they shall be adjudged to the king, and
keep the said meadow in the mean time without waste and
May 6. Commitment to Robert Chauntery, parson of the church of
Westminster. Longbridy, co. Dorset, — by mainprise of Thomas Husey of the
county of Dorset, esquire, and William Leyot, of the said county,
esquire, — of the keeping of the fruits and prevents of the church
of Sturmynstremarshall, co. Dorset, and of certain lands in the
May 7.
May 7.
Membrane 9 — cont.
same county, which are of the house of the alien hospital of St.
Giles of Pont Audemer in Normandy, with all rights and appurten-
ances ; to hold the same from Easter last for 7 years, rendering
yearly the 31Z. 6s. 8d. for which answer has been made to the
king, by equal portions at Michaelmas and Easter, finding there
the divine services and other works of piety customary from of old,
maintaining houses, enclosures and buildings, and supporting
all other charges incumbent on the said keeping ; with proviso
that if any other person shall be willing without fraud to give
more by way increment for the said keeping, then the said Robert
shall be bound to pay such larger sum if he will have the keeping.
By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment to Walter Devereux, esquire, — by mainprise of
Eustace Whyteney of Whyteney, co. Hereford, esquire, and
Mathew Hay of Chikwell, co. Essex, esquire, — of the wardship
and marriages of Ellen, Agnes and Elizabeth, minors in the
king's ward, the daughters and heirs of John Walwayn, who held
of the king in chief on the day of his death ; he paying for the
said wardship and marriages as much as may be agreed upon
between him and the treasurer by Michaelmas next, and finding
fit maintenance for each of the said heirs, during the minority.
Commitment to Henry Aleyn, — by mainprise of Thomas Mor-
stede of London, ' gentilman,' and William Suthery of London,
' yoman,' — of the keeping of the manor of Boxstede, co. Essex,
which has been taken into the king's hand by the death of Peter
Boxstede, who held of the king in chief ; to hold the same from
the time of the death of the said Peter until Christmas next,
according to the form of the statute published in the Parliament
held at Westminster 8 Henry VI, in order that in the mean time
it may be decided whether the said manor ought to pertain of
right to the king or to him ; provided that he answer at the Ex-
chequer for the issues taken therefrom, if they shall be adjudged
to the king, and keep the said manor in the mean time without
waste and destruction.
May 12. Commitment to William lord Bardolf, knight, — by mainprise,
Westminster, found in the Exchequer, of John Popham of the county of
Southampton, knight, and John Westwode of Gorleston, co.
Suffolk, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping of the town of Dunwich,
with all appurtenances, profits and commodities, co. Suffolk ;
to hold the same from Pentecost next for 10 years, at a yearly
farm of as much as may be agreed upon between him and the
treasurer by Christmas next ; with clause touching maintenance
of houses, enclosures and buildings and support of charges.
By bill of the treasurer.
Dec. 21.
March 24.
April 12.
Jan. 4.
Grant to William Hillary, — by mainprise of Thomas Pyke of
London, ' draper,' and Thomas Holbroke of Haddeley, co.
Suffolk, ' gentilman,' — of the farm of the subsidy and alnage of
clothes for sale in the counties of Suffolk and Essex ; to hold the
same from Michaelmas last for 14 years, together with a moiety
of the forfeiture of the said clothes for sale, rendering the
98Z. 7s. 8d. which he rendered formerly, and an increment of 40s.,
yearly by equal portions at Easter and Michaelmas, and answering
at the Exchequer for the other moiety of the said forfeiture ; and
appointment of the said William Hillary as alnager and collector ;
in terms as above [p. 35] omitting the proviso for the increase
of the farm : as the said William Hillary, having made other
agreement with the treasurer, has surrendered in the Chancery
for cancellation the letters patent of 28 July last [p. 64 above],
whereby the king committed the said farm to him from Michaelmas
then ndxt to come for 7 years, at a yearly farm of the 94Z. 7s. 3d.
which William Dounton and Richard Dounton rendered, and an
increment of 4Z. By p.s. [5158].
Commitment to John Garard, William Knapton, John Reyner
and Thomas Elis, — by mainprise of Robert Tregeny of Tregeny,
co. Cornwall, ' gentilman,' John Charleton of Clopham, co. Surrey,
1 yoman,' Richard Boteler of London, ' marchaunt,' and John
Attewode of London, ' osteler,' — of the subsidy and alnage of
cloths for sale in the county of Norfolk and in the city of Norwich ;
to hold the same from Michaelmas last for 7 years, together with
a moiety of the forfeiture of the said cloths for sale, rendering
311. 6s. Sd. yearly by equal portions at Easter and Michaelmas,
and answering at the Exchequer for the other moiety of the said
forfeiture ; provided always that if any other person shall be
willing without fraud to give more by way of increment for the
said farm, then the said John Garard, William, John Reyner and
Thomas shall be bound to pay such larger sum if they will have
the farm ; and appointment of the said John Garard, William,
John Reyner and Thomas as alnagers and collectors ; in terms as
above [p. 35]. By bill of the treasurer.
The like to the following : —
Thomas Thorp, John Acreman and William Walton, — by
mainprise of Roger Legh of Marketrothyng, co. Essex,
esquire, and William Wilyngham of Hoggenorton, co.
Oxford, esquire, — from Michaelmas last for 7 years, at a
yearly farm of 41. 13s. 4rf. ; in the county of Hertford.
By bill of the treasurer.
Peter Bowman, — by mainprise of Walter WThitte of London,
' taillour,' and Thomas Marchall of London, ' cotiller,'-
Membrane 7 — cont.
from Michaelmas last for 10 years, at a yearly farm of
205. ; in the town of Shirbourne, co. Dorset.
By bill of the treasurer.
May 16.
May 18.
May 13.
Appointment of John Marty n, during pleasure, as surveyor of
all customable goods and merchandise for export or import in
all ports from the water of Hamele, co. Southampton, to the port
of Winchilsey, co. Sussex, to survey the same from time to time,
whensoever it shall be necessary, and to attend with the collectors
of the customs and subsidies in the said ports and places when-
soever such goods and merchandise shall be customed by the said
collectors ; provided always that the said collectors do not cease
to view, enter and custom such goods and merchandise, at the
proper times, in the absence of the said John Martyn, if he shall
have absented himself at the time of such customing.
By bill of the treasurer.
Appointment of Robert Mayn as surveyor of the search in the
ports of Exeter and Dertmouth and in all adjacent ports and
places ; to hold that office during the king's pleasure, taking in
that office the customary fees and wages.
By bill of the treasurer.
Vacated because otherwise in the Patent Rolls of this year.
Commitment to John Tisyng, — by mainprise of Thomas
Dethek and John Benet, — of the keeping of a messuage and
200 acres of land in Batheley, a messuage and 60 acres of land
in Northcarleton, and a messuage, 2 tofts and 30 acres of land
in Northwell, co. Nottingham, which are in the king's hands
by the death of John Touke ; to hold the same from the time
of the death of the said John Touke for 12 years, at a yearly
farm of the 4Z. 65. 8d., at which the premises were extended,
and an increment of 65. 8d. ; with clause touching maintenance
of houses, enclosures and buildings and support of charges ;
and proviso that if any other person shall be willing without
fraud to give more by way of increment for the said keeping,
then the said John Tisyng shall be bound to pay such larger
sum if he will have the keeping : as the said John Tysyng,
having made agreement with the treasurer, has surrendered in
the Chancery for cancellation the letters patent of 22 February
last [p. 134 above], whereby the king (by mainprise of William
Calcroft of Grymston, co. Derby, ' yoman,' and John Penson
of Grymston, co. Derby, ' yoman,') committed the premises to
him from the time of the death of the said John Touke for
12 years, if they should remain for so long in the king's hand,
at a yearly farm of the extent or as much as might be agreed
May 30.
Sheen Manor.
Membrane 6 — cont.
upon between him and the treasurer by Pentecost then next to
come. By bill of the treasurer.
Grant to John Sandewey, — in consideration of his good and
disinterested service to the king's uncle of Gloucester, and to
the king, — of the keeping of the farm of 20 marks a year which
the burgesses of the town of Appelby, co. Westmoreland, have
been accustomed to render for the farm of the said town, which
is at present laid waste and destroyed, as more fully appears
from the record in the Exchequer ; to hold the same, with all
profits and commodities pertaining to the keeping, to him and
his assigns, for 50 years, rendering yearly the 265. Sd. which
William Vyncent and Thomas Petit used to render ; as the said
William and Thomas, to the end that the said John may have
the keeping of the said farm of 20 marks a year, are willing to
surrender into the Chancery for cancellation the letters patent
by which they and their successors, for 26s. Sd. ,to be rendered
yearly, have the keeping of the said farm, from 18 May
10 Henry VI for 20 years [Calendar of Fine Rolls, 1430-1437,
p. 88]. • By p.s. [5423].
May 12.
June 6.
Commitment to Henry Elham of Derteford, co. Kent, — by
mainprise of Roger Appulton of the county of Kent, ' gentilman,'
and John Russell of London, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping of
14 acres of land in Elham in the borrow (borgha) of Blodbenne,
at Wyngemer and Dane, co. Kent, which Thomas Bolle, who was
outlawed at the suit of the dean of the college of the free chapel
of St. Stephen within the palace of Westminster, in a plea of
debt, held on the day of his outlawry, and which are for that cause
in the king's hand ; to hold the same from Easter last for 7 years,
if the premises shall remain for so long in the king's hand, rendering
the 3s. 6d. at which the land was extended, and an increment
of Qd., yearly by equal portions at Easter and Michaelmas, and
supporting all charges incumbent on the said land ; with proviso
that if any other person shall be willing without fraud to give
more by way of increment for the said keeping, then the said
Henry shall be bound to pay such larger sum if he will have the
keeping. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment (with like proviso) to Thomas Gille and Nicholas
Tyrant, — by mainprise of Thomas Kyngeston of Bishop's
Lideard, co. Somerset, ' gentilman,' and Richard Yoo of Brade
Worthy, co. Devon, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping of all the
messuages, lands, rents and services in the parish of Hemyok,
co. Devon, called Madeford, Madechamell and Gorewell, late of
William de Hasthorp, ' chivaler,' which were seized into the
hand of Henry IV, as escheat, because the said William was a
Membrane 6 — cont.
bastard and died without heir of his body, and are in the king's
hand on that account ; to hold the same from Easter last for
10 years, at a yearly farm of the 41. which William Pomeray and
Richard Colmelond, the late farmers there, used to render ;
with clause touching maintenance of houses, enclosures and
buildings and support of charges. By bill of the treasurer.
June 8. Commitment (with like clause) to the prior and convent of the
Westminster, abbey of Westminster, — by mainprise of William Whapplode of
Chalfhunt, co. Buckingham, ' gentilman,' Robert Forster of
Westminster, co. Middlesex, ' gentilman,' Robert Nyk of West-
minster, co. Middlesex, ' yoman,' and John Santon of the county
of Essex, ' gentilman,' — of the guardianship of all the tempora-
lities and liberties of the abbey which are in the king's hands by
the resignation of Richard Harwenden, the late abbot ; to hold
the same from the day of the resignation of the said late abbot
for as long as the said temporalities and liberties shall remain
in the king's hand on that account, rendering yearly for the said
guardianship as much as may be agreed upon between the said
prior and convent and the treasurer by Christmas next.
By bill of the treasurer.
June 15. Commitment to William Hide, — by mainprise of John Reynold
Westminster. of Dunsfold, co. Surrey, and Walter Bedell of Horsley, co. Surrey,
— of the keeping (1) of 12 acres of land in Ledered, co. Surrey,
called ' Porteslond,' which the late king Edward granted by
letters patent to John Talman for life with reversion to the
king and his heirs, and which after the death of the said John came
to the king's hands and are still in the king's hands ; (2) of a
plot of land in Oxencroft in Ledered (containing 4 acres of land),
late of Henry de Wrolneston, who held it of the king in chief,
which is in the king's hand because the said Henry alienated it
to John his brother without licence from the king ; and (3) of
7 acres of land in Mikelham, [which are in the king's hand] by
reason of the trespass which John Cornmonger committed in
acquiring them without the king's licence from John de Mikelham,
who held them of the king in chief ; to hold the same, to the said
William Hide, from Easter last for 7 years, rendering yearly by
equal portions at Michaelmas and Easter the 6s. Qd. for which
answer has been made to the king, to wit, 3s. Qd. for the said
12 acres of land in Ledered called ' Porteslond,' I2d. for the said
plot of land in Oxencrofte, and 2s. for the said 7 acres in Mikel-
ham : maintaining enclosures and other charges incumbent on
the lands ; provided always that if any other person shall be
willing without fraud to give more by way of increment for the
said keeping, then the said William shall be bound to pay such
larger sum if he will have the keeping. By bill of the treasurer.
June 14.
June 23.
July 2.
Membrane 6 — cant.
Order to the escheator in the county of Somerset ; — pursuant
to an inquisition made by him showing that John Flory of the
said county held on the day of his death in his demesne as of fee
a messuage, a fulling-mill, called ' Keynershoysmylle,' an acre of
land, 6 acres of pasture and £ acre of underwood, in Orchardlegh ;
and that the said messuage, mill, land, pasture and underwood
are held of the king in chief by service of a twentieth part of a
knight's fee ; and that John Flory is the son and next heir of the
aforesaid John Flory, and of full age ; — to take the fealty of the
said John the son and cause him to have full seisin of the premises,
as the king for 6s. 8d. paid in the hanaper has respited his homage
until Easter next.
Commitment to Walter Hungerford, knight, and Robert
Hungerford, knight, — by mainprise of Richard Melbourn of
Chitterne, co. Wilts, esquire, and John Whittokesmede of
Whittokesmede, co. Somerset, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping of
all the manors and lands, in the counties of Buckingham, Berks,
Wilts and Cornwall, late of Margery late lady de Moleyns, late
the wife of William de Moleyns knight, who held of the king in
chief on the day of her death ; to hold the same from the time of
the death of the said Margery until the full age of Eleanor,
daughter and heir of William de Moleyns knight the son and heir
of the aforesaid William, and kinswoman and heir of the said
Margery (to wit, daughter of the said William the son of the said
William the father and Margery), at a yearly farm of 180Z. ; with
clause touching maintenance of houses, enclosures and buildings
and support of charges ; and proviso that if any other person
shall be willing without fraud to give more by way of increment
for the said keeping, then the said Walter and Robert shall be
bound to pay such larger sum if they will have the keeping : as
the said Walter and Robert, having made agreement with the
treasurer, have surrendered into the Chancery for cancellation
the letters patent of 20 June 17 Henry VI [p. 91 above}, whereby
the king committed to them the keeping of all the said manors
and lands from the time of the death of the said Margery until
the full age of the said Eleanor at a yearly farm of as much as
might be agreed upon between them and the treasurer by Martin-
mas [then] next to come. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment to Peter Arden [recte Ardern] ; — pursuant to the
commitment to the said Peter, by letters patent, on 22 November
17 Henry VI [p. 68 above], of the keeping of the manors of Garton,
Howsome and Carleton by Helmesley, co. York, with all their
appurtenances, which Margaret late the wife of William de Roos,
knight, who (qui) held the said manors of the king in chief, held in
dower on the day of her death of the inheritance of Thomas de
June 12.
July 5.
Membrane 5—cont.
Roos, a minor, son and heir of Thomas late lord de Roos the son of
the said William, and kinsman and heir of William, to hold the
same from the time of the death of the said Margaret until the full
age of the said Thomas son of Thomas, at a yearly farm of 40L 8d.,
with proviso that if any other person should be willing without
fraud to give more by way of increment for the said keeping, then
the said Peter should be bound to pay such larger sum if he would
have the keeping ; and by mainprise of Robert Roclyf of Eskryk,
co. York, ' gentilman,' and John Moreton of Appilton, co. York,
' gentilman ' ; — of the keeping of the said manors, with all their
appurtenances ; to hold the same from Easter last until the full age
of the said Thomas son of Thomas, and so from heir to heir until
one of them shall have attained full age, rendering 4H. yearly by
equal portions at Michaelmas and Easter, maintaining houses,
enclosures and buildings, and supporting all other charges
incumbent on the said manors ; as the king has understood that
the said Peter has laid out large sums in the repair of the said
manors and proposes to lay out much greater sums, by way of
paying a reasonable increment to the king for the said keeping,
if it may be more securely assured to him ; and as the said Peter,
for this cause, has surrendered the said letters into the Chancery
for cancellation. By p.s. [5499].
Commitment to Oliver Chorley, — by mainprise of John Russell
of London, ' gentilman,' and Clement Draper of Athereston, co.
Warwick, — of the keeping of a certain messuage, called ' Garlik,'
with a garden and all appurtenances in Brokstede [recte Brokstrete]
in the parish of Stebenhithe, co. Middlesex, which messuage
has come to the king's hands by the death of John Broune, to
whom Henry V, (who held the said messuage to himself, his
heirs and assigns, of the gift and grant of Thomas Wissenden
esquire, as in a certain deed on that account made more fully
is contained), gave it for life without any deed or patent being
made but only livery of the evidences of the same ; to hold
the same from Michaelmas last for 80 years, rendering the 4d.
which the farmer now there renders, and an increment of 2d.,
yearly by equal portions at Easter and Michaelmas, and main-
taining all charges belonging to the said messuage ; with proviso
that the said Oliver shall build upon the said messuage, at his
own proper charges, a house 20 feet in length and 15 feet in
breadth. By bill of the treasurer.
Grant to Thomas Arblaster, esquire, and to Alice his wife ;—
in consideration of the manifold good and disinterested service
of the said Thomas, and on surrender by him into the Chancery
for cancellation of the letters patent of 9 November (sic) last
[p. 121 above], whereby the king granted to him the keeping of all
the lands in the counties of Essex, Kent and Surrey, late of
Membrane 5 — cont.
Thomas Legh esquire, who held of the king in chief on the day
of his death, to hold the same from the time of the death of the
said Thomas Legh until the full age of his son and heir, together
with the marriage of the said heir, without rendering or paying
anything for the keeping of the lands or for the wardship and
marriage of the heir, (the said letters being for certain causes
invalid, so that the said Thomas wishes to surrender them, to
the end that the king may deign to grant to him other letters
patent, more effective and valid, touching the keeping and marri-
age aforesaid) ; — of the keeping of all the said lands in the said
counties, and all other lands which shall have come to the king's
hand by reason of the minority of the said heir (or of any heir of the
same) ; to hold the said keeping of the said lands from the time
of the death of the said Thomas Legh, together with the marriage
of the said heir, and so from heir to heir until one of them shall
have attained full age, without rendering any account, or any-
thing else, to the king or his heirs ; the fact that express mention
has not been made in these present of the true yearly value of the
lands aforesaid, or of other gifts and grants made by the king
heretofore to the said Thomas Arblaster, notwithstanding.
By p.s. [5509].
July 12. Commitment to John Hope of Sandwich and Thomas Egerden
Westminster. of Sandwich, — by mainprise of John Goldyng of Sandwich,
' yoman,' and Nicholas Hope of Sandwich, ' yoman,' — of the
keeping of the water called Gestnyng, by Sandwich, co. Kent ;
to hold the same from Michaelmas last for 7 years, rendering
yearly the 26*. 8«L for which answer has been made to the king,
by equal portions at Easter arid Michaelmas, and supporting all
charges incumbent on the said water ; with proviso that if any
other person shall be willing without fraud to give more by way
of increment for the said keeping, then the said John Hope and
Thomas shall be bound to pay such larger sum if they will have
the keeping : as the said John and Thomas, and Henry Tebbe
of Sandwich, having made agreement with the treasurer by Easter
last, have surrendered into the Chancery for cancellation the
letters patent of 5 November last [p. Ill above], whereby the
king committed the said keeping to them, the said John, Thomas
and Henry, from Michaelmas last for 7 years, at a yearly farm
of as much as might be agreed upon between them and the
treasurer before Easter then next to come.
By bill of the treasurer.
July 12.
Order to the escheator in the county of Westmoreland to cause
John Hoton, son and heir of Robert Hoton, to have full seisin of
all the lands which the said Robert his father held of the king
in chief or was seised of in his demesne as of fee on the day of
11— (26)
June 2G.
Aug. 14.
Membrane 5 — cont.
his death, as the king has taken his homage and fealty ; saving
to Mariot, late the wife of Robert, her reasonable dower thereof.
By p.s. [5532]
Commitment to William Haute and John Greneford, — by
mainprise of Thomas Wode of the county of Essex, ' gentilman,'
and Robert Walsham of the county of Suffolk, ' gentilman,' — of
the keeping of the manor of Orgrave, 3 acres of land lying at
Dovorre by Maxton, 20 acres of land lying at Belcherst, 2 closes
of land lying at Arderne [and] Enebroke, 2| acres of land at
Alkham, 3| acres and | rood of land at Halleton, 54 acres 1| roods
of land and pasture and 4 acres 3| roods of wood in Terlyngham,
31 acres of land lying in the parish of Alkham, 10*. of rent issuing
from certain lands in Sulton, 50 acres 3J roods of land and pasture
at Haukyng, 4s. of rent issuing from a certain tenement sometime
of John Lord in Canterbury, and 20 shillings a year of rent from
certain lands in Hugham, late of John Baker, who held of the
king in chief on the day of his death ; to hold the same, which are
in the king's hands by the death of the said John, from Michaelmas
next for 2 years, if they are for so long in the king's hands, at a
yearly farm of the 81. Is. 4d. at which the premises are extended ;
with clause touching maintenance of houses, enclosures and
buildings and support of charges ; and proviso that if any other
person shall be willing without fraud to give more by way of
increment for the said keeping, then the said William and John
shall be bound to pay such larger sum if they will have the
keeping. By bill of the treasurer.
Order to the escheator in the county of Sussex to cause William
earl of Arundell, son of John the son of John the son of John the
son of Richard late earl of Arundell by Eleanor late the wife
of the said late earl and brother of Richard the son of the said
late earl by the said Eleanor the father of Thomas late earl of
Arundell, (kinsman and heir male of the said Thomas since Thomas
died without heir male of his body), to have full seisin of all the
lands in the bailiwick which Beatrice late countess of Arundell,
late the wife of the said Thomas, held on the day of her death
in dower, of the endowment of the said Thomas sometime her
husband, and otherwise for life, of the inheritance of the said
now earl ; as the king for 46s. 8d. paid in the hanaper has respited
his homage and fealty until Easter next.
Order in like terms to the escheator in the county of Salop
and the adjacent march of Wales.
The like to the following : —
The escheator in the county of Wilts.
The escheator in the county of Norfolk.
July 5.
April 24.
May 7.
Order to the escheator in the county of Cumberland to cause
Richard Kirkebryde, son and heir of Richard Kirkebryde, to
have full seisin of all the lands which the said Richard his father
held of the king in chief, or was seised of in his demesne as of fee
on the day of his death, as the king has taken his homage and
fealty. By p.s. [5511].
Order to the escheator in the county of Buckingham to cause
Thomas Hanchethe and Margaret his wife, — daughter of Philip
the son of Margaret the sister of Alice the mother of Thomas
Caldecote of Caldecote the father of William Caldecote (son and
heir of the said Thomas Caldecote), and the kinswoman and heir
of the said William who lately died a minor in the king's ward, —
to have full seisin of all the lands which the said Thomas Caldecote
held of the king in chief or. was seised of in his demesne as of fee
on the day of his death, the same being in the king's hand by
the death of the said Thomas Caldecote and by reason of the
minority of the said William ; as the king has taken the homage
and fealty due from Thomas Hancheche by reason of his having
issue by his said wife. By writ etc.
Commitment to Walter Devereux, esquire, — by mainprise of
Eustace Whyteney of Whyteney, co. Hereford, esquire, and
Mathew Hay of Chikwell, co. Essex, esquire, — of the keeping of
two -thirds of a moiety of the manor of Welyngton, and also of
two -thirds of a moiety of the manor of Addesore, co. Hereford ;
to hold the same from the time of the death of John Walwayn
until the full age of Ellen, Agnes and Elizabeth Walwayn, his
daughters and heirs, rendering for the keeping of the said two-
thirds of a moiety of the manor of Welyngton the 41. 3s. 4d. at
which they were extended, and for the keeping of the said two-
thirds of a moiety of the manor of Addesore the 5s. 4d. at which
they were extended, yearly by equal portions at Easter and
Michaelmas ; with clause touching maintenance of houses, en-
closures and buildings and support of charges ; and proviso
that if any other person shall be willing without fraud to give more
by way of increment for the said keeping, then the said Walter
shall be bound to pay such larger sum if he will have the keeping.
By bill of the treasurer.
( 164 )
Oct. 6.
Oct. 6.
Oct. 8.
Oct. 11.
Oct. 10.
Oct. 14.
Sept. 14.
Sept. 18.
Oct. 18.
Oct. 21.
Oct. 26.
Nov. 4.
Nov. 9.
Nov. 16.
Writ of diem clausit extremum to the escheator in the counties
of Kent and Middlesex after the death of Henry Tepynden, tenant
in chief of the king.
Writs of diem clausit extremum, after the death of the following
persons, directed to the escheators in the counties named :—
Joan late the wife of William Clyfford esquire ; Kent and
William Ryther, knight ; York ; Lincoln.
John Boson ; Devon.
John Adam ; Kent.
John Fitz Rauf , esquire ; Essex ; Suffolk.
Elizabeth late the wife of Warin Walgrave, who held in
dower after the death of John Daubeney late her husband
(of the inheritance of Giles Daubeny knight, brother and
heir of the said John) certain lands which are held of the
king in chief ; Somerset ; Bedford ; Lincoln ; Notting-
Joan late the wife of Thomas Romsey knight ; Southampton
and Wilts.
Joan late the wife of Thomas Carmynowe, who held in dower
and otherwise for life (of the inheritance of Ralph Resk-
ymmer, kinsman and heir of Otes Trevarthian knight)
certain lands which are held of the king in chief ; Corn-
Thomas Whitewell ; Norfolk.
Katharine de Burnynghill ; York.
Joan late the wife of Ralph Graystok knight ; York.
Ellen late the wife of Philip Chetewyn knight ; Oxford and
Berks ; Northampton ; Stafford ; Warwick.
Joan late countess of Westmoreland ; Essex ; Cumberland
and Westmoreland ; Newcastle -upon -Tyne (the mayor
and escheator) ; York ; Norfolk and Suffolk ; Northum-
Nov. 27.
Nov. 28.
Oct. 26.
Nov. 26.
Jan. 26.
Feb. 1.
Feb. 8.
Feb. 12.
Feb. 12.
March 27.
March 17.
May 12.
May 10.
May 20.
May 26.
May 21.
Oct. 23.
June 16.
June 9.
Membrane 24 — cont.
Ellen late the wife of Philip Chetewyn knight ; Huntingdon.
Ellen late the wife of Philip Chetewyn knight ; Bucking-
Agnes late the wife of Robert Aubrey ; Hereford.
John Weston of Weston, esquire ; Surrey and Sussex.
Anne late countess of Devon ; Cornwall and Devon ; Buck-
Anne late countess of Devon ; Somerset and Dorset ; Berks.
Thomas Scarclyff ; Dorset.
John Champe ; Berks.
John Godstone ; Essex.
John Fitz Piers, esquire ; Salop and the adjacent march of
John Radclyff, knight ; Norfolk.
John Hastynges, knight ; Northampton.
Ellen late the wife of John Walweyn esquire ; Hereford and
the adjacent march of Wales.
John Radclyff, knight ; Cambridge.
John Salvayn, esquire, who held by knight service of Thomas
son and heir of Thomas late lord de Roos (who held of the
king in chief), a minor in the king's ward ; York.
Alice late the wife of John Ken, who held certain lands for
term of her life of the inheritance of Robert Ken, a minor
in the king's ward ; Somerset.
Robert Coweley ; Gloucester.
John Hastynges, knight ; Northumberland.
William Phelip, knight ; Nottingham and Derby ; Norfolk
and Suffolk ; Leicester ; Lincoln ; Hertford ; Cambridge ;
Oxford ; London (John Paddesley, mayor and escheator) ;
Robert Constable, knight; York. (Vacated because nothing
thereof was done).
John Thorp ; Gloucester.
June 16.
June 24.
June 29.
July 4.
July 5.
Aug. 13.
Aug. 4.
Aug. 12.
Aug. 24.
Aug. 28.
Membrane 24 — cont.
Edith late the wife of Robert Shotesbroke knight, who held
for term of her life, of the inheritance of Margaret late the
wife of Oliver Seynt John knight, certain lands which are
held of the king in chief ; Oxford ; Wilts ; Dorset ;
Bedford; Norfolk and Suffolk ; Kent.
John Sifrewast, esquire ; Berks.
William Thwaytes ; Cumberland.
William Orde, esquire ; Northumberland ; Newcastle-upon-
Tyne (John Chambre, mayor and escheator).
Robert Ryvers ; Somerset.
Amice late the wife of John Mathewe ; Dorset.
William Murden ; Somerset.
Margery late the wife of William Harwedon ; Northampton.
Ralph Bussh, esquire ; Somerset and Dorset ; Cambridge.
Thomas Wodehull ; Bedford ; Northampton.
Alice late the wife of William Tracy ; Gloucester.
Margaret late the wife of Morgan Gough ; Somerset and
Nov. 24.
Nov. 28.
Feb. 8.
Westminster .
Feb. 16.
July 14.
Commission during pleasure to Hugh You and Henry Russell
to levy and collect in the ports of Exeter and Dertmouth and in
all adjacent ports and places the custom on wools, hides and wool-
fells which is due to the king of his inheritance ; and to keep the
' coket ' seal in the said ports ; answering at the Exchequer
for the moneys forthcoming. By bill of the treasurer.
The like to the following in the ports and places named : —
Patrick Skipwith and Richard Lascy, clerk ; in the port of
Kyngeston upon Hull and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer.
Thomas Doge and Roger Juye ; in the port of Pole and in all
adjacent ports and places. By bill of the treasurer.
Ralph Harpeley, chaplain, and William Cosyn ; in the port
of Lenne and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer.
Robert Lambton and Rowland Tempest ; in the port of
Newcastle-upon-Tyne and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer.
July 26.
Aug. 25.
Nov. 16.
Membrane 20 — cont.
Richard Gosse and Richard Walshawe ; in the port of
Brige water and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer.
Ralph Lam pet and John Baynard ; in the port of Great
Yarmouth and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer.
Order to the escheator in the county of York ; — pursuant to
an inquisition taken before Robert Ughtred, late escheator,
showing that there is in the said county a certain manor, called
the manor of Harrewod, whereof the site is a certain castle, called
the castle of Harwod ; and that of a moiety of the said manor
(excepting the whole site of the said castle, together with an
enclosure called ' Le Conynggerth ') William Ryther, knight, was
seised on the day of his death in his demesne as of fee tail, to
himself and the heirs male of his body, of the gift of Thomas
Thwaytes and William Barker made, by a fine levied in the king's
court 4 Henry IV, to William Ryther of Ryther knight and
Sibil his wife, and the heirs male of their bodies, with remainder
to the right heirs of Sibil ; and that by virtue of a certain fine
the said William Ryther, knight, died seised of a moiety of the
manor of Kyrkebyorblawers in his demesne as of fee tail, to him-
self and the heirs male of his body, of the gift of Thomas Thwaytes
and William Berker to the said William Rither and Sibil his wife,
with remainder to the right heirs of Sibil ; and that the said
William Ryther, knight, was the son and heir male of the bodies
of the said William Ryther of Ryther and Sibil ; and that the
said William Ryther, knight, died seised of the manors of Rither
and Scarthecrofte, together with the advowson of the church of
Rithere, in his demesne as of fee tail, of the gift of John son of
Robert Roos of Hamelake made to William Rithere of Scarcrofte
and Lucy his wife, and to the heirs of the body of Lucy, by a fine
levied in the king's court 8 Edward I ; and that the said William
Ryther, knight, was the kinsman and heir both of the said
William specified in the said fine and of the said Lucy, to wit,
son of William the son of Robert the son of Robert the son of
Robert the son of the aforesaid William and Lucy ; and that the
said moiety of the manor of Harrewod (with exception, as above)
is held of the king in chief by service of a fourth part of a knight's
fee, the said manor of Ryther of the king in chief as of his duchy
of Lancaster, as of his honour of Pontefract, by service of an
eighth part of a knight's fee, and the said moiety of the manor of
Kyrkebyorblawers and the manor of Scarthecrofte of others than
the king ; and that William Ryther is the son and next heir of
the said William son of William, and of full age ; — to cause the
said William son of William the son of William to have full seisin
of the said moieties (with exceptions as above) and of the manor
of Scarthecrofte, as the king has taken his fealty and for 105. paid
Dec. 5.
Membrane 20 — cont.
in the hanaper has respited his homage until Christmas next ;
removing the king's hand from the said manor of Ryther with the
advowson aforesaid, which manor is held of the king as of his
said duchy, if it is in the king's hand by the death of the said
William Ryther, knight, and for no other cause, and delivering to
the said William son of William the son of William any issues
taken from the said manor of Ryther since the time of the death
of the said William Ryther, knight.
Writ of diem clausit extremum to John Paddesley, mayor of
London and escheator therein, after the death of Margaret late
duchess of Clarence, tenant of the king in chief, as Robert Large,
late mayor and escheator, to whom a like writ was directed
[p. 105 above], was removed from his office before he had executed
the said writ.
Nov. 24.
Nov. 28.
Feb. 8.
Feb. 16.
July 14.
Commission during pleasure to Hugh You and Henry Russell
to levy and collect in person in the ports of Exeter and Dert-
mouth and in all adjacent ports and places (1) the customs
granted to Edward I by foreign and alien merchants in return
for certain liberties and immunities, and the custom and subsidy
which by the statute published in the Parliament of 1 1 Henry IV
all such alien merchants are to pay for garments made for export
from cloths of scarlet, ' sangwyn ' and other colours of the whole
or the half grain, and also from cloths dyed in grain, and all
other cloths of wool, which have been cut, according to the rate
and quantity of the same ; and (2) the custom on cloths of wool
and worsted made in England for export to foreign parts ; and
to keep the ' coket ' seal in the said ports ; answering at the
Exchequer for the moneys forthcoming.
By bill of the treasurer.
The like to the following in the ports and places named : —
Patrick Skipwith and Richard Lascy, clerk ; in the port of
Kyngeston on Hull and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer.
Thomas Doge and Roger Juye ; in the port of Pole and in all
adjacent ports and places. By bill of the treasurer.
Ralph Harpeley, chaplain, and William Cosyn ; in the port
of Lenne and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer.
Robert Lambton and Rowland Tempest ; in the port of
Newcastle-upon-Tyne and in all adjacent ports and
places. By bill of the treasurer.
July 26.
Aug. 25.
Nov. 6.
Membrane 19 — cont.
Richard Gosse and Richard Walshawe ; in the port of
Brigewater and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer.
Ralph Lampet and John Baynard ; in the port of Great
Yarmouth and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer.
Order to the escheator in the county of Lincoln ; — pursuant
to an inquisition taken before William Percy, late escheator,
showing that William Rither, knight, on the day of his death was
seised of the manor of Celecotes, to himself, his heirs and assigns,
and held it of the king as of the duchy of Lancaster, of the honour
of Bolyiigbroke, by service of a sixth part of a knight's fee ; and
that William Rither is his son and next heir, and of full age ; —
to cause the said William son of William to have full seisin of the
said manor, as the king has taken the fealty due from him for a
moiety of the manor of Harrewod, co. York, and for a certain fine
paid in the hanaper has respited his homage until a day yet to
Non scr'.
Nov. 28.
Order to the escheator in the county of Northampton to cause
John Baskervyle, knight, son of John the son of Richard the son
of Richard the son of Richard the brother of Walter Baskervyle
knight the great-great-grandfather of William Fouleshirst of
Edlaston (who held of the king in chief), and kinsman and heir
of the said William, to have full seisin of all the lands in the baili-
wick which the said William held of the king in chief, or was
seised of in his demesne as of fee, on the day of his death ; as
the king has taken the fealty of the said John Baskervyle and for
£ mark paid in the hanaper has respited his homage until Easter
Order in like terms to the escheator in the county of Hereford
and the adjacent march of Wales.
The like to the escheator in the county of Salop and the adjacent
march of Wales.
Nov. 19.
Order to the escheator in the county of Hereford to cause John
Aubrey, son of William the son of Agnes Aubrey late the wife of
Robert Aubrey, and kinsman and heir of the said Agnes, to have
full seisin of all the lands which the said Agnes held of the king
in chief or was seised of in her demesne as of fee, or held in dower
after the death of the said Robert, sometime her husband, or
otherwise for life, of the inheritance of the said John ; as the king
has taken John's homage and fealty. By p.s. [5687].
Oct. 14.
Commitment to John Ewen of Lambythe, co. Surrey, — by
mainprise of John Ardern of Lyegh, co. Surrey, esquire, and
James Legh of Lambey, co. Surrey, esquire, — of the keeping of
all the demesne lands and meadows of the king's manor of Ken-
yngton, co. Surrey, with a certain barn and other easements, with-
out ' La Pale ' there, and with the warren, rents and perquisites
of courts and all other profits pertaining to the manor ; to hold
the same from Michaelmas last for 7 years, rendering for the said
keeping, yearly by equal portions at Easter and Michaelmas, the
20 marks which James de Legh and Peter Swyfte have rendered
for the same, and maintaining the enclosure of the said warren,
a certain wall by the Thames, the barn aforesaid, and all other
foreign charges pertaining to the said lordship and manor (the
capital messuage with all its houses only excepted), so that
sufficient timber of oaks be delivered to him for the repairing of
' les grouncelles ' of the barn, and a gutter, as often as shall be
necessary ; provided always that the said James and Peter
answer duly at the Exchequer for the said farm of 20 marks a
year up to Michaelmas last ; and that the said John Ewen have
allowance of all moneys or annuities granted from the issues of
the said lordship or manor to any person, and allowance also in
the payment of his farm, by his oath, for the making and repair-
ing of the king's wall and gutter by the Thames, as often as shall
be necessary ; and if any other person shall be willing without
fraud to give more by way of increment for the said keeping, then
the said John Ewen shall be bound to pay such larger sum if he
will have the keeping : as the said James and Peter, to the end
that the said John Ewen may have the said farm, are willing to
surrender for cancellation the letters patent of 8 April 1 1 Henry VI
[Calendar of Fine Rolls, 1430-1437, p. 152], whereby the king
in like terms committed the said keeping to them from Michaelmas
then last past for 10 years, at a yearly farm of 20 marks.
By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment of the county of Bristol to John Stanley for one
year, so that he answer at the Exchequer as sheriff ; the mayor
and commonalty having submitted to the king his name and the
names of John Troyt and Thomas Noreys as candidates for the
office, in accordance with the terms of their charter dated 8
August, 47 Edward III.
Order to the mayor, burgesses and whole commonalty of the
town and suburbs of Bristol to be intendant to John Stanley as
Order to Thomas [recte Richard] Roper, late sheriff, to deliver
the county to John Stanley by indenture.
Oct. 20. Commitment to William Sparke of Canterbury, ' gentilman,'-
Westminster. by mainprise of William Inglesthorp and William Grenelane, —
Oct. 4.
Oct. 18.
Nov. 6.
Membrane 18 — cont.
of the keeping of a garden of land lying without the walls of the
city of Canterbury at Redyngate, which John Mildenale of
Canterbury lately gave and granted to the wardens of the goods
of the church of St. Mary of Bredene and their successors, for
ever, in maintenance of a torch (torchie) in the said church,
contrary to the statute of mortmain ; to hold the same from
Easter next for 7 years, rendering yearly for the keeping the Sd.
for which answer has been made to the king, and an increment
of 4c?., by equal portions at Michaelmas and Easter, maintaining
enclosures and supporting other charges incumbent on the said
garden ; with proviso that if any other person shall be willing
without fraud to give more by way of increment for the said
keeping, then the said William Sparke shall be bound to pay such
larger sum if he will have the keeping. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment (with like proviso) to William Skeynek, David
Mustard and Thomas Rysdon, — by mainprise of Thomas Trego-
dek of Launceston, co. Cornwall, ' gentilman,' and Thomas Beare
of London, ' brewer,' — of the keeping of 6 messuages and 30
acres of land in Dounhevedburgh alias Launceston Neiiport
Launcestonland, co. Cornwall, late of William Mustard, and of
2 messuages and 6* acres of land in Launceston, late of John
Wederdon, one of the sureties of the aforesaid William, the said
messuages and land having been seized into the king's hand for a
certain sum of money recovered by the king against the said
William and John Wederdon for a surety of the peace broken
by the said William ; to hold the same from Michaelmas last for
7 years, at a yearly farm of 565. 8d. for which answer has been
made to the king, and an increment of 23s. 4d. ; with clause
touching maintenance of houses, enclosures and buildings and
support of charges. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment (with like clause and proviso) to Thomas Burton,
esquire, — by mainprise of William Meryman and John Motrall,
each of Tatteshale, co. Lincoln, ' yoman,' — of the keeping (1) of
a garden, a shop, 30 acres of land, 3 acres of meadow and 4 acres
of pasture in the town of Staunford, co. Lincoln, late of Galvan
Southorp, which were seized into the hands of Edward III for
the 1281. 6s. Sd. wherein the said Galvan was bound to the said
late king, and which are for that cause in the king's hands, (2) of a
waste messuage and 20 acres of land in South withem, late of
John Coke of Southwithem, chaplain, outlawed for divers felonies,
which are in the king's hands, and (3) a messuage, 12 acres and a
rood of land, and 2 acres of meadow in Morcote and Suthluffyn-
ham, co. Rutland, which are in the king's hand by reason of the
purchase thereof made by the brothers of the guild of St. Mary of
* 10 Calendar of Fine Rolls, 1430-1437, p. 118.
1440, Membrane 18 — cont.
Morcote without licence from the king ; to hold the same from
Michaelmas last for 10 years, he rendering yearly by equal portions
at Easter and Michaelmas (1) for the garden etc. in Staunford the
24s. 4d. for which answer has been made to the king, and an incre-
ment of I2d., (2) for the waste messuage and land in South -
withem the 12d. for which answer has been made to the king, and
an increment of 8d., and (3) for the messuage etc. in Morcote and
Suthluflynham 3s. 4d., and an increment of 8d.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated by authority of Parliament.
Nov. 24. Commission during pleasure to Hugh You and Henry Russell
Westminster. ^o jevy an(j conect ln person in the ports of Exeter and Derte-
mouth and in all adjacent ports and places, after inspection of
the merchandise, the subsidies which were granted to the king
in the last Parliament for the defence of the realm and especially
for the safe-keeping of the sea ; to wit, (a) 53s. 4d. from every
alien merchant, and 33s. 4d. from every merchant denizen, on
every sack of wool and on every 240 woolfells going out of the
realm from Martinmas last for 3 years, payable and leviable
in such manner and form as the said subsidies were paid and
levied at the time of the grant of the same, with proviso that it
shall be lawful for the mayor and citizens of Lincoln, their heirs
and successors, to ship at the ports of Kyngeston upon Hull or
Boston, and to carry to the staple of Calais, every year of the said
3 years, to their use and profit and to the use of the said city, 60
sacks of wool, without paying any subsidy of the said 33s. 4d.
of or for the said 60 sacks, in relief of the great and unbearable
charges which the said mayor and citizens sustain yearly in the
payment of the fee farm of the said city, and that the said mayor
and citizens shall be quit and discharged, towards the king,
his heirs and successors, of the said subsidy for the said 60 sacks
of wool every year of the said 3 years to be shipped ; (6) 3s. on
every tun of wine of every merchant, denizen and alien, coming
into the realm by way of merchandise from 1 April last for
3 years, and 3s., over and above the said 3s. before granted, on
every tun of sweet wine of every alien merchant coming into the
realm during the said time ; and (c) 12d. on all manner of mer-
chandise of every merchant, denizen and alien, going out of the
realm or coming into the realm by way of merchandise from the
said 1 April for 3 years, of the value of 20s., all such merchandise
of every merchant denizen to be valued according to that which
it cost at the first buying, by the oaths of the said merchants
denizens or of their servants (in their absence) or by their letters
which the said merchants have from their factors of such buying,
and in no other wise ; excepting from this grant all manner of
woollen cloth of all merchants denizens going out of the realm
Nov. 28.
Feb. 8.
Feb. 16.
July 14.
July 27.
Aug. 25.
Nov. 27.
Membrane 17 — cont.
within the time aforesaid, and all manner of wools and woolfells
going out of the realm, and wheat, rye, flour, and all manner of
fresh fish, and wine, coming into the realm, and all manner of
victuals going to Calais ; with proviso that if any merchandise
of any merchant denizen passing out of the realm, whereon the
said subsidy is paid, or agreed, or surety made therefor, shall be
perished or lost, by misfortune of the sea, or with enemies be
taken, without fraud or covin, and this be found or proved before
the treasurer or chief baron of the Exchequer by examination of
the merchant and other reasonable testimony and proofs of the
said merchandise so lost or perished, then the said merchants
denizens, owners of the said merchandise so lost and perished,
when they please, may ship, in the same port as that in which
the same merchandise was shipped, as much in value as that
which was so lost or perished, without any subsidy to be had
thereof [Rot. ParL v. 5]. And the collectors are to keep the
' coket ' seal in the said ports ; and to answer at the Exchequer
for the moneys forthcoming By bill of the treasurer.
The like to the following in the ports and places named :'—
Patrick Skip with and Richard Lascy, clerk ; in the port of
Kyngeston upon Hull and in all adjacent ports and
places. By bill of the treasurer.
Thomas Doge and Roger Juye ; in the port of Pole and in all
adjacent ports and places. By bill of the treasurer.
Ralph Harpeley, chaplain, and William Cosyn ; in the port
of Lenne and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer.
Robert Lambton and Rowland Tempest ; in the port of
Newcastle-upon-Tyne and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer.
Richard Gosse and Richard Walshawe ; in the port of
Brige water and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer.
Ralph Lampet and John Baynard ; in the port of Great
Yarmouth and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer.
Order to the escheator in the county of Northumberland to
take the fealty of Conan Ask, son and heir of Roger Ask esquire,
and cause him to have full seisin of all the lands in the bailiwick
which the said Roger held of the king in chief or was seised of in
his demesne as of fee on the day of his death, as the king for 10s.
paid in the hanaper has respited the homage due from Conan
until Pentecost next.
Order in like terms to the escheator in the county of York,
omitting the clause touching the taking of fealty.
Nov. 28.
Membrane 17 — cont.
Order to the escheator in the county of Cornwall to take the
fealty of Ralph Reskymmer and cause him to have full seisin of
all the lands which Joan late the wife of Thomas Carmynowe held
on the day of her death of the king in chief, in dower of the endow-
ment of Otes Treverthian knight, sometime her husband, of the
inheritance of the said Ralph, and also of the lands which the
said Joan held for term of her life, of the inheritance of Ralph,
as the king for one mark paid in the hanaper has respited the
homage due from Ralph until Michaelmas next.
Nov. 10.
Nov. 16.
Commitment to William Prestgrave, — by mainprise of William
Weldon of Weldon, co. Northampton, ' gentilman,' and Richard
Pittes of Brigstoke, co. Northampton, ' gentilman,' — of the keep-
ing of all assarts, wastes, pourprestures and particulars of forest
within the forest between the bridges of Staunford and Oxford,
and of all farms and rents of all arrented assarts, wastes, pour-
prestures, soil, land and pasture within the forest between the
said bridges, in the counties of Northampton, Buckingham and
Huntingdon ; to hold the same from the time of the death of
Joan late queen of England for 7 years, rendering the 501. for
which answer was made to the said late queen, and an increment
of 10L, yearly by equal portions at Easter and Michaelmas and
supporting all other charges incumbent on the said assarts and on
the rest of the premises ; as the said William Prestgrave, — to
whom the king on 5 December 17 Henry VI [p. 68 above] by
letters patent committed the keeping of all the king's assarts and
pourprestures within the forest of Rokyngham between the bridges
of Oxford and Staunford, to wit, in the counties of Northampton,
Buckingham and Huntingdon, with all appurtenances, to hold
the same from the time of the death of the said late queen for
7 years at a yearly farm of the 501. for which answer was made to
the said queen and an increment of 10Z., — has surrendered the
said letters, which for certain causes are invalid, into the Chancery
for cancellation, to the intent that the king should deign to grant
him other and valid letters in this behalf.
By p.s. [5673-4]. Dated by authority of Parliament.
Appointment of William Derlyng as searcher of ships in the
ports of Plymmouth and Fowy and in all adjacent ports and
places ; in terms as above [p. 9]. By bill of the treasurer.
Appointment in like terms of the following in the ports and
places named : —
Nov. 28. John Belle ; in the port of Ipswich and in all adjacent ports
Westminster. and places. By bill of the treasurer.
Nov. 28.
. Jan. 27.
Aug. 28.
Nov. 29.
Membrane 16 — cont.
Richard Yonge ; in the port of Bristol and in all adjacent
ports and places. By bill of the treasurer.
Peter Lokwode ; as one of the king's searchers in the port
of Bristol and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer.
Thomas Prudman ; as one of the king's searchers in the port
of Ipswich and in all adjacent ports and places.
Commitment to Nicholas Dixon, clerk, and Thomas Blithe, —
by mainprise of John Burton of Chesthunt, co. Hertford, ' gentil-
man,' and Robert Dawetre of the county of York, ' gentilman, '-
of the keeping of the alien priory of Brymmesfeld, co. Gloucester,
which is in the king's hand on account of the war with France ;
to hold the same from Michaelmas last for 10 years, rendering
for the keeping the 11. which the said Nicholas used to render
for the same, by equal portions at Easter and Michaelmas,
maintaining there the divine services and other works of piety
customary from of old, maintaining houses, enclosures and
buildings and supporting all other charges incumbent on the
priory ; with proviso that they have allowance in the payment
of their farm in respect of any annuities granted out of the
keeping if the said priory. By. bill of the treasurer.
Nov. 16. Commitment to Richard Vernon, knight, — by mainprise of
Westminster. Robert Stokes of Tamworth, co. Stafford, ' gentilman,' and
Richard Broune of Repyngton, co. Derby, ' gentilman,' — of the
keeping of a sixteenth part of the manor of Repyngton, co.
Derby, which part belonged to Giles Swynarton and is in the
king's hands by the death of the said Giles, who held of the king
in chief, and by reason of the minority of Alice his daughter and
heir ; to hold the same from the time of the death of Giles until
the full age of the said heir, at a yearly farm of the 47s. 2d. at
which the said part was extended, and an increment of 3s. 4rf. ;
with clause touching maintenance of houses, enclosures and
buildings and support of charges ; and proviso that if any other
person shall be willing without fraud to give more by way of
increment for the said keeping, then the said Richard shall be
bound to pay such larger sum if he will have the keeping.
By bill of the treasurer.
Nov. 22. Commitment to William Eure, knight, and Ralph Eure his
Westminster. Son, — by mainprise of Christopher Conyers of the county of York,
esquire, and Richard Metham of the same county, esquire, — of
the marriage of the son and heir of John Hastynges knight, a
minor in the king's ward ; they paying for the said marriage as
much as may be agreed upon between them and the treasurer
Nov. 27.
Nov. 11.
Oct. 29.
Membrane 16 — cont.
by the Purification next and finding fit maintenance for the said
heir. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment to Henry lord de Boucher, — by mainprise, found
in the Exchequer, of John Knyvet of Halstede, co. Essex, esquire,
and William Berners of the same town, esquire, — of the keeping
of all the lands late of John Warener the younger, who held of
the king in chief on the day of his death ; to hold the same
from the time of the death of the said John until the full age of
his son and heir, together with the marriage of the said heir,
rendering for the keeping as much as may be agreed upon between
him and the treasurer by the Purification next, paying for the
marriage as much as may likewise be agreed upon, maintaining
houses, enclosures and buildings, supporting all other charges
incumbent on the said lands, and finding fit maintenance for the
said heir. By bill of the treasurer.
Order to the escheator in the county of Northumberland to
take the fealty of Alice Belasys, daughter and heir of John
Belasys, and cause her to have full seisin of all the lands in the
bailiwick which the said John held of the king in chief or was
seised of in his demesne as of fee on the day of his death, as the
king for 6s. 8d. paid in the hanaper has respited until the quinzaine
of Easter next the homage due from Alice for the lands held of
the king in chief.
Order in like terms to William [recte John] Chaumbre, mayor of
Newcastle -upon-Tyne and escheator therein ; omitting the clause
touching the taking of fealty.
Order to the escheator in the counties of Southampton and
Wilts to cause Thomas Payn and Joan his wife, daughter and
heir of Thomas Romsey knight and Joan his wife, to have full
seisin of all the lands which the said Joan wife of Thomas Romsey
on the day of her death held of the king in chief, or was seised of
in her demesne as of fee tail, to herself and the heirs of her body
by the said Thomas late her husband, or held in dower, of the
endowment of the said Thomas Romsey sometime her husband,
of the inheritance of the said Joan wife of Thomas Payn ; as the
king has taken the fealty due from Thomas Payn for the lands
held of the king in chief.
Nov. 4. Commitment of the county of Cumberland to John Skelton,
Westminster, esquire, during pleasure, so that he answer at the Exchequer as
Order to all persons of the county to be intendant to John
as sheriff.
Nov. 4.
Nov. 4.
Membrane 15 — cont.
Order to Hugh Louther, late sheriff, to deliver the county to
John by indenture.
The like commitments to the following of the counties named : —
John Heron of Forthe ; Northumberland.
Thomas Staunton, esquire ; Nottingham and Derby.
Nicholas Bo wet, knight ; Lincoln.
Thomas Assheby of Lowseby ; Warwick and Leicester.
Leonard Stapilton ; Salop.
Humphrey Lowe ; Stafford.
William Lucy ; Hereford.
John Brekenok ; Bedford and Buckingham.
Roger Chamberleyn, knight ; Norfolk and Suffolk.
Thomas Tyrell ; Essex and Hertford.
Nicholas Carre we ; Surrey and Sussex.
Stephen Popham, knight ; Southampton.
John Norreys ; Wilts.
William Caraunt ; Somerset and Dorset.
Robert Burton ; Devon.
John Marney ; Cornwall.
Henry Plesyngton, ' chivaler ' ; Rutland.
Commitment of the county of York and castle of York to Robert
Waterton, knight, during pleasure, so that he answer at the
Exchequer as sheriff and keeper.
Order to all persons of the county to be intendant to Robert
as sheriff and keeper.
Order to John Tempest, knight, late sheriff, to deliver the county
and castle to Robert by indenture.
The like commitments to the following in the counties named : —
John Holand, knight ; Northampton.
John Yerd ; Kent.
John Stokes ; Oxford and Berks.
Commitment of the office of the escheatry in the counties
of Somerset and Dorset to William Neweton during pleasure, so
that he answer at the Exchequer for the issues thereof.
Order to all persons of the counties to be intendant to William
as escheator.
Order to Thomas Seintbarbe, late escheator, to deliver to
William by indenture the rolls, writs, memoranda and all other
things relating to the said office.
The like commitments to the following of the office of the
escheatry in the counties named : —
John Cokworthy ; Devon and Cornwall.
John Pultney ; Warwick and Leicester.
John Baskervile ; Hereford.
12— (26)
Membrane 15 — cont.
Robert Wydecombe ; Salop.
Thomas Wynslowe ; Gloucester.
Humphrey Cotes ; Stafford.
John Vampage, the younger ; Worcester.
Arnold Brocas ; Surrey and Sussex.
Henry Noon ; Kent and Middlesex.
Robert Wasselyn, esquire ; Lincoln.
Thomas Bughton ; Northampton and Rutland.
Henry Vavasour ; York.
William Heron of Shipley ; Northumberland.
Thomas Curweyn ; Cumberland and Westmoreland.
John Curson ; Nottingham and Derby.
Henry Drury ; Norfolk and Suffolk.
William Fouler ; Bedford and Buckingham.
John Burgh ; Cambridge and Huntingdon.
Richard Restwold ; Oxford and Berks.
Richard Neweport ; Southampton and Wilts.
Thomas Knyvet ; Essex and Hertford.
Oct. 25. Order to the escheator in the county of Kent to make a parti-
Westminster, tion into five equal parts of all the lands in his bailiwick whereof
John Baker of Caldham, co. Kent, tenant in chief of the king,
was seised in his demesne as of fee on the day of his death, and
to cause Roger Twysden and Agnes his wife, one of the daughters
and heirs of the said John Baker, John Queke and Juliana his
wife, another of the daughters and heirs of the said John Baker,
and Beatrice, the third daughter and heir of the said John
Baker, to have full seisin of the pourparties of Agnes, Juliana and
Beatrice respectively, as the king has taken the fealty of the said
Roger and John Queke, and for 20s. paid in the hanaper has
respited the homage due from the said Roger and John Queke
by reason of their having issue by their wives, and also the
homage and fealty of the said Beatrice, until Michaelmas next ;
retaining in the king's hand until further order the pourparties
of Robert Brandrade, son of Joan the fourth daughter and heir
of the said John Baker, and of Alice (wife of Peter Alkham), the
fifth daughter and heir of the said John Baker ; and saving
to Isabel late the wife of the said John Baker her reasonable
dower of the said lands ; provided always that each of the said
heirs and parceners have a share of the lands which are held of
the king in chief, and so be the king's tenant.
Nov. 5. Order to the escheator in the county of Bedford to cause Giles
Westminster. Daubeney, brother and heir of John Daubeney the son and heir
of Giles Daubeney ' chivaler ' tenant in chief of Henry IV, to
have full seisin of all the lands in the bailiwick which Elizabeth
19 HENRY VI. 179
1440. Membrane 14 — cont.
late the wife of Warin Walgrave held on the day of her death in
dower after the death of the said John, sometime her husband, of
the inheritance of the said Giles the brother, as the king has taken
his fealty for all the lands which the said Giles Daubeney ' chivaler '
held on the day of his death of Henry IV in chief, and as Henry V
on another occasion took the homage and fealty of the said Giles
the brother for all the lands aforesaid [Calendar of Close Rolls.
1413-1419, p. 328].
Order in like terms to the escheator in the county of Somerset.
The like to the following :—
The escheator in the county of Lincoln.
The escheator in the county of Nottingham.
Nov. 30. Whereas, upon an agreement had between Henry V (son and
Westminster, heir of Mary one of the daughters and heirs of Humphrey de
Bohun late earl of Hereford, Essex and Northampton and con-
stable of England) and Anne late countess of Stafford, now
deceased (daughter and heir of Eleanor the other daughter and
heir of the said late earl), a partition was made, in the Parliament
of 9 Henry V [Rot. Parl. iv. 135], between the said late king and
the said countess, of all the castles, manors, and members of the
same, and hundreds, lands, tenements, marshes, fees, counties,
courts, views, forests, parks, woods, reversions and other posses-
sions, in England and Wales, whereof the said late earl was seised
in demesne or in reversion on the day of his death (fees and
advowsons in gross excepted), and the castle and manor of
Brekenoc, with the members, were assigned, among other things,
to the said countess as her pourparty of the castles, manors,
hundreds, lands, tenements and possessions aforesaid ; and
whereas, on the part of the said countess, it was put forward then
that the castle and town of Brenles, the lordships of Penkelly
and Cantrecelly, the manors and lordships of Langoyt and
Alisaundres Toune, and a third part of the barony of Penkelly
in Wales, were parcels and members of the said castle and lord-
ship of Brekenoc and pertained solely to the said late countess
by virtue of the said assignment ; and whereas, on the part of
the said late king, it was likewise put forward that the said castle
and town of Brenles, the lordships of Penkelly and Cantrecelly,
the manors and lordships of Langoyt and Alisaundres Toune,
and the third part were entire and in gross and not members or
parcels of the said castle and lordship of Brekenoc and on that
account pertained to the said king and countess in common to
be divided equally between them, so that the premises remained
wholly in the hands of the said late king and are still in the king's
hand on that account ; and whereas, of late, the king (wishing to
1440. Membrane 13 — cont.
provide impartially for the preservation of his own right and
that of the said late countess in this behalf), by the advice of his
council and with the assent of the said countess, granted the
keeping of the premises to John bishop of Bath and Wells and
Roger Aston knight, to hold the same from Michaelmas 7 Henry
VI until it should be decided whether the premises were entire
and in gross by themselves or members and parcels of the said
castle and lordship of Brekenoc, at a yearly farm of 131. 14£d., as
in the letters patent in that behalf made more fully is contained
[Calendar of Patent Rolls, 1422-1429, p. 542] ; and whereas the
said bishop and Roger have now made a petition that, since they
are willing to surrender those letters into the Chancery for can-
cellation, the king should be willing to admit the surrender of
the letters and commit the keeping of the premises to John
Aburhale and Nicholas Poyntz esquires, until it shall have been
decided between the king and Humphrey earl of Stafford (son
and heir of the said countess) whether the premises are entire
and in gross by themselves or members and parcel of the said
castle and lordship of Brekenoc ; the king, assenting to the said
petition, and in pursuance of the surrender by the said bishop
and Roger of the said letters into the Chancery for cancellation,
has committed the keeping of the said castle and town of Brenles,
the lordships of Penkelly and Cantrecelly, the manors and lord-
ships of Langoyt and Alisaundres Toune, and the third part of
the barony of Penkelly to the said John Aburhale and Nicholas,
to hold the same until it shall have been decided between the king
and the said earl whether the said castle, town, lordships, manors
and lordships and third part are entire and in gross by themselves
or members and parcels of the said castle and lordship of Brekenoc,
they rendering to the king, for the whole time that the matter
shall remain undecided, 131. 14fd. yearly by equal portions at
Easter and Michaelmas.
By p.s. [5697-8]. Dated by authority of Parliament.
These letters are vacated as touching any process to be made against
the said Nicholas, by virtue of the same letters, to answer to the king
for the said farm that shall be due to the king from 23 June 30 Henry
VI, but not due on that day, provided that answer be made to the
king for the said farm, and for any arrears of the same, due to him
on the said 23 June. The present letters, however, are to remain
in force as touching process to be made against the said Nicholas
and the heirs, executors and tenants of the lands of the said John
Aburhale for the said farm, and for any arrears of the same, due to
the king on the said 23 June, and as touching process to be made
from time to time against the said heirs, executors and tenants of the
lands of the said John Aburhale for the farm that shall be due to
the king from the said 23 June during the time of the duration of
the said letters ; since the king, on the said 23 June, by his writ of
Dec. 11.
Dec. 18.
July 12.
Membrane 13 — cont.
privy seal, directed to John cardinal archbishop of York, chancellor,
and preserved in the files of the Chancery, gave orders to the chan-
cellor that such vacation of the said letters should be made.
Grant and commitment to Rowland Lenthale, knight, of the
keeping of the whole pourparty of Edmund Lenthale of all the
castles, towns, lordships, manors, lands, rents, services, commotes,
knights' fees, patronage of abbeys and priories, advowsons of
churches, and other hereditaments and possessions, in divers
counties of the realm, which Beatrice late countess of Arundell
held on the day of her death in dower after the death of Thomas
late earl of Arundell, sometime her husband, and otherwise for
life, of the inheritance of John duke of Norfolk and Elizabeth
wife of Edward Nevyle lord Bergevenny, who are of full age,
and of the said Edmund, a minor in the king's ward, the kinsfolk
and heirs of the said late earl, — according to the partition of the
premises made or to be made, but excepting Edmund's pourparty
of and in the castle, manor, lordship and town of Shrewardyn,
which are the subject of a controversy before the king in the
Chancery between the said heirs on the one part and William
earl of Arundell on the other ; — to hold the said keeping from
Michaelmas last until the full age of the said Edmund, rendering
yearly for the said keeping the extent, maintaining houses,
enclosures and buildings, and supporting all other charges
incumbent on the said pourparty.
By p.s. [5723]. Dated by authority of Parliament.
Order to the escheator in the county of Huntingdon ; — pursuant
to an inquisition taken before him showing that Ellen late the wife
of Philip Chetewyn knight on the day of her death held in dower
of the inheritance of William Ferrers son and heir of Edmund
Ferrers knight, late her husband, of the manors, lands, rents and
services late of the said Edmund, the manor of Keston, excepting
the whole of the rent of the free tenants, with all the services of the
same, and the advowson of the church there ; and that the manor
is held of the king in chief by service of a knight's fee ; and that
the said William is of full age ; — to cause the said William to
have full seisin of the said manor (with exceptions as above), as
the king, on another occasion, has taken his homage and fealty
for all the lands which the said Edmund held of the king in chief
on the day of his death. [Calendar of Fine Rolls, 1430-1437,
p. 272.]
Order to the escheator in the county of Essex to deliver to
John duke of Norfolk the moiety of two -thirds of a third part of
the manor of High Rothyng, extended at 33s. 4d., the moiety of
two -thirds of a third part of the manor of Oveshamhalle, extended
at 22s. (•§</., and the moiety of two-thirds of a third part of the
Membrane 13 — cont.
manor of Margarete Guynge, extended at 26s. 8d., a year, which
the king has assigned to him as his pourparty of the two-thirds
of a third part of the said manors which (quas) Beatrice late the
wife of Thomas late earl of Arundell held for life in dower, of the
endowment of the said late earl sometime her husband, of the
inheritance of the said duke, who is of full age, and of Edmund
Lenthale, a minor in the king's ward, the kinsmen and heirs of the
said late earl ; as the king for 6s. 8d. paid in the hanaper has
respited until the Purification next the homage and fealty due
from the duke in this behalf.
Feb. 16. Commitment to John Benet, — by mainprise of William Lowe
Westminster. of Neuport, co. Salop, ' gentilman,' and Philip Delywe of Bristol,
' yoman,' — of the subsidy and alnage of cloths for sale in the town
and suburbs of Bristol ; to hold the same from Michaelmas last
for 4 years, together with a moiety of the forfeiture of the said
cloths for sale, rendering the 63Z. 6s. 4d. which he has been wont
to render for the same, yearly by equal portions at Easter and
Michaelmas, and answering at the Exchequer for the other moiety
of the said forfeiture ; and appointment of the said John Benet
as alnager and collector ; in terms as above [p. 35].
By bill of the treasurer.
1440. The like to the following : —
Dec. 4. Robert Waterton, knight, — by mainprise of Thomas Warcop
Westminster. of York, esquire, and Geoffrey Blakay of the same city,
' gentilman,' — from Christmas next for 7 years, at a yearly
farm of the 113 marks for which answer has been made to
the king ; in the county of York and in the city and
suburbs of York. By bill of the treasurer. Dated etc.
Nov. 28.
Order to the escheator in the county of Gloucester and the
adjacent march of Wales, in terms as above [p. 97], to make a
partition into three equal parts of all the manors, lands, rents,
knights' fees, advowsons, returns of writs and execution of the
same, possessions and hereditaments, in his bailiwick, which have
been taken into the king's hand by the death of Richard late
earl of Warwick, — who held the same by the courtesy of England
for life, after the death of Elizabeth late countess of Warwick,
late his wife, with reversion to Eleanor (wife of Edmund earl
of Dorset), Margaret (wife of John lord de Talbot) and Elizabeth
(wife of George lord de Latymer), as daughters and heirs of the
said late countess, — and to deliver to the said earl of Dorset
19 HENRY VI. 183
1440 Membrane 11 — cont.
and Eleanor, John and Margaret, and George and Elizabeth his
wife, the pourparties of Eleanor, Margaret and Elizabeth respec-
tively ; as the king for a certain fine paid in the hanaper has
respited the fealty of the said earl, John and George for as long
as the said earl and John shall be in the king's service in foreign
parts, and has likewise respited the homage due from the said
earl and John by reason of their having issue by their wives,
for as long as the said earl, John and George shall be in the king's
service (the earl and John in France and George in the marches
of England towards Scotland) ; provided always that each of the
said heirs and parceners have in her pourparty a share of the
lands which are held of the king in chief, and so be the king's
Feb. 24. Commitment to Robert Ingilton, — by mainprise of Edmund
Westminster. Metcalff of the county of York, ' gentilman,' and John Kendale
of the county of Gloucester, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping of
the herbage of ' La Dalehede,' above and without the head of the
king's park of Troutebeke, which is in the king's hand by the
death of John late duke of Bedford ; to hold the same from Christ-
mas last for 10 years, rendering for the keeping the 33s. 4d. for
which answer has been made to the king and an increment of 105.,
yearly by equal portions at Easter and Michaelmas, and support-
ing all other charges incumbent on the said herbage ; with
proviso that if any other person shall be willing without fraud
to give more by way of increment for the said keeping, then the
said Robert shall be bound to pay such larger sum if he will have
the keeping.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated by authority of Parliament.
Vacated on surrender, since the king on 16 October 20 Henry VI,
by other letters patent, granted the keeping of the said herbage to the
said Robert under a certain other form. And so these letters are
Be it remembered that on 30 January in the present year
Ralph Rawly ns, bailiff of the liberty of the hundred of Fellesley,
co. Northampton, who has full return of all writs, and execution
thereof, within the same liberty, was amerced at 20,?., for that he
did not have the bodies of William Kannotte of Stowe, chaplain,
John Frenshe of Stowe, ' husbondman,' and John Wryght of
Stowe, ' husbondman,' before the king in the Chancery in the
quinzaine of Hilary, then and there to answer upon the things
which should be objected to them on behalf of the king, as he,
the said bailiff, answered to the sheriff of the said county, upon
an order to him from the sheriff by virtue of a writ of the king
(so to have the men at the quinzaine aforesaid) lately directed
to the sheriff, as fully appears by the return of the said sheriff
upon the writ aforesaid.
Jan. 30.
Feb. 5.
Feb. 12.
Commitment to Henry Fenwyk, knight, — by mainprise of
William Chestre of the county of Northumberland, ' gentilman,'
and Brian Water of the county of Cumberland, ' gentilman,' —
of the keeping of all the lands, called ' FitzWatier Landes,' co.
Cumberland, and of the barony of Artereth with the fishery of the
same and its other appurtenances within the king's forest of
Nichol ' forest,' which Joan late countess of Westmoreland held
of the king for term of her life, with reversion to the king and
his heirs ; to hold the said lands and the said barony and fishery
from the time of the death of the said late countess for 7 years,
at a yearly farm of as much as may be agreed upon between him
and the treasurer by Easter next ; with clause touching main-
tenance of houses, enclosures and buildings and support of
By bill of the treasurer. Dated by authority of Parliament.
Commitment (with like clause) to John Harleston, esquire, and
William Chapman, — by mainprise of William Bury of Colcestre,
co. Essex, ' gentilman,' and Thomas Rede of Mendlysham, co.
Suffolk, ' yoman,' — of the keeping of ( 1) a moiety of a manor called
' Nethirhalle ' in Caundisshe, (which moiety is held of the king
in chief), and (2) a tenement in Clare, called ' Wegges,' co. Suffolk,
late of Richard Wegge and Isabel his wife ; to hold the same,
which are in the king's hands by the death of the said Richard
and Isabel and by reason of the minority of John Claveryng
the kinsman and heir of Richard, from the Purification last until
the full age of the said heir, at a yearly farm of the 40s. for which
answer has been made to the king and an increment of 3s. ±d. ;
with proviso that if any other person shall be willing without fraud
to give more by way of increment for the said keeping, then the
said John and William Chapman shall be bound to pay such
larger sum if they will have the keeping.
By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment to William Garth and William Hoton esquire, —
by mainprise of John Swynburn of London, ' gentilman,' and
William Laweson of London, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping of a
third part of the town of Edlyngeham, a third part of a third
part of the town of Lameton, a third part of 2s. of the free farm
of William Bedenham issuing from his lands in Lameton, a third
part of a free farm of 13d issuing from the lands of John Whelp-
dale in Lameton, a third part of 2s. 6d. of free farm in the town of
Bolton, a third part of a third part of the town of Neweton, a
third part of a tenement in the town of Thirston, a third part of
the manor of Nafirton Halle, and a third part of the town of
Nafirton Halle, co. Northumberland ; to hold the same from the
time of the death of John Hastynges, knight, tenant in chief of
the king, until the feast of All Saints next, according to the form
Feb. 18.
Feb. 6.
Membrane 10 — cont.
of the statute published in the Parliament held at Westminster
8 Henry VI, in order that it may be decided in the mean time
whether the said third parts ought of right to belong to the king
or to the said William Garth and William Hoton ; provided that
they answer at the Exchequer for the issues tak,en therefrom, if
they shall be adjudged to the king, and keep the said third parts
in the mean time without waste and destruction.
Order to the escheator in the county of Devon to cause Thomas
Courtenay, earl of Devon, son and heir of Hugh Courtenay, late
earl of Devon, to have full seisin of all the lands in the bailiwick
which Anne late countess of Devon held in dower for life after the
death of the said late earl, sometime her husband, of the inheri-
tance of the said now earl, as the king for 20s. paid in the hanaper
has respited his homage and fealty until Pentecost next.
Order in like terms to the escheator in the counties of Somerset
and Dorset.
The like to the following : —
The escheator in the county of Buckingham.
The escheator in the county of Berks.
Order to the escheator in the county of Cumberland to cause
Richard earl of Salisbury, son and heir male of the body of Joan
late countess of Westmoreland by Ralph late earl of Westmore-
land sometime her husband, to have full seisin of all the lands
in the bailiwick which the said countess held on the day of her
death of the king in chief, or was seised of in her demesne as of fee
tail (to herself and the heirs male of her body by the said late
earl and to herself and the heirs of her body by the said late earl) ;
as the king for 20s. paid in the hanaper has respited his homage
and fealty until the feast of St. Peter ad Vincula next.
Order in like terms to the mayor and escheator of Newcastle-
The like to the escheator in the county of York.
Nov. 29.
Grant to Ralph baron de Graystok and William lord Fitz Hugh,
knights, and to Christopher Conyers, James Strangwais the
younger, Christopher Boynton and Robert Constable, — by main-
prise of William Bucton knight and John de Fulthorp, both of
the county of York, — of the keeping of all the lands, rents, pos-
sessions, services and wapentakes which came, or could or ought
to have come, to the king's hands by the death of Joan late
countess of Westmoreland (all lands and possessions in the
counties of Northumberland and Westmoreland and in the town of
Nov. 30.
Feb. 5.
Membrane 9 — cont.
Newcastle-upon-Tyne, the manors of Esyngwald and Horby (sic),
co. York, and a certain yearly rent of 206?. 13s. 4e£. which the said
late countess had for term of her life of the grant of John
late duke of Lancaster, issuing from the honours of Pontefret and
Pikeryng, co. York, excepted) ; to hold the said keeping, with
exceptions as above, to the use of Richard earl of Salisbury, son
and heir of the said late countess, from the time of the death of
the said late countess for as long as the premises shall remain
in the king's hands, at a yearly farm of the extent, or as much
as may be agreed upon between them and the treasurer by
Michaelmas next ; with clause touching maintenance of houses,
enclosures and buildings and support of charges ; any statute or
ordinance to the contrary, notwithstanding.
By p.s. [5708-9]. Dated by authority of Parliament.
Commitment to Christopher Boynton, — by mainprise of
Richard Shorthose of Burghbrigge, co. York, esquire, and John
Fulthorp of Stratford, co. York, esquire, — of the keeping of two-
thirds of the manors of Kneton and Midilton, co. York, which are
in the king's hand by the death of John late duke of Bedford ; to
hold the same from Michaelmas last for 12 years, at a yearly farm
of the 41. 8s. Wd. for which answer has been made to the king ;
with clause touching maintenance of houses, enclosures and
buildings and support of charges ; and proviso that if any other
person shall be willing without fraud to give more by way of
increment for the said keeping, then the said Christopher shall
be bound to pay such larger sum if he will have the keeping.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated by authority of Parliament.
Order to the escheator in the county of York ; — pursuant to
an inquisition taken before Robert Ughtred, late escheator,
showing that Katharine de Burnynghill on the day of her death
was seised in her demesne as of fee of a messuage and 9 bovates
of land in Middelton, and held them of the king by fealty and a
rent of 8s. a year, for all service ; and that the said Katharine
on the said day of her death held in her demesne as of fee
a messuage and 19 bovates of land in Middelton aforesaid, a
messuage, 2 cottages and 6 bovates of land in Southdalton, and
2 messuages and | bovate of land in Boswyk ; and that John
More is the son and next heir of the said Katharine, and of full
age ; and that the said messuage and 19 bovates of land in Mid-
delton, the messuage, cottages and land in Southdalton and the
messuages and land in Boswyk are held of others than the king ; —
to cause the said John, whose fealty the king has taken, to have
full seisin of the said messuage and 9 bovates of land that are
held of the king ; removing the king's hand from the said messu-
ages, cottages and land which are held of others than the king,
if they are in the king's hand by the death of Katharine and for
19 HENRY VI. 187
Feb. 20.
Membrane 9 — cont.
no other cause, and delivering to John any issues taken therefrom
since the time of the death of Katharine.
Order to the escheator in the county of Kent ; — pursuant to
an order to the late escheator [p. 178 above] to make a partition
into five equal parts of all the lands in his bailiwick whereof John
Baker of Caldham, co. Kent, tenant in chief of the king, was
seised in his demesne as of fee on the day of his death, and to
cause Roger Twysden and Agnes his wife, one of the daughters
and heirs of the said John Baker, John Queke and Juliana his
wife, another of the daughters and heirs of the said John Baker,
and Beatrice, the third daughter and heir of the said John Baker,
to have full seisin of the pourparties of Agnes, Juliana and Beatrice
respectively, as the king had taken the fealty of the said Roger
and John Queke, and for a certain fine paid in the hanaper had
respited the homage due from the said Roger and John Queke by
reason of their having issue by their wives, and also the homage
and fealty of the said Beatrice, until a certain day yet to come ;
retaining in the king's hand until further order the pourparties
of Robert Brandrcde, son of Joan the fourth daughter and heir
of the said John Baker, and of Alice (wife of Peter Alkham), the
fifth daughter and heir of the said John Baker ; and saving to
Isabel late the wife of the said John Baker her reasonable dower
of the said lands ; with proviso that each of the heirs and par-
ceners should have a share of the lands held of the king in chief
and so be the king's tenant ; — to cause the said Robert, and
Peter and Alice, to have full seisin of the pourparties of Robert
and Alice respectively (retained, as above, in the king's hand),
as the king for one mark paid in the hanaper has respited the
homage of Robert, and the homage due from Peter by reason of
his having issue by his said wife, until Michaelmas next ; saving
to the said Isabel her reasonable dower of the said lands.
Mittitur in extractis usque hue.
Feb. 22. Grant to Richard earl of Salisbury, son and heir of Joan
Westminster, late countess of Westmoreland ; — pursuant to the surrender,
with the assent of the said earl, into the Chancery for cancellation
of the letters patent of 29 November last [p. 185 above], (whereby
the king granted to Ralph baron de Graystok and William lord
Fitzhugh, knights, and to Christopher Conyers, James Strang-
weys the younger, Christopher Boynton and Robert Constable,
the keeping of all the lands, rents, possessions, services and wapen-
takes which came, or could have come, to the king's hands by
the death of the said late countess, all lands and possessions in
the counties of Northumberland and Westmoreland and in the
town of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, the manors of Esyngwalde and
Membrane 8 — cont.
Hooby, co. York, and a certain yearly rent of 206Z. 13s. 4d. which
the said late countess had for term of her life of the grant of John
late duke of Lancaster, issuing from the honours of Pontefreit
and Pykeryng, co. York, excepted, to hold the said keeping, with
exceptions as above, to the use of the said earl of Salisbury, from
the time of the death of the said late countess for as long as the
premises should remain in the king's hands, at a yearly farm of the
extent, or as much as might be agreed upon between them and
the treasurer by Michaelmas next), to the end that the king may
be willing to grant to the said earl the keeping of all the lands,
rents, services, waters, fisheries and possessions which came, or
could have come, to the king's hands by the death of the said
late countess, and are still in the king's hands on that account,
excepting the manor of Lydell, co. Cumberland, and the lands and
tenements excepted above ; — of the keeping of all the said lands,
rents, services, waters, fisheries and possessions which are thus
in the king's hands, to hold the same, with exceptions as above,
for as long as they shall remain in the king's hands, at a yearly
farm of the extent or as much as may be agreed upon between
him and the treasurer by Christmas next ; with clause touching
maintenance of houses, enclosures and buildings and support of
charges. By p.s. [5809]. Dated by authority of Parliament.
May 20. Commitment to Richard Bolde, — by mainprise of Thomas
Westminster. Stanley, knight, and John Troutebek, esquire, and pursuant to
the surrender by the said Richard in the Chancery for cancellation
of the letters patent of 18 February 17 Henry VI, [p. 73 above],
whereby the king committed to him the keeping of all the lands
late of Richard Donne of Crouton, who held on the day of his
death of the king, as earl of Chester, in chief, to hold the same from
the time of the death of the said Richard Donne until the full
age of Richard his son and heir, at a yearly farm of the extent
or as much as might be agreed upon between him and the
treasurer by the quinzaine of Midsummer next, no such agree-
ment having been made by the term aforesaid, — of the keeping
of a messuage and 16 acres of land in Kyngesley, extended at
13s. 4d., a messuage and 5 acres of land in Norley, extended at
4s., 5 messuages and 2 tofts, with lands adjacent thereto, in
Codynton in the hundred of Edesbury, extended at 40s., a messu-
age, with lands, wood and meadow adjacent thereto, in Fikeden,
extended at 39s. 8d., 2d. of free rent in Cudynton, issuing from a
tenement of John Triket there, a third part of a moiety of the
town of Pulton in Walese, and a third part of a moiety of the
town of Secom in Walese, extended at 30s., a third part of a
fourth part of the town of Liscart in Walese, extended at 5s., a
third part of a moiety of the town of Neuton in Wyrall, extended
at 10s., and a third part of a messuage and 2 bovates of land in
Babynton, extended at 2s., a year ; to hold the same from the
May 23.
May 30.
May 15.
Membrane 8 — cont.
time of the death of the said Richard Donne until the full age of
the said heir, at a yearly farm of the 11. 4s. 2d. at which the pre-
mises are extended, and an increment of 10s. Sd. ; with clause
touching maintenance of houses, enclosures and buildings and
support of charges ; and proviso that if any other person shall be
willing without fraud to give more by way of increment for the
said keeping, then the said Richard Bolde shall be bound to pay
such larger sum if he will have the keeping.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated by authority of Parliament.
Order to the escheator in the county of Cumberland to cause
Richard Henryson, brother and heir of Christopher Soureby
clerk, to have full seisin of all the lands which the said Christopher
held of the king in chief or was seised of in his demesne as of fee
on the day of his death, as the king for one mark paid in the hana-
per has respited his homage and fealty until Easter next.
Commitment to John Nedham, — by mainprise of John Wode
of Kele, co. Stafford, ' gentilman,' and John Wodehill of
Tyderlegh, co. Southampton, ' gentilman/ — of the keeping of the
manor of Warenshale, late of John son of Robert Pylleston,
which was forfeited to Henry IV on account of the rebellion of
the said John and his adherence to Owen Glyndouery, a traitor ;
to hold the said manor, which was granted by Henry IV to William
Chetewyn esquire, deceased, for life with reversion to the said
late king and his heirs [Calendar of Patent Rolls, 1401-1405,
p. 366] and which is for that cause in the king's hand, from the
Ascension last for 7 years, if it shall remain for so long in the
king's hand, at a yearly farm of the extent, or as much as may
be agreed upon between him and the treasurer by the feast of
All Saints next ; with clause touching maintenance of houses,
enclosures and buildings and support of charges.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated by authority of Parliament.
Whereas the king on 14 October, 10 Henry VI, — pursuant to
an inquisition made by William Orwell, late mayor and escheator
of Calais, showing that Robert Seek on the day of his death held
a tenement, lying in the parish of St. Mary the Virgin within the
said town between the messuage sometime of Ralph Crane
eastwards, the messuage sometime of John Bristowe ' haber-
dessher ' westwards and the market place southwards, in his
demesne as of fee of Henry V, by service of 10s. and one watch
for the safe -keeping of the town yearly for all other services, and
that John Philipot alias Cuttyn, who was of full age, was his next
heir, to wit, son of Philip Cuttyn alias Sussex, the brother of
Isabel the mother of the said Robert, — by his writ ordered the
said late escheator to cause the said John to have full seisin of
the said tenement, as the king had taken his fealty and for a
Membrane 8 — cont.
certain fine paid in the hanaper had respited his homage until a
certain day now past [Calendar of Fine Rolls, 1430-1437, p. 77] ;
and whereas the said escheator was removed from his office before
he had executed the said writ ; the king now orders the mayor
and escheator of Calais to cause the said John to have full seisin
of the said tenement, together with the issues taken therefrom
since the said 14 October.
Be it remembered that on 8 May in the present year John
Puttok, bailiff of the liberty of the king's duchy of Lancaster in
the county of Norfolk, who has full return of all writs and execu-
tion of the same within the said liberty, was amerced at 6s. Sd.,
for that he did not have the body of John Silke of Northcreke,
' husbondman,' before the king in the Chancery in the quinzaine
of Easter to answer William Tylney, one of the servants of John
bishop of Bath and Wells, the chancellor, touching a certain tres-
pass said to have been committed by the said John Silke against
the said William, and further to do and receive what the court
should award, as he, the said bailiff, answered to the sheriff of
the said county upon an order to him from the sheriff by virtue
of a writ of the king (so to have the man at the quinzaine afore-
said) lately directed to the sheriff, as fully appears by the return
of the said sheriff.
Commitment to Ives Impyngton, prior of the church of St.
Mary of Huntyngdon, — by mainprise of Gerard de la Hay and
William Castell of Glatton, co. Huntingdon, ' gentilman,'— of the
keeping of 4 acres and 3 roods of meadow lying together in
Gumecestre, co. Huntingdon, in a place called ' Le Calceholme,'
by the little bridges there, and enclosed with the several water of
the "bailiffs, commonalty and men of Gumecestre, which have
been taken into the king's hand by colour of a certain inquisition
taken by virtue of his office before John Ansty the elder, late
escheator in the said county, returned before the treasurer and
barons of the Exchequer and brought before the king in the
Chancery ; to hold the same from the time of the taking of the
said inquisition until Easter next, according to the form of the
statute published in the Parliament held at Westminster 8 Henry
VI ; provided that he answer at the Exchequer for the issues
taken therefrom in the mean time, if they shall be adjudged to
the king, and keep the said meadow in the mean time without
waste and destruction.
May 29. Commitment to Mathew Baldok and Joan his wife, — by main-
Westminster, prise of John Vessy of St. Albans, ' gentilman,' and Thomas
Yonge of Bishop's Hatfeld, ' yoman,' — of the keeping of an acre
of land in Stanbrigge, which Robert Edlot sometime held, the
same being in the king's hand by reason of the appropriation
May 8.
Membrane 8 — cont.
which the said Robert made thereof to the house of the friars
preachers of Dunstaple without licence from the king ; to hold
the same from Christmas last for 15 years, rendering yearly the
8d. which Richard Wedon and Mary his wife, both now deceased,
rendered, and supporting all other charges incumbent on the said
land ; with proviso that if any other person shall be willing with-
out fraud to give more by way of increment for the said keeping,
then the said Mathew and Joan shall be bound to pay such
larger sum if they will have the keeping. By bill of the treasurer.
July 16. Commitment to William de la Pole, earl of Suffolk, — by main-
Westminster, prise of John Stanlowe of the county of Lincoln, ' gentilman,' and
John Louthe of the county of Lincoln, ' gentilman,' — of the
keeping of all the lands late of Robert Constable, late of Flayn-
burgh, co. York, knight, who held on the day of his death of the
king, as of the honour of Chester, by knight service ; to hold the
same from the time of the death of the said Robert until the full
age of Robert his son and heir, who is in the king's ward, together
with the marriage of the said heir, and so from heir to heir until
one of them shall have attained full age and the said earl shall
have duly effected the marriage, rendering 300 marks for the said
keeping and marriage, to wit, 100 marks at Martinmas next, 100
marks at Martinmas following, and the remaining 100 marks at
Martinmas then following, and finding fit maintenance for the said
heir ; with clause touching maintenance of houses, enclosures and
buildings and support of charges.
By K. Dated by authority of Parliament.
Vacated because otherwise 20 Henry VI.
July 29. Commitment to John Dylrune, — by mainprise of John Andrewe
Dogmersfield. of London and Robert Spycer of Dogmersfeld, — of the keeping
of a parcel of land in the county of Middlesex, sometime of the
king of Scotland, with all its appurtenances, as it lies between
the lodging (hospicium) of John archbishop of York on the
south side, the chapel of St. Mary of Rouncevalle on the north
side, the Thames on the east side and the king's way that leads
from Charyngcrosse to Westminster on the west side ; to hold
the same from Midsummer last for 7 years, rendering the 10
shillings for which answer has been made to the king, and an
increment of 3s. 4d., yearly by equal portions at Michaelmas and
Easter, and supporting all charges incumbent on the said land ;
provided always that if any other person shall be willing without
fraud to give more by way of increment for the said keeping, then
the said John Dylrune shall be bound to pay such larger sum if
he will have the keeping ; and that if the said king of Scotland
at any future time shall come to the king's obedience and wish
Aug. 14.
Aug. 26.
Membrane 7 — cont.
to claim the said land and shall have been restored, then the said
king of Scotland shall have possession of the said land, these
letters patent notwithstanding. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment to John Cornewaille, lord Fawnhop, knight, —
by mainprise of Walter Pygeon of London, ' gentilman,' and John
Gest of Ampthull, co. Buckingham (sic), ' gentilman,' — of the
keeping of all the lands late of Thomas Wodehull, esquire, who
held of the king in chief on the day of his death ; to hold the same
from the time of the death of the said Thomas until the full age
of John Wodehull his son and heir, at a yearly farm of as much as
may be agreed upon between him and the treasurer by the feast
of All Saints next ; with clause touching maintenance of houses,
enclosures and buildings and support of charges.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated by authority of Parliament.
Commitment (with like clause) to William Eure, knight, — by
mainprise of Thomas Seggiswyk of Manfeld, co. York, ' gentil-
man,' and William Langdale of Ryhyll in Holdernesse, co. York,
' gentilman,' — of the keeping of all the lands late of John Has-
tynges, knight, who held of the king in chief on the day of his
death ; to hold the same from the time of the death of the said
John until the full age of Edmund his son and heir, at a yearly
farm of as much as may be agreed upon between him and the
treasurer by the Purification next.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated etc.
Jan. 12.
Order to J. archbishop of York to appoint some trustworthy
men of the clergy of his diocese to levy and collect in the said
diocese the whole tenth, payable by equal portions at the Annun-
ciation next and at the Annunciation following, which the
prelates and clergy of the city, diocese and province of York in
their convocation held in the chapter house of the cathedral
church of York on 17 August 1440, and continued on the following
days, granted to the king, for the salvation of the church, realm
and people of England, on account of the unwonted pressure
of costly charges and great needs of the king, from all their
ecclesiastical benefices, as well spiritual as temporal, and from
temporalities annexed to spiritualities, that are assessed and
accustomed to pay to a tenth, with the following exceptions ; to
wit, wholly excepting the monasteries and priories of Drax,
Madersey, Felley, Feriby, Watton, Egleston, Ellerton, Schelford,
Blyth, and St. Michael near the town of Kyngeston upon Hull
of the Carthusian order, the priories and monasteries of all nuns
on account of their notorious poverty, the community of the
cathedral church of York and the churches of Misterton, Topclive
Nov. 6.
Membrane 6 — cont.
and Brodesworth which are appropriated to the said cathedral
church for the speedy construction and completion of the same,
the churches of Friseton upon Air and Esyngton in the arch-
deaconry of Cliveland on account of their excessive assessment,
the lands and possessions of the abbey and convent of Meaux
which have been destroyed by the waters of the sea and of rivers,
all priories, monasteries and benefices in Cumberland, Westmore-
land, Northumberland and Coupland, and the temporalities and
spiritualities annexed thereto within the said parts, and all
ecclesiastical benefices, dignities and prebends, hospitals, portions,
pensions, temporalities and spiritualities and temporalities
annexed to spiritualities that are assessed according to the new
assessment at 10 marks and under ; and excepting also the lands,
possessions and benefices of the monasteries and priories of
Rucheford, Monkbretton, Wirksopp, Selby, Newstede, Malton,
Whitby, Roche, Kirkstall, Pontefract, Bolton in Craven, Hawten-
price, Rievalle, Thornton upon Humber, Thurgreton and Coker-
sand, the prebends of Langtofte in the cathedral church of York
and of Stoke by Newerk, and the church of Kirkham in the arch-
deaconry of Richemond, which for reasonable and lawful causes
are to be charged to the payment of only a moiety of the whole
tenth, to wit, to the payment of a fourth part of a tenth, and no
more, at the first term of payment and to the payment of the
other fourth part, and no more, at the second term. And answer
is to be made to the king for the said whole tenth at the terms
aforesaid ; and the archbishop is the certify the treasurer and
barons of the Exchequer by the feast of St. Mathias next of the
names of the persons appointed by him.
Order in like terms to M. bishop of Carlisle.
The like to R. bishop of Durham.
Mittitur in extractis.
Grant of the keeping of the county of Lincoln to Nicholas
Bowet, knight, — with the assent of the king's council and by
mainprise of William Ormesby of the county of Lincoln and
Robert Boteler of Cawod, co. York, — from 4 November last,
during pleasure, at a yearly farm of 201Z. ; in terms as above
[p. 80] ; the late commitment of 4 November last \p, 177 above}
notwithstanding .
By p.s. [5663]. Dated by authority of Parliament.
1441 MEMBRANE 5.
June 1. Commitment to William Babyngton, esquire, and Hugh
Westminster. Teverey, — by mainprise of John Vavasour of London, ' gentil-
man,' and Charles Shawe of London, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping
of a ruinous messuage, 8 bovates of land, two-thirds of a moiety
of a ruinous water-mill, and a free rent of 4s. receivable yearly, at
13 — (26)
June 24.
April 26.
July 1.
Membrane 5 — cont.
Martinmas and Pentecost equally, from divers free tenants, in
Stapulford, co. Nottingham, which Thomas Matley held on the
day of his death of the king, as of the honour of Nottingham, by
knight service, and which are in the king's hands by the death
of the said Thomas ; to hold the same from Pentecost next for
12 years, at a yearly farm of the 34s. 8d. at which the premises
were extended ; with clause touching maintenance of houses,
enclosures and buildings and support of charges ; and proviso
that if any other person shall be willing without fraud to give more
by way of increment for the said keeping, then the said William
and Hugh shall be bound to pay such larger sum if they will
have the keeping. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment (with like clause and proviso) to Richard
Clyvedon, yeoman of the king's chamber, — by mainprise of
Simon Alman of the county of Southampton, ' gentilman,' and
James Lee of the county of Surrey, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping
of two-thirds of the park and orchard of Moreholme, co. Lan-
caster, and two-thirds of the park of Hoton, co. Westmoreland,
which are in the king's hand by the death of John late duke of
Bedford ; to hold the same from the time of the death of the said
late duke for 7 years, at a yearly farm of 10Z. 13s. 4d. ; as the said
Richard, to the end that he may have the keeping aforesaid, has
surrendered into the Chancery for cancellation the letters patent
of 24 May 16 Henry VI, whereby the king committed to him the
keeping of two-thirds of the manor, orchard and park of Mor-
holme and two-thirds of the manor of Hoton, from the time of
the death of the said late duke for 7 years, at a yearly farm of
101. 13s. 4d. [p. 42 above]. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment to Roger Hunte, — by mainprise of John Cowpe-
hull of the county of Huntingdon and John Culham of the same
county , — of the keeping of the castle and honour of Huntyngdon
with the members and appurtenances in the counties of Hunt-
ingdon, Cambridge, Bedford, Buckingham and Northampton,
late of John Hastynges late earl of Pembroke ; to hold the same
(which for certain causes are in the king's hand) from Michaelmas
next for 20 years, rendering for the said keeping the 5 marks for
which answer has been made to the king by John Colles and
Thomas Charwalton, farmers there, yearly by equal portions at
Easter and Michaelmas ; with clause touching maintenance of
houses, enclosures and buildings and support of charges ; and
proviso that if any other person shall be willing to give more by
way of increment for the said keeping, then the said Roger shall
be bound to pay such larger sum if he will have the keeping.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated by authority of Parliament.
Order to the escheator in the county of Gloucester ; — pursuant
to an inquisition made by him showing that John Thorp on the
19 HENRY VI. 195
]441 Membrane 5 — cont.
day of his death held an eighth part of the manor of Kyngeshome,
by the courtesy of England after the death of Isabel late his wife
of the inheritance of John Thorp son and heir of the said Isabel,
of the king in chief by service of an eighth part of a knight's fee ;
and that the said John Thorp the son is of full age ; — to cause the
said John the son to have full seisin of the said eighth part, as the
king has taken his homage and fealty. By p.s. [5998].
Be it remembered that on 21 June in the present year Roger
Chamberleyn, knight, sheriff of Norfolk, was amerced at 405.
for that he did not have the body of Richard Freton before the
king in the Chancery in the octave of Trinity, to answer Robert
Wyot clerk, one of the servants of John Stopyndon, the king's
clerk, keeper of the rolls of the Chancery, — that the said Richard
should render to the said Robert the 201. which, it is said, he owes
to him and unjustly detains, — in accordance with the return of
the said sheriff upon a writ directed to him.
Aug. 20. Order to the escheator in the county of Salop and the adjacent
Westminster, march of Wales ; — pursuant to an inquisition taken before him
showing that Edward Charlton knight, being seised in his demesne
as of fee of the manor of Place Dynas in the march of Wales
adjacent to the said county, gave and granted the said manor,
without the king's licence, to John Fitz Piers and the heirs of his
body, with reversion to the right heirs of Edward and their heirs
for ever, by virtue of which gift the said John was seised of the
said manor in his demesne as of fee tail ; and that the said manor
is held of the king in chief by service of a fortieth part of a knight's
fee ; and that the said John died so seised of the said manor
without heir of his body ; and that Joyce wife of John Tiptoft
knight, the daughter of the said Edward, and Henry Grey
knight, kinsman of the said Joyce, to wit, son of Joan the other
daughter of Edward and the sister of Joyce, are the next heirs of
the said Edward ; and that Joyce is of full age ; and that the
manor has been taken into the king's hand as well by the death
of the said John Fitz Piers as by reason of the trespass aforesaid ;
— to make a partition of the said manor, in the presence of the
said John Tiptoft and Joyce and the next friends of the said
Henry, into two equal parts, and cause the said John Tiptoft
and Joyce to have full seisin of the pourparty of Joyce, retaining
Henry's pourparty in the king's hand until further order ; since
the king by letters patent has lately pardoned the trespass done
in this behalf [Calendar of Patent *Rolls, 1436-1441, p. 560], and
for a certain fine paid in the hanaper has respited until a day yet
to come the homage due from John Tiptoft in this behalf and for
the manor of Lydoum, co. Salop, by reason of his having issue by
his wife, and on another occasion has ordered the fealty likewise
due from John Tiptoft in this behalf to be taken by the said
Sept. 24.
Oct. 4.
Sept. 23.
Oct. 10.
Oct. 12.
Oct. 20.
Oct. 25..
Oct. 28.
Nov. 6.
Nov. 6.
Nov. 7.
Nov. 20.
Nov. 27.
Dec. 4.
Dec. 8.
Jan. 21.
Feb. 8.
Writ of diem clausit extremum to the escheator in the county
of York after the death of Richard Pykeryng, knight, tenant in
chief of the king.
Writs of diem clausit extremum, after the death of the following
persons, directed to the escheators in the counties named : —
Walter Paunsefote ; Somerset and Dorset.
Hugh More ; Somerset and Dorset.
Robert Roos of Gedney, knight ; Lincoln ; York ; Cumber-
John Roger of Brianeston ; Somerset and Dorset.
Margery late the wife of William Harwedon ; Berks ; London
(John Paddesley, mayor and escheator).
Robert Constable, knight ; Leicester.
John Fereby ; Suffolk.
Reynold Baryntyn, esquire ; Oxford.
Joan late the wife of Edmund Toky ; Gloucester.
Robert Deyncourte ; Lincoln ; Rutland ; Nottingham and
Robert Cromwell, knight ; Nottingham.
Isabel Botiller ; Warwick.
Thomas Bitelesgate ; Devon.
Elizabeth late the wife of Giles Filylode esquire ; Salop.
Joan late the wife of Walter Inteburgh ; Dorset.
Robert Cromwell, ' chivaler ' ; Lincoln ; Berks.
Richard Dalton ; Northampton.
Renfrew Arundell, knight ; Devon and Cornwall.
Feb. 8.
March 5.
March 7.
March 14.
March 16.
March 10.
March 21.
March 26.
April 30.
March 7.
April 30.
May 12.
May 17.
May 16.
June 1.
July 8.
July 8.
Aug. 28.
Aug. 23.
Aug. 10.
Membrane 27 — cont.
John Speke, knight ; Somerset ; Devon and Cornwall ;
Hugh Halsham, knight ; Sussex ; Kent ; Norfolk.
Nicholas Chyvalle ; Surrey. (Vacated).
George Skydmore, esquire ; Hereford ; Buckingham.
John Golafre, esquire ; Oxford and Berks.
John Penhale ; Kent.
Parnel late the wife of Robert Lee esquire ; Salop and the
adjacent inarch of Wales.
Agnes late the wife of John Bevyle esquire ; Devon and
Cornwall ; Somerset.
Joan late the wife of Gerard Suthill knight ; Wilts ; York ;
Denis Tycheburne ; Southampton and Wilts.
William Dangens ; Wilts.
John Speke, knight ; Southampton and Wilts.
John Clopton ; Southampton.
William atte Lee ; Southampton and Wilts.
William Lyle, knight ; Cambridge.
Nicholas Thorley, knight ; Suffolk.
John Seintlegier, esquire ; Kent.
Nicholas Thorley, knight ; Essex and Hertford.
Humphrey Stafford, knight ; Stafford ; Southampton and
Wilts ; Cornwall ; Warwick ; Gloucester ; Salop ; Somer-
set and Dorset ; Worcester ; Oxford and Berks.
John Clerk of Wyssenden ; Rutland.
Richard Chaumpernon, knight ; Northampton.
Elizabeth late the wife of John Lely ; York.
Richard Grey of Wilton, knight ; Lincoln ; Derby ; Here-
ford and the adjacent march of Wales ; Essex ; Kent and
Middlesex ; Buckingham ; Huntingdon and Cambridge ;
Leicester ; Bedford ; Wilts.
Thomas Sandes ; Southampton.
Oct. 14.
Commitment of the county of Bristol to John Shipward, the
younger, for one year, so that he answer at the Exchequer as
sheriff ; the mayor and commonalty having submitted to the
king his name and the names of John Troyt and Thomas Noreys
as candidates for the office, in accordance with the terms of their
charter dated 8 August, 47 Edward III.
Order to the mayor, burgesses and whole commonalty of the
town and suburbs of Bristol to be intendant to John Shipward as
Order to John Stanley, late sheriff, to deliver the county to
John Shipward by indenture.
Sept. 23.
Commitment to John Taylboys, esquire,— by mainprise of
John Heron of Crawle, esquire, and William Stanlowe, ' gentil-
man,' — of the keeping of all the manors and lands late of Robert
Roos of Gedney, co. Lincoln, knight, who held of the king in
chief on the day of his death ; to hold the same from the time of
the death of the said Robert for as long as the premises shall
remain in the king's hands by his death and by reason of the
minority of Eleanor one of his daughters and heirs, a minor in
the king's ward, rendering yearly for the keeping the extent, or
as much as may be agreed upon between him and the treasurer
by Easter next ; with clause touching maintenance of houses,
enclosures and buildings and support of charges.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated by authority of Parliament.
Oct. 16.
Grant to Robert Ingilton, to whom the treasurer by letters
patent, bearing date 24 February 19 Henry VI, committed the
keeping of the herbage of ' La Dalehede,' above and without the
head of the king's park of Troutebek in Kendale, co. Westmore-
land, which was in the king's hand by the death of John late duke
of Bedford, to hold the same from Christmas last for 10 years at a
yearly farm of 33<s. 4d. and an increment of 10s., with proviso
that if any other person should be willing without fraud to give
more by way of increment for the said keeping, then the said
Robert should be bound to pay such larger sum if he would have
the keeping [p. 183 above], — pursuant to the surrender by the said
Robert into the Chancery for cancellation of the said letters, since,
as the king understands from the petition of the said Robert, no
small loss would fall on him by reason of the great costs and
repairs which he has sustained and intends to carry out, if he
were so charged in this behalf, — of the keeping of the said herbage
from Christmas next for 40 years, he rendering to the king and
his heirs 33s. 4d., and an increment of 10s., yearly by equal
portions at Easter and Michaelmas.
By p.s. [6071]. Dated by authority of Parliament.
Oct. 28.
Nov. 16.
Nov. 28.
Membrane 23 — cont.
Commitment to William de la Pole, earl of Suffolk, of the
keeping of all the lands late of Robert Constable, late of Flayn-
burgh, co. York, knight, who held of the king, in chief and of the
honour of Chester, by knight service on the day of his death ; to
hold the same from the time of the death of the said Robert until
the full age of Robert his son and heir, who is in the king's ward,
together with the marriage of the said heir, and so from heir to
heir until one of them shall have attained full age and the said
earl shall have duly effected the marriage, rendering 300 marks
for the said keeping and marriage, to wit, 100 marks at Martinmas
next, 100 marks at Martinmas following, and the remaining 100
marks at -Martinmas then following, and finding fit maintenance
for the said heir ; with clause touching maintenance of houses,
enclosures and buildings and support of charges.
By K. Dated by authority of Parliament.
Mittitur in extractis.
Commitment (with like clause) to Thomas Hagyrston, esquire,
— by mainprise of John Swynbourne of the town of Newcastle-
upon-Tyne, ' gentilman,' and William Laweson of the same town,
' gentilman,' — of the keeping of a third part of the manor of
Jesmonth and 60 acres of land, and of a third part of a water-
mill called ' Thrusmylne,' co. Northumberland, which are in the
king's hand by the death of William Orde, tenant in chief of the
king, and by reason of the minority of John Orde his next heir ;
to hold the same from the time of the death of the said William
until the full age of the said heir, at a yearly farm of the 42s. 6d.
at which the premises were extended and an increment of 4s. 2d. ;
with proviso that if any other person shall be willing without
fraud to give more by way of increment for the said keeping, then
the said Thomas shall be bound to pay such larger sum if he will
have the keeping.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated by authority of Parliament.
Commitment (with like clause and proviso) to Henry lord de
Bouchier, — by mainprise, found in the Exchequer, of John
Cornewall of Haverhill, co. Essex, ' gentilman,' and John Page
of Halsteds, co. Essex, ' yoman,' — of the keeping of two-
thirds of a manor in Halstede called ' Boyes,' and two-thirds
of a tenement in Halstede called ' Brendhait,' which are in the
king's hand by the death of John Warener the younger, tenant in
chief of the king, and by reason of the minority of John Warener,
his son and heir ; to hold the same from the time of the death of
the said John Warener until the full age of the said heir, together
with the marriage of the said heir, rendering for the said two-
thirds of the manor called ' Boyes ' the 35s. 6d. at which they
were extended, and an increment of 40d., and for the two-thirds of
the tenement called ' Brendhait ' the 44s. 5l*d. at which they were
Membrane 23 — cont.
extended, and an increment of 40^., yearly by equal portions at
Michaelmas and Easter, paying for the marriage Wl. in hand, and
finding fit maintenance for the heir ; as the said lord Bouchier
has surrendered in the Chancery for cancellation the letters patent
of 27 November last (sic) [p. 176 above], whereby the king com-
mitted to him the keeping of all the lands of John Warener the
younger, to hold the same from the time of the death of the said
John until the full age of his son and heir, together with the
marriage of the said heir, he rendering for the keeping as much
as might be agreed upon between him and the treasurer by the
Purification [then] next to come and paying for the marriage as
much as might likewise be agreed upon ; the said lord Bouchier
having made no such agreement with the treasurer by the said
term. By bill of the treasurer.
Nov. 22.
Jan. 25.
Jan. 9.
Jan. 24.
Feb. 20.
March 20.
Nov. 22.
Commission during pleasure to Richard Lacy, clerk, and
Thomas Everyngham to levy and collect in the port of Kyngeston
upon Hull and in all adjacent ports and places the custom on
wools, hides and woolfells which is due to the king of his inheri-
tance ; and to keep the ' coket ' seal in the said ports ; answering
at the Exchequer for the moneys forthcoming.
By bill of the treasurer.
The like to the following in the ports and places named : —
William Soper and Thomas Pounde ; in the port of
Southampton and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer.
Thomas Chalton and John Poutrell ; in the port of London
and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer.
Henry Russell and John Clerk ; in the ports of Exeter and
Dertmouth and in all adjacent ports and places.
John Hanham and John Malton ; in the port of Ipswich and
in all adjacent ports and places. By bill of the treasurer.
John Clerk and Hugh You ; in the ports of Exeter and
Dertemouth and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer.
Commission during pleasure to Richard Lacy, clerk, and
Thomas Everyngham to levy and collect in person in the port of
Kyngeston upon Hull and in all adjacent ports and places (1) the
customs granted to Edward I by foreign and alien merchants in
return for certain liberties and immunities, and the custom and
subsidy which by the statute published in the Parliament of
11 Henry IV all such alien merchants are to pay for garments
1441 Membrane 22 — cont.
made for export from cloths of scarlet, ' sangwyn ' and other
colours of the whole or the half grain, and also from cloths
dyed in grain, and all other cloths of wool, which have been cut,
according to the rate and quantity of the same ; and (2) the
custom on cloths of wool and worsted made in England for export
to foreign parts ; and to keep the ' coket ' seal in the said port ;
answering at the Exchequer for the moneys forthcoming.
By bill of the treasurer.
1442. The like to the following in the ports and places named :—
Jan. 25. William Soper and Thomas Pounde ; in the port of
Westminster. Southampton and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer.
Jan. 24. Henry Russell and John Clerk ; in the ports of Exeter and
Westminster. Dertmouth and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer.
Feb. 20. John Hanham and John Malton ; in the port of Ipswich
Westminster. and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer.
March 20. John Clerk and Hugh You ; in the ports of Exeter and
Westminster. Dertemouth and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer.
Nov. 22.
April 20.
Commitment to Robert Broket, — by mainprise of John Went-
worth of Hemmyngburgh, co. York, ' gentilman,' and John
Holme of Beverley, ' gentilman,' — of the subsidy and alnage of
cloths for sale in the parts of Lyndesey, co. Lincoln ; to hold the
same from Easter last for 5 years, together with a moiety of the
forfeiture of the said cloths for sale, rendering the 20s. which as the
late farmer he has been wont to render for the same, yearly by
equal portions at Michaelmas and Easter, and answering at the
Exchequer for the other moiety of the said forfeiture ; and
appointment of the said Robert as alnager and collector ; in
terms as above [p. 35]. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment anew to Robert Waterton, knight, — by mainprise
of William Malette of Normanton and Thomas Eltoft of Eltoft, —
of the subsidy and alnage of cloths for sale (in terms as above)
within the county of York and within the city and suburbs of York,
and within the town of Kyngeston upon Hull, which is now a
county, and the franchise of the same ; to hold the same, together
with a moiety of the forfeiture of such cloths for sale, from Christmas
1 9 Henry VI for 40 years at a yearly farm of the 113 marks for which
answer has been made in the Exchequer heretofore ; any statute,
ordinance, grant or provision to the contrary notwithstanding ;
provided always that if any other person shall be willing to give
July 4.
Membrane 21 — cont.
more by way of increment for the said subsidy and alnage, then
the said Robert shall be bound to pay such larger sum if he will
have the subsidy and alnage : as the said Robert has surrendered
into the Chancery for cancellation the letters patent of 4 December
19 Henry VI [p. 182 above], — whereby the king committed to him
the subsidy and alnage of cloths for sale in the county of York and
in the city and suburbs of York from Christmas then next to
come for 7 years at a yearly farm of 113 marks, with proviso
touching the increase of the farm, and appointed him alnager and
collector, in the county of York and in the city and suburbs
of York, — since he had not notice that the king, by authority of
his last Parliament, by his charter [Calendar of Charter Rolls,
1427-1516, p. 8], has separated the town of Kyngeston upon
Hull, of late parcel of the county of York and parcel of the farm
of the said Robert, from the said county of York and caused it
to be incorporated in itself as a county, so that the said Robert
cannot execute the said letters within the said town, as from of
old has customarily been done, and yet renders yearly as much as
was accounted for in the Exchequer before the incorporation of
the said town.
By p.s. [6255]. Dated by authority of Parliament.
Commitment to Edward Hull, esquire, — by mainprise of
Thomas Wyse, esquire, and Giles Seyntlowe, esquire, — of the
farm of the subsidy and alnage of cloths for sale in the county of
Somerset ; to hold the same from Easter next for 10 years,
together with a moiety of the forfeiture of the said cloths for sale,
rendering the 127Z. 6s. 8d. which John Waget and Henry Chaump-
neys now render, and an increment of 20s., yearly by equal
portions at Michaelmas and Easter, and answering at the
Exchequer for the other moiety of the said forfeiture ; and
appointment of the said Edward as alnager and collector ; in
terms as above [p. 35]. By bill of the treasurer.
July 15. Commitment to Hugh Cliderhowe, — by mainprise of John
Westminster. Hilburne of Craweley, co. Southampton, clerk, and Robert
Goldyng of the town of Kyngeston upon Hull, — of the subsidy
and alnage of cloths for sale in the town of Kyngeston upon Hull
and in the precinct of the same ; to hold the same from Easter
last for 7 years, together with a moiety of the forfeiture of the
said cloths for sale, rendering 2 6s. 8d., yearly by equal portions
at Michaelmas and Easter, and answering at the Exchequer for
the other moiety of the said forfeiture ; and appointment of the
said Hugh as alnager and collector ; in terms as above [p. 35].
By bill of the treasurer. Dated etc.
Nov. 22.
Jan. 25.
Jan. 24.
Feb. 20.
March 20.
Jan. 9.
Nov. 22.
Commission during pleasure to Richard Lacy, clerk, and
Thomas Everyngham to levy and collect in person in the port of
Kyngeston upon Hull and in all adjacent ports and places, after
inspection of the merchandise, the subsidies on wool and woolfells,
and of tunnage and poundage, granted to the king in the last
Parliament [Rot. Part. v. 5] ; in terms as above [p. 172] ; and
to keep the ' coket ' seal in the said ports ; answering at the
Exchequer for the moneys forthcoming. By bill of the treasurer.
The like to the following in the ports and places named : —
William Soper and Thomas Pounde ; in the port of
Southampton and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer.
Henry Russell and John Clerk ; in the ports of Exeter and
Dertmouth and in all adjacent ports and places.
John Hanham and John Malton ; in the port of Ipswich
and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer.
John Clerk and Hugh You ; in the ports of Exeter and
Dertemouth and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer.
Commission in like terms to Thomas Chalton and John Poutrell
to levy and collect the said subsidies on wool and woolfells in the
port of London and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer.
Grant to Maud late the wife of Richard of York late earl of
Cambridge ; — by mainprise of Richard Wentworth and Robert
Drax, both of the county of York, and pursuant to a petition of
the said Maud showing that, by letters patent dated 24 November
17 Henry VI [p. 62 above], she has the manor of Turnamhall, co.
York, at farm during the minority of the lord de Roos, rendering
27/. 7s. Id. therefor yearly, to which manor certain lands, meadows
and pastures, adjacent to the river Ouse for the space of two
leagues and more, pertain, and that the Ouse by the violence of
the flood (cretinium) of fresh water and the copiousness of the
daily flow and ebb of the sea has so greatly laid waste the river-
dikes (which are to protect both the said manor, lands, meadows
and pastures and also a great part of the adjacent country-side),
that unless the dikes be speedily repaired the manor and a great
part of the country-side will probably be destroyed, and that, (in
consideration of the premises, and because she pays the true value
of the said manor, lands, meadows and pastures yearly to the
king and can have no allowance in the Exchequer for any such
repairs, and because the manor and the holdings appurtenant
thereto and the dikes aforesaid need great repair and she herself
has but little whereof to live and so wishes to surrender the said
Membrane 19 — cont.
letters into the Chancery for cancellation), the said Maud desires
that the king should grant the said manor to her for as long as it
shall remain in his hands at a yearly farm of Wl. ; — of the said
manor of Turnamhall, during the time that it shall be in the
king's hands, she rendering to the king for the same Wl. yearly
by equal portions at Easter and Michaelmas ; provided always
that she duly and sufficiently maintain and repair the manor,
holdings and dikes aforesaid at her own proper charges ; any
gift or grant heretofore made to her notwithstanding ; in con-
sideration of the premises, and as the said Maud has surrendered
the aforesaid letters into the Chancery for cancellation.
By p.s. [6110]. Dated by authority of Parliament.
Nov. 18.
Nov. 7.
Oct. 25.
Nov. 4.
Order to the escheator in the county of Gloucester to take the
fealty of Thomas Toky, son of Edmund the son of Joan late the
wife of Edmund Toky and kinsman and heir of the said Joan, and
cause him to have full seisin of all the lands which the said Joan
held of the king in chief or was seised of in her demesne as of fee
on the day of her death, as the king for 6s. 8d. paid in the hanaper
has respited his homage until Midsummer next.
Order to the escheator in the county of Northampton to cause
William Harwedon, son and heir of Margery late the wife of
William Harwedon, to have full seisin of all the lands in the baili-
wick which the said Margery on the day of her death held of the
king in chief or was seised of in her demesne as of fee and in fee
tail, to herself and the heirs of her body, or in dower or otherwise
for life, of the inheritance of the said William the son, as the king
has taken his homage and fealty.
Order in like terms to the escheator in the county of Berks.
The like to Robert Clopton, mayor and escheator of London.
Mittitur in extractis.
Order to the escheator in the counties of Somerset and Dorset
to take the fealty of John Roger the elder, son and heir of John
Roger of Brianeston, and cause him to have full seisin of all the
lands which the said John Roger the father held of the king in
chief or was seised of in his demesne as of fee on the day of his
death, as the king for one mark paid in the hanaper has respited
his homage until Easter next.
Commitment of the county of Cumberland to William Stapilton,
esquire, during pleasure, so that he answer at the Exchequer as
Order to all persons of the county to be intendant to William
as sheriff.
Nov. 4.
Membrane 18 — cont.
Order to [blank], late sheriff, to deliver the county to William
by indenture.
The like commitments to the following of the counties named : —
John Heron of Crawele ; Northumberland.
John Wastenes ; Nottingham and Derby.
Roger Pedwardyn ; Lincoln.
William Mountfort, ' chivaler ' ; Warwick and Leicester.
John Burgh ; Salop.
Richard Archer ; Stafford.
John Boteler of Badmynton ; Gloucester.
William Lee, esquire ; Cambridge and Huntingdon.
Edmund Hampden ; Bedford and Buckingham.
Ralph Asteley ; Essex and Hertford.
Walter Strikland ; Surrey and Sussex.
John Roger ; Southampton.
Richard Restwold ; Wilts.
William Stafford ; Somerset and Dorset.
John Wadham ; Devon.
Thomas Whalesburgh, esquire ; Cornwall.
Thomas Floure ; Rutland.
Commitment of the county of York and castle of York to
William Gascoigne, ' chivaler,' during pleasure, so that he
answer at the Exchequer as sheriff and keeper.
Order to all persons of the county to be intendant to William
as sheriff and keeper.
Order to Robert Waterton, ' chivaler,' late sheriff, to deliver the
county and castle to William by indenture.
The like commitments to the following in the counties named :—
Peter Fetiplace ; Oxford and Berks.
Thomas Grene, ' chivaler ' ; Northampton.
John Warner ; Kent.
Nov. 4.
Order to the escheator in the county of Gloucester ; — pursuant
to an inquisition taken before him showing that John Fitz Elys
and Thomas Eode, being lately seised in their demesne as of fee
of the manor of Norton by Weston, and of a messuage and a
virgate of land in Stonhous, gave and granted the said manor,
messuage and land to Edmund Giffard and Alice then his wife
(late the wife of William Tracy) and the heirs male of the body of
Edmund, with remainder to John Giffard, knight, and the heirs
male of his body, and remainder over to the right heirs of the
said John Giffard, by virtue of which gift and grant the said
Edmund and Alice were seised of the said manor, messuage and
Membrane 17 — cont.
land in their demesne, to wit, Edmund as of fee tail and Alice as
of free tenement ; and that Edmund died so seised without heir
male of his body, in the life-time of Alice, after whose death Alice
occupied the premises by virtue of the said gift and grant ; and
that the said John Giffard afterwards died, after whose death the
right of the remainder descended to John Giffard, esquire, who
now survives, as son and heir male of the said John Giffard knight ;
and that afterwards the said Alice died, seised as aforesaid, after
whose death the said manor, messuage and land pertain to the said
John Giffard esquire, as son and heir of the said John Giffard
knight, by virtue of the gift, grant and remainder aforesaid ;
and that the said manor is held of the king by service of a fourth
part of a knight's fee, and the said messuage and land of another
than the king';— to cause the said John Giffard the son to have
full seisin of the said manor, messuage and land, as the king has
taken his homage and fealty. By p.s. [6130].
Nov. 4. Commitment of the office of the escheatry in the counties of
Westminster. Somerset and Dorset to John Karant the elder during pleasure,
so that he answer at the Exchequer for the issues thereof.
Order to all persons of the counties to be intendant to John as
Order to William Neuton, late escheator, to deliver to John by
indenture the rolls, writs, memoranda and all other things
relating to the said office.
The like commitments to the following of the office of the
escheatry in the counties named : —
William Cornu ; Devon and Cornwall.
John Cotes of Honyngham ; Warwick and Leicester.
John Wigmore ; Hereford and the adjacent march of Wales.
William Lyngen ; Salop.
Robert Lysle ; Gloucester.
Robert Whitgreve ; Stafford.
Nicholas Gyffard ; Worcester.
Robert Wyntershull ; Surrey and Sussex.
Vincent Dyve ; Kent and Middlesex.
Patrick Langdale ; Lincoln.
James Swetnam ; Northampton and Rutland.
John Langton ; York.
Rowland Vaux ; Cumberland and Westmoreland.
Ralph Pole ; Nottingham and Derby.
Henry Noon ; Norfolk and Suffolk.
John Derham ; Bedford and Buckingham.
John Thornbury ; Essex and Hertford.
William Chamberlayn ; Cambridge and Huntingdon.
William Bekyngham ; Oxford and Berks.
Henry Trenchard ; Southampton and Wilts.
Dec. 11.
July 9.
Appointment of John Manley as searcher of ships in the port
of Pole and in all adjacent ports and places ; in terms as above
[p. 9]. By bill of the treasurer.
Appointment of Thomas Manbrey as one of the searchers of
ships in the port of Pole and in all adjacent ports and places ; in
terms as above [p. 9]. By bill of the treasurer.
Feb. 22.
Appointment of John Betys as searcher of ships in ' Lez
krikes ' of Crowmer, Shiryngham, Cley, Blakenay ' haven ' and
Waborne, adjacent to the port of Yarmouth, and in ' Les krikes '
of Welles and Bornham, adjacent to the port of Lenne ; in terms
as above [p. 9]. By bill of the treasurer.
Jan. 23. Grant to William earl of Suffolk, William bishop of Salisbury,
Westminster. Thomas Bekynton the king's secretary, John Carpenter clerk,
Henry Seuer clerk, provost of the college of St. Mary of Eton,
and John Hampton esquire, of the wardship and marriage of
the son and heir of William Bodrygan knight, to hold the same
during the minority of the said heir, or of any other heir of the
said William, until any heir of the said William shall attain full
age. By K. Dated by authority of Parliament.
Feb. 16.
Commitment to Brian Stapilton, knight, — by mainprise of
John Faukes of the county of York, ' gentilman,' and Thomas
Marshall of the county of York, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping of
3 bovates of land in Colton, co. York, and of a marsh and 12 acres
of arable land in Chaldewell, co. Essex, and also the keeping of
12s. 3d. a year of quit-rent (issuing from certain lands in Chalde-
well), a messuage called 'Tholmodis,' 40 acres of arable land and
a toft called ' Hamstedes,' in the said town of Chaldewell, and
4 messuages, 52 bovates of land and 6 cottages with gardens, in
Spridlyngton, co. Lincoln ; to hold the same, which are in the
king's hands by the death of William Ingylby, who held of the
king in chief on the day of his death, and by reason of the minority
of John his son and heir, from 15 October last until the full age
of the said heir, at a yearly farm of the 8/. 2s. 3d. which William
Dales renders (sic), and an increment of 65. Sd. ; with clause
touching maintenance of houses, enclosures and buildings and
support of charges ; and with proviso that if any other person
shall be willing without fraud to give more by way of increment
for the said keeping, then the said Brian shall be bound to pay
such larger sum if he will have the keeping.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated by authority of Parliament.
Feb. 9.
Feb. 16.
Commitment to Thomas Courtenay, earl of Devon, John
Copleston, William Beeff, William Hamond, clerk, and Thomas
Welywroght, — by mainprise of Thomas Carmynowe of Asshe-
water, co. Devon, esquire, and Baldwin Fulford of Fulford, co.
Devon, esquire, — of the keeping of all the lands within the county
of Cornwall late of William Bodrigan, knight, who held of the
king by knight service on the day of his death ; to hold the same
from the time of the death of the said William until the full age
of Henry his son and heir, a minor in the king's ward, together
with the marriage of the said heir, and so from heir to heir until
one of them shall have attained full age, rendering yearly for
the keeping of the lands the extent, or as much as may be
agreed upon between them and the treasurer by Easter next,
paying for the marriage as much as may likewise be agreed upon,
and finding fit maintenance for the heir ; with clause touching
maintenance of houses, enclosures and buildings and support of
charges. By bill of the treasurer. Dated etc.
Commitment to William Beaufitz,— by mainprise of Thomas
Horewode, ' marchant,' and Thomas Langford, ' goldsmyth,'
both of Wellys, co. Somerset, — of all mines of gold and silver,
with all things relating to them, within the lordship of Clyvedon,
co. Somerset, and all mines of lead that bear gold or silver,
within the said lordship ; to hold and occupy all the said
mines, in person or by deputies, from the Annunciation next
for 7 years, paying a fifteenth part of the pure gold and a
fifteenth part of the pure silver forthcoming from the said mines,
yearly by equal portions at Easter and Michaelmas, and, in person
or by deputies, undertaking all costs and expenses duly to be
applied to the mines ; with proviso that the said William Beaufitz,
in person or by deputies and servants, may prospect all such
mines within the said lordship of Clyvedon, and dig in the same
and in the adits thereof, and work therein, without hindrance of
the king or of his heirs or other his officers and ministers or
lieges ; and that the present letters patent during the said term
of 7 years shall not be revoked without reasonable cause ; and
that neither the said William nor his deputies may dig beneath
the manors, houses or tenements of any of the king's lieges to
prospect the said mines ; and that the said William, in person
or by deputies or servants, for a reasonable payment, may
take the wood and underwood necessary for the proving and
purifying of the said metals, by land and water, (the fee of the
church only excepted), as often as shall be necessary, and take as
many workmen and labourers as shall be necessary for the working
of the mines, within and without the liberties (the fee of the
church only excepted), and employ them in that working as often
as he shall have need. And order to all sheriffs, mayors, bailiffs,
constables, officers, ministers and other the king's lieges in the
1442. Membrane 15 — cont.
said county to be intendant to the said William and his deputies
or servants.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated by authority of Parliament.
Feb. 24.
March 4.
Commitment to Robert Roos, knight, — by mainprise of
Laurence Leventhorp and William Austyn, both of the county of
Northampton, — of the keeping of the manor and lordship of
Uffyngton, co. Lincoln, which are in the king's hands by reason
of the minority of Thomas lord Roos, the king's ward ; to hold
the same from Michaelmas last until the full age of the said
Thomas, or of any of his heirs within age and in the king's ward,
rendering to the king during such minority 401. yearly by equal
portions at Easter and Michaelmas, maintaining houses,
enclosures and buildings, and supporting all other charges
incumbent on the said manor and lordship ; provided always that
if Richard Roos, the king's knight, brother of the said Robert,
die during the minority of the said heir, then the said Robert
shall be bound to pay 60Z. a year for the said keeping, if he
wish further to have it; since the king, on 11 August 16
Henry VI, by letters patent granted to the said Richard Roos
201. a year, from the time of the death of Margaret late lady
Roos during the minority of the said Thomas lord Roos, receivable
from the issues, profits and revenues of the said manor and Jord-
ship of Uffyngton by the hands of the receivers, farmers, bailiffs
or other occupiers of the same [Calendar of Patent Rolls, 1436-1441.
p. 185] ; and since the king afterwards, on 3 December 18 Henry
VI, by other letters patent [p. 118 above] committed the keeping
of the said manor and lordship to the said Robert Roos from
Michaelmas then last past until the full age of the said Thomas at
a yearly farm of the 60L at which the said manor and lordship
were extended, he maintaining houses, enclosures and buildings,
and supporting all other charges incumbent on the manor and
lordship ; and since the said Robert (although at the time of the
obtaining of the said letters made for him touching the keeping
aforesaid he was wholly ignorant of the grant of the said
annuity to Richard) is bound, by reason of the clause touching
support of charges, to pay the said annuity of 20?. to Richard
yearly during the said minority from his own goods over and above
the value of the said manor and lordship, and has therefore made
petition to the king to deign to grant him other letters touching
the said keeping, in terms as above, and has surrendered his
former letters into the Chancery for cancellation.
By p.s. [6326]. Dated by authority of Parliament.
Commitment to Richard Waller, esquire, — by mainprise of
John Waller of the county of Kent, esquire, and Robert Bartyn
of London, ' draper,' — of the keeping of the manor of Assherst,
co. Kent, late of Reynold Curteys, which, after the death of the
14— (26)
March 10.
Membrane 15 — cont.
said Reynold, was seized into the king's hands by virtue of an
inquisition lately taken before James Fenys, late sheriff of Kent,
because the said Reynold, of late purveyor, buyer, receiver and
keeper of all victuals of Henry V at Harflieu, was bound on the day
of his death to the king in an account to be rendered of his receipts
and expenses in the said office, to wit, from 24 January 3 Henry V
and subsequently, and in divers other accounts demanded of
him, as appears by inspection of the rolls of the Exchequer ;
to hold the same from Easter next for 7 years, if the manor shall
remain for so long in the king's hands, rendering yearly for the
keeping the 20«s. at which it was extended ; with clause touching
maintenance of houses, enclosures and buildings and support of
charges ; and proviso that if any other person shall be willing
without fraud to give more by way of increment for the said
keeping, then the said Richard shall be bound to pay such larger
sum if he will have the keeping.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated by authority of Parliament.
Commitment (with like clause and proviso) to William Ringe-
bourne and John Portelond, chaplain, — by mainprise of John
Berewe of Odyham, co. Southampton, esquire, and William Kene
of Mertok, co. Somerset, esquire, — of the keeping of the priory of
St. Helens in the Isle of Wight ; to hold the same from Easter
next for 7 years, rendering yearly the 8/. which Walter Veer
esquire, deceased, used to render as farmer, and an increment of
Qs. Sd., by equal portions at Michaelmas and Easter, and main-
taining there the divine services and other works of piety cus-
tomary from of old ; with a grant to them of due allowance in
the Exchequer in the payment of their said farm, yearly during
the term aforesaid, of the 11. a year lately granted by the king
to Humphrey duke of Gloucester by the hands of the farmers or
occupiers of the priory [Calendar of Patent Rolls, 1436-1441,
p. 304], if the said duke shall live so long.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated by authority of Parliament.
Jan. 1. Grant to Edmund Hungerford, knight, and John Saintlo,
Dogmersfield. esquire, — pursuant to the late commitment to William Carrent
esquire and John Hody (who is now deceased) of the keeping of
the manor, town and barton of Gillyngham, co. Dorset, from the
time of the death of Joan late queen of England for 7 years,
at a yearly farm of 58Z. [see Calendar of Fine Rolls., 1430-1437,
p. 338], — of the keeping of the manor, town and barton afore-
said ; to hold the same immediately after the completion of
the said term of 7 years, for 10 years, at a yearly farm of 58Z. ;
with clause touching maintenance of houses, enclosures and
buildings and support of charges ; and proviso that the said
Edmund and John have allowance in the payment of their said
farm of any annuities or fees granted by the king from the manor,
1442. Membrane 15 — cord.
town and barton aforesaid, any statute, act or provision to the
contrary, notwithstanding.
By K. Dated by authority of Parliament.
March 12.
March 1.
March 20.
Commitment to Thomas Courtenay, earl of Devon, John
Copleston, William Beef, William Hamond, clerk, and Thomas
Welywroght, — by mainprise of Hugh Cokesay, knight, and
Thomas Carmynowe, esquire, — of the wardship and marriage
of Henry son and heir of William Bodrugan knight, a minor
in the king's ward, and so from heir to heir until one of
them shall have attained full age and his marriage shall have
been duly effected, they paying 800 marks at the Receipt of
the Exchequer for the said marriage, to wit, 200 marks at
Easter next, 200 marks at Midsummer next, 200 marks at
Michaelmas next and 200 marks at Christmas next, and finding
fit maintenance for the said heir ; pursuant to the commitment
to them, on 9 February last [p. 208 above], of the keeping of all
the lands within the county of Cornwall late of William Bodrigan,
knight, from the time of his death until the full age of Henry his
son and heir, together with the marriage of the said heir, and
so from heir to heir, they rendering for the keeping of the lands
the extent, or as much as might be agreed upon between
them and the treasurer by Easter next, and paying for the
marriage as much as might likewise be agreed upon ; since agree-
ment touching the marriage has been made with the treasurer by
the term aforesaid. By bill of the treasurer.
Order to the escheator in the county of Northampton to take
the fealty of Alice daughter and heir of Richard Dalton and
cause her to have full seisin of all the lands which the said Richard
held of the king in chief or was seised of in his demesne as of fee
tail, of the inheritance of the said Alice, on the day of his death,
as the king for 6s. 8d. paid in the hanaper has respited the homage
of Alice until Christmas next ; saving to Katharine late the wife
of Richard her reasonable dower of the lands.
Grant and demise at farm to Richard Pittes, William Warner,
John Warner, William Wotton, Thomas Doo, John Warton,
Henry Weldon and Thomas Andrewe, tenants of the manor of
Brigstoke, co. Northampton, — by mainprise of Thomas Palmer
of Holt ' of the ' Hill, co. Leicester, ' gentilman,' and John >Stok
of Warmyngton, co. Northampton, esquire, — of the keeping of
the said manor of Brigstoke ; to hold the same from the time of
the death of Joan late queen of England for 12 years, rendering
to the king, or to those persons to whom by the king's title pay-
ment ought to be made, 401. yearly at Easter and Michaelmas
March 20.
March 23.
Membrane 14 — cont.
equally, and maintaining houses, enclosures and buildings be-
longing to the manor : pursuant to a writ given under the privy
seal at Westminster on 14 March last, directed to the treasurer
and filed in the Exchequer in the office of the treasurer's re-
membrancer, whereby the king granted the said manor in terms
as above and ordered the treasurer for that cause to make letters
of warrant under his seal, in customary form, to be directed to
the chancellor for the making in due form of letters patent to the
said grantees, touching the farm of the said manor, according to
the effect of the grant.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated by authority of Parliament.
Grant to Thomas Tudenham. the king's knight, of the keeping of
two-thirds of the manors of Roch and Pull in South Wales, which
came to the hands of Richard II by the death of Margaret late the
wife of Roger Claryngeon [recte Claryngdon], and, since Margaret
held the said two-thirds of the said late king in chief, came to the
king's hands, therein to remain until the heirs should sue livery
thereof out of the king's hands ; to hold the said keeping from the
time of the death of Hugh Lenthale, knight, for as long as the said
two-thirds shall remain in the hands of the king or of his heirs for
the reason aforesaid, without rendering anything therefrom to
the king or his heirs, of whatever value the said two-thirds
may be. By K. Dated by authority of Parliament.
Commitment to John Ogill, Thomas Elwyk and Robert de
Warke, — by mainprise of John Borell of Langton, co. Northumber-
land, ' gentilman,' and Robert Wytewang of Berwyk upon Twede,
co. Northumberland, ' marchaunt,' — of the keeping of the fishery
of the water of Twede, which is in the king's hands ; to hold the
same from Martinmas last for 7 years, rendering yearly the 121.
for which answer was made for the same by William Elmden,
' chivaler,' receiver general of the castle and lordship of Bam-
burgh, 17 Henry VI, and supporting all charges incumbent on the
fishery ; provided always that if any other person shall be willing
without 'fraud to give more by way of increment for the said
keeping, then the said John Ogill, Thomas, and Robert Warke
shall be bound to pay such larger sum if they will have the
keeping. By bill of the treasurer.
Be it remembered that on 20 October in the present year
William Aleyn of Erhythe, co. Kent, ' gentilman,' made a fine
to the king of 65. 8d. paid in the hanaper, for that he, — although
on 9 May last past he was attached by Robert Hynde, bailiff of
the king and of the sheriff of Kent, at Erhythe, by virtue of a
warrant directed to the said bailiff upon a writ to the said sheriff,
at the suit of John Ikelyngton for surety to be had of the said
William for the keeping of the peace towards the said John, —
Membrane 14 — cont.
nevertheless, together with others, in warlike array assaulted,
beat, wounded and ill-treated the said bailiff,* so that his life was
despaired of, and so the said William and the others aforesaid
rescued the said William being, as aforesaid, in the custody
of the said bailiff.
May 2.
Commitment to Thomas Cm-wen, esquire, — by mainprise,
Westminster, found in the Exchequer, of Robert Louther of Highhed, co.
Cumberland, ' gentilman,' and William Bethome of the same
county, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping of the sheriff's net in the
county of Cumberland, alias the fishery called ' Le frithnet,' in the
water of Eden ; to hold the same from Easter last for 10 years,
rendering for the keeping the 26s. 8rf. for which answer has been
made to the king by the hands of the sheriff of the county for the
time being, and an increment of 20d., yearly by equal portions at
Michaelmas and Easter, and supporting all charges incumbent on
the said net or fishery ; provided always that if any other person
shall be willing without fraud to give more by way of increment for
the said keeping, then the said Thomas shall be bound to pay
such larger sum if he will have the keeping.
By bill of the treasurer.
March 28.
Commission to Thomas bishop of Worcester, and to Hugh
Cokesay and Walter Scull the knights for the county of Worcester
in the last Parliament, or to any two of them ; — pursuant to the
grant of a fifteenth and tenth, (payable a fourth part of a moiety of
the said fifteenth and tenth on the morrow of Trinity next, to
-be applied for the safe-keeping of the sea in accordance with the
form of a certain ordinance made in the said Parliament, the
residue of the said moiety at Martinmas next, and the other moiety
of the said fifteenth and tenth at Martinmas following), which,
subject to a deduction of 4000/., was made to the king in the last
Parliament for the defence of the realm, in the same terms as the
preceding grant [p. 137 above] ; but excepting the laity within the
city of Lincoln, and the suburbs and precinct of the same, from
payment of the whole of the said fifteenth and tenth, the laity in
the towns of Cheltenham, co. Gloucester, Alsford and Andever,
co. Southampton, Scardeburgh, co. York, and Hedyngton, co.
Oxford, from payment of a moiety of the said fifteenth and tenth,
and the laity in the town of Yarmouth, co. Norfolk, from payment
of a fourth part of the said fifteenth and tenth ; — at their dis-
cretion, by inquisition and in other ways, to appoint and assign
among the impoverished towns, cities and boroughs of the said
county the sum of 521. 14s. 4d. for the rateable share of the said
* MS. Willelmum.
Membrane 13 — cont.
4000Z. to be deducted as aforesaid ; and, that the payment of
the said fifteenth and tenth may not be delayed through their
default, to certify the collectors of the said tax in the said county,
in form aforesaid, as soon as possible before the said morrow of
Trinity ; provided always that the said sum of 521. 14s. 4d. be
distributed evenly for the payments of the said fifteenth and tenth
that are to be made at the terms aforesaid. [Rot. Part. v. 37.]
Mittitur in extractis.
Commissions in like terms to the following, to distribute the
under-mentioned sums in the counties, cities and boroughs
named :—
W. bishop of Coventry and Lichfield, John Hampton,
Ralph Eggerton ; 60/. 12s. IQ^d. ; in the county of Stafford.
James de Audeley, knight, Henry Oldecastell, John Abur-
hale ; 451. 16s. 9d. ; in the county of Hereford.
The abbot of Cirencester, William Tracy. John Langeley ;
149Z. 19-|d. ; in the county of Gloucester.
Walter Hungerford, knight, Henry Grene, esquire, John Lye
of Flammeston ; 1611. 6s. 6%d. ; in the county of Wilts.
The abbot of Hide, Stephen Popham, knight, Thomas de
Haydok ; 140L 13s. 2d. ; in the county of Southampton.
William Botreaux, knight, Edward Brooke, knight, Alex-
ander Hody ; 1421. Is. O^d. ; in the county of Somerset.
The abbot of Shirborne, John Fyloll, John Neuburgh the
younger ; 89Z. 4s. ll^d. ; in the county of Dorset.
Thomas earl of Devon, Thomas Carmynowe, Robert Hille ;
99/. 19s. 5^d. ; in the county of Devon.
E. bishop of Exeter, Renfrew Arundell, knight, Thomas
Bodulgate, esquire ; 501. 4s. 2|-rf. in the county of Corn-
Humphrey earl of Stafford, Thomas Bate, Thomas Hygge-
ford ; 88Z. 7s. 4j-rf. ; in the county of Warwick.
Henry Grey of Codnore, John Zouche, ' chivaler,' William
Meryng, ' chivaler ' ; 73/. 18s. l^d. ; in the county of
The abbot of Derley, John Curson, William Vernon ;
49L 6s. 6%d. ; in the county of Derby.
William de Ferrers of Groby, knight, Thomas Palmer,
Richard Neell ; 79/. 8s. 3|rf. ; in the county of Leicester.
William le Zouche, knight, John Braunspath of Exton,
esquire, William Heton of Okeham, esquire ; 22/. 12s. 8d. ;
in the county of Rutland.
The abbot of Peterborough, William Tresham, William
Vaux ; 1211. 11s. 6%d. : in the county of Northampton.
20 HENRY VI. 215
1442. Membrane 12 — cont.
-John Cornewaille, knight, John Enderby, Thomas Reynes :
70Z. 14s. 1O/. ; in the county of Bedford.
Edmund Grey of Ruthyn, knight, Robert Manfeld, Robert
Olney ; 121. 3s. \Q\d. ; in the county of Buckingham.
John de Tiptot, knight, Lawrence Cheyne, Thomas Burgoyn
of Impyngton ; 106/. 4s. 10|d. ; in the county of Cambridge.
The abbot of Ramsey, Robert Stoneham, Thomas Wesyn-
ham ; 46?. 11s. 8d. ; in the county of Huntingdon.
The abbot of St. Benet of Hulme, Thomas Tudenham,
knight, Miles Stapilton, esquire ; 355?. 3s. 9fd. ; in the
county of Norfolk.
The abbot of Bury St. Edmunds, John Harleston, esquire,
Gilbert Debenham, esquire ; 150?. 16s. 2d. ; in the county
of Suffolk.
John earl of Oxford, Thomas Tyrell, esquire, Thomas Torell,
esquire ; 129?. 7s. 9f/. ; in the county of Essex.
John earl of Huntingdon, John Troutbek, esquire, Nicholas
Morley, esquire ; 64?. 4s. 4rf. ; in the county of Hertford.
Ralph Cromwell, knight, master John Somerseth, Thomas
Charleton, esquire ; 36?. 14s. 3|rf. ; in the county of
Robert Ponynges, knight, James Fenys, esquire, William
Isle, esquire ; 2021. 8%d. ; in the county of Kent.
The abbot of Chertesey, John Basket, Arnold Brocas ;
611. 12s. l^d. ; in the county of Surrey.
R. bishop of Chichester, Roger Fenys, knight, Edmund
Mille ; 115?. 15s. 4|d. ; in the county of Sussex.
William lord de Lovell, knight, John Noreys, William
Wykeham ; 147?. 2s. 9ftf. ; in the county of Oxford.
The abbot of Redyng, Richard Restwold, Thomas Drewe ;
108?. 12s. tyd. ; in the county of Berks.
The abbot of Shrewsbury, Christopher Talbot, knight,
William Boerley ; 611. 1 Is. 5%d. ; in the county of Salop.
R. bishop of London, William Estfeld, knight, John Bowys,
Philip Malpas, William Cottesbroke ; 76Z. 15s. 6±d. ; in
the city of London.
The abbot of St. Mary, York, Thomas Ridley, William
Girlyngton ; 16?. 19s. 7fe?. ; in the city of York.
The prior of Norwyche, John Gerard, Gregory Draper ;
91. 18s. Of</. ; in the city of Norwich.
The abbot of St. Augustine, Bristol, Thomas Yonge, John
Sharpe ; 23?. \5d. ; in the county of Bristol.
William de Haryngton, knight, Thomas de Stanlegh, knight,
Thomas Haryngton of Hornebe ; 39?. 1 Is. 5£rf. ; in the
county of Lancaster.
Richard earl of Salisbury, William Eure, ' chivaler,' Thomas
Say veil, ' chivaler ' ; 65J. 19£d. : in the North Riding, co.
1442. Membrane 12 — cont.
Ralph de Graystok, ' chivaler,' William Eure, ' chivaler,'
Thomas Sayvell, 'chivaler'; 111/. 2s. Q^d. ; in the
East Riding, co. York.
Thomas de Clyfford, ' chivaler,' William Eure, ' chivaler,'
Thomas Sayvell, ' chivaler ' ; 111. 17s. 5fd. ; in the West
Riding, co. York.
John viscount de Beaumont, Thomas Meres, Robert Sheffeld ;
100Z. 3s. 6d. ; in the parts of Kesteven, co. Lincoln.
Leo de Wellys, knight, Thomas Meres, Robert Sheffeld ;
149Z. 17s. 4d. ; in the parts of Lyndesey, co. Lincoln.
The abbot of Croyland, Thomas Meres, Robert Sheffeld ;
691. 18s. 8d. ; in the parts of Holand, co. Lincoln.
March 29. Commission to John Pery of Merton, John Penne of Haggeley,
Westminster. Richard Norton of Kyngesnorton, Thomas Evot of Coderugge,
John Smyth of Baddesey, Thomas Benton of Kyngesnorton,
William Hopton of Hanley William, Thomas Symondes of
Peryton and Thomas Bulvynche of Asteley, to levy and collect
from all cities, boroughs and towns, and from all secular lords of
towns and other lay persons having goods and possessions, and
from others, both great and small, in the county of Worcester (ex-
cepting the city of Worcester), and also from ecclesiastical persons
in respect of goods forthcoming from lands acquired by them since
20 Edward I, the fifteenth and tenth, (payable a fourth part of a
moiety of the said fifteenth and tenth on the morrow of Trinity
next, to be applied for the safe-keeping of the sea in accordance
with the form of a certain ordinance made in the last Parliament,
the residue of the said moiety at Martinmas next, and the other
moiety of the said fifteenth and tenth at Martinmas following),
which the commonalties of the realm, with the assent of the lords
spiritual and temporal, in the last Parliament, granted to the
king for the defence of the realm, in terms as above [p. 213], to
wit, as great a sum as has heretofore been levied in like case,
and no more, but excepting the sum of 521. 14s. 4d. for the rate-
able share of the said sum of 4000/. to be deducted as above,
which is to be distributed by Thomas bishop of Worcester, and
by Hugh Cokesay and Walter Scull, the knights for the said
county in the said Parliament, or by any two of them, in relief
and discharge of the impoverished towns, cities and boroughs
within the said county ; provided always that the said secular
lords of towns and lay persons and others aforesaid contribute to
such payment in respect of all their goods and chattels what-
soever, and the ecclesiastics as above for their portion with the
commonalty of the county, and that no one be spared, and that
answer be made for such fifteenth and tenth (with exceptions as
above) at the Exchequer or other appointed place at the terms
20 HENRY VI. 217
1442 Membrane 11 — cont.
aforesaid ; and order to them to go in person from town to town
and from place to place etc, as above [p. 142] ; for the king has
ordered the said bishop, Hugh and Walter, or any two of them,
to certify to the commissioners as soon as possible before the said
morrow of Trinity next touching the said sum of 521. 14.9. 4d.
which is to be distributed evenly by them (the said bishop, Hugh
and Walter) for the payments of the fifteenth and tenth that are
to be made at the terms aforesaid.
Mittitur in extractis.
Commissions in like terms to the following, to levy and collect
the said fifteenth and tenth in the counties, cities, boroughs and
places named, excepting the sums named for distribution : —
William Walton of Cheyham, Richard Best of Caterham,
Henry Carpenter of Dorkyng. Richard Lynde of Sander-
stede, William Enyngfeld of Crowehurst, Reynold Jurdan
of Reygate ; in the county of Surrey, excepting the
borough of Suthwerk ; excepting 6U. 12s. l\d. to be
distributed by the abbot of Chertesey, and by John Basket
and Arnold Brokas, knights coming to Parliament.
Robert Reynold of Chepyngnorton, John Felmersham of
Kyrklyngton, Nicholas Wrenne of Bampton, John Bryce
of Mylcombe, John Devene of Henley upon Thames,
John Wakeleyn of Brightwell, John Fitz Aleyn of Saun-
forde, Thomas Howchilde of Dorchestre ; in the county
of Oxford, excepting the town of Oxford ; excepting
1411. 2s. 9frf. to be distributed by William lord de Lovell,
knight, and by John Noreys and William Wykeham,
knights coming to Parliament.
Thomas Kelowe of Brodeblontesdon, ' gentilman,' Richard
Braybroke of Codforde, Robert Jacob of Northlangeley,
William Kyng of Gorton, John Hoggekyns, ' gentilman,'
John Turpyn of Wilton, John Hende of Marleburgh,
William Thacham of Idmeston ; in the county of Wilts,
excepting the city of Salisbury ; excepting 167Z. 6s. 6frf.,
to be distributed by Walter Hungerford, knight, and by
Henry Grene, esquire, and John Lye of Flammeston,
knights coming to Parliament.
John Fylly the younger, John Aleyn, John Pyard, John
Benthall of Benthall, Walter Walcote, William Rugge of
Rugge, Thomas Hobald, Thomas Austyn of Welyng-
ton ; in the county of Salop, excepting the town of
Shrewsbury ; excepting 67/. 11s. 5£rf. to be distributed
by the abbot of Shrewsbury, and by Christopher Talbot,
knight, and William Boerley, knights coming to Parlia-
* A schedule annexed to membrane 49 of the Originalia Boll for this year
contains letters patent, of the same date (29 March), appointing the undermentioned
1442. MEMBRANE 10.
John Bedelake of Bedelake, Henry Wyke of Erode wodkelly,
William Bastard of the parish of Brixton by Plymton,
Nicholas Radewey, ' gentilman,' John Gilkyn of Tavy stoke,
William Dobbe of Chulmelegh ; in the county of Devon ;
excepting 99Z. 19s. 5|eL to be distributed by Thomas earl
of Devon, and by Thomas Carmynowe and Robert Hille,
knights coming to Parliament.
John Borley of Iselham, John Wilkyns of Great Wilburham,
John Parlet, John Bole of Elysworth, John Philippot of
Trumpyton, William Reynold of Stapilford, William
Bonfey, John Palfreyman of Sutton, Thomas Prik of
Hadenham, Richard Messanger of Hadenham ; in the
county of Cambridge ; excepting 1061. 4s. lOfd. to be
distributed by John de Tiptot, knight, and by Laurence
Cheyne and Thomas Burgoyn of Impyngton, knights
coming to Parliament.
Roger Pare of Esterleyk, William Warner of Wolaton, John
Whatton of Stokbardolf, Thomas Greneley of Burton,
John Resell of Oxeton, William Heley of Sutton ' uppon '
Trent, John Egleson of Bekyngham ; in the county of
Nottingham ; excepting 131. 18s. l^d. to be distributed
by Henry Grey of Codnore, and by John Zouche, ' chivaler,'
and William Merynge, ' chivaler,' knights coming to
Richard Pochon of Wyssenden, Henry Thorpe of Ledyngton,
William Oxenton of Belton, ' barker,' John Couherd of
Market Overton ; in the county of Rutland ; excepting
221. 12s. 8d. to be distributed by William le Zouche, knight,
and by John Braunspath of Exton, esquire, and William
Heton of Okeham, esquire, knights coming to Parliament.
John Conquest of Hoghton Conquest, William Mulso of
Dunstaple, William Hopton of Milton Hernes, William
Ponde of Leyghton, Richard Merston of Shefford, John
Berne well of Eversold, John Malyns of Ravenesden ; in
the county of Bedford ; excepting 70Z. 14s. Wd. to be
distributed by John Cornewaille, knight, and by John
-Enderby and Thomas Reynes, knights coming to Parlia-
as commissioners in the county of Salop (excepting the town of Shrewsbury) : —
Edmund Plouden of Plouden, John Parys of Ludlowe, John Pyard, John
Benthall of Benthall, Walter Walcote, William Rugge of Rugge, Thomas Hobald,
Thomas Conyngysby of Solersnyen.
The schedule is endorsed : — Hanc cedulam liberavit hie Willelmus Babthorp unus
baronum hujus scaccarii die Jovis xxviij die Junii anno xx° regis Henrici sexti,
asserens quod Johannes Stopyndon clericus rotulorum cancellarie regis eandem sibi
liberavit pro execucione inde ad opus regis facienda.
It appears, however, from Exchequer (K.R.) Subsidy Rolls 166/86 and 166/88
that collection was made by the persons named in the Fine Roll, and in this
Roll the names of John Fylly the younger, John Aleyn and Thomas Austyn of
Welyngton are written each over an erasure.
20 HENRY VI. 219
Membrane 10 — cont.
John Grewe of Smythesby, Robert Milner of Eton, Richard
Cok of Brad wall, John Key of Colde Eton, Roger Netham
of Bothelawe, William de Bowedon of the township of
Bawedon ; in the county of Derby ; excepting 49J. (is. ft\d.
to be distributed by the abbot of Derley, and by John
Curson and William Vernon, knights coming to Parlia-
John Bokesby of Oudeby, William Noble of Scalford. William
Warde of Frysby by Galby, John Hichebone of Berkeby,
Thomas Ardren of Knypton, Thomas Quenby of Quenby ;
in the county of Leicester ; excepting 79/. 8*. 3Jrf. to be
distributed by William de Ferrers of Groby, knight, and
by Thomas Palmer and Richard Neel, knights coming to
Nicholas Bagnale of Oncote, Ralph Vicars of Careswall,
Thomas Gerveys of Chekehill, Gerard Ryngesley of Tipton,
Ralph Sharesmyth of Pen, William Smyth of Weddnes-
bury, John Wode of Cotesall ; in the county of Stafford ;
excepting 60Z. 12s. \0^d. to be distributed by the bishop
of Coventry and Lichfield, and by John Hampton and
Ralph Eggerton, knights coming to Parliament.
William Waldeshef of Dodyngton, John Charwalton of
Offord Danyes, Richard Wryght of Aynesbury, Thomas
Gille, Richard Frost, Thomas Awngewyn ; in the county
of Huntingdon ; excepting 461. Us. Sd. to be distributed
by the abbot of Ramsey, and by Robert Stoneham and
Thomas Wesynham, knights coming to Parliament.
Walter Bradford of Lemynstre, John Hopton of the parish
of Bishop's Frome, Henry Whitte of Rosse, John Clere-
dewe of the parish of Ledbury, Hugh Studard of Lemynstre,
John Baret of Lemynstre, William Smyth of Ty burton ;
in the county of Hereford ; excepting 45/. 16s. 9rf. to be
distributed by James de Audeley, knight, and by Henry
Oldecastell and John Aburhale, knights coming to Parlia-
John Payn of Chellerton in the Isle of Wight, William Dame-
lesse, William Botreaux, William Tystede the elder,
Edward atte Rythe, John Clement of Berton Sacy, John
Wodelyff of Kyngesclere ; in the county of Southampton ;
excepting 1401. 13s. 2d. to be distributed by the abbot of
Hide, and by Stephen Popham, knight, and Thomas de
Haydok, knights coming to Parliament.
Thomas Kene of Prince's Rysburgh, William Chapman of
Ailysbury the elder, William West of Thornton, William
Parage of Tiryngham, William Hanslap of Stony stratford,
William Fouler of Lytelcote, Richard Brame of Chetyng-
ton, John Staple of Bekenesfeld ; in the county of Buck-
ingham ; excepting 121. 3s. 10£d. to be distributed by
Membrane 10 — cont.
Edmund Grey of Ruthyn, knight, and by Robert Manfeld
and Robert Olney, knights coming to Parliament.
Thomas Deyman of Bakeber, John Crocker of Mayden
Neuton, John Alger of West Flete, John Bydyke of
Gillyngham, Richard Barell, Walter Reson, John Butte
of Brydport ; in the county of Dorset ; excepting
89Z. 4s. lljd. to be distributed by the abbot of Shirborne,
and by John Fyloll and John Neuburgh the younger,
knights coming to Parliament.
John Lynell of Brokhole, John Hetheryngton of Preston,
Henry Spenser of Badby, Roger Riglot of Wodeford,
Richard Graunt of Daventre, John Lyberd of Wolaston,
John Smyth of Wendlyngburgh, William Long of Staver-
ton ; in the county of Northampton ; excepting
12H. 11s. 6|d. to be distributed by the abbot of Peter-
borough, and by William Tresham and William Vaux,
knights coming to Parliament.
John Hyntewode of Hoddesdon, John Mordon of the town
of St. Albans, Nicholas Sender of Bysshophaytfeld, John
Beche of Muniden, John Vessy of St. Albans the younger,
Thomas Botirvile of Westhide in Rykmersworth, John
Parker of Ammewell ; in the county of Hertford ; except-
ing 64Z. 4s. 4rf. to be distributed by John earl of Hunting-
don, and by John Troutebek, esquire, and Nicholas
Morley, esquire, knights coming to Parliament.
William Warner of Brode Campeden, Clement de Mytton
of Tewekesbury, Guy Dobyns of Newent, Thomas Tanner
of Durseley, Thomas Bonde of Newelond, Philip Love of
Mersfeld, Richard Monemouthe, John Smyth of Mychel-
dene ; in the county of Gloucester ; excepting 149L 19|d.,
to be distributed by the abbot of Cirencester, and by
William Tracy and John Langeley, knights coming to
Richard Ryscheton of Stoodeley, Richard Wytheley of
Wytheley, Simon Deyster of Wense Wotton, Thomas
Smyth of Oxchull, Philip Halford of Halford, Richard
Orme of Merston, John Hunfrey of Nuneton, William
Flawmevile of Willoghby ; in the county of Warwick ;
excepting 88Z. Is. tyd. ; to be distributed by Humphrey
earl of Stafford, and by Thomas Bate and Thomas Hygge-
ford, knights coming to Parliament.
Thomas Beaupre, esquire, Geoffrey Kerville of Watlyngton,
John Lesse of Stokysby, William Belyngford, John
Robynson of Bishop's Lenn, Thomas Norwold of Hengham,
William Bacon of Harleston, Laurence Danyell of Wai-
20 HENRY VI. 221
Membrane 9 — cont.
soken, Denis Willys of Langlee, Edmund Kerville of
Islyngton ; in the county of Norfolk; excepting 3551. '3s.
9frf. to be distributed by the abbot of St. Benet of
Hulme, and by Thomas Tudenham, knight, and Miles
Stapilton, esquire, knights coming to Parliament.
Edmund Wykys, esquire, Peter Hondeberghe of the Isle of
Thanet, James Absolon of Sele, Stephen Colney of May-
deston, Thomas Lostede of Bydynden, Roger Newbolt,
Bartholomew atte Bourne, Henry Wroghton, Henry
Payne of Bromley, Robert atte Park of Sutton Valence ;
in the county of Kent ; excepting 2021. 8|d. to be dis-
tributed by Robert Ponyngges, knight, and by James
Fenys, esquire, and William Isle, esquire, knights coming to
Thomas Palmer of Butteley, William Swenge of Taunton,
John Drewe, John Meye of Brygge water, Thomas Walssh
of Cattanger, William Taverner of Cherde, William Speke
of Milverton, William Denys of Sheplode ; in the county
of Somerset ; excepting 142/. Is. O^d. to be distributed
by William Botreaux, knight, and by Edward Broke,
knight, and Alexander Hody, knights coming to Parlia-
Nicholas Golepyn of Bodmyn, Thomas Lucombe, Stephen
Kendale and John Trewynt ; in the county of Cornwall ;
excepting 501. 4s. 2%d. to be distributed by Edmund bishop
of Exeter, and by Renfrew Arundell, knight, and Thomas
Bodulgate, esquire, knights coming to Parliament.
Thomas Martyn of Heston, Thomas Mundy of Woxbrigge,
Clement Grace of Twykenham, John Stanet of Eggeswere,
William Rotur of Stanes, John Wylkyn of Chelchith ; in
the county of Middlesex ; excepting 36Z. 14s. 3|rf. to be
distributed by Ralph Cromwell, knight, and by master
John Somerseth and Thomas Charleton, esquire, knights
coming to Parliament.
Thomas Paycok of Coggeshale, Roger Jaklyn of Crissale,
Thomas Temppler of Lyndesell, Richard Badcok of
Aburton, Thomas Barbour of Dunmowe, Simon Pynhirst,
John Peke the younger, John Smyth of Brendwod ; in
the county of Essex ; excepting 129Z. 7s. 9d. to be dis-
tributed by John earl of Oxford, and by Thomas Tyrell,
esquire, and Thomas Torell, esquire, knights coming to
Michael Grove, William Stephene of Dalyngton, Richard
Maynard, Hugh Bromfeld, John Nicolas, Nicholas Aptot,
John Potman of Charleton, Thomas Chatfeld of Wod-
mancote, Richard Danell, Thomas Rose the elder, Philip
Eggele of Ovyng, Richard Westden of Westden ; in the
county of Sussex ; excepting 1151. 15s. l\d. to be dis-
14.4.2 Membrane 9 — cont.
tributed by R. bishop of Chichester, and by Roger Fenys,
knight, and Edmund Mylle, knights coming to Parliament.
John Bovedon, Richard Aubre of Newbury, Richard
Barttelot of Stanford, John Upton of Wantynge, William
Houman of Uplumborn, William Dutton of Abyndon,
John Meire of Old Wyndesore, Thomas Hone of Twyford ;
in the county of Berks ; excepting 1081. 12s. k\d. to be
distributed by the abbot of Redyng, and by Richard
Restwold and Thomas Drewe, knights coming to Parlia-
John Coote of Little Horny ngesherth, ' gentilman,' John
Neve of Stowe Market, Ralph Clare alias Appelton of
Thurston, ' gentilman,' Richard Andrewe of Newton,
' gentilman,' Geoffrey Hill of Berugham, William Ede of
Laxfeld, John Damet of Berkyng, William Barnabe of
Braunford, John Porter of Chellesworth, Godfrey Adgore ;
in the county of Suffolk ; excepting 1501. 16s. 2d. to be
distributed by the abbot of Bury St. Edmunds, and by
John Harleston, esquire, and Gilbert Debenham, esquire,
knights coming to Parliament.
Robert Barde of Osgodby, Robert Johnson of Scardeburgh,
William Lomeley, W7illiarn Waddesley, John Percy of
Kildale, William Byngham of Bageby, John Gower of
Pikton ; in the North Riding, co. York ; excepting
65L IQ^d. to be distributed by Richard earl of Salisbury,
and by William Eure, ' chivaler,' and Thomas Say veil,
' chivaler,' knights coming to Parliament.
William Bristill of Bristill, William Wyrethorp, William
Lutton of Lutton, Walter Gowsell of Sprotlay, William
Neweton of Grymmeston, the younger, Thomas Midel-
wode of Wyton ; in the East Riding, co. York ; excepting
111Z. 2s. O^d. to be distributed by Ralph de Graystok,
' chivaler,' and by William Eure, ' chivaler,' and Thomas
Say veil, ' chivaler,' knights coming to Parliament.
Thomas Mallome of Calton, Robert Apylton of Knapton,
John Skires of Skires, Edmund Waddesley, Constantine
Maude, Ralph Bekwyth of Knaresburgh, Robert Taverner
of Ripon ; in the West Riding, co. York ; excepting
111. 17s. 5frf. to be distributed by Thomas de Clifford,
' chivaler/ and by William Eure, ' chivaler,' and Thomas
Say veil, ' chivaler,' knights coming to Parliament.
John Usflete of Wynterton, John Argent, the elder, of
Harpeswell, ' marchant,' Thomas Cavell of Torkesey,
Geoffrey Croxton of Appulby, John Smyth of Imyngham,
John Bocher of Tineton, John Stanes of Louthe, John
1442 Membrane 8 — cont.
Westerby of Skegnes ; in the parts of Lyndesey, co.
Lincoln ; excepting 14U/. 17s. 4c/. to be distributed by Leo
de Wellys, knight, and by Thomas Meres and Robert
Sheffield, knights coming to Parliament.
William Broun of Stamford, John Clerk of Talyngton, Robert
Baudes of Roppesley, John Amwyk of Assheby ; in the
parts of Kesteven, co. Lincoln ; excepting 100Z. 3s. Qd.
to be distributed by John viscount de Beaumont, and by
Thomas Meres and Robert Sheffield, knights coming to
Edmund Robertson of Leverton, Thomas Longland of
Kirton in Holand, Thomas Torald of Spaldyng, Thomas
Oldecorn of Sutton ; in the parts of Holand, co. Lincoln ;
excepting 69Z. 18s. 8d. to be distributed by the abbot of
Croyland, and by Thomas Meres and Robert Sheffield,
knights coming to Parliament.
Commission in like terms to Richard Corviser, ' leche,' and
Thomas Pewawe, ' bocher,' both of Worcester, to levy and collect
the same in the city and suburbs of Worcester ; and order to them
to cause to come before them the mayor and bailiffs of the city and
four or six of the most discreet and upright men of the city and
suburbs, and, in person or by deputy, to have the money levied
by their advice.
The like to the following in the cities, towns and boroughs
named : —
John Egremond, Nicholas Mynde, John Derby, John Sharp,
' wever ' ; in the borough of Suthwerk.
Edward Godeyer, ' draper,' and Richard Walker, ' grocer,'
both of Salisbury ; in the city of Salisbury.
Richard Cleobury, ' corviser,' William Beton, ' yoman,'
Richard de la Chambre, ' barker,' John Mountfort alias
Taillour, ' tyler ' ; in the town of Shrewsbury.
Henry Philippes, John Weskewe, William Launton alias
Steynton, Richard Anbell ; in the town of Oxford.
Commission in like terms to William Wetynhale, John Norman,
Thomas Canynges and John Sturgeon to levy and collect the same
in the city and suburbs of London ; excepting the sum of
161. 15s. Q\d. to be distributed by R. bishop of London, and by
William Estfeld, knight, John Bowys, Philip Malpas and William
Cottesbroke, the citizens for the said city in the said Parliament,
or by any two of them ; and order to the said commissioners to
go in person from ward to ward and from place to place within
the said city and suburbs, cause to come before them four of the
most discreet and upright men of every ward, and have the money
levied by their advice.
1442. Membrane 8 — cont.
The like to the following in the cities named :—
Thomas Worceter, William Ryche, John Loncastre, John
Grete ; in the city of York.
Simon Walsoken, John Folkard, Robert Landesdale, Richard
Brasier ; in the city of Norwich.
Order to the chancellor in the county palatine of Lancaster to
cause Ranulph de Ryxston, Richard Holand, Ralph de
Faryngdon, Miles del Knoll, Geoffrey Osbaldeston, Nicholas de
Syngleton, Robert Laurence of Laton, Christopher de Berdesey,
Edmund Reedmane, Christopher de Belfeld and Richard de
Redyche to be appointed to levy and collect the said fifteenth
and tenth in the said county, — excepting 39/. 11*. 5|c/. to be
distributed, as above, by William de Haryngton, knight, and by
Thomas de Stanlegh, knight, and Thomas Haryngton of Hornebe,
the knights for the said county in the said Parliament, or by any
two of them, — and to answer to the king therefor at the terms
aforesaid ; and the chancellor is to certify the treasurer and
barons of the Exchequer by the said morrow of Trinity next of
all that is done in the matter by him and by the said collectors.
Commission in like terms [p. 216 above] to Henry May, ' mer-
chaunt,' Henry Cardigan alias Cadigan, Thomas Clyve, ' mar-
chaunt,' William Warde, ' mercer,' John Leynell and John
Gorney, ' brewer,' to levy and collect the said subsidy in the town
and suburbs of Bristol and in the precinct of the same ; excepting
the sum of 231. \5d. to be distributed, as above, by the abbot of
St. Augustine, Bristol, and by Thomas Yonge and John Sharpe,
the burgesses and knights for the said town in the said Parlia-
ment, or by any two of them ; and order to the commissioners
to go in person from parish to parish and from place to place
within the said town, suburbs and precincts, cause to come before
them the mayor and sheriff of the town and four or six of the
most discreet and upright men of the town, suburbs and precinct,
and have the money levied by their advice.
Mittitur pro prima parte originalis in exlractis usque hue.
July 9. Commitment to Thomas Stokdade (sic) and Robert de Burgham,
Westminster. — by mainprise of William Crakanthorp of Kyrkebythure, co.
Westmoreland, esquire, and Ralph Blenkansop of Holbeke, co.
Westmoreland, esquire, — of the keeping of 64| acres by the perch
of the forest in places called Celewra, Mosewra, Langhurst and
Quithurst in Middelescogh, between Lyndebek and the land of
Hugh le Harpour and the close of William de Dacre called
Kyrkethwait, of the royal wastes in the forest of Inglewode ; to
hold the same from Easter last for 7 years, at a yearly farm of the
64s. 6d. which John Thirl ew all the younger and Christina his
20 HENRY VI. 225
1442 Membrane 7 — conl.
wife, who sometime held the same of the grant of Edward III,
rendered [Calendar of Fine Rolls, 1356-1368, p. 381], and an
increment of 3s. ; with clause touching maintenance of charges,
and proviso that if any other person shall be willing without
fraud to give more by way of increment for the said keeping, then
the said Thomas and Robert shall be bound to pay such larger
sum if they will have the keeping.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated by authority of Parliament.
June 18. Order to the escheator in the counties of Devon and Cornwall ; —
Westminster, pursuant (1) to an order on 20 June 4 Henry VI to John Cop-
leston, late escheator, (in pursuance of an inquisition made by
him showing that John Bevyle, esquire, died seised in his demesne
as of fee of a messuage, 40 acres of land and 20d. of rent in Tre-
wethynek, co. Cornwall, and that the said messuage, land and
rent are held of the king as of his duchy of Cornwall as of his
manor of Moresk in free socage, by fealty and rent of 35. 4d.,
payable yearly at the Invention of the Holy Cross and
Michaelmas, and by suit of the court of the said manor at Moresk,
and that Humphrey, son of the said John, was then his next heir
and 17 years of age and more), to take the fealty of Humphrey
and cause him to have full seisin of the said messuage, land and
rent, saving to Agnes late the wife of John her reasonable dower
thereof [Calendar of Fine Rolls, 1422-1430, p. 134] ; and (2) to
divers inquisitions taken before him, the present escheator,
showing that the said Agnes, now deceased, on the day of her
death held no lands, rents or services of the king in chief, in
demesne or in service, but held the manor of Wolfeston and
25 messuages, a corn-mill, 300 acres of land, 100 acres of pasture
and 5s. of rent in Draynecke, Tremure, Bosevayn, Trevylly and
Mayon, co. Cornwall, and 9 messuages, 300 acres of land, 5 acres
of meadow, 100 acres of pasture, 4 acres of wood and 25s. of rent
in Berkedene, Sperkewyll, Hoke, Southdon and Aylescote, co.
Devon, in her demesne as of fee tail, to wit, to herself and the
heirs of her body by the said John Bevyle, late her husband, of
the grant of John Raynold, clerk, and Nicholas Langeford, by
a fine, touching the premises among other things, levied in the
king's court at Westminster in the octave of the Purification,
3 Henry VI, before William Babyngton and his fellows, then
justices ; and that the said manor and the messuages, mill, land,
pasture, meadow, wood and rent in Draynecke, Tremure, Bose-
vayn, Trevylly, Mayon, Berkedene, Sperkewyll, Hoke, Southdon
and Aylescote are held of others than the king ; and that the said
John Bevyle and Agnes had issue the said Humphrey, who still
survives ; and that Humphrey is the son and next heir of the
bodies of John Bevyle and Agnes, and of full age ; — to cause the
said Humphrey to have full seisin of the said dower of the said
Agnes of the messuage, land and rent in Trewethynek, as the king,
15— (26)
March 16.
May 3.
Membrane 7 — cont.
on another occasion, as aforesaid, ordered his fealty to be taken ;
removing the king's hand from the rest of the premises, which
are held of others than the king, if they are in the king's hand by
the death of Agnes and for no other cause, and delivering to
Humphrey any issues taken therefrom since the time of the
death of Agnes.
Non scr\
Commitment to Otewell Worsley and Rowland Vaux, — by
mainprise of Seth Worsley of Worsley, co. Lancaster, esquire,
and Richard Redman of Harewode, co. York, esquire,- — of the
keeping of all the lands which Katharine late the wife of Richard
Salkeld held on the day of her death of the king for life, in the
county of Cumberland, and also of all the lands in the said county
which Thomas Salkeld held on the day of his death, the same
being in the king's hands by the death of the said Katharine and
Thomas, or either of them, and by reason of the minority of
Richard son of Thomas Salkeld, the kinsman and next heir of the
aforesaid Richard Salkeld ; to hold the same from Michaelmas last
until the full age of the said Richard, rendering 10 marks yearly by
equal portions at Easter and Michaelmas, maintaining houses, en-
closures and buildings, and supporting all other charges incum-
bent on the said lands : as the said Otewell and Rowland have
surrendered into the Chancery for cancellation the letters patent
of 21 February 18 Henry VI |j?. 152 above], whereby the king
committed to them the keeping of the manor of Corkby, co.
Cumberland, which the said Katharine held for life of the king in
chief, to hold the same from the time of the death of the said
Katharine until the full age of the said Richard son of Thomas,
at a yearly farm of the 4Z. 15s. Wd. at which the said manor was
extended (according to an inquisition taken on the vigil of St.
Hilary before Richard Redmane, late escheator in the said county),
and an increment of 37s. Qd.
By p.s. [6348]. Dated by authority of Parliament.
Commitment to Thomas Arblaster, esquire, — by mainprise,
found before the treasurer and barons of the Exchequer, of
Thomas Rokes of the county of Buckingham, esquire, and Thomas
Bateman of the county of Essex, esquire, — of the keeping of
2 acres of land which John Dudum, chaplain of the chantry of
St. John the Baptist of Estelegh, purchased for himself and
his successors, chaplains of the said chantry, after the statute of
mortmain, from one William Swayn, 2 acres of land lying in the
parish of Lymyng at Leghessole, in a field called ' Prestisfeld,'
which the said John Dudum likewise purchased from one John
Wodehill, and 5 acres of land in the said parish, in a field called
' Southeld,' which the said John Dudum likewise purchased from
March 4.
Westminster .
March 26.
May 14
Membrane 6 — cont.
John Courthope, contrary to the form of the statute ; to hold the
same from Michaelmas last for 20 years, at a yearly farm of the
!&/. at which the said lands were extended, and an increment of
2d. ; with clause touching maintenance of houses, enclosures and
buildings and support of charges ; and proviso that if any other
person shall be willing without fraud to give more by way of
increment for the said keeping, then the said Thomas Arblaster
shall be bound to pay such larger sum if he will have the keeping.
By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment (with like clause) to William Routhe, — by main-
prise of Richard Metam of the county of York, esquire, and
William Chestre of Corbrygge, co. Northumberland, ' gentilman,'
— of the keeping of 3 messuages, 2 granges and 2 bovates of land
in Masham, a cottage and 5 acres of land in Fereby, a waste and
2 acres of land in Sutton by Masham, and a sheep-walk and 2
acres of meadow in the town of Iweton, which are called
' Rymourlandes,' in the county of York ; to hold the same,
which are in the king's hand by reason of the forfeiture of Henry
late lord de Scrop, from Easter last for 12 years, at a yearly farm
of the 15s. Gd. which John Langton and Roger Byrne used to
render ; as the said John and Roger, to the end that the said
William Routhe may have the said keeping, have surrendered in
the Chancery for cancellation the letters patent of 20 (sic) May
15 Henry VI, whereby the king committed the said keeping to
them from Michaelmas 14 Henry VI for 17 years, at a yearly
farm of 15s. Qd. [Calendar of Fine Rolls, 1430-1437, p. 330.]
By bill of the treasurer. Dated by authority of Parliament.
Grant of the keeping of the county of Lincoln to Roger Ped-
wardyn, esquire, — by mainprise of John Holme of Beverley,
co. York, ' gentilman,' and Thomas Folkyngham of Sleford, co.
Lincoln, ' gentilman,' — from 4 November last, during pleasure,
at a yearly farm of 20H. ; in terms as above [p. 80] ; the com-
mitment of 4 November last [p. 205 above] notwithstanding.
By p.s. Dated by authority of Parliament.
Order to the escheator in the county of Salop and in the
adjacent march of Wales ; — pursuant to an inquisition made by
him showing that Parnel late the wife of Robert Lee esquire on
the day of her death was seised of a third part of the manor of
Longley in her demesne as of fee tail, to wit, to herself and the
heirs of her body ; and that the said third part is held of the king
in chief by service of a third part of a fourth part of a knight's fee ;
and that Ralph Lee, esquire, is the son and next hen- of Parnel,
and of full age ; — to cause the said Ralph to have full seisin of the
said third part, as the king has taken his fealty and for Us. 8d.
paid in the hanaper has respited his homage until Easter next.
1442. MEMBRANE 5.
May 16. Order to the escheator in the county of Somerset ; — pursuant
Westminster, ^o an inquisition made by him showing that Agnes late the wife
of John Bevyle esquire on the day of her death held the manor
and hundred of Northpederton in her demesne as of fee tail, to
wit, to herself and the heirs of her body by John Bluet, some-
time her husband, of the grant of Thomas Harewell, Robert
Orchard and William Pynche made, without licence from the
king, by a fine levied in the king's court at Westminster in
the octave of Trinity 4 Henry IV ; and that the said Agnes like-
wise held the manor of Faryngdon in fee tail, to wit, to herself
and the heirs of her body by the said John, of the gift and
feoffment of Thomas Lyouns of Assheton by Bristol and John
Harewell of the county of Warwick ; and that the said Agnes
died seised in her demesne as of free tenement, to wit, for term
of her life, of the manor of Iwode, of the demise of Richard
Hareslade, chaplain, and Robert Wyth, with reversion to John
son of the said John Bluet and Agnes and the heirs of his body ;
and that the said manor and hundred of Northpederton are held
of the king in chief by service of 100s., payable yearly at Michael-
mas by the hands of the sheriff of the county, for all services, and
the said manors of Faryngdon and Iwode of others than the king ;
and that the said John the son is the son and next heir of the
bodies of the said John Bluet the father and Agnes, and £>f full
age ; — to take the fealty of the said John the son and cause him
to have full seisin of the said manor and hundred of North-
pederton, which have been taken into the king's hand both by
the death of the said Agnes and also on account of the trespass
aforesaid, (as the king on 26 June 15 Henry VI, of his special
grace and at the special request of the commonalties of the realm
and with the assent of the lords spiritual and temporal, in his
Parliament, pardoned to the said Agnes,— by name of Agnes late
the wife of John Bevyle of Wolvyston, co. Cornwall, alias Agnes
Bevvyle late the wife of John Bevvyle of Berkeden, co. Devon,
esquire, alias Agnes Bevvyle tenant of the manor of North-
pedirton, co. Somerset, alias Agnes Bevvyle tenant of the manor
and hundred of Northpedirton, alias Agnes Bevyll, alias Agnes
Bevvyll, alias Agnes Bewevyll, — all manner of gifts, alienations
and purchases made by her before 2 September 10 Henry VI,
without licence from the king, of lands held of the king in chief) ;
removing the king's hands from the said manors of Faryngdon
and Iwode, which are held of others than the king, if they are in
the king's hand by the death of Agnes and for no other cause, and
delivering to the said John the son any issues taken therefrom
since the time of the death of Agnes.
May 19. Commitment to John Skelton, esquire, — by mainprise of Ralph
Westminster. Blenkensop of the county of Westmoreland, ' gentilman,' and
Robert Brogham of the same county, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping
20 HENRY VI. 229
1442. Membrane 5 — cont.
of a house called ' Le Glashous ' alias ' Glossous,' and of the fishery
of Eden and Crenwathlen, in the forest of Inglewod, alias the
fishery of Ermethwayt and Crenewatheleyn ; to hold the same
from Easter last for 7 years, rendering 235. 4d. yearly, to wit,
135. 4d. for the said house and 10s. for the said fishery, as answer
has been made to the king in the account of Richard Nevyll,
earl of Salisbury, keeper of the said forest, 19 Henry VI ; with
clause touching maintenance of houses, enclosures and buildings
and support of charges ; and proviso that if any other person
shall be willing without fraud to give more by way of increment
for the said, keeping, then the said John shall be bound to pay
such larger sum if he will have the keeping.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated by authority of Parliament.
May 18. Commitment (with like clause) to Reynold Byggynges, — by
Westminster, mainprise of John Dedwode of Chester, ' gentilman,' and Robert
Menvyle of Sledwyssh in the bishopric of Durham, ' gentilman, '-
of the keeping of two -thirds of all the lands in the lordship, manor
or hamlet of Under Mylnbek (Subtusmylnbek), and two-thirds of
a close called ' Chalfegarth,' co. Westmoreland, which are parcels
of the king's lordship of Kendale and are in the king's hands by
the death of John late duke of Bedford ; to hold the same from
Michaelmas last for 7 years, at a yearly farm of the 61. 8s. 4d. for
which answer has been made to the king by his receiver there in
his last preceding account, and an increment of 20d. ; with proviso
that if any other person shall be willing to give more by way of
increment, then the said Reynold shall be bound to pay such
larger sum if he will have the keeping.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated etc.
May 8. Commitment to Ives Impyngton, prior of the church of St.
Westminster. Mary of Huntyngdon, — by mainprise of Gerard de la Hay and
William Castell of Glatton, co. Huntingdon, ' gentilman,' — of the
keeping of 4 acres and 3 roods of meadow lying together in
Gumecestre, co. Huntingdon, in a place called ' Le Calceholme,'
by the little bridges there, and enclosed with the several water of
the bailiffs, commonalty and men of Gumecestre, which have
been taken into the king's hand by colour of a certain inquisition
taken by virtue of his office before John Ansty the elder, late
escheator in the said county, returned before the treasurer and
barons of the Exchequer, and brought before the king in the
Chancery ; to hold the same from the time of the taking of the
said inquisition until Easter next, according to the form of the
statute published in the Parliament held at Westminster
8 Henry VI ; provided that he answer at the Exchequer for the
issues taken therefrom in the mean time, if they shall be adjudged
to the king, and keep the said meadow in the mean time with-
out waste and destruction.
July 11.
July 13.
Jan. 25.
Membrane 5 — cord.
Order to the escheator in the county of Buckingham ; —
pursuant to an inquisition made by him showing that George
Skydmore, esquire, was seised in his demesne as of fee on the
day of his death of two-thirds of the manor of Burnham and of the
advowson of the church of Bekennesfeld ; and that the said two-
thirds, together with the third part of the said manor, and the
advowson aforesaid are held of the king by service of half a
knight's fee ; and that Philip Skydmore is the son and next heir
of the said George, and of full age ; — to cause the said Philip
to have full seisin of the said two-thirds and of the advowson
aforesaid, as the king has taken his homage and fealty.
By p.s. [6538].
Order to the escheator in the county of Cumberland to cause
John de Denton, son and heir of Elizabeth late the wife of William
de Denton the younger, to have full seisin of all the lands which
the said Elizabeth held of the king in chief or was seised of in her
demesne as of fee on the day of her death, — the same having been
taken into the king's hand by the death of Elizabeth and by reason
of the minority of the said John, — as the said John has sufficiently
proved his age before Rowland Vaux, escheator in the said county,
and as the king has taken his fealty and for 6s. 8d. paid in the
hanaper has respited his homage until Easter next.
Vacated because otherwise in the Close Soil [Calendar of Close
Rolls, 1441-1447, p. 25].
Commitment to Peter Hill and Stephen Ede of the city of
Winchester, and to John Criston, — by mainprise of [blank] and
pursuant to a petition of the king's lieges the mayor, bailiffs and
commonalty of the city of Winchester, showing that the subsidy
and alnage of woollen cloths made for sale within the said city
have been committed, for a yearly farm of 49 marks, to certain
persons who dwell far from the city, so that thereby many
injuries and vexations have unjustly befallen the said lieges, to
their no small loss and grievance, and that yet greater losses are
like to befall them hereafter unless a speedy remedy be applied
by the king, — of the subsidy and alnage of cloths for sale in the
county of Southampton and in the city and suburb of Winchester ;
to hold the same, together with a moiety of the forfeiture of the
said cloths for sale, to them, their heirs and assigns, for 50 years,
rendering the 49 marks for which answer is made at present, and
an increment of 13s. 4d., yearly at Michaelmas and Easter equally,
and answering at the Exchequer for the other moiety of the
forfeiture ; and appointment of the said Peter, Stephen and John,
their heirs and assigns, as alnagers and collectors ; in terms as
above [p. 35] (omitting the clause touching the increase of the
farm). By p.s. Dated by authority of Parliament.
( 231 )
1442 MEMBRANE 27.
Sept. 12. Writ of diem clausit extremum to the escheator in the counties
Westminster. of Devon and Cornwall after the death of Nicholas Haweley,
tenant in chief of the king.
Oct. 4.
Oct. 10.
Oct. 13.
Oct. 10.
Oct. 10.
Oct. 18.
Oct. 4.
Oct. 21.
Oct. 25.
Oct. 29.
Oct. 30.
Nov. 5.
Nov. 9.
Nov. 1.
Nov. 18.
Nov. 18.
Nov. 24.
Nov. 26.
Writs of diem clausit extremum, after the death of the following
persons, directed to the escheators in the counties named : —
John Boswell ; York.
Isabel late the wife of Bernard Mussenden ; Buckingham.
Margaret late the wife of John Trussell ; Northampton.
Richard Hendover, esquire ; Somerset and Dorset ; Devon
and Cornwall.
Joan late countess of Kent ; Lincoln ; Derby ; Huntingdon ;
York ; Northampton and Rutland.
Isabel late the wife of Nicholas Haweley ; Cornwall.
Robert Morley, knight ; Essex and Hertford.
Anne Bryche late of Great Bryche ; Essex.
Robert Morley, knight ; Norfolk.
Philip Pagan ; Southampton.
Lewis John, knight ; Essex and Hertford.
Ralph Clyfton ; York.
Alexander Champernoun ; Northampton.
Robert Clyfton, knight ; Norfolk.
Thomas Clarell, esquire ; York.
Constance late the wife of Henry Grene esquire ;
Thomas Clarell, esquire ; Lincoln.
Alexander Champernoun, esquire ; Lincoln.
Thomas Wace, chaplain ; Lincoln.
Lewis John, knight ; Middlesex.
Nov. 27.
Nov. 29.
Nov. 30.
Jan. 22.
Jan. 29.
Jan. 31.
Feb. 3.
Dec. 28.
Jan. 4.
Dec. 31.
Feb. 4.
Feb. 6.
Feb. 1.
Feb. 5.
Feb. 6.
Feb. 9.
Membrane 27 — cont.
Thomas atte Wode ; Kent.
Margaret late the wife of John Hynkeley ; Suffolk ; Essex.
Joan late the wife of Thomas Brook knight ; Devon >
Somerset and Dorset ; Wilts ; Oxford and Berks ; North-
ampton ; Bedford ; Huntingdon ; Essex ; Kent ; London
(John Atherley, mayor and escheator).
John Notelyn ; Gloucester.
Richard Cornewaylle, esquire ; Northampton ; Worcester ;
Buckingham ; Salop and the adjacent march of Wales ;
Devon ; Hereford and the adjacent march of Wales.
Edward Tyrell, esquire ; Essex and Hertford.
John Tiptot, knight ; Salop and the adjacent march of
Richard Knyghley, esquire ; Northampton.
Alice late the wife of John Adam ; Buckingham.
Thomas Carmynowe ; Devon and Cornwall ; Somerset and
Gerard Salvayn ; York.
John Bugge, esquire ; Essex and Hertford.
Edward Terell, esquire ; Cambridge.
John Tiptot, knight ; Cambridge and Huntingdon ; Somer-
set and Dorset ; Wilts ; Hereford and the adjacent march
of Wales.
John Typtot, knight ; Kent and Middlesex.
John Tiptot, knight ; Essex and Hertford ; London (John
Atherley, mayor and escheator).
John Bugge, esquire ; London (John Atherley, mayor and
Edward Tyrell, esquire ; London (John Atherley, mayor and
Lewis John, ' chivaler ' ; Somerset and Dorset.
Constance late the wife of John Poulet ' chivaler ' ; Somerset
and Dorset.
Thomas Deschalers, esquire ; Cambridge ; Hertford ;
Feb. 8.
Feb. 11.
Feb. 8.
Feb. 20.
March 16.
March 20.
May 6.
May 9
May 17.
May 17.
April 4.
Feb. 28.
April 3.
May 22.
May 25.
May 26.
June 6.
June 27.
June 20.
July 3.
July 3.
July 8.
Membrane 27 — cont.
Alice late the wife of Thomas Botiller knight ; Gloucester ;
Warwick ; Surrey and Sussex.
Walter Dudston ; Salop and the adjacent march of Wales.
Alice late the wife of Thomas Botiller knight ; Kent.
Christopher Moresby, knight ; Cumberland and Westmore-
John Aburhale, esquire ; Hereford. (Vacated because nothing
thereof was done).
Simon Felbrigge, knight ; Norfolk and Suffolk.
Margaret late the wife of William Cheyne knight ; Somerset
and Dorset ; Wilts ; Devon and Cornwall.
John Meverell, esquire ; Stafford.
Thomas Hall ; Kent ; Surrey.
John Hotoft, esquire ; Essex and Hertford.
John Lovenay ; Essex and Hertford.
John Lovell ; Essex and Hertford.
Robert Whyteney, knight ; Hereford and the adjacent
march of Wales.
Christopher Moresby, knight ; Westmoreland and Cumber-
Ralph Grey, knight ; Northumberland.
William Asenhill, knight ; York.
John Tiptot, knight ; Southampton.
William Godewyn, esquire ; Somerset.
Thomas Chedder, esquire ; Somerset and Dorset ; Bristol
(the mayor and escheator) ; Gloucester and the adjacent
march of Wales ; Devon and Cornwall.
Roger Forster ; Salop.
Thomas Grey ; York.
John Isaak ; Kent.
Thomas Arundell, knight ; Devon and Cornwall.
Richard Cornewaylle, esquire ; Worcester.
Nicholas Caldecot ; Cambridge and Huntingdon.
July 12.
July 12.
July 14.
Aug. 15.
July 23.
Aug. 10.
Nov. 6.
Nov. 21.
March 9.
May 2.
May 26.
June 26.
June 21.
Membrane 26 — cont.
John Tiptot, knight ; Norfolk and Suffolk.
Christopher Moresby, knight ; York.
John Brugge, esquire ; Salop and the adjacent march of
William Clement ; Hereford and the adjacent march of
John Percy ; York.
Ralph Radmylde, esquire ; Surrey and Sussex.
William Clement ; Hereford and the adjacent march of
Ex' usque hue.
Commission during pleasure to William Soper and William
Mareys (the latter nominated by the cardinal of England in the
place of Thomas Pounde) to levy and collect in the port of
Southampton and in all adjacent ports and places the custom on
wools, hides and woolfells which is due to the king of his inheri-
tance ; and to keep the ' coket ' seal in the said ports ; answering
at the Exchequer for the moneys forthcoming.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated by authority of Parliament.
The like to the following in the ports and places named : —
John Poutrell and Thomas Pounde ; in the port of London
and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer.
Richard Veer and Ralph Toke ; in the port of Sandwich and
in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated etc.
Rowland Tempest and John Bere ; in the port of Newcastle -
upon-Tyne and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated etc.
Godard Pulham and Thomas Westynden ; in the port of
Chichester and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated etc.
John Poutrell and Thomas Pounde (the latter nominated by
the king's great-uncle according to the form of certain
letters patent *) ; in the port of London and in all adjacent
ports and places. By bill of the treasurer.
John Hanham and John Malton (the latter nominated by
the king's great-uncle according to the form of certain
letters patent *) ; in the port of Ipswich and in all adjacent
ports and places. By bill of the treasurer.
* Calendar of Patent Rolls, 1441-1446, p. 182,
June 20.
June 27.
July 4.
July 14.
July 15.
Aug. 12.
Membrane 23 — cont.
Ralph Touke and Richard Veer (the latter nominated as
above *) ; in the port of Sandwich, etc.
By bill of the treasurer.
Thomas Bateman and John Sharp (the latter nominated as
above *) ; in the port of Bristol and in all adjacent ports
and places. By bill of the treasurer.
John Tarn worth and William Godyng (the latter nominated
as above *) ; in the port of Boston and in all adjacent
ports and places. By bill of the treasurer.
Richard Hay ton, in the place of Ralph Harpley clerk ; in
the port of Lenne and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer.
Seman Burton ; in the port of Great Yarmouth and in all
adjacent ports and places. By bill of the treasurer.
Simon Weltden ; in the port of Newcastle-upon-Tyne and
in all adjacent ports and places. By bill of the treasurer.
Nov. 6.
Jan. 20.
March 9.
May 2.
Commission during pleasure to William Soper and William
Mareys (the latter nominated by the cardinal of England in the
place of Thomas Pounde) to levy and collect in person in the port
of Southampton and in all adjacent ports and places (1) the
customs granted to Edward I by foreign and alien merchants in
return for certain liberties and immunities, and the custom and
subsidy which by the statute published in the Parliament of
11 Henry IV all such alien merchants are to pay for garments
made for export from cloths of scarlet, ' sangwayn ' and other
colours of the whole or the half grain, and also from cloths dyed
in grain, and all other cloths of wool, which have been cut,
according to the rate and quantity of the same ; and (2) the
custom on cloths of wool and worsted made in England for export
to foreign parts ; and to keep the ' coket ' seal in the said port ;
answering at the Exchequer for the moneys forthcoming.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated by authority of Parliament.
The like to the following in the ports and places named :—
William de Lunes and John Melbourne ; in the port of
London and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer.
Richard Veer and Ralph Toke ; in the port of Sandwich and
in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated etc.
Rowland Tempest and John Bere ; in the port of Newcastle-
upon-Tyne and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated etc.
* Calendar of Patent Rotts, 1441-1446, p. 182.
May 26.
Westminster .
June 21.
June 21.
June 20.
June 27.
July 4.
July 14.
July 15.
Aug. 12.
Membrane 22 — cont.
Godard Pulham and Thomas Westynden ; in the port of
Chichester and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated etc.
John Hanham and John Malton (the latter nominated by the
king's great-uncle according to the form of certain letters
patent *) ; in the port of Ipswich and in all adjacent ports
and places. By bill of the treasurer.
John Melburn and William de Lunes (the latter nominated
as above *) ; in the port of London, etc.
By bill of the treasurer.
Ralph Touke and Richard Veer (the latter nominated as
above *) ; in the port of Sandwich, etc.
By bill of the treasurer.
Thomas Bateman and John Sharp (the latter nominated as
above *) ; in the port of Bristol and in all adjacent ports
and places. By bill of the treasurer.
John Tamworth and William Godyng (the latter nominated
as above *) ; in the port of Boston, etc.
Richard Hayton, in the place of Ralph Harpley clerk ; in the
port of Lenne and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer.
Seman Burton in the place of Ralph Lampet ; in the port
of Great Yarmouth and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated etc.
Simon Weltden ; in the port of Newcastle -upon-Tyne and
in all adjacent ports and places. By bill of the treasurer.
Nov. 6.
March 9.
Commission during pleasure to William Soper and William
Mareys (the latter nominated by the cardinal of England in the
place of Thomas Pounde) to levy and collect in person in the port
of Southampton and in all adjacent ports and places, after
inspection of the merchandise, the subsidies on wool and woolfells,
and of tunnage and poundage, granted to the king in the Parlia-
ment held at Westminster, 18 Henry VI [Rot. Parl. v. 5] ; in
terms as above [p. 172] ; and to keep the ' coket ' seal in the said
ports ; answering at the Exchequer for the moneys forthcoming.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated by authority of Parliament.
The like to the following in the ports and places named : —
Richard Veer and Ralph Toke ; in the port of Sandwich and
in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated etc.
* Calendar of Patent Rolls, 1441-1446, p. 182.
May 2.
May 26.
June 21.
June 20.
June 27.
July 4.
July 14.
July 15.
Aug. 12.
June 20.
Nov. 21.
June 26.
Membrane 21 — cont.
Rowland Tempest and John Bere ; in the port of Newcastle -
upon-Tyne and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated etc.
Godard Pulham and Thomas Westynden ; in the port of
Chichester and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated etc.
John Hanham and John Malton (the latter nominated by the
king's great-uncle according to the form of certain letters
patent *) ; in the port of Ipswich and in all adjacent ports
and places. By bill of the treasurer.
Ralph Touke and Richard Veer (the latter nominated as
above *) ; in the port of Sandwich, etc.
By bill of the treasurer.
Thomas Bateman and John Sharp (the latter nominated as
above *) ; in the port of Bristol and in all adjacent ports
and places. By bill of the treasurer.
John Tamworth and William Godyng (the latter nominated
as above *) ; in the port of Boston, etc.
By bill of the treasurer.
Richard Hay ton, in the place of Ralph Harpley clerk ; in
the port of Lenne and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer.
Seman Burton ; in the port of Great Yarmouth and in all
adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated etc.
Simon Weltden ; in the port of Newcastle-upon-Tyne and in
all adjacent ports and places. By bill of the treasurer.
Commission in like terms to Richard Quatremayns and Thomas
Walsyngham, nominated (nominates) by the king's great-uncle
according to the form of certain letters patent,* to levy and collect
the said tunnage and poundage in the port of London and in all
adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated by authority of Parliament.
Commission in like terms to John Poutrell and Thomas Pounde
to levy and collect the said subsidies on wool and woolfells in the
port of London and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bUl of the treasurer.
The like to the following :—
John Poutrell and Thomas Pounde (the latter nominated by
the king's great-uncle according to the form of certain
letters patent *) ; in the port of London and in all adjacent
ports and places. By bill of the treasurer.
* Calendar of Patent Rolls, 1441-1446, p. 182.
1442- MEMBRANE 20.
Nov. 12. Commission to the justices of the peace, prelates excepted, in
Westminster, the county of Cumberland, and to the sheriff of the county ;—
pursuant to the grant of a subsidy made to the king by the
commonalties of England in the Parliament of 18 Henry VI, for
the safe-keeping and defence of the sea, to wit, that every house-
holder not English born, dwelling within the realm (men and
women born in Wales and others made denizens excepted) should
pay 16d,, and every other person not a householder and not born
in England (with exceptions as above) Qd., yearly by equal
portions at Easter and Michaelmas ; with proviso that if any such
person not born in England, chargeable to such payment, died or
were removed, so that such money could not be levied from him,
then those who made account in the Exchequer for the levying
of such money should have due allowance thereof upon their
accounts by their oaths ; and provided that women (not born in
England) married to an Englishman or Welshman, men of religion
that are obediencers, and children under the age of 12 years,
should not be included within the said ordinance and grant ; and
that the said ordinance should endure and stand in force from
the beginning of the said Parliament for 3 years {Rot. ParL v. 6] ; —
jointly and severally to make inquisition touching the names of
persons specified in the said grant, to wit, touching the names of
persons that are householders by themselves and touching the
names of the other persons by themselves ; and the sheriff is to
levy and collect all such sums of money due to the king from those
persons for the last year of the said three years. The inquisitions
are to be sent to the treasurer and barons of the Exchequer by the
quinzaine of Hilary next, and the sheriff is to have the said sums
of money, to be levied and collected by him as above, before the
said treasurer and barons then and there.
Mittitur in extractis.
The like to such justices, and to the sheriffs, in the counties
named : —
Devon. Westmoreland.
York, East Riding. Nottingham.
York, West Riding. Warwick.
York, North Riding. Leicester.
Lincoln, parts of Kesteven. Gloucester.
Lincoln, parts of Lyndesey. Hereford.
Lincoln, parts of Holand. Worcester.
Derby. Kent.
Norfolk. Sussex.
Northumberland. Oxford.
Berks. Bedford.
Salop. Buckingham.
Stafford. Suffolk.
Surrey. Wilts.
21 HENRY VI. 239
1442, Membrane 20 — cont.
Southampton. Cambridge.
Somerset. Rutland.
Dorset. Northampton.
Essex. Middlesex.
Hertford. Cornwall.
The like to :—
The mayor and aldermen of Kyngeston upon Hull, the
keepers of the peace, and the sheriff.
The mayor and aldermen of London, the keepers of the peace,
and the sheriffs.
The mayor and aldermen of York, the keepers of the peace,
and the sheriffs.
The mayor and aldermen of Lincoln, the keepers of the peace,
and the sheriffs.
The mayor and bailiffs of Coventre, and the keepers of the
peace, and the sheriff of Warwickshire.
The mayor and aldermen of Bristol, the keepers of the peace,
and the sheriff.
The mayor and aldermen of Norwich, the keepers of the
peace, and the sheriffs.
The mayor and aldermen of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, the
keepers of the peace, and the sheriff.
The mayor of Hedon in Holdernesse, co. York, and his fellows,
the keepers of the peace, and the sheriff of Yorkshire.
The chancellor of the University of Oxford, and the mayor
of Oxford, and their fellows, the justices of the peace in
the University, and the sheriff of Oxfordshire.
The chancellor of the University of Cambridge, and the
mayor of Cambridge, and their fellows, the justices of the
peace in the University, and the sheriff of Cambridgeshire.
The justices of the peace within the liberty of St. John of
Beverley in the town and suburbs of Beverley and the
precinct of the liberty, and the sheriff of Yorkshire.
The constable of the castle of Dover, or his lieutenant, and
the wardens of the Cinque Ports, and the sheriff of Kent.
Order to the chancellor in the county palatine of Lancaster to
cause a commission to issue to the justices of the peace and the
sheriff in the said county, in terms as above. The chancellor is
to send the inquisitions (which are to be sent to him in the
chancery of the county without delay) to the treasurer and barons
of the Exchequer by the quinzaine of Hilary next, and is to have
the said moneys (had before him by the sheriff) before the said
treasurer and barons at that date.
1442 MEMBRANE 19.
Nov. 6. Commitment of the county of Cumberland to Thomas
Westminster. Beauchamp during pleasure, so that he answer at the Exchequer
as sheriff.
Order to all persons of the county to be intendant to Thomas
as sheriff.
Order to William Stapilton, esquire, late sheriff, to deliver the
county to Thomas by indenture.
The like commitments to the following of the counties
named : —
Roger Wetheryngton ; Northumberland.
John Poole of Hartyngton ; Nottingham and Derby.
John Sotyll ; Lincoln.
William Birmyngeham ; Warwick and Leicester.
William Ludlowe ; Salop.
William Mitton ; Stafford.
Henry Chaterton ; Hereford.
Robert Leversegge ; Gloucester.
Thomas Peyton ; Cambridge and Huntingdon.
Edmund Reade ; Bedford and Buckingham.
Nicholas Morley ; Essex and Hertford.
John Stanley ; Surrey and Sussex.
Thomas Tame ; Southampton.
William Beauchamp, ' chivaler ' ; Wilts.
John Saintlowe ; Somerset and Dorset.
Richard Yearde ; Devon.
John Blewet ; Cornwall.
John Beaufoo ; Rutland.
Thomas Brewes ; Norfolk and Suffolk.
Nov. 6. Commitment of the county of York and castle of York to
Westminster. Thomas Meteham, ' chivaler,' during pleasure, so that he answer
at the Exchequer as sheriff and keeper.
Order to all persons of the county to be intendant to Thomas as
sheriff and keeper.
Order to William Gascoigne, ' chivaler,' late sheriff, to deliver
the county and castle to Thomas by indenture.
The like commitments to the following in the counties
named : —
John Norys ; Oxford and Berks.
William Catesby ; Northampton.
William Marys ; Kent.
Nov. 6. Commitment of the office of the escheatry in the counties of
Westminster. Somerset and Dorset to John Bayhows during pleasure, so that he
answer at the Exchequer, for the issues thereof.
21 HENRY VI. 241
1442. Membrane 19 — cont.
Order to all persons of the counties to be intendant to John
as escheator.
Order to John Karant the elder, late escheator, to deliver to
John Bayhows by indenture the rolls, writs, memoranda and all
other things relating to the said office.
The like commitments to the following of the office of the
escheatry in the counties named : —
John Trevylyan ; Devon and Cornwall.
Nicholas Rody ; Warwick and Leicester.
Thomas FitzHerry ; Hereford and the adjacent march of
John Haukeston ; Salop.
John Kemys ; Gloucester.
Thomas Coton ; Stafford.
Thomas Lytylton ; Worcester.
John Beket ; Surrey and Sussex.
Stephen Slegge ; Kent and Middlesex.
William Stanlowe ; Lincoln.
John Zouche ; Northampton and Rutland.
Nicholas Fitz William ; York.
Henry Belyngham ; Cumberland and Westmoreland.
Robert Rodes ; Northumberland.
Hugh Cresy ; Nottingham and Derby.
John Ulveston ; Norfolk and Suffolk.
John Loughton ; Bedford and Buckingham.
John Ansty the younger ; Cambridge and Huntingdon.
[John] Nowers ; Oxford and Berks.
John Molyns ; Southampton and Wilts.
Thomas Thorp ; Essex and Hertford.
Oct. 17. Appointment of Thomas Bolde as searcher of ships in the port
Westminster. of po}e anci in all adjacent ports and places ; in terms as above
[p. 9]. By bill of the treasurer.
Appointment in like terms of the following in the ports and
places named : —
Nov. 30. John Thomas ; in the ports of Falemouth, Mountysbay,
Westminster. Seyntya and Padestowe, co. Cornwall, and in all adjacent
ports and places. By bill of the treasurer.
Dec. 9. Walter Neseham and John Neseham ; in the port of Sand-
Westminster, wich and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer.
Dec. 7. Richard Denne ; in the ports of Plymmouth and Fowy and
Westminster. in all adjacent ports and places. By bill of the treasurer.
16— (26)
Feb. 12.
Feb. 14.
July 4.
July 11.
Aug. 15.
Sept. 29.
Oct. 29.
Oct. 31.
Membrane 18 — cont.
John Nicolson ; in the port of Newcastle -upon-Tyne and in
all adjacent ports and places. By bill of the treasurer.
William Halle ; in the ports of Plymmouth and Fowy and
in all adjacent ports and places. By bill of the treasurer.
William Caus ; in the port of Yarmouth and in all adjacent
ports and places. By bill of the treasurer.
John Belle ; in the port of Ipswich and in all adjacent ports
and places. By bill of the treasurer.
William Stede ; in the port of Sandwich and in all adjacent
ports and places. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment of the county of Bristol to Nicholas Hylle for
one year, so that he answer at the Exchequer as sheriff ; the
mayor and commonalty having submitted to the king his name
and the names of John Troyt and Thomas Noreys as candidates
for the office, in accordance with the terms of their charter dated
8 August, 47 Edward III.
Order to the mayor, burgesses and whole commonalty of the
town and suburbs of Bristol to be intendant to Nicholas as
Commitment to John Fortescu, knight, — by mainprise of
Thomas Yonge and John Gogh, — of the keeping of all the lands
late of John Bonvyle esquire and Joan late his wife, who severally
held of the king in chief on the days of their death ; to hold the
same from the time of the death of the said John and Joan until
the full age of Elizabeth their daughter and heir, together with
the marriage of the said heir, rendering for the keeping of the
lands as much as may be agreed upon between him and the
treasurer by the Purification next, paying for the marriage as
much as may likewise be agreed upon, and finding fit maintenance
for the heir ; with clause touching maintenance of houses,
enclosures and buildings and support of charges.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated by authority of Parliament.
Vacated because nothing thereof was done.
Grant to John Claghton, esquire, for his good service, of the
keeping of two-thirds of the manor of Thorneton in Londesdale,
co. York, together with the mines of ' Le Lede Ure ' within the
lordship of the said manor, — he rendering therefrom to the
king's officers there 10 measures (modios) every tenth year, as is
customary in ' Le Peke,' — and with all other profits, commodities
and appurtenances belonging to the said two -thirds ; to hold the
same for 40 years now following, rendering 81. 11s. O^d. to the
receiver of the king's lordship of Kendale, yearly by equal
portions at Easter and Michaelmas, and supporting all charges
pertaining to the said two -thirds ; notwithstanding the fact
that the term of 8 years has not elapsed, for which the king, by
1442. Membrane 18 — cont.
letters patent of 8 February 17 Henry VI [p. 70 above], granted
the keeping of two-thirds of the said manor (in the king's hands
by the death of John late duke of Bedford), from Christmas then
last past, to the said John Claghton, at a yearly farm of
SI 11s. 0|rf.
By p.s. [6606]. Dated by authority of Parliament.
Nov. 19.
Commitment to John Wygmore and Mathew Drury, — by
mainprise, found in the Exchequer, of Henry Hales, citizen and
grocer of London, and Nicholas Drax, citizen and fishmonger of
London, — ol the keeping of (1) a moiety of a manor called
' Nitherhall ' in Caundyssh, (which moiety is held of the king in
chief), and (2) a tenement in Clare, called ' Wegges,' co. Suffolk,
late of Richard Wegge and Isabel his wife ; to hold the same,
which are in the king's hands by the death of the said Richard
and Isabel and by reason of the minority of John Claverynge
the kinsman and heir of Richard, from Michaelmas last until
the full age of the said heir, rendering the 43s. 8d. (recte 4d.)
which John Harleston and William Chapman used to render
[p. 184 above], and an increment of 65. Sd., yearly by equal
portions at Easter and Michaelmas, maintaining houses,
enclosures and buildings, and supporting all other charges in-
cumbent on the said moiety and tenement ; provided always
that if any other person shall be willing without fraud to give
more by way of increment for the said keeping, then the said
John and Mathew shall be bound to pay such larger sum if they
will have the keeping. By bill of the treasurer. Dated etc.
Dec. 5.
Order to the escheator in the county of Norfolk ; — pursuant
to an inquisition made by him showing that Robert Clyfton
knight on the day of his death held the hundred of Freche-
bregh to himself and the heirs male of his body, by the form of
a certain gift and grant made by John de Merlee, Thomas late
parson of the church of Stanfeld, Robert parson of the church
of Cranous, and William Keteryngham parson of a moiety of the
church of Hedersete, to Adam de Clyfton knight, father of the
said Robert Clyfton, and the heirs male of his body ; and that
the hundred aforesaid is held of the king in chief by service of
65. Sd. of blanch farm payable yearly at the castle of Norwich ;
and that Thomas Clyfton esquire is the son and next heir of the
said Robert Clyfton, and of full age ; — to cause the said Thomas
Clyfton to have full seism of the said hundred, as the king has
taken his fealty and for | mark paid in the hanaper has respited
his homage until Pentecost next ; saving to Alice late the wife
of the said Robert Clyfton her reasonable dower of the hundred
1442 MEMBRANE 17.
Nov. 10. Order to H. archbishop of Canterbury to appoint some trust-
Westminster, worthy men of the clergy of his diocese to levy and collect in the
said diocese the tenth, payable a moiety of the tenth at the
Annunciation next and the other moiety at the Annunciation
1444, which the prelates and clergy of the province of
Canterbury in their last convocation, in the cathedral church
of St. Paul, London, begun on 16 April and continued from
day to day until 26 April last, granted to the king, for the
defence of the church and realm of England, of all ecclesiastical
goods, benefices and possessions of the province that are
assessed and accustomed to pay to a tenth, under the following
forms and exceptions ; to wit, excepting from the grant and
payment of the said tenth all benefices, goods and possessions
of poor religious and poor nuns, and of other poor and pious places
of the province, and the benefices, goods and possessions of all
religious and other ecclesiastics within the province whose
monasteries, priories, places, goods, possessions or benefices
have been destroyed, impoverished or excessively diminished by
floods, fires, ruin, wars or other accidents, or in any other way ;
excepting also all ecclesiastical benefices of the province which
on account of their poverty are unofficed, and those un-
appropriated ecclesiastical benefices with cure of souls, assessed
and accustomed to pay to a tenth, whereof the true yearly value
in modern times is under the sum of 12 marks, or is extended at
12 marks a year and no more, wherein the rectors of the said
benefices, or the vicars, or other curates, by whatever name they
be known, reside in person, or, if absent from the same, effectively
pursue the study of letters in some one of the universities of the
realm, having been sufficiently licensed therefor ; touching all
which excepted benefices, goods and possessions aforesaid the
ordinaries of the places, each for his diocese, shall have certified
the king, or the treasurer and barons, in the Exchequer, whose
certificates shall be wholly accepted, so that neither the ordinaries
themselves, nor such excepted places, goods, possessions or bene-
fices, or the persons occupying the same, nor the collectors of the
said tenth, or of any part thereof, be vexed or grieved on that
account by the king's writs or in any other manner, contrary to
the form of such certificates ; and excepting also from the said
grant and payment the ecclesiastical benefices, goods and pos-
sessions of the royal college of St. Mary of Eton by Wyndesor,
and of the college of All Souls in Oxford, the goods, benefices and
possessions of the king's college at Cambridge which is of the
foundation of king Edward, and the goods, benefices and pos-
sessions of the colleges at Oxford and near Winchester of the
foundation of William Wykham sometime bishop of Winchester ;
and excepting also the benefices, goods and possessions of all
rectors, vicars and other beneficed ecclesiastics of the province
who, after the day of the said grant, shall have been indicted for
21 HENRY VI. 245
1442. Membrane 17 — cont.
any felony, and of those who hereafter, up to the term of the
last payment, shall be so indicted, on condition nevertheless that
the ordinaries of such indicted parties, by testimonials freely
granted, shall have certified the king, or the treasurer and barons,
in the Exchequer, and the collectors of the said tenth, by the
terms limited for the payment thereof, of the honest conversation
and good report of the indicted persons (especially as touching
the article upon which the indictment has been made), whose
certificates shall be wholly accepted, so that nothing shall be
levied or demanded, by virtue of the grant aforesaid, from such
indicted panties who have thus been certified ; provided neverthe-
less that no ecclesiastics (or their farmers) be obliged to pay with
the laity to a fifteenth or to any other secular contribution for
goods, benefices and possessions (or for the fruits and prevents
thereof), for and of which the said tenth ought to be paid, and
that if it be attempted otherwise, then such ecclesiastics (and their
farmers) shall be excused from payment of the said tenth and in
no wise be bound to pay to it at all, and that upon this they shall
have writs from the Exchequer for their discharge without any
difficulty as often as they shall require and it shall be necessary
or in any way meet ; and provided further that if any collector
shall certify the king, or the treasurer and barons, in the
Exchequer on his faith and oath that from the time of the said
grant and before the last payment of the same he is unable to
levy, or has been prevented from levying, the said tenth or any
part thereof from the alien priories or other possessions, goods
or benefices of the province, not excepted above, in whosesoever
hands (of whatsoever estate, sex or condition) they shall be, and
even if in the king's hands, then the collector shall be wholly
discharged from the collection in respect of such goods, benefices
and possessions, and shall be quit in the Exchequer, and such
levying shall pertain thereafter to the king and his ministers ;
and provided further that the king shall satisfy the said collectors
for the spiritualities and temporalities of cathedral churches
and others, conventual, regular or others, which shall be in his
hands (or in the hands of his farmers or deputies) at the time of
the collection and payment of the said tenth, or otherwise dis-
charge and acquit them in the Exchequer without delay, and
that no one succeeding in the said churches shall be charged
to payment of the said tenth ; and provided especially that
no collector shall in any wise be excused from collection by
obtaining any immunity or privilege from the king in that behalf ;
and provided always that after the ordinary of a place shall have
appointed any regular person as collector of the tenth or a moiety
of the tenth within the diocese, and shall have certified the
treasurer and barons of the Exchequer of his name, he shall in
no wise be bound to charge or certify another person as collector,
beyond that person so certified by him, any letters of discharge
Membrane 17 — cont.
from collection, made by letters patent of the king to any spiritual
person within the province of Canterbury, notwithstanding. And
answer is to be made to the king for the said moieties at the terms
aforesaid ; and the archbishop is to certify the treasurer and
barons of the Exchequer by the octave of Hilary next at the latest
of the names of the persons appointed by him.
Mittitur in extractis.
Order in like terms to H. cardinal of England and bishop of
The like to the following : —
W. bishop of Lincoln.
J. bishop of Bath and Wells.
W. bishop of St. Davids.
W. bishop of Rochester.
W. bishop of Salisbury.
Th. bishop of Bangor.
R. bishop of Chichester.
W. bishop of Coventry and Lichfield.
N. bishop of Llandaff.
E. bishop of Exeter.
Th. bishop of Hereford.
Robert bishop of London.
J. bishop of St. Asaph.
Th. bishop of Worcester.
Th. bishop of Norwich.
L. administrator of the bishopric of Ely, or his vicar-
general, the administrator being in remote parts.
Order in like terms to the abbot of St. Albans touching his
exempt jurisdiction.
Nov. 28. Commitment to John Heverlond, prior of the cathedral church
Westminster, of Holy Trinity, Norwich, — by mainprise of John Hey don of
Baconesthorp, co. Norfolk, ' gentilman,' and Robert Bramfeld
of Bramfeld, co. Norfolk, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping of a
messuage situated in Norwich in the parish of St. George before
the gates of the church of Holy Trinity, and of another messuage,
sometime of Sara de Hales, in Norwich in the parish of St. Peter
de Houngate within the ward of Wymere, and of the church of
St. Gregory, in Norwich, which have been taken into the king's
hand by colour of an inquisition taken by virtue of his office
before William Henstede, mayor and escheator, returned before
the treasurer and barons of the Exchequer, and brought before
the king into the Chancery ; to hold the same from the time of
the taking of the said inquisition until Michaelmas next, according
to the form of the statute published in the Parliament held at
Westminster 8 Henry VI ; so that he answer at the Exchequer
Membrane 17 — cont.
for the issues taken therefrom in the mean time, if they shall be
adjudged to the king, and in the mean time commit no waste.
Nov. 28.
Nov. 23.
Commitment to John Heverlond as above [last entry], by
mainprise of John Heydon of Baconesthorp, co. Norfolk, ' gentil-
man,' and Robert Brampton of Brampton, co. Norfolk,
' gentilman.'
Vacated because otherwise above.
Grant, with the advice of the king's council, to John Paddesle,
citizen and ' jeweler ' of London, — from 12 November 19 Henry
VI for 12 years at a yearly farm of the 40Z. which he has been
wont to render, by mainprise to be found in the Exchequer, — of
the office of the change within the town of Calais and the office
of the change within the realm of England to foreign parts ; and
that in person or by deputy he may hold one common and open
exchange in Calais and another in England, and in the same
exchanges may lawfully buy gold and silver in mass and in money
and all manner of jewels, of any kind, price or value, from any
persons, and sell them to any person, and expose them for sale,
at as good a price and market for making his profit as may reason-
ably be agreed upon between him or his deputies and the sellers
of such gold, silver and jewels ; and that he and his deputies may
receive from all persons going personally, or sending proctors or
attorneys, to Rome or other foreign parts, to fulfil vows or to do
other business there, such sums of gold and silver as such persons
shall be willing to bring to him or his deputies for exchange, and
may lawfully make sufficient letters of exchange for such persons
for the said sums to be paid in the said parts according to the
custom there, any statutes, ordinances or proclamations to the
contrary notwithstanding ; he and his deputies taking for the
said exchanges what may justly and reasonably, and according
to provident discretion and good conscience (after consideration
had of the hazards of the places and the delay and the perils that
threaten), be agreed upon between them and the persons bringing
the gold and silver to the exchanges, and taking also all sums
of money due to the king and wont to be paid to the king in such
exchanges ; and no liege of the king, or any other person, save
the said John or his deputies, shall hold any exchanges, secretly
or openly, in Calais or in England, or make any such exchanges
of gold or silver with any persons contrary to this grant, under
pain of forfeiture to the king of the sum bought or received and
a fine to the king at his will ; and the chancellor or keeper of the
great seal shall not grant any writs for making such exchanges
to any other person during John's tenure of the said offices, and
if any writs shall have been granted contrary to this grant, they
Jan. 10.
Feb. 12.
Feb. 12.
Membrane 16 — cont.
shall be void and the persons receiving them shall be punished
at the king's will ; and John, as he shall deem necessary, shall
have writs out of the king's court to arrest all persons contraven-
ing this grant, and to levy the sums forfeited for the cause afore-
said, and writs of proclamation of this grant, without payment
of any fee of the seal. By p.s. [6624], Dated etc.
Grant to John Martyn, esquire, and Richard Phelip, in con-
sideration of the good services which they have rendered and will
hereafter render to the king, of the keeping of the seven hundreds
of Cokham and Bray, co. Berks, together with the issues, revenues
and profits forthcoming therefrom ; to hold the same from
Michaelmas last for 20 years, rendering at the Exchequer 81.
yearly by equal portions at Michaelmas and Easter ; notwith-
standing that fact that there is no express mention of the true
yearly value of the said hundreds, or that the hundreds are said
to be parcel of the county aforesaid ; with proviso that the sheriff
of the county during the said term shall yearly be quit at the
Exchequer of answering for the issues and profits of the hundreds,
and that every sheriff during the said term shall be wholly quit
and discharged of rendering any yearly account for the issues and
profits of the said hundreds. By p.s. Dated etc.
Commitment to Thomas Palmer, — by mainprise of Thomas
Shipton of the county of Leicester, clerk, and Richard Pittes
of the county of Northampton, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping of
the manor of Little Weldon, co. Northampton, which is in the
king's hands by the death of Isabel late the wife of John Cheyne,
esquire, who held the said manor for term of her life of the grant
of Henry V [Calendar of Patent Rolls, 1416-1422, p. 125];
to hold the same from Michaelmas last for 10 years, at a
yearly farm of the SI. at which the manor was extended, and
an increment of 6s. 8d. ; with clause touching maintenance of
houses, enclosures and buildings and support of charges ; pro-
vided always that if any other person shall be willing without
fraud to give more by way of increment for the said keeping,
then the said Thomas Palmer shall be bound to pay such larger
sum if he will have the keeping.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated by authority of Parliament.
Commitment (with like clause) to William de la Pole, earl of
Suffolk, — by mainprise of John Gyne of Dunwich, merchant, and
Thomas Piers of Dunwich, merchant, — of the keeping of the
town of Dunwich, with all appurtenances, profits and com-
modities, co. Suffolk ; to hold the same from Michaelmas last for
10 years, at a yearly farm of as much as may be agreed upon
between him and the treasurer by Michaelmas next ; as Joan
late the wife of William late lord de Bardolf knight, executrix
Jan. 25.
Membrane 16 — cont.
of the will of the said William, has surrendered into the Chancery
for cancellation, to the end that the said earl may have the
keeping aforesaid, the letters patent of 12 May 18 Henry VI,
whereby the king committed the said keeping to the said late
lord de Bardolf from Pentecost then next to come for 10 years
at a yearly farm of as much as might be agreed upon between him
and the treasurer by Christmas then next to come [p. 154 above].
By bill of the treasurer. Dated etc.
Grant to Henry earl of Warwick (for his good and disinterested
service heretofore), and to John Noreys, esquire, John Nanfan,
esquire, and Thomas Lanhergy (for the good and disinterested
services that they cease not from day to day to perform), of the
keeping of all the lands in the county of Cornwall late of William
Bodrugan knight, who held of the king in chief by knight service
on the day of his death, together with all wardships and marriages,
reliefs, escheats and emoluments pertaining to the said lands ; to
hold the same from the time of the death of the said William
until the full age of Henry his son and heir, a minor in the king's
ward, and so from heir to heir until one of them shall have duly
sued livery of the lands out of the king's hands, rendering, by
equal portions at Easter, Midsummer, Michaelmas and Christmas,
the 64Z. 19s. 8d. at which the said lands were extended by an
inquisition taken on 4 August last at Bodmyn before William
Cornu then escheator in the said county by virtue of a writ of
diem clausit extremum ; notwithstanding any inquisition hereafter
to be taken touching the said lands, and notwithstanding the fact
that express mention is not made in the present grant of other
gifts and grants heretofore made to the said earl, John, John and
Thomas, or to any of them, or any statute, ordinance, act
or provision to the contrary ; as the said earl, John, John and
Thomas, to the end that the king should grant the said lands to
them in form aforesaid, have surrendered into the Chancery for
cancellation the letters patent of 15 April last [Calendar of Patent
Rolls, 1441-1446, p. 83], whereby the king granted to them the
keeping of all the said lands in the county of Cornwall, late of
the said William Bodrugan, from the time of the death of
William until the full age of the said Henry his son and heir, at
a yearly farm of the extent thereof.
By p.s. [6673]. Dated etc.
March 1. Commitment to the warden of the house of the scholars of
Westminster. Merton in Oxford, — by mainprise of John Vyncent of Maldon, co.
Surrey, ' yoman,' and John Hamstede of the same county
' yoman,' — of the keeping of the manor of Stretton St. Margaret,
co. Wilts, which is in the king's hand by the death of Joan late
queen of England ; to hold the same from Michaelmas last for
12 years, at a yearly farm of the 16Z., for which answer has been
1443 Membrane 16 — cont.
made to the king, and an increment of 135. 4d. ; with clause
touching maintenance of houses, enclosures and buildings and
support of charges ; proviso that the said warden have allowance
in the payment of his farm of any annuities or assignments
granted out of the said farm ; and proviso that if any other
person shall be willing without fraud to give more by way of
increment for the said keeping, then the said warden shall be
bound to pay such larger sum if he will have the keeping.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated by authority of Parliament.
Nov. 20.
Dec. 1.
Oct. 20.
Commitment to Thomas Palmer, — by mainprise of Thomas
Shipton of the county of Leicester, clerk, and Richard Pittes
of the county of Northampton, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping of
the king's manor or lordship of Rokyngham, which is of the duchy
of Cornwall and in the king's hands ; to hold the same from
Michaelmas last for 12 years, rendering yearly (by the hands of the
receiver-general of the said duchy) the 4Z. 13s. 4tZ. which he has
been accustomed to render ; with clause touching maintenance
of houses, enclosures and buildings and support of charges ; and
proviso that if any other person shall be willing without fraud
to give more by way of increment for the said keeping, then the
said Thomas Palmer shall be bound to pay such larger sum if he
will have the keeping. By bill of the treasurer.
Order to the escheator in the county of Essex ; — pursuant to an
inquisition taken before John Thornbury, late escheator, showing
that Christina late the wife of Hugh Faus on the day of her death
held in her demesne as of fee a tenement and 40 acres of land,
called ' Delamares,' of the king in chief by service of a hundredth
part of a knight's fee ; and that Joan wife of William Lovell, late
the wife of William Strangman, is the daughter and next heir of
Christina, and of full age ; — to take the fealty of the said William
Lovell and cause him and Joan to have full seisin of the said
tenement and land.
Order to the escheator in the county of Nottingham ; — pur-
suant to an inquisition taken before Ralph Pole, late escheator,
showing that one Robert de Swyllyngton, knight, being lately
seised in his demesne as of fee, among other things, of a third
part of the manor of Little Markham and of a third part of a third
part of the manor of Tuxford, by his charter, dated at Lamley
14 February 6 Richard II, gave and granted those third parts to
one Ralph de Cromwell knight, for life, with remainder
successively to William, son of the said Ralph, and the heirs
male of his body, to Thomas brother of William and the heirs
male of his body, and to John brother of Thomas and the heirs
21 HENRY VI. 251
Membrane 15 — cont.
male of his body, and with remainder over to the right heirs of
Ralph, by virtue of which gift and grant the said Ralph was
seised during the whole of his life in his demesne as of free tene-
ment, and died ; after whose death the said William son of Ralph
entered into the said third parts by virtue of the said remainder
and was seised thereof by virtue of the said gift in his demesne as
of fee tail in form aforesaid, and had issue Robert Cromwell
knight deceased, and died ; after whose death the said Robert,
as son and heir male of William entered into the said third parts
and was seised thereof in his demesne as of fee tail in form afore-
said, and died so seised without heir male of his body ; and that
Thomas and John, the brothers of the said William, are dead, each
without heir male of his body ; and that the said third parts
ought to revert and belong, by virtue of the gift aforesaid, to
Ralph lord Cromwell knight, as kinsman and heir of the aforesaid
Ralph de Cromwell knight, to wit, as son of Ralph the brother
of William the father of the aforesaid Robert Cromwell, and to
his heirs ; and that the said third parts are held of the king in
chief by service of an eleventh part of a knight's fee ; and that
the said Ralph lord Cromwell knight is the kinsman and next
heir of the said Robert Cromwell, and of full age ; — to take
the fealty of the said Ralph lord Cromwell knight, and cause
him to have full seisin of the said third parts, which have been
taken into the king's hand by the death of the said Robert, as the
king for £ mark paid in the hanaper has respited his homage
until Pentecost next.
Order to the escheator in the county of Essex ; — pursuant to
an inquisition made by him showing that Anne Bryche, late of
Great Bryche, held on the day of her death a messuage, 80 acres
of land, 2 acres of meadow, 3 acres of pasture and 3s. of rent
service receivable yearly by equal portions at Easter and Michael-
mas, in Great Bryche, in her demesne as of fee tail, of the king
in chief as of the honour of Dovorre, by service of a fourth part
of a knight's fee, of the gift and grant of Henry Stampe and John
Wacelyn, with the licence of Henry IV, to the said Anne and
John late her husband and the heirs of the bodies of the said John
Bryche and Anne ; and that Richard Bryche is the son and next
heir of the said John Bryche and Anne, and of full age ; — to take
the fealty of the said Richard and cause him to have full seisin of
the said messuage, land, meadow, pasture and rent, as the king
for | mark paid in the hanaper has respited his homage until
Easter next.
Nov. 20. Order to the escheator in the county of Southampton to take
Westminster, the fealty of Geoffrey Borrard of the Isle of Wight, son of Parnell
the daughter of Laurence the father of John the father of John
the father of William the father of Philip Pagan, and kinsman
Nov. 15.
Sept. 18.
Jan. 31.
Feb. 12.
Membrane 15 — cont.
and heir of the said Philip, and cause him to have full seisin of all
the lands which the said Philip held of the king in chief or was
seised of in his demesne as of fee on the day of his death, as the
king for ^ mark paid in the hanaper has respited his homage
until Easter next.
Order to the escheator in the county of York to cause John
Babthorp and Joan his wife, daughter and heir of John Lely of
Drax, to have full seisin of all the lands which Elizabeth late the
wife of the said John Lely held in dower and otherwise for life
after the death of the said John Lely of the inheritance of Joan,
as the king has taken the fealty due from the said John Babthorp
for the lands thus held in dower by the said Elizabeth of the king
in chief.
Be it remembered that in the quinzaine of St. Michael in the
present year William Stafford, sheriff of Somerset, was amerced
at 100^., for that he did not have Thomas Alford, alias Thomas
Blake, of Neweport by Northcory before the king in the Chancery
in the said quinzaine, according to his return upon a writ directed
to him.
Commitment to William Tanner of Billerica, — by mainprise
of Robert Wade of Alvethele, co. Essex, ' gentilman,' and Richard
Parker of Colchestre, ' yoman,' — of the keeping of a cottage with
a curtilage and 5 acres of land in Billerica, late of Katharine wife
of William Frost, late the wife of Thomas Plommer alias Thomas
Ledder, which came to the hands of Richard II by the treason of
the said Thomas and are still in the king's hand ; to hold the same
from Michaelmas last for 7 years, at a yearly farm of the 25. Qd.
which Richard Mynton used to render and an increment of 4d. ;
with clause touching maintenance of houses, enlcosures and
buildings and support of charges ; and proviso that if any other
person shall be willing without fraud to give more by way of
increment for the said keeping, then the said William shall be
bound to pay such larger sum if he will have the keeping.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated by authority of Parliament.
Commitment (with like clause and proviso) to John Talbot,
knight, — by mainprise of Christopher Talbot, knight, and
Thurstan Banestre of the county of York, — of the keeping of the
manor of Lenarton, co. York, late of John de Overton and Joan
his wife, deceased, which is in the king's hands by an inquisition
taken before William Gascoigne, ' chivaler,' late sheriff of the
said county ; to hold the same from Michaelmas last for 7 years
at a yearly farm of the 5 marks at which the said manor was
extended and an increment of 65. 8d.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated by authority of Parliament.
Feb. 18.
Membrane 15 — cont.
Grant (with like clause and proviso) to Robert Wade, — by
mainprise, found in the Exchequer, of Thomas Ardale of Styfford,
co. Essex, ' gentilman,' and Richard Snowdon of the parish of St.
John in Walbrok, London, ' skynner,' — of the keeping of (1) a
marsh in Westhurrok, co. Essex, which was given without the
king's licence to the church of Westhurrok to find a lamp before
the high altar of the said church, after the statute touching such
gifts and provisions, and which is therefore forfeited to the king,
and (2) the lands late of John Wardien of Alvethele, ' herde,' * a
felon hanged, for which lands, being for that cause in the king's
hands, the township of Alvethele used to render 35. 4d. yearly
to the king ; to hold the same from Michaelmas last for 7 years,
rendering for the keeping of the marsh the 4s. f at which it was
extended, and for the keeping of the lands of the said John
Wardien the 3s. 4d. for which answer has been made to the king,
and an increment of Sd., yearly by equal portions at Easter and
Michaelmas. By bill of the treasurer.
Feb. 14. Order to the escheator in the county of Suffolk ; — pursuant to
Westminster. an inquisition made by him showing that Margaret late the wife
of John Hynkeley held on the day of her death in her demesne as
of fee 4 messuages, 3 virgates of land, 8 acres of meadow and
50 acres of wood and pasture in Great Thirlowe, 60s. of rent of
assize receivable yearly by equal portions at Easter and Michael-
mas from divers free tenants in Great Thirlowe and Little
. Thirlowe, and 20s. of rent, issuing from the manor of Great
Thirlowe, receivable yearly at the same terms from Thomas
Geddyng and his heirs ; and that the said Margaret held on the
day of her death as of fee and right a moiety of a fair or market
held at Great Thirlowe yearly at Michaelmas, and a moiety of a
view of frankpledge to be held yearly once a year ; and that all
the premises are held of the king by service of a pair of gilt spurs ;
and that Alice wife of John Marchall and Cecily wife of Henry
Caldebek, the daughters of the said Margaret, are her next heirs
and of full age ; — to take the fealty of the said John Marchall and
Henry, make a partition of the said messuages, land, meadow,
wood, pasture, rents and moieties into two equal parts, and cause
the said John Marchall and Alice, and Henry and Cecily, to have
full seisin of the pourparties of Alice and Cecily respectively.
Jan. 22. Order to the escheator in the county of Buckingham to cause
Westminster. John Houghton, son and heir of Alice late the wife of John Adam,
to have full seisin of all the lands which the said Alice held of the
king in chief or was seised of in her demesne as of fee on the day
* MS. herede. The treasurer's bill reads herde.
\ 5s. Calendar of Fine Rolls, 1422-1430, p. 36.
Membrane 14 — cont.
of her death, as the king has taken his fealty and for ^ mark paid
in the hanaper has respited his homage until Pentecost next.
Feb. 5.
Order to the escheator in the county of Buckingham to take
the fealty of Reynold Grey, son and heir of Richard Grey of
Wilton knight, and cause him to have full seisin of all the lands
in the bailiwick which the said Richard held of the king in chief
or was seised of in his demesne as of fee on the day of his death,
as the king for 20s. paid in the hanaper has respited his homage
until Pentecost next ; saving to Margaret late the wife of Richard
her reasonable dower of the said lands.
Order in like terms to the escheator in the county of Middlesex,
omitting the clause touching the taking of fealty.
The like to the following : —
The escheator in the county of Hereford and the adjacent
march of Wales.
The escheator in the county of Leicester.
The escheator in the county of Bedford.
April 3.
Appointment, — by and with the advice and assent of the king's
council, — of John Lynford of Stalesham and Robert Aleyn of
Erlham as sheriffs of the city and county of Norwich, during
pleasure, so that they answer at the Exchequer as sheriffs, with
full power to them and to either of them to do all that the sheriffs
of the said city and county have been accustomed heretofore
justly and reasonably to do, until further order for the governance
of the said city ; since the franchises and liberties of the city
have been seized into the king's hand for reasonable and lawful
causes, and the king wishes duly to provide for the sane and decent
governance of the city and of the people of the same, and for the
security of others resorting thither. And order to all ministers
and other the king's lieges and subjects of the said city and county
to be intendant to the said John and Robert as sheriffs. By C.
March 12.
Order to the escheator in the county of Warwick to take the
fealty of Ralph Botiller knight, son and heir of Alice late the
wife of Thomas Botiller knight, and cause him to have full seisin
of all the lands in the bailiwick which the said Alice held of the
king in chief or was seised of in her demesne as of fee or for term
of her life of the inheritance of the said Ralph on the day of her
death, as the king for ^ mark paid in the hanaper has respited
Ralph's homage until Pentecost next.
Order in like terms to the escheator in the county of Sussex,
omitting the clause touching the taking of fealty.
The like to the escheator in the county of Gloucester and the
adjacent march of Wales.
1443 Membrane 14 — cont.
May 7. Appointment of John Intwod as sheriff of Norv/ich in terms as
Westminster, above (last entry but three).
Vacated because nothing thereof was done.
May 8. Appointment of Robert Aleyn of Erlham and John Intwod
Westminster, as sheriffs of Norwich in terms as above (last entry). By C.
March 20.
Order to the escheator in the county of Cornwall ; — pursuant
to an inquisition taken before him showing that Isabel late the
wife of Nicholas Haweley on the day of her death held no lands
in the said county of the king in chief, in demesne or in service, but
held 3 messuages and one Cornish acre of land in Tresulian, a rent
of one penny in Trelegh, a messuage and one Cornish acre of land
in Tresytheny, | Cornish acre of land in Trevarthan, a messuage
and 1£ acres of land in Penros, 2 messuages in Padestowe, a toft
and a ferling of land in Trevawell, a toft and ^ Cornish acre of
land in Trewery, 4 messuages and one Cornish acre of land in
Bosveignon, 4 messuages and 2 Cornish acres of land in Ragenes,
2 messuages and 2 Cornish acres of land in Bronwoen, a messuage
and one Cornish acre of land in Trenowith, 2 messuages and
one Cornish acre of land in Myghelstowe, and a cottage and one
Cornish acre of land in Poundestoke, for term of her life, of the
gift and grant of John Haweley, (by name of all the manors,
lands, rents, services and reversions in Tresulian, Trelegh,
Tresytheny, Trevarthan, Penros, Padestowe, Trevawell, Trewery,
Bosveignon, Ragenes, Bronwoen, Trenowith, Myghelstowe and
Poundestoke), to the said Isabel and Nicholas and the heirs of the
body of Nicholas, with reversion in default of such issue to the
said John and his heirs for ever ; and that the said John died
seised of the said reversion ; and that the said 2 messuages and
one Cornish acre of land in Myghelstowe are held of the king, as
of the manor of Helston in Trig as of the duchy of Cornwall, in
socage, the said 4 messuages and 2 Cornish acres of land in
Ragenes of the earl of Warwick, a minor in the king's ward, in
socage, and the rest of the premises of others than the king ;
and that Elizabeth wife of John Copleston is the daughter and
next heir of the said John Haweley, and of full age ; — to take the
fealty of the said John Copleston and cause him and the said
Elizabeth to have full seisin of the said messuages and land
in Myghelstowe which are held of the king, and of the said
messuages and land in Ragenes which are held of the said earl,
as above ; removing the king's hand from the lands and tene-
ments which are held of others than the king or the said earl,
if they are in the king's hand by the death of the said Isabel and
for no other cause, and delivering to the said John Copleston and
Dec. 1.
March 28.
Membrane 13 — cont.
Elizabeth any issues taken therefrom since the time of the death
of Isabel.
Order to the escheator in the county of York ; — pursuant to an
inquisition made by him showing that Ralph Clyfton on the day
of his death held in his demesne as of fee tail, to wit, to himself
and the heirs of his body, 6 messuages and 40 acres of land in the
town of Bysshopthorp, co. York, which are held of the king in
chief by service of a hundredth part of a knight's fee ; and that
Thomas Clyfton is the son and next heir of the said Ralph, and
of full age ; — to take the fealty of the said Thomas and cause him
to have full seisin of the said messuages and land, as the king for
|- mark paid in the hanaper has respited his homage until Michael-
mas next.
Order to the escheator in the counties of Surrey and Sussex
to take the fealty of John atte Hille of Horsham, co. Sussex, (who
has taken to wife Agnes one of the daughters and heirs of John
Weston of Weston esquire), John Skynet (who has taken to wife
Joan another daughter and heir of the said John Weston), and
Thomas Slyfeld (who has taken to wife Anne the third daughter
and heir of the said John Weston), make a partition into three
equal parts of all the lands in his bailiwick which have been taken
into the king's hand by the death of the said John Weston, and
cause the said John atte Hille and Agnes, John Skynet and Joan,
and Thomas and Anne, to have full seisin of the pourparties of
Agnes, Joan and Anne respectively, as the king for 10s. paid in
the hanaper has respited until Michaelmas next the homage due
from the said John atte Hille, John Skynet and Thomas by reason
of their having issue by their said wives ; provided always that
each of the said heirs and parceners have in her pourparty a share
of the lands which are held of the king in chief and so be the king's
May 19.
Commitment to Joan late the wife of John Notelyn, — by main-
prise, found in the Exchequer, of Thomas Durest of Hardewyk,
co. Gloucester, ' gentilman,' and John Felde of Pagenell, co.
Gloucester, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping of two-thirds of a
messuage, 60 acres of land, one acre of meadow and 2 acres of
wood in the town and fields of Kyngestangley, late of the said
John Notelyn, who held of the king in chief on the day of his
death ; to hold the same from the time of the death of the said
John until the full age of his son and heir, rendering 20s. yearly by
equal portions at Easter and Michaelmas, maintaining houses,
enclosures and buildings, and supporting all other charges in-
cumbent on the said two -thirds ; provided always that if any
other person shall be willing without fraud to give more by way
May 19.
July 6.
Membrane 13 — cont.
of increment for the said keeping, then the said Joan shall be
bound to pay such larger sum if she will have the keeping.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated by authority of Parliament.
Commitment to Peter Idle, — by mainprise of William Stan-
lowe of the county of Lincoln, ' gentilman,' and John Lenton of
the county of York, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping of the king's
mills without the south gate of the town of Walyngford, which
John Derby of Walyngford, deceased, lately held at farm during
his life ; to hold the same from Easter last for 7 years, rendering
for the said keeping the 113s. 4kd. for which answer was made to
the king by John Warefold, the late farmer there, now deceased,
and an increment of 8d., yearly by equal portions at Michaelmas
and Easter ; with clause touching maintenance of houses,
enclosures and buildings and support of charges.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated by authority of Parliament.
Commitment (with like clause) to John Jew, — by mainprise of
William Speke of Goundenham, co. Somerset, ' gentilman,' and
Henry Fraunceys of Maydenhythe, co. Berks, ' gentilman/ — of
the keeping of the manor of Sevenhampton Denys, co. Somerset,
which is in the king's hands by the death of Humphrey Stafford,
knight, who held the said manor on the day of his death of the
king in chief of the gift and grant of Henry IV, or Henry V, to
him for life [Calendar of Patent Rolls, 1399-1401, p. 39, 1413-1416,
p. 129 bis.] ; to hold the same from Michaelmas next for 7 years
at a yearly farm of the 9Z. 4s. at which the said manor was ex-
tended, and an increment of 2s. 8d. ; with proviso that if any
other person shall be willing without fraud to give more by way
of increment for the said keeping, then the said John shall be
bound to pay such larger sum if he will have the keeping.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated by authority of Parliament.
March 12. Order to J. cardinal and archbishop of York to appoint some
Westminster, trustworthy men of the clergy of his diocese to levy and collect
in the said diocese the whole tenth (payable a moiety of the
tenth at Midsummer next, a fourth part of the tenth at Mid-
summer 1444, and the other and last fourth part of the tenth
at Midsummer 1445) which the prelates and clergy of the city,
diocese and province of York in their convocation held in
the chapter house of the cathedral church of York on 4 October
last, and continued on the following days, granted to the
king, for the salvation of the church, realm and people of
England, on account of the unwonted pressure of costly charges
and great needs, from all their ecclesiastical goods and benefices,
as well spiritual as temporal, and from temporalities annexed
17 — (26)
1443 Membrane 12 — cont.
to spiritualities, that are assessed and accustomed to pay to a
tenth, with the following exceptions ; to wit, wholly excepting
the monasteries and priories of Mathersay, Hautemprise, Felley,
Watton, Egleston, Ellerton, and Shelford, the priories and
monasteries of all nuns on account of their notorious poverty,
and the lands, possessions and benefices of all the monasteries and
priories aforesaid, the community of the cathedral church of York
and the churches of Misterton, Topcliff and Broddesworth which
are appropriated to the said cathedral church for the construction
and completion of the same, the churches of Fryston upon Ayre
and Barneburgh in the archdeaconry of York, Esyngton in the
archdeaconry of Clyveland, and Northleverton in the arch-
deaconry of Nottingham, the prebend of Lomley in the collegiate
church of Chester le Street in the diocese of Durham, all priories,
monasteries and benefices in Cumberland, Westmoreland,
Northumberland and Coupland and the temporalities and
spiritualities annexed thereto within the said parts, and all
ecclesiastical benefices, curacies, dignities, hospitals, temporal-
ities and spiritualities and temporalities annexed to spiritualities,
that are assessed according to the new or old assessment at
10 marks and under, touching which benefices, if the assessment
of the same be in doubt, the collectors shall in no wise be charged
unless it shall first be found by inquisition of the ordinaries that
the said benefices have been assessed at a greater sum, so that
neither the ordinaries themselves, nor the collectors of any part
of the grant, nor the persons occupying the said benefices be
vexed or grieved in any way by the king's officers, and also saving
the acquittances and discharge of the abbot and convent of
Meaux granted to the same in this behalf by royal letters ;
and excepting also the lands, possessions and benefices of the
monasteries and priories of Rufford, Selby, Newsted, Malton,
Pontefract, Thurgarton, Cokersand, Blyth, Welbek, and Fereby,
the prebend of Langtoft in the cathedral church of York, and the
church of Patryngton, which for reasonable and lawful causes are
to be charged to the payment of only a moiety of the whole tenth,
to wit, to the payment of a fourth part of a tenth, and no more,
at the first term of payment, to the payment of an eighth part
of a tenth, and no more, at the second term of payment, and to
the payment of an eighth part of a tenth, and no more, at the
third term of payment ; provided always that no ecclesiastics (or
their farmers) be obliged to pay with secular men to a fifteenth for
the goods, benefices and possessions or for the fruits and prevents of
the same (though they be in the hands of farmers), for and of which
the said tenth ought to be paid, and that if it be attempted other-
wise, then all such ecclesiastics (and their farmers) shall be freely
discharged from payment of the said tenth and in no wise be
bound to pay to it, but shall be wholly excepted from the said
grant. And answer is to be made to the king for the said whole
1443 Membrane 12 — cont.
tenth at the terms aforesaid ; and the archbishop is to certify
the treasurer and barons of the Exchequer by the morrow of the
Ascension next of the names of the persons appointed by him
The like to the following : —
M. bishop of Carlisle.
R. bishop of Durham.
Mittitur in extractis.
May 28. Commitment to John Culham of the subsidy and alnage of
Westminster, cloths for sale in the town of Boston and in the parts of Holand,
co. Lincoln ; to hold the same, together with a moiety of the
forfeiture of the said cloths for sale, during the king's pleasure,
so that he answer yearly at the Exchequer for the issues and
profits of the said alnage and subsidy ; and appointment of the
said John Culham as the king's alnager and collector ; in terms
as above (j?. 35].
By bill of the treasurer. Dated by authority of Parliament.
May 18. Commitment to William Ludlowe and Simon Poye, — by main-
Westminster, prise of Thomas Pakyn, 'gentilman,' and Edmund Penston,
' gentilman,' both of Salisbury, — of the subsidy and alnage of
cloths for sale in the county of Wilts and in the town of Salisbury ;
to hold the same from Michaelmas next for 7 years, together with
a moiety of the forfeiture of the said cloths for sale, rendering
the SOI. 13s. 4d. which the said Simon used to render, yearly by
equal portions at Easter and Michaelmas, and answering yearly
at the Exchequer for the other moiety of the said forfeiture ; with
proviso that if any other person shall be willing without fraud
to give more by way of increment for the said farm, then the said
William and Simon shall be bound to pay such larger sum if they
will have the keeping ; and appointment of the said William and
Simon as alnagers and collectors ; in terms as above [p. 35].
By bill of the treasurer. Dated by authority of Parliament.
July 4.
The like to the following : —
John Gedney, citizen and draper of London, and John
Gladwyn, — by mainprise of John Cristemasse of London,
' draper,' and John Bolton of London, ' draper,' — from
Easter last for 7 years, at a yearly farm of the 26s. 8d. which
John Ruddok rendered and an increment of 3s. 4d. ; in
the county of Middlesex.
Non scr'. Bv bill of the treasurer.
Feb. 28.
March 18.
May 14.
June 13.
Commitment to John Hardewike and John Beket, — by main-
prise of William Staverton of the county of Berks, esquire, and
Richard Rede of the county of Middlesex, ' yoman,' — of the
keeping of the manor of Lyttylton, co. Middlesex, which Simon
Porkele held on the day of his death of the king in chief and which
is in the king's hands by the death of Simon and by reason of the
minority of William Porkele, his son and heir ; to hold the same
from the Purification last for as long as the manor shall remain in
the king's hand for the cause aforesaid, at a yearly farm of as
much as may be agreed upon between them and the treasurer
by Pentecost next ; with clause touching maintenance of houses,
enclosures and buildings and support of charges.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated etc.
Commitment (with like clause) to Thomas Broun, one of the
clerks of the Bench, — by mainprise of John Whytyng, ' gentil-
man,' and Richard Shipley, ' gentilman,' both of London, — of the
keeping of all the lands late of Thomas Torell who held of the
king in chief on the day of his death ; to hold the same from the
time of the death of the said Thomas until the full age of John his
son and heir, at a yearly farm of the extent or as much as
may be agreed upon between him and the treasurer by Pentecost
next. By bill of the treasurer. Dated etc.
Commitment (with like clause) to John Sutton, lord Dud-
deley, — by mainprise of Thomas Everton, ' gentilman,' and
Nicholas Leuesson, ' gentilman,' both of the county of Stafford, —
of the keeping of the castle and manor of Shrawardyn, co. Salop,
with all their appurtenances ; to hold the said keeping for as
long as the premises shall remain in the king's hand by the death
of Beatrice countess of Huntingdon, at a yearly farm of the 161.
at which the premises were extended, and an increment of 34Z. ;
with proviso that if any other person shall be willing without
fraud to give more by way of increment for the said keeping,
then the said John shall be bound to pay such larger sum if he
will have the keeping. By bill of the treasurer. Dated etc.
Grant (with like clause) to William Walker of York, ' walker,' —
by mainprise of Robert Hoton of Calcotes, co. York, ' gentilman,'
and John Wartre of the city of York, ' yoman,' — of the keeping
of a messuage and 12 acres of land in Langerake, a messuage and
16 acres of land in Barley, and another tenement in the same
town of Barley, called ' Watermanis Croft,' co. York, which
John Usflete, prior of Drax, acquired for himself and his successors
without licence from the king ; to hold the same from Easter
last for 20 years, at a yearly farm of 13s. 4d. ; as the said William,
wishing to surrender the letters patent of 1 June last (wherebv
the king committed to him the keeping of the said messuages,
21 HENRY VI. 261
July 26.
Membrane 10 — cont.
land and tenement from Easter last for 10 years at a yearly farm
of the 13*. 4rf. for which answer was made to the king by the last
farmer*), to the end that the king should deign to grant the said
keeping to him for a term of 60 years, has surrendered the said
letters into the Chancery for* cancellation.
By p.s. [6914]. Dated etc.
Order to the escheator in the county of York ; — pursuant to
an inquisition taken before him showing that one Henry de Grey,
lord de Codenoure, being seised long since in his demesne as of fee
of the manor of Barton in Ridale, and of the advowson of the
church of the said manor, gave the said manor and advowson to
one Nicholas Grey, his son, and the heirs of his body, by name of
the whole of his manor of Barton, with all appurtenances, together
with the advowson of the church of the same, without any with-
holding, by virtue of which gift the said Nicholas was seised
thereof, by the form of the said gift, and died so seised, having
issue one Edmund, his son and heir ; and that Edmund was
seised of the said manor and advowson, by the form of the said
gift, and died so seised, having issue one Edmund, his son and
heir ; and that Edmund son of Edmund, was seised of the said
manor and advowson, by the form of the said gift, and died so
seised, having issue one Thomas, his son and heir ; and that
Thomas was seised of the said manor and advowson, by the
form of the said gift, and died so seised ; and that the manor is
held of the king by service of a tenth part of a knight's fee ; and
that Ralph Grey is the son and next heir of the said Thomas, and
of full age ; — to cause the said Ralph to have full seisin of the
manor and advowson aforesaid, as the king has taken his homage
and fealty ; saving to Elizabeth late the wife of Thomas her
reasonable dower of the premises. By p.s. [6995].
March 20. Order to the escheator in the counties of Devon and Cornwall ;
Westminster, —pursuant to divers inquisitions taken before him showing that
Nicholas Haweley on the day of his death held no lands within
the said counties of the king in chief, in demesne or in service,
but held in his demesne as of fee 33 messuages, 6 tofts and 12
gardens (ortos) in Clyfton Dertemouth, 12 messuages, 6 tofts,
8 gardens, 12 acres of land and one acre of meadow in
Hardenesse, the manor of Estwaysshborn, the manor of Gryp-
stone, 3 messuages and 2 ferlings of land in Legh All Saints, 2 mes-
suages and 2 ferlings of land in Westlegh, 4 messuages and 3
ferlings of land in Wheveldon, a ferling of land in Lupperigge, and
a ferling of land in Crowde, co. Devon, and the manor of Penhir-
* See Chancery Warrants for the Great Seal, Series 1, File 1612, No. 27,
May 18.
May 19.
Membrane 9 — cont.
gard, a messuage and a ferling of land in Penquyte, the manor
of Kylmynawt, a toft and an acre of land in Tregwelyn, a mes-
suage and a moiety of an acre of land in Newlegh, the manor of
Lametton, 3 messuages and one Cornish acre of land in Bree, a
messuage and a Cornish ferling of land in Hendre, the manor
of Polhorman, a messuage and a garden annexed to it in
Seyntaustell, of the prior of Trewardreyth, 6 messuages, a toft
and 2 Cornish acres of land in Boskavay, Boskonvall and Kestel-
gothowe, a messuage with a garden annexed to it in Lost-
wythyell, a messuage and a Cornish ferling of land in Trenevedek,
and 24 messuages, 6 tofts, 24 gardens, 2 corn-mills, 5 English
acres of land, and 6 acres of wood in Bodmen, co. Cornwall ;
and that the said manor of Penhirgard is held of Richard earl of
Warwick, a minor in the king's ward, in socage, and the rest of the
premises of others than the said earl ; and that Elizabeth wife
of John Copleston is the sister and next heir of Nicholas, and of
full age ; — to take the fealty of the said John Copleston and cause
him and the said Elizabeth to have full seisin of the said manor
of Penhirgard ; removing the king's hand from the rest of the
premises, if they are in the king's hand by the death of the said
Nicholas and for no other cause, and delivering to the said John
Copleston and Elizabeth any issues taken therefrom since the
time of the death of Nicholas.
Commitment to William Ludlowe and Simon Poye, — by
mainprise of Thomas Pakyn, ' gentilman,' and Edmund Penston,
' gentilman,' both of Salisbury, — of the farm of the subsidy and
alnage of cloths for sale in the county of Wilts and in the town of
Salisbury ; to hold the same from Michaelmas next for 7 years,
together with a moiety of the forfeiture of the said cloths for sale,
rendering the 80L 13s. 4d. which the said Simon used to render,
yearly by equal portions at Easter and Michaelmas, and answering
yearly at the Exchequer for the other moiety of the said forfeiture ;
with proviso that if any other person shall be willing without
fraud to give more by way of increment for the said farm, then the
said William and Simon shall be bound to pay such larger sum if
they will have the keeping.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated by authority of Parliament.
Vacated because otherwise above.
Grant to master John Somerseth, John Hampton and Thomas
Thorp of the keeping of all the lands in the counties of Kent
and Surrey, late of Thomas Halle, alias Thomas Chaumbre, who
held on the day of his death of the archbishopric of Canterbury,
then void, by knight service, the same being in the king's hands
by the death of Thomas and because the temporalities of the
said archbishopric were then in the king's hand through the said
voidance, and also by reason of the minority of Thomas son and
May 23.
March 6.
June 17.
Membrane 9 — cont.
heir of the aforesaid Thomas, a minor in the king's ward ; to hold
the same, together with the marriage of the said Thomas the son,
from the time of the death of the said Thomas the father until the
full age of the said heir, and so from heir to heir until one of them
shall have attained full age and the marriage shall have been duly
effected, without paying or rendering anything to the king for the
lands or for the marriage ; any other gifts or grants made here-
tofore to the said John, John and Thomas, or to any one of them,
any statute, ordinance, act or appointment to the contrary,
or the fact that express mention is not made in the present grant
of the true yearly value of the lands or marriage, notwithstanding.
By p.s. [6852/3]. Dated by authority of Parliament.
Order to the escheator in the county of Cambridge to cause
John Deschalers, son and heir of Thomas Deschalers esquire,
to have full seisin of all the lands in the bailiwick which the said
Thomas held of the king in chief or was seised of in his demesne
as of fee and in fee tail, to himself and the heirs of his body, on
the day of his death, as the king has taken his homage and fealty.
By p.s. [6864].
Order in like terms to the escheator in the county of Hertford.
Commitment to Humphrey duke of Gloucester, Thomas Percy,
knight, William Somerton, John Ryppley, esquire, William Pekke,
Robert Feyrford and William Bokeland, — by mainprise of William
Godyng and Thomas Snell, — of the keeping of the manor of
Littylton, co. Middlesex, which has been taken into the king's
hand by colour of a certain inquisition taken by virtue of his
office before Stephen Slegge, escheator in the said county, after
the death of Simon Porcele, and sent before the king in the
Chancery ; to hold the same from the time of the taking of the
said inquisition until Christmas next, according to the form of
the statute published in the Parliament held at Westminster
8 Henry VI ; provided that they answer at the Exchequer for the
issues forthcoming therefrom in the mean time, if they shall be
adjudged to the king, and in the mean time commit no waste.
Commitment to John Fortescu, knight, chief justice of the
Bench, — by mainprise of Robert Oborn of the county of Wilts,
' gentilman,' and Robert Asspur of the county of York, ' gentil-
man,' — of the keeping of the manor of Faryngton Gurnay, co.
Somerset, which is in the king's hands by the death of John
Tiptoft, knight, who held it for life with reversion to the king
and his heirs ; to hold the same from the time of the death of the
said John for 20 years, rendering yearly for the keeping the
extent or as much as may be agreed upon between him and the
treasurer by Christmas next ; with clause touching maintenance
of houses, enclosures and buildings and support of charges.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated by authority of Parliament.
July 6.
July 14.
July 14.
Membrane 9 — cont.
Commitment (with like clause) to Robert Edolf of London,
' draper,' — by mainprise of John Knyght of London, ' draper,' and
Simon Simon of London ' draper,' — of the keeping of 3 messuages
and 20 acres of land in Tykford, 24 acres of land in Gothurst, and
5 acres of land and one acre of meadow in Shiryngton, co. Buck-
ingham, which came to the hands of Edward III, and are still
in the king's hands, because the prior and convent of Tykford
lately acquired them without the king's licence ; to hold the same
from the Purification next for 7 years, at a yearly farm of the
23s. Qd. which Henry Talbot of London, ' draper/ the last farmer,
used to render, and an increment of Qd. ; provided always that
if any other person shall be willing without fraud to give more by
way of increment for the said keeping, then the said Robert shall
be bound to pay such larger sum if he will have the keeping.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated by authority of Parliament.
Order to the escheator in the county of Salop and the adjacent
march of Wales to cause Walter Dudston, son and heir of Walter
Duds ton, to have full seisin of all the lands which the said Walter
the father held of the king in chief or was seised of in his demesne
as of fee on the day of his death, as the king has taken his homage
and fealty. By p.s. [6962].
Order to the escheator in the county of Salop and the adjacent
march of Wales to cause Henry Potter, son and heir of Margaret
late the wife of Geoffrey Potter of More, to have full seisin of all
the lands which the said Margaret held of the king in chief or was
seised of in her demesne as of fee on the day of her death, as the
king has taken his homage and fealty. By p.s. [6961].
Jan. 23. Order to the escheator in the county of Lincoln to deliver
Westminster, to John earl of Somerset such as are in the bailiwick of the under-
mentioned lands and tenements which the king has assigned to
the said earl, the son and heir of Margaret late duchess of Clarence
one of the sisters and heirs of Edmund late earl of Kent the brother
and heir of Thomas late earl of Kent, as his pourparty of all the
manors, lands and tenements which Joan late countess of Kent
held on the day of her death in dower after the death of the said
Thomas, late earl, sometime her husband, and otherwise for
term of her life, of the inheritance (1) of the said earl of Somerset,
(2) of Richard duke of York son and heir of Anne one of the
daughters and heirs of Eleanor another (and the first) of the sisters—
and heirs of the said Edmund, (3) of Joyce late the wife of John
lord de Tiptof t the second of the daughters and heirs of the same
Eleanor, (4) of Henry Grey knight son and heir of Joan the third of
the daughters and heirs of the said Eleanor, (5) of Alice wife of
21 HENRY VI. 265
1443 Membrane 8 — cont.
Richard earl of Salisbury daughter and heir of Eleanor the third of ~-
the sisters and heirs of the said Edmund, and (6) of Ralph earl of
Westmoreland son and heir of Elizabeth the fourth of the sisters -
and heirs of the said Edmund, kinsfolk and heirs of the said
Thomas late earl (the assignment having been made with the
assent of Robert Tanfeld, attorney of the said earl of Somerset,
John Wygmore, attorney of the said duke, Thurstan Banastre,
attorney of the said Joyce, Thomas Englyssh, attorney of the
said Henry, John Bere, attorney of the said earl of Salisbury and—
Alice, and William Overton, attorney of the said earl of West-
moreland) ;— to wit, in the county of Lincoln, the site of the
manor of Brunne, and 43Z. 55. of rent of assize, 163 messuages,
72 cottages, a certain close called ' Appilton ', with ' Le West-
orchard,' a close called ' Le Poundfald ' and ' Le Baillie ' there, a
close called ' Le Graunge ' on the north side of the town of Brunne
with a barn and other houses built thereon, 900 acres of arable
land, 400 acres of uncultivated (frisce) land, 100 acres of meadow,
and 330 acres of meadow and pasture there in divers places
called ' Gobonparke ' and ' Whiteparke,' and in ' Les Fennes ' of
Brunne and Moreton, 40 acres of several meadow and pasture
there in divers places called ' Neweland,' ' Thistels,' ' Dykehegges,'
' Redyng ' in ' Cheselpitwong,' ' Wrongbeke,' ' Marbeke ' and
' Buldoyle,' a water-mill there, a market to be held there weekly
on Saturday, with a certain house called ' Le Tolbothe,' 900 acres
of marsh there, a windmill there, a court baron to be held there
every three weeks, and a view of frankpledge there, and 74 acres
of wood in a certain park there called ' Le Closeparke ' ; and in
the county of York 51. 5s. 3d. a year from a certain fee farm of 90Z.
issuing yearly from the abbey of Kyrkestall ; — as the king for
^20s. paid in the hanaper has respited the homage and fealty due
from the said earl of Somerset until the Purification next.
Order in like terms to the escheator in the county of York to
deliver to the said earl of Somerset the said 51. 5s. 3d. a year,
from a certain fee farm of 90L issuing yearly from the abbey of
Order to the escheator in the county of Lincoln to deliver to
Ralph earl of Westmoreland such as are in the bailiwick of the
under-mentioned lands and tenements which the king has
assigned, with the assent of the above-mentioned attornies, to
the said earl, the son and heir of Elizabeth one of the sisters and
heirs of Edmund late earl of Kent the brother and heir of Thomas
late earl of Kent, as his pourparty of all the manors, lands and
tenements which Joan late countess of Kent held on the day of
her death in dower after the death of the said Thomas, late earl,
sometime her husband, and otherwise for term of her life, of the
inheritance (1) of the said earl of Westmoreland, (2) of Richard
1443 Membrane 8 — cont.
duke of York son and heir of Anne one of the daughters and
heirs of Eleanor another (and the first) of the sisters and heirs of the
said Edmund, (3) of Joyce late the wife of John lord de Typtoft the
second of the daughters and heirs of the same Eleanor, (4) of Henry
Grey knight son and heir of Joan the third of the daughters and
heirs of the said Eleanor, (5) of Alice wife of Richard earl of
Salisbury daughter and heir of Eleanor the third of the sisters and-
heirs of the said Edmund, and (6) of John earl of Somerset son and
heir of Margaret late duchess of Clarence the second of the sisters
and heirs of the said Edmund, kinsfolk and heirs of the said
Thomas late earl ; — to wit, in the county of Lincoln, the manor of
Beseby, 10Z. a year of rent from a certain yearly rent of 3QI. in Skel-
dynghop, and 74 acres of wood in the manor of Brunne with a
certain piece of wood there, called ' Le Neweparke ' ; in the
county of York, 231. I0d.. a year from a certain fee farm of 90Z.
issuing yearly from the abbey of Kirkestall ; in the county of
Northampton, 31. 6s. 8d. a year from a certain fee farm of 101.
issuing yearly from the manor of Blysworth ; and in the county
of Huntingdon, the manor of Caldecote ; — as the king for 20*.
paid in the hanaper has respited the homage and fealty due from
the said earl of Westmoreland until the Purification next.
Order in like terms to the escheator in the county of York to
deliver to the said earl of Westmoreland the said 231. Wd. a
year from a certain fee farm of 90L issuing yearly from the abbey
of Kirkestall.
Order in like terms to the escheator in the county of Northamp-
ton touching the 31. 6s. 8d. a year from a certain fee farm of
10Z. issuing yearly from the manor of Blysworth.
Order in like terms to the escheator in the county of Huntingdon
touching the manor of Caldecote.
Order to the escheator in the county of Derby to deliver to
Richard earl of Salisbury and Alice his wife such as are in the
bailiwick of the under -mentioned lands and tenements which
the king has assigned, with the assent of the above-mentioned
attornies, to the said earl and Alice, the daughter and heir of
Eleanor one of the sisters and heirs of Edmund late earl of Kent
the brother and heir of Thomas late earl of Kent, as the pourparty
of Alice of all the manors, lands and tenements which Joan late
countess of Kent held on the day of her death in dower after the
death of the said Thomas, late earl, sometime her husband, and
otherwise for term of her life, of the inheritance (1) of the said
Alice, (2) of Richard duke of York son and heir of Anne one of the
daughters and heirs of Eleanor another (and the first) of the sisters
and heirs of the said Edmund, (3) of Joyce late the wife of John lord
21 HENRY VI. 267
1443 Membrane 8 — cont.
de Typtoft the second of the daughters and heirs of the said
Eleanor, (4) of Henry Grey knight son and heir of Joan the third of
the daughters and heirs of the same Eleanor, (5) of John earl of
Somerset the son and heir of Margaret late duchess of Clarence the
second of the sisters and heirs of the said Edmund, and (6) of Ralph
earl of Westmoreland the son and heir of Elizabeth the fourth of
the sisters and heirs of the said Edmund, kinsfolk and heirs of the
said Thomas late earl ; — to wit, in the county of Derby, the manor
of Chesterfeld ; in the county of Lincoln, the manors of Hoghton,
Northkelsay and Fulnetby, 101. a year of rent from a certain
yearly rent of 301. in Skeldynghop, 34 acres of wood in the manor
of Brunne in a certain piece of wood there called ' Haldynhawe,'
18 acres of wood in the same manor in a certain piece of wood
there called ' Eselond,' 15 acres of wood in the same manor in a
certain piece of wood there called ' Yongfrith,' an acre of wood
in the same manor in another piece of wood called ' Puplodwode,'
4 acres of wood in the same manor in another piece of wood called
' Covewode,' and 2 acres of wood in the same manor in another
piece of wood called ' Alanhill ' ; in the county of York, 161. 18d.
a year from a certain fee farm of 90L issuing yearly from the
abbey of Kirkestall ; and in the county of Northampton, 31. 6s. Sd.
a year from a certain fee farm of 101. issuing yearly from the
manor of Blisworth ; — as the king for 20s. paid in the hanaper has
respited until the Purification next the homage and fealty due
from the said earl of Salisbury by reason his having issue by his
said wife.
Order in like terms to the escheator in the county of Lincoln
to deliver to the said earl of Salisbury and Alice the said manors of
Hoghton, Northkelsay and Fulnetby, the 10Z. a year of rent from
a certain yearly rent of 30?. in Skeldynghop, the 34 acres of wood
in the manor of Brunne in a piece of wood called ' Haldynghaw,'
the 18 acres of wood in a piece of wood called ' Eselond,' the
15 acres of wood in a piece of wood called ' Yongfryth,' the acre
of wood in a piece of wood called ' Puplodwode,' the 4 acres of
wood in a piece of wood called ' Covewode,' and the 2 acres of
wood in a piece of wood called ' Alanhill.'
Order in like terms to the escheator in the county of York
touching the said 161. 18d. a year from a certain fee farm of 90Z.
issuing yearly from the abbey of Kirkestall.
Order in like terms to the escheator in the county of Northamp-
ton touching the 31. 6s. Sd. a year from a certain fee farm of Wl.
issuing yearly from the manor of Blisworth.
1443 MEMBRANE 6.
July 14. Order to the escheator in the county of Somerset ; — pursuant
Westminster. to an inquisition taken before him showing that Thomas Chedder,
esquire, on the day of his death held no lands in the said county
of the king, in demesne or in service, but held, in his demesne as
of fee, the manor of Aldewyk, 12 messuages, a mill, 4 carucates
of land, 20 acres of meadow, 116 acres of pasture and 17 acres of
wood in Blakedon, Wryngton, Bourne, Rykeford, Legh, Brade-
feld, Bodycombe and Churchull, 10 messuages, 2 carucates of
land, and 25 * acres of meadow in Northcory, Hancryche and
Monketon, 12 messuages, 17 acres of land and 14 acres of pasture
in Taunton, 8 messuages, 2 carucates and 25 acres of land, 10 acres
of meadow and 24 acres of wood in Aluerton, Bageworth, Uphyll
and Wynffryth, together with the advowsons of the churches of
Crycheton, Uphyll and Wynfryth, the manor of Norton Beau-
champ by Worsprynge, a fourth part of the manor of Worle, and
300 acres of land, 60 acres of meadow, 200 acres of pasture, 24 acres
of wood and 865. 4d. of rent in Norton Beauchamp, Worle, Kywe-
stoke, Worsprynge, Rolleston, Bowere, Newelond, Churchull and
Neweton, the manor of Babyngton, a moiety of the manor of
Tornok, the manors of Avele, Lymplesham and Cheddere (called
' Chedderesmanor '), 20 acres of land and 70s. of rent in Hunspill,
15 messuages, 40 acres of pasture and 40s. of rent in Axebrigge
and Cokelake, 17 messuages, 5 carucates of land, 60 acres of
meadow and 80 acres of pasture in Clewere and Wedmore, 15
messuages, 4 carucates of land, 40 acres of meadow and 4 acres
of wood in Nye and Santford, 8 messuages, a mill, 2 carucates of
land, 24 acres of meadow, 100 acres of pasture and 103s. 4c?. of
rent in Makkesmyll, Wynscombe, Berton, Wodebergh, Compton
Bishop, Draycote, Brutton, Rolleston and Roubergh, and the
advowson of a chantry in the church of St. Andrew of Chedder ;
and that the said manor of Avele is held of James Lutterell, a
minor in the king's ward, by knight service, and the rest of the
premises of others than the king ; and that Joan late the wife
of Richard Stafford esquire, and Isabel wife of John Neuton the
son of Richard Neuton knight chief justice of the Bench, are the
daughters and next heirs of the said Thomas, and of full age ; —
to take the fealty of Joan and John and cause the said Joan, and
John and Isabel, to have full seisin of the said manor of Avele,
saving to Isabel late the wife of Thomas her reasonable dower
of the said manor ; removing the king's hand from the rest of the
premises, if they are in the king's hand by the death of the said
Thomas and for no other cause, and delivering to the said Joan,
and to John and Isabel, any issues taken therefrom since the time
of the death of Thomas.
July 6. Commitment to Elizabeth late the wife of Ralph Grey knight,—
Westminster, by mainprise of John Cartyngton of Cartyngton, co. Northumber-
* Recte 20 (Inquisitions Post Mortem (Chancery), Series I, File ill, No. 55).
March 19.
Aug. 9.
Membrane 6 — cont.
land, ' gentilman,' and Richard Quatermaynes of the county of
Oxford, esquire, — of the keeping of the castle, manor and town
of Wark, of the towns of Levermouth, Presfen, Myndrom,
Palxston, Killum and Heddon, the manor of Wollour, the towns
of Trollop, Yevern, Akeld and Coupland, the manors of Zerdyll
and Howyk, 2 tenements and 15 acres of arable land in Alnewyk,
the manor and town of Dodyngton, 2 tenements and 40 acres of
arable land in Bolsdon, and the town of Mydmastmedylton, co.
Northumberland, late of the said Ralph Grey, knight ; to hold
the same from the time of the death of the said Ralph until the
full age of Ralph his son and heir, a minor in the king's ward,
rendering for the said keeping the 22/. 20d. at which the premises
were extended in an inquisition lately taken before William
Heron, escheator, and an increment of 201., yearly by equal
portions at Easter and Michaelmas ; with clause touching
maintenance of houses, enclosures and buildings and support of
charges ; and proviso that if any other person shall be willing
without fraud to give more by way of increment for the said
keeping then the said Elizabeth shall be bound to pay such
larger sum if she will have the keeping.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated by authority of Parliament.
Gommitment (with like proviso) to William Kene, — by main-
prise of John Vernon of the county of Derby, esquire, and Richard
Belyngeham of the county of Westmoreland, ' gentilman,' — of
the keeping of the herbage and pannage of the king's park of
Cory Malet, co. Somerset, which is in the king's hands by the
death of John Typtot, knight ; to hold the same from the time
of the death of the said John Typtot for 10 years, rendering for
the said keeping 135. 4d. yearly by equal portions at Easter and
Michaelmas, and supporting all charges incumbent on the said
herbage and pannage.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated by authority of Parliament.
Whereas James Fenys, esquire for the body, has shown to the
king that an agreement was made between him, the said James,
and one Ralph Radmylde, of the county of Sussex esquire, now
deceased, (who held of the king in chief by the courtesy of
England after the death of Margaret late his wife, in right of
Margaret, so that by the death of the said Ralph and Margaret
the wardship and marriage of Robert Radmylde their son and
heir have come to the king's hands), that the said Robert should
have to wife one Emeline daughter of the said James, (so that
a marriage would have been solemnized between the said Robert
and Emeline in the life-time of Ralph, if James had not been
prevented by his special service with the king), and that the said
Emeline should have, among other things, an annuity of 10 marks
from the manor of Brad water, co. Sussex, jointly with the said
1443 Membrane 6 — cont.
Robert for term of their lives, as by the indentures thereupon
made between him, the said James, and the said Ralph more
fully may appear ; and that although the said agreement was
made as above, nevertheless he, the said James, by the death of
Ralph, has wholly lost the said wardship and marriage, to the
manifold loss of himself and of his said daughter, unless the
king's special grace be exhibited to him ; wherefore the said
James has made humble petition that, in consideration of the
premises, the king should of his royal kindness act graciously
towards him in this behalf ; the king, considering not only the
premises but also the good and praiseworthy service of the said
James, has granted to the said James the marriage of the said
Robert, the said annuity of 10 marks a year from the manor of
Bradwater, and the keeping of all lands late of the said Ralph
and Margaret which are in the king's hands by the death of
Ralph and Margaret and by reason of the minority of Robert ;
to hold the keeping of the said lands from the time of the death
of Ralph until the full age of Robert, and so from heir to heir
until one of the heirs of Ralph and Margaret shall have attained
full age and James shall have duly effected the marriage of any
one of such heirs, rendering yearly for the keeping as much as
may be agreed upon between him and the treasurer, maintaining
houses, enclosures and buildings, and finding fit maintenance for
the said heir during his minority ; the fact that express mention
is not made in the present grant of the true value of the marriage
or of the lands aforesaid, or of other gifts or grants made hereto-
fore to the said James by the king or his ancestors, or any act,
statute, ordinance or restriction to the contrary, notwithstanding.
By K. Dated etc.
Jan. 23. Order to the escheator in the county of Lincoln to make a
Westminster, partition into three equal parts of such as are in the bailiwick of
the under-mentioned lands and tenements which the king has
\assigned (1) to Richard duke of York son and heir of Anne one
of the daughters and heirs of Eleanor the first of the sisters and
hWrs of Edmund late earl of Kent the brother and heir of Thomas
late earl of Kent, (2) to Joyce late the wife of John lord de Tiptoft
the second of the daughters and heirs of the same Eleanor, and
(3) to Henry Grey knight son and heir of Joan the third of the
daughters and heirs of the said Eleanor, as their pourparty of all
the manors, lands and tenements which Joan late countess of Kent
/held on the day of her death in dower after the death of the said
Thomas, late earl, sometime her husband, and otherwise for
/ term of her life, of the inheritance (1) of the said duke, Joyce and
Henry, (2) of John earl of Somerset son and heir of Margaret late
duchess of Clarence the second of the sisters and heirs of the said
Edmund, (3) of Alice wife of Richard earl of Salisbury daughter
21 HENRY VI. 271
1443 Membrane 5 — cont.
and heir of Eleanor the third of the sisters and heirs of the said
Edmund, and (4) of Ralph earl of Westmoreland son and heir of
Elizabeth the fourth of the sisters and heirs of the said Edmund,
kinsfolk and heirs of the said Thomas late earl (the assignment
having been made with the assent of John Wigmore, attorney of
the said duke, Thurstan Banastre, attorney of the said Joyce,
Thomas Englyssh, attorney of the said Henry, Robert Tanfeld,
attorney of the said earl of Somerset, John Bere, attorney of the
said earl of Salisbury and Alice, and William Overton, attorney
of the said earl of Westmoreland) ; — to wit, in the county of
Lincoln, the manors of Kelby and Rouseby, 101. a year of rent
from a certain rent of 301. in Skeldynghop, 42 acres of wood in the
manor of Brunne in a piece of wood there called ' Essholt,'
15 acres of wood in the same manor in another piece of wood
there called ' Stanbrigdales,' 10 acres of wood in the same manor
in another piece of wood there called ' Stolnacre,' and acre of
wood in the same manor in another piece there called ' Halhegg,'
2 1 acres of wood in the same manor in another piece of wood there
called ' Howbarowhill,' 2 acres of wood in the same manor in
another piece of wood there called ' Boucroft,' £ acre of wood in
the same manor in another piece of wood there called ' Bygholt-
thwayt,' and an acre of wood in the same manor in another piece
of wood there called ' Malhigcolt ' ; in the county of Rutland, the
manor of Wyssenden ; in the county of York, 45Z. 12s. 5d. a
year from a certain fee farm of 901. issuing yearly from the abbey
of Kyrkestall ; and in the county of Northampton 31. 6s. Sd. a
year from a certain fee farm of 101. issuing yearly from the manor
of Blisworth ; — to take the fealty of the said Joyce and Henry,
and to cause the said duke, Joyce and Henry to have full seisin
of their pourparties ; as the king has respited the homage and
fealty of the duke, without any fine, until the duke's return to
England, and for one mark paid in the hanaper has respited the
homage of Joyce and Henry until the Purification next.
Order in like terms to the escheator in the county of Rutland
touching the manor of Wyssenden ; omitting the clause touching
the taking of the fealty of the said Joyce and Henry.
The like to the following : —
The escheator in the county of York, touching the 45Z. 12s. 5d.
a year from a certain fee farm of 90Z. a year issuing yearly
from the Abbey of Kyrkestall.
The escheator in the county of Northampton touching the
31. 6s. 8d. a year from a certain fee farm of 101. issuing
yearly from the manor of Blisworth.
Oct. 16. Commitment (addressed to all bailiffs and lieges of the king) to
Westminster. John Sayntlo, esquire, — by mainprise of Stephen Forster of
July 5.
June 28.
Membrane 5 — cont.
London and John Trevylyan, — of the keeping of the manor of
Welton and the hundred there, together with the view of frank-
pledge and appurtenances, and of all the lands of Wydecombe
and Harptre, co. Somerset, which are in the king's hand by the
death of John lord Tiptot ; to hold the same from Michaelmas
last for 7 years, at a yearly farm of the extent or as much as
may be agreed upon between him and the treasurer by Easter
next ; with clause touching maintenance of houses, enclosures
and buildings and support of charges.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated etc.
Vacated because otherwise in 22 Henry VI.
Commitment (with like clause) to Andrew Kebill, — by main-
prise of Nicholas Parker of London, ' gentilman,' and John
Colard of London, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping of a croft of
arable land, containing 4 acres of land, called ' Pocattescroft '
alias ' Bakerescroft,' in Fobbyng, co. Essex, which Thomas
Baker of Fobbynge, a traitor, held in his demesne as of fee on
5 May 1 Henry VI, the day on which he was drawn and hanged
for high treason ; to hold the same from Michaelmas next for
7 years, at a yearly farm of the 16d. which John Melle and John
Hacche of Fobbynge used to render ; with proviso that if any
other person shall be willing without fraud to give more by way
of increment for the said keeping, then the said Andrew shall be
bound to pay such larger sum if he will have the keeping.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated by authority of Parliament.
Order to the escheator in the county of York ; — pursuant to
an inquisition taken before him showing that Robert Roos,
knight, on the day of his death held a third part of the manor
and lordship of Hunmanby in his demesne as of fee of the king
in chief by service of an eighth part of a knight's fee ; and that
Margery (who is of full age) wife of John Wittilbury esquire,
and Eleanor her sister (a minor) are the daughters and next heirs
of Robert ; — to make a partition of the said manor into two equal
parts (in the presence of the next friends of Eleanor or of their
attornies), take the fealty of John for Margery's pourparty, and
cause John and Margery to have full seisin of Margery's pour-
party ; retaining Eleanor's pourparty in the king's hand until
further order.
Mittitur in extractis usque hue.
Aug. 26.
Order to the escheator in the county of Cornwall ; — pursuant
to an inquisition taken before him showing that Thomas Arundell,
knight, on the day of his death held no lands, rents or services in
the county of the king in chief, in demesne or in fee, but held
21 HENRY VI. 273
1443 Membrane I — cont.
the manors of Estantony, Penpoll, Landege and Redwory,
together with 121. of yearly rent from the manor of Elerky and
with the advowson of the church of Lannyhorn, by the courtesy
of England after the death of Margery late his wife, one of the
daughters and heirs of Warin Larchedekene knight, of the in
heritance of Eleanor wife of Walter Lucy knight (the second of
the daughters of the said Warin and the sister and one of the heirs
of the said Margery), and Joan wife of Nicholas Carre we knight
(the daughter of Philippa the third of the daughters of Warin
and the kinswoman and other heir of Margery) ; and that the
said manor of Landege is held of the king as of the duchy of Corn-
wall, as of the castle of Launceston, in socage, and the rest of the
manors and the advowson aforesaid of others than the king ; —
to make a partition of the manors, rent and advowson aforesaid
into two equal parts and cause the said Walter and Eleanor to
have full seisin of Eleanor's pourparty of the manor of Landege ;
removing the king's hand from Eleanor's pourparty of the rest
of the premises, and delivering to Walter and Eleanor any issues
taken from the said pourparty since the time of the death of the
said Thomas, as the king has taken the fealty due from Walter
in this behalf ; with proviso that each of the said heirs and
parceners have in her pourparty a share of the manor of Landege,
which is held of the king as above, and so be the king's tenant.
And the pourparty of Joan of the manors, rent and advowson
aforesaid is to be retained in the king's hand until further order.
Non scr'.
Dec. 10. Commitment to William lord de Faucomberge, — by main-
Westminster, prise of Laurence Berwyk of Berwyk, co. Lancaster, esquire,
and Richard Weltden of Weltden, co. Northumberland, ' gentil-
man,' — (1) of the keeping of a third part of all the castles, manors
and lands, late of John late duke of Bedford, in Shilbotle, Gysyng
and Rynyngton and in the bailiwick of Benle, co. Northumber-
land, to hold the said third part, which came to the king's hands
by the death of the said late duke, from Michaelmas last for 10
years, and (2) of the keeping of two-thirds of the castles, manors
and lands aforesaid, to hold the same from Easter 1445 for
10 years ; rendering for the keeping of the said third part, yearly
at Easter and Michaelmas equally, the 24Z. lls. 5\d. for which
answer has been made to the king, and rendering for the keeping
of the said two-thirds 49Z. 3s. , yearly by equal portions at Michael-
mas and Easter ; with clause touching maintenance of houses,
enclosures and buildings and support of charges ; and proviso
that if any other person shall be willing without fraud to give more
by way of increment for the said keeping, then the said William
shall be bound to pay such larger sum if he will have the keeping.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated by authority of Parliament.
Vacated because otherwise in 22 Henry VI.
18 — (26)
( 274 )
1443 MEMBRANE 18.
Oct. 10. Writ of diem dausit extremum to the escheator in the county of
Westminster. Devon after the death of John Mulys, tenant in chief of the king.
Oct. 16.
Oct. 28.
Oct. 27.
Sept. 25.
Oct. 29.
Nov. 5.
Nov. 11.
Nov. 15.
Nov. 16.
Nov. 26.
Nov. 27.
Nov. 26.
Nov. 27.
Nov. 28.
Nov. 5.
Dec. 23.
Dec. 20.
Writs of diem dausit extremum, after the death of the following
persons, directed to the escheators in the counties named : —
Margaret late the wife of Thomas Lovell ; York.
Thomas Wykeham, knight ; Oxford and Berks.
Margaret late the wife of Nicholas Hesketh esquire ; York ;
Ralph Radmylde, esquire ; Bedford ; Northampton ;
Southampton ; Oxford ; Huntingdon.
William Hunt ; Essex.
John Kirkeby ; Essex and Hertford.
Joan Wytherton ; Essex.
Thomas Wykeham, knight ; Oxford and Berks. (Vacated
because nothing thereof was done).
Thomas Wykeham, knight ; Southampton ; Somerset.
Robert Sussex the younger ; Rutland.
John Crannesley ; Northampton.
Robert Greyndour, esquire ; Gloucester and the adjacent
march of Wales ; Somerset.
John Champayn ; Kent.
Thomas Blaufrount ; York.
Robert Herbotill, knight ; Northumberland ; Nottingham ;
Sussex ; Newcastle-upon-Tyne (the mayor and escheator).
John Gryffyth of Stokton ; Warwick.
William Babthorp ; Warwick and Leicester.
Thomas Harrewell ; Warwick.
John Flemmyng, esquire ; Devon.
Robert Greyndour ; Wilts ; Hereford and the adjacent
march of Wales.
John Cornewaille, knight ; Bedford and Buckingham ;
Hereford and the adjacent march of Wales ; Cornwall.
Jan. 14.
Jan. 14.
Jan. 30.
Jan. 30.
Feb. 6.
Feb. 4.
Feb. 12.
Feb. 16.
Feb. 16.
March 3.
April 20.
April 27.
March 21.
April 3.
Aug. 2.
May 1.
Westminster .
April 28.
May 2.
May 10.
Membrane 18 — coat.
William Tempest, esquire ; York ; Cumberland.
John Warre ; Somerset and Dorset.
William Pypard ; Wilts.
Joan late the wife of Thomas Poyntz esquire ; Warwick.
John Cornewaylle, knight ; Gloucester and the adjacent
march of Wales.
William Babthorp ; Essex.
Thomas Beauchamp, knight ; Somerset and Dorset ; Devon.
Joan Armeburgh ; Essex and Hertford.
John Bybbysworthe ; Hertford and Essex ; Middlesex.
Walter Huntyngton ; Essex.
Alice late the wife of Richard Wyot ; Oxford and Berks ;
Bedford and Buckingham.
Anne late the wife of Robert Cappes ; Essex and Hertford.
Peter Fetiplace, esquire ; Oxford and Berks.
John Blount of Bitton ; Gloucester and the adjacent march
of Wales ; Southampton and Wilts ; Somerset and Dorset.
William Walton the elder ; Norfolk.
John Wyderyngton, knight ; Northumberland.
Walter Taylboys of Galthawe, esquire ; Devon ; Somerset
and Dorset ; Wilts ; Worcester ; Gloucester and the
adjacent march of Wales ; Warwick ; Cambridge ; Here-
ford and the adjacent march of Wales ; Northumberland ;
York ; Lincoln.
Thomas Walweyn of Stoke ; Hereford and the adjacent
march of Wales.
John Trencreke ; Cornwall.
Joan late the wife of Thomas Burton ; Calais (the mayor
and escheator).
John Neuburgh the elder ; Somerset and Dorset.
Alice late the wife of Adam Hautlove ; Cumberland.
Walter Huntyngdon ; Cambridge.
John Dodyngton the elder ; Somerset.
Thomas Duff eld ; Hereford and the adjacent march of
May 10.'
May 10.
May 12.
May 18.
May 12.
May 18.
May 12.
May 19.
May 26.
June 15.
June 18.
June 26.
July 3.
July 11.
July 8.
July 14.
July 16.
July 24.
Membrane 17 — cont.
William Flete ; Hertford.
Ralph Bulmere, knight ; Northampton.
Benedicta late the wife of Richard Vernon knight ; Derby ;
Salop and the adjacent march of Wales ; Leicester.
Philip Chetewyn, knight ; Stafford ; Warwick and Leicester.
William Raves ; Warwick and Leicester.
Robert Hylle ; Cornwall and Devon ; Somerset and Dorset.
Robert Kirkham ; Devon and Cornwall.
Philip Chetewyn, knight ; Oxford and Berks.
Alice late the wife of Adam Haltclough ; Cumberland.
Thomas Mortymer, esquire ; Lincoln.
Richard de la Launde ; Lincoln.
Thomas Walweyn ; Hereford and the adjacent march of
John Pynchun, esquire ; London (Thomas Catworth, mayor
and escheator) ; Essex.
Anne late the wife of Edward Tyrell ; Essex.
John Gyffard, esquire ; Gloucester and the adjacent march
of Wales.
John duke of Somerset ; Essex and Hertford ; Kent and
Middlesex ; Somerset and Dorset ; Lincoln ; Northamp-
ton ; Cambridge ; Warwick and Leicester ; Salop and
the adjacent march of Wales ; London (Thomas Cat-
worth, mayor and escheator) ; Southampton ; Devon ;
Worcester ; Gloucester ; Westmoreland ; Bedford.
Aylmer Dygges ; Kent.
Robert Cornu ; Devon and Cornwall.
John Tretherf ; Devon and Cornwall.
John duke of Somerset ; Hereford and the adjacent march
of Wales.
John duke of Somerset ; York ; Norfolk.
John duke of Somerset ; Surrey and Sussex.
Edmund Wallewayn ; Oxford and Berks.
Henry Grey, late lord de Codnore, esquire ; Nottingham and
Derby ; Leicester ; Lincoln ; Northampton ; Essex ;
Mittitur in extractis usque hue.
Oct. 7.
Oct. 14.
Nov. 8.
Nov. 6.
Oct. 11.
Oct. 15.
Westm inster.
Oct. 18.
Commission during pleasure to Nicholas Stebbyng to levy
and collect in person in the ports of Exeter and Dertmouth and
in all adjacent ports and places, after inspection of the mer-
chandise, the subsidies on wool and woolfells, and of tunnage
and poundage, granted to the king in the Parliament held at
Westminster, 18 Henry VI [Rot. Parl. v. 5] ; in the place of Hugh
You, late one of the collectors of the said subsidies in the said
ports ; in terms as above [p. 172] ; and to keep the ' coket ' seal
in the said ports ; answering at the Exchequer for the moneys
forthcoming. By bill of the treasurer.
The like to the following in the ports and places named :—
Roger Rolleston (nominated by Henry cardinal of England),
in the place of Thomas Everyngham ; in the port of
Kyngeston upon Hull and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer.
David Mortymer, in the place of William Cosyn ; in the port
of Bishop's Lenn and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer.
Thomas Gyffard, in the place of Thomas Pylkyngton ; in
the ports of Plymmouth and Fowy and in all adjacent ports
and places. By bill of the treasurer.
Commitment to Humphrey duke of Gloucester, Thomas Percy,
knight, William Somerton, John Rippley, esquire, William Pekke,
Robert Feyrford and William Bokeland, — by mainprise of John
Wynter and Thomas Appolderfeld, — of the keeping of the manor
of Littylton, co. Middlesex, which has been taken into the king's
hand by colour of a certain inquisition taken by virtue of his office
before Stephen Slegge, escheator in the said county, after the
death of Simon Porkeley, and sent before the king in the
Chancery ; to hold the same from the time of the taking of the
said inquisition until Midsummer next, according to the form of
the statute published in the Parliament held at Westminster
8 Henry VI ; provided that they answer at the Exchequer for
the issues forthcoming therefrom in the mean time, if they shall
be adjudged to the king, and in the mean time commit no waste.
Appointment of Adam Copyndale as searcher of ships in the
port of Southampton and in all adjacent ports and places ; in
terms as above [p. 9]. By bill of the treasurer.
Appointment in like terms of the following in the ports and
places named : —
Thomas Shyplode and John Wyche ; in the port of Bristol
and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer.
Nov. 11.
Nov. 16.
Nov. 16.
Feb. 6.
May 6.
July 13.
Oct. 19.
Oct. 16.
Oct. 17.
Membrane 13 — cont.
Nicholas Elys, in the place of John Alcok ; in the port of
Kyngeston upon Hull and in all adjacent ports and
places. By bill of the treasurer.
William Caus ; in the port of Lenn and in all adjacent ports
and places. By bill of the treasurer.
John Eland ; as one of the searchers in the port of Kyngeston
upon Hull and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer.
Henry Crossom ; in the port of Great Yarmouth and in all
adjacent ports and places. By bill of the treasurer.
Hugh Wy thorn ; in the port of Boston and in all adjacent
ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated etc.
Non scr'.
Thomas Prudman ; in the port of Ipswich and in all
adjacent ports and places. By bill of the treasurer.
Non scr'.
Commitment to Ives Impyngton, prior of the church of St.
Mary of Huntyngton, — by mainprise of Gerard de la Hay and
William Mayster of Bukworth, co. Huntingdon, ' gentilman,' — of
the keeping of 4 acres and 3 roods of meadow lying together in
Gumecestre, co. Huntingdon, in a place called ' Le Calceholme,'
by the little bridges there, and enclosed with the several water of
the bailiffs, commonalty and men of Gumecestre, which have been
taken into the king's hand by colour of a certain inquisition taken
by virtue of his office before John Ansty the elder, late escheator
in the said county, returned before the treasurer and barons of
the Exchequer and brought before the king in the Chancery ;
to hold the same from the time of the taking of the said inquisition
until Midsummer next, in terms as above [p. 229].
Commitment to John Sayntlo, esquire, — by mainprise of
Stephen Forster of London and John Trevylyan, — of the keeping
of the manor of Welton and the hundred there, together with the
view of frankpledge and appurtenances, and of all the lands of
Wydecombe and Harptre, co. Somerset, which are in the king's
hand by the death of John lord Tiptot ; to hold the same from
Michaelmas last for 7 years, at a yearly farm of the extent or
as much as may be agreed upon between him and the treasurer
by Easter next ; with clause touching maintenance of houses,
enclosures and buildings and support of charges.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated etc.
Grant of the keeping of the county of Lincoln to John Sothill,
—with the assent of the king's council and by mainprise of
Richard Haunsard of Rason. co. Lincoln, ' gentilman,' and John
Nov. 30.
Membrane 13 — cont.
Castur of Castur, co. Lincoln, ' gentilman,' — from 6 November
last, during pleasure, at a yearly farm of 2011. ; in terms as above
(j>. 80] ; the commitment of 6 November last |j>. 240 above]
notwithstanding. By C. Dated etc.
Commitment to William Heyne and George Tromy, — by main-
prise of Richard Bedford and Peter Boweman, — of the keeping
of a hall with certain chambers, a kitchen, a cellar, 3 stables,
2 shops and a sollar, in the city of London, sometime of Adam
Langeley, ' bocher,' which John Fekenham, esquire, had for life
of the gran* of Richard II, with reversion to the said late king
and his heirs [Calendar of Patent Rolls, 1385-1389, pp. 268 and
344] ; to hold the same from Michaelmas last for 7 years, at a
yearly farm of the extent, or as much as may be agreed upon
between them and the treasurer by Michaelmas next ; with clause
touching maintenance of houses, enclosures and buildings and
support of charges.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated by authority of Parliament.
Oct. 7.
Nov. 8.
Nov. 6.
Feb. 11.
Oct. 7.
Commission during pleasure to Nicholas Stebbyng, in the place
of Hugh You, to levy and collect in the ports of Exeter and
Dertmouth and in all adjacent ports and places the custom on
wools, hides and woolfells which is due to the king of his inheri-
tance ; and to keep the ' coket ' seal in the said ports ; answering
at the Exchequer for the moneys forthcoming.
The like to the following in the ports and places named :—
David Mortymer, in the place of William Cosyn ; in the
port of Bishop's Lenn and in all adjacent ports and
places. By bill of the treasurer.
Thomas Gyffard; in the place of Thomas Pylkyngton ; in
the ports of Plymmouth and Fowy and in all adjacent
ports and places. By bill of the treasurer.
William Ryder, in the place of William [recte Thomas)
Westynden ; in the port of Chichester and in all adjacent
ports and places. By bill of the treasurer.
Commission during pleasure to Nicholas Stebbyng to levy
and collect in person in the ports of Exeter and Dertmouth arid
in all adjacent places (1) the customs granted to Edward I by
foreign and alien merchants in return for certain liberties and
immunities, and the custom and subsidy which by the statute
published in the Parliament of 11 Henry IV all such alien mer-
chants are to pay for garments made for export from cloths of
scarlet, ' sangwayn ' and other colours of the whole or the half
Nov. 8.
Nov. 6.
Feb. 11.
Membrane 12 — cont.
grain, and also from cloths dyed in grain, and all other cloths of
wool, which have been cut, according to the rate and quantity
of the same ; and (2) the custom on cloths of wool and worsted
made in England for export to foreign parts ; in the place of
Hugh You, late one of the collectors of the said custom and
subsidy ; and to keep the ' coket ' seal in the said ports ; answer-
ing at the Exchequer for the moneys forthcoming.
By bill of the treasurer.
The like to the following in the ports and places named : —
David Mortymer, in the place of William Cosyn ; in the
port of Bishop's Lenn and in all adjacent ports and places.
By bill of the treasurer.
Thomas Gyffard, in the place of Thomas Pylkyngton ; in the
ports of Plymmouth and Fowy and in all adjacent ports
and places. By bill of the treasurer.
William Ryder, in the place of William [recte Thomas]
Westynden ; in the port of Chichester and in all adjacent
ports and places. By bill of the treasurer.
Dec. 3.
May 27.
Commitment to Thomas Cook, — by mainprise of John Borley
of Sudbury, co. Suffolk, ' gentilman,' and John Asshton of
London, ' gentilman,' — of the subsidy and alnage of cloths for
sale in the towns of Lavenham, Great Waldyngfeld, Little
Waldyngfeld, Brent Illegh and Aiketon, co. Suffolk ; to hold
the same from Michaelmas 1446 for 7 years, together with a
moiety of the forfeiture of the said cloths for sale, rendering
the 14Z. for which answer has been made to the king, and an
increment of 13*. 4rf., yearly at Easter and Michaelmas equally,
and answering at the Exchequer for the other moiety of the
said forfeiture ; and appointment of the said Thomas as alnager
and collector ; in terms as above [p. 35].
By bill of the treasurer. Dated by authority of Parliament.
Grant and demise to Thomas Parker of La Forde, esquire,
and Richard Bullesdon, — by mainprise of Thomas Burghull
' gentilman,' and Richard Maffen of Shrewsbury, ' gentilman,' —
of the subsidy and alnage of cloths for sale in the county of Salop ;
to hold the same from Michaelmas last for 10 years, together with
a moiety of the forfeiture of the said cloths for sale, rendering the
121. 13s. 4d. for which answer has been made to the king, and an
increment of 13s. 4d., yearly by equal portions at Easter and
Michaelmas, and answering at the Exchequer for the other
moiety of the said forfeiture ; and appointment of the said
July 9.
July 16.
July 19.
Membrane 11 — cont.
Thomas Parker and Richard Bullesdon as alnagers and collectors ;
in terms as above [p. 35].
By bill of the treasurer. Dated by authority of Parliament.
Commitment to John Burgeys and Henry Kyng, — by main-
prise of John Pynchemore, ' gentilman,' and Edmund Prowet,
' yoman,' both of Norwich, — of the subsidy and alnage of cloths
for sale in the county of Norfolk and in the city of Norwich ; to
hold the same from Michaelmas next for 7 years, together with a
moiety of the forfeiture of the said cloths for sale, rendering the
311. 6s. 8d. for which answer has been made to the king, and an
increment of 6s. Sd., yearly by equal portions at Easter and
Michaelmas, and answering at the Exchequer for the other moiety
of the said forfeiture ; and appointment of the said John Burgeys
and Henry as alnagers and collectors ; in terms as above [p. 35].
The like to Robert Passemer, esquire, — by mainprise of John
Chiselle of Thaxstede, co. Essex, ' gentilman,' and Henry Wyom
of Louthe, co. Lincoln, ' gentilman,' — from Michaelmas next for
10 years at a yearly farm of 36/. 6s. [8d.] and an increment of
[6s.] Sd. ; in the county of Warwick.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated etc.
Grant to John Hampton, esquire for the body, and William
Essex, — by mainprise of Robert Essex and Robert Mildenhale,—
of the subsidy and alnage of cloths for sale in the counties of
Northampton and Rutland ; to hold the same from Michaelmas
next in survivorship, together with a moiety of the forfeiture of
the said cloths for sale, rendering the 100s. 4d. for which answer
has been made to the king, and an increment of 3s., yearly by
equal portions at Easter and Michaelmas, any statute, act or
ordinance to the contrary notwithstanding, and answering at the
Exchequer for the other moiety of the said forfeiture ; and
appointment of the said John Hampton and William as alnagers
and collectors ; in terms as above \p. 35] but omitting the
proviso for the increase of the farm:
By p.s. [7398]. Dated etc.
Nov. 6.
Commitment to Otes Gilberd, — by mainprise of John More of
Culmeton, co. Devon, ' gentilman,' and Thomas Gyfford of
Haldesbury, co. Devon, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping of all the
lands late of John Mulys, who held of the king by knight service
on the day of his death, which are or ought to be in the king's hands
by the death of the said John and by reason of the minority of
William Gilberd, Joan Dabernoun and Elizabeth sister of Joan, the
kinsfolk and heirs of John, minors in the king's ward ; to hold the
Sept. 28.
Nov. 19.
Membrane 10 — cont.
same from the time of the death of John until the full age of the
said heirs, together with the marriage of the said Joan and
Elizabeth, rendering for the keeping of the said lands the extent
or as much as may be agreed upon between him and the treasurer
by Easter next, and paying for the marriages as much as may
likewise be agreed upon ; with clause touching maintenance of
houses, enclosures and buildings and support of charges.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated by authority of Parliament.
Commitment of the county of Bristol to William Coder for
one year, so that he answer at the Exchequer as sheriff ; the
mayor and commonalty having submitted to the king his name
and the names of Thomas Noreys and John Troyte as candidates
for the office, in accordance with the terms of their charter dated
8 August, 47 Edward III.
Order to the mayor, burgesses and whole commonalty of the
town and suburbs of Bristol to be intendant to William as
Order to Nicholas Hille, late sheriff, to deliver the county to
William by indenture.
Commitment to John Stathum, esquire, and to John, Thomas,
Henry and Nicholas, his sons, — by mainprise of Bartholomew
Whitfeld of Heydour, co. Lincoln, ' gentilman,' and John de
Carleton of Carleton in Lyndryk, co. Nottingham, ' yoman,' — of
the keeping of the castle and lordship of Horeston (or whatever be
the name by which they are known), co. Derby, which were granted
to Richard Hastynges knight for term of his life by Henry V, with
reversion to the king and his heirs [Calendar of Patent Rolls,
1416-1422, p. 333], and which are in the king's hand by the death
of the said Richard ; to hold the same from 9 September 1448
for 40 years, at a yearly farm of the 111. for which answer has been
made to the king, and an increment of 20s.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated etc.
Oct. 29. Commitment to John Heverlond, prior of the cathedral church
Westminster. of Holy Trinity, Norwich, — by mainprise of John Heydon of
Baconesthorp, co. Norfolk, ' gentilman,' and Robert Bramfeld
of Bramfeld, co. Norfolk, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping of a
messuage situated in Norwich in the parish of St. George before
the gates of the church of Holy Trinity, and of another messuage,
sometime of Sara de Hales, in Norwich in the parish of St. Peter
de Houngate within the ward of Wymere, and of the church of St.
Gregory, in Norwich, which have been taken into the king's hand
by colour of an inquisition taken by virtue of his office before Wil-
liam Henstede, mayor and escheator, returned before the treasurer
and barons of the Exchequer, and brought before the king into
the Chancery ; to hold the same from the time of the taking of
Membrane 10 — cont.
the said inquisition until Michaelmas next according to the form of
the statute published in the Parliament held at Westminster 8
Henry VI ; so that he answer at the Exchequer for the issues
taken therefrom in the mean time, if they shall be adjudged to
the king, and in the mean time commit no waste.
Nov. 27. Commitment to John lord de Duddeley, — by mainprise, found
Westminster. m the Exchequer, of Richard Blyke of Asteley, co. Salop,
' gentilman,' and Gilbert Inse of Thornton, co. Lancaster, ' gentil-
man,' — of the marriage of Humphrey son and heir of John
Blount of Dadyngton, who held of the king in chief on the day of
his death ; paying for the marriage as much as may be agreed
upon between him and the treasurer by Easter next, and finding
fit maintenance for the said heir, who is in the king's ward.
By bill of the treasurer.
Nov. 27. Commitment to Richard Meryvale, — by mainprise of John
Westminster. Stokys of Brympton, co. Berks, ' gentilman,' and Walter Stokker
of London, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping of 2 messuages and a
virgate of land in Wests wyndon, co. Wilts, late of John Everard,
which, by the death of the said John who held of the king on the
day of his death, were taken into the king's hand by John Wyke,
late escheator of the said county, and are still in the king's hand ;
to hold the same from Michaelmas last for 10 years, at a yearly
farm of the 5s. for which answer has been made to the king, and
an increment of 4cL ; with clause touching maintenance of houses,
enclosures and buildings and support of charges ; and proviso
that if any other person shall be willing without fraud to give
more by way of increment for the said keeping, then the said
Richard shall be bound to pay such larger sum if he will have the
keeping. By bill of the treasurer. Dated etc.
Nov. 30.
Commitment (with like clause and proviso) to William
Gascoigne, knight, of the keeping of 3 bovates of land in Colton,
co. York, and of a marsh and 12 acres of arable land in Caldewell,
co. Essex, and also the keeping of 12s. 3d. a year of quit-rent
issuing from certain lands in Caldewell, a messuage called
' Tholmodis,' 40 acres of arable land and a toft called ' Ham-
stedes,' in the said town of Caldewell, and 4 messuages, 52 bovates
of land and 6 cottages with gardens, in Sprydlyngton, co. Lincoln ;
to hold the same, which are in the king's hand by the death of
William Ingilby, who held of the king in chief on the day of his
death, and by reason of the minority of John his son and heir,
from Christmas next until the full age of the said heir, rendering
for the said keeping the 8Z. 85. 8d. for which answer has been made
to the king, and an increment of 4Z. 17s. 9d., at Midsummer and
Christmas equally. By bill of the treasurer. Dated etc.
Nov. 31
Nov. 20.
Membrane 10 — cont.
Writ of diem clausit extremum to the escheator in the county
of Southampton after the death of Ralph Radmylde esquire, as
the late escheator in the said county, to whom a like writ was
directed [p. 274 above], was removed from his office before he had
executed the writ.
Order to the escheator in the county of York ; — pursuant to
an inquisition taken before a late escheator in the said county
showing that William Jonson died seised in his demesne as of fee
of a messuage, 150 acres of land and 40 acres of meadow and
pasture in Burton, which are held of the king in chief, as of the
Crown, in socage by service of a rose to be rendered yearly at
Midsummer for all services ; and that John son of the said William
is his next heir, and of full age ; — to take the fealty of the said
John and cause him to have full seisin of the said messuage, land,
meadow and pasture.
Nov. 4.
Commitment of the county of Cumberland to Thomas de la
More during pleasure, so that he answer at the Exchequer as
Order to all persons of the county to be intendant to Thomas as
Order to Thomas Beauchamp, late sheriff, to deliver the county
to Thomas de la More by indenture.
The like commitments to the following of the counties
named : —
John Heron of Chippechese ; Northumberland.
Thomas Nevyll of Rolleston ; Nottingham and Derby.
John Pygot, ' chivaler ' ; Lincoln (cancelled).
Laurence Sherard, esquire ; Warwick and Leicester.
Thomas Corbet of Lye ; Salop.
Nicholas Mountgomery ; Stafford.
Thomas Parker ; Hereford.
William Tracy ; Gloucester.
William Seynt George , knight ; Cambridge and Huntingdon.
Thomas Syngleton ; Bedford and Buckingham.
John Fitz Rauff ; Norfolk and Suffolk.
John Hende the younger ; Essex and Hertford.
John Basket ; Sussex and Surrey.
Henry Trenchard ; Southampton.
John Baynton, ' chivaler ' ; Wilts.
Edward Hull ; Somerset and Dorset.
John Cheyne of Pynne ; Devon.
John Arundell, esquire ; Cornwall.
Thomas Berkeley ; Rutland.
Membrane 9 — cont.
Nov. 4. Commitment of the county of York and castle of York to
Westminster. Edmund Talbot, ' chivaler,' during pleasure, so that he answer
at the Exchequer as sheriff and keeper.
Order to all persons of the county to be intendant to Edmund
as sheriff arid keeper.
Order to Thomas Meteham, ' chivaler,' late sheriff, to deliver
the county and castle to Edmund by indenture.
The like commitments to the following in the counties
named : —
John Chalers ; Oxford and Berks.
John Merbury ; Northampton.
Thomas Broune ; Kent.
Nov. 4.
Commitment of the office of the escheatry in the counties of
Somerset and Dorset to John Roger the elder during pleasure, so
that he answer at the Exchequer for the issues thereof.
Order to all persons of the counties to be intendant to John
as escheator.
Order to John Bayhows, late escheator, to deliver to John
Roger by indenture the rolls, writs, memoranda and all other
things relating to the said office.
The like commitments to the following of the office of the
escheatry in the counties named : —
William Menwennek ; Devon and Cornwall.
John Beaufitz ; Warwick and Leicester.
Ralph Lyngeyn ; Hereford.
Florence Lee ; Salop.
Maurice de la Ryver ; Gloucester.
Nicholas Levesson ; Stafford.
Humphrey Salwey ; Worcester.
John Tayllard ; Surrey and Sussex.
Richard Frognale ; Kent and Middlesex.
William Hawle ; Lincoln.
John Palmer ; Northampton and Rutland.
Edmund Forty ngton ; York.
Thomas Welden, esquire ; Northumberland.
Richard Belyngeham ; Cumberland and Westmoreland.
John Roos ; Nottingham and Derby.
Robert Clere ; Norfolk and Suffolk.
John Nowers ; Bedford and Buckingham.
William Lee ; Cambridge and Huntingdon.
William Borde ; Oxford and Berks.
Philip Baynard ; Southampton and Wilts.
Roger Legh ; Essex and Hertford.
Dec. 10.
Dec. 18.
Commitment to William lord de Faucomberge, — by mainprise
of Laurence Berwyk of Berwyk, co. Lancaster, esquire, and
Richard Weltden of Weltden, co. Northumberland, ' gentilman,'
— (1) of the keeping of a third part of all the castles, manors and
lands, late of John late duke of Bedford, in Shilbotle, Gysyns,
Rynyngton and Beneley, co. Northumberland, to hold the said
third part, which came to the king's hands by the death of the said
late duke, from Michaelmas last for 10 years, and (2) of the keep-
ing of two-thirds of the castles, manors and lands aforesaid, to
hold the same from Easter 1445 for 10 years ; rendering for the
keeping of the said third part, yearly at Easter and Michaelmas
equally, the 24/. 11s. 5^d. for which answer has been made to the
king, and rendering for the keeping of the said two-thirds 49?. 3s.,
yearly by equal portions at Michaelmas and Easter ; with clause
touching maintenance of houses, enclosures and buildings and
support of charges ; and proviso that if any other person shall be
willing without fraud to give more by way of increment for the
said keeping, then the said William shall be bound to pay such
larger sum if he will have the keeping.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated by authority of Parliament.
Whereas the king ; — pursuant to an inquisition taken before
John Trevelyn, late escheator in the county of Cornwall, showing
that Thomas Arundell, knight, on the day of his death held no
lands, rents or services in the county of the king in chief, in
demesne or in service, but held the manors of Estantony, Penpoll,
Landege and Redwory, together with 121. of yearly rent from the
manor of Elerky and with the advowson of the church of Lanay-
horn, by the courtesy of England after the death of Margery late
his wife, one of the daughters and heirs of Warin Larchedekene
knight, of the inheritance of Eleanor wife of Walter Lucy knight
(the second of the daughters of the said Warin and the sister and
one of the heirs of the said Margery), and Joan wife of Nicholas
Carrewe knight (the daughter of Philippa the third of the daughters
of Warin and the kinswoman and other heir of Margery) ; and
that the said manor of Landege is held of the king as of the
duchy of Cornwall, as of the castle of Launceston, in socage, and
the rest of the manors and the advowson aforesaid of others
than the king ; — ordered the said late escheator [p. 272 above] to
make a partition of the manors, rent and advowson aforesaid into
two equal parts and cause the said Walter and Eleanor to have
full seisin of Eleanor's pourparty of the manor of Landege,
removing the king's hand from Eleanor's pourparty of the rest
of the premises, and delivering to Walter and Eleanor any issues
taken from the said pourparty since the time of the death of the
said Thomas, as the king had taken the fealty due from Walter
in this behalf, with proviso that each of the said heirs and
parceners should have in her pourparty a share of the manor of
Feb. 4.
Membrane 8 — cont.
Landege, which is held of the king as above, and so be the king's
tenant, Joan's pourparty of the manors, rent and advowson
aforesaid being retained in the king's hand until further order ;
the king now orders the present escheator in the said county of
Cornwall to take the fealty of the said Nicholas and cause him
and the said Joan to have full seisin of Joan's pourparty of the
said manor of Landege thus retained in the king's hand ; remov-
ing the king's hand from Joan's pourparty of the rest of the
premises, likewise retained in the king's hand as above, and
(delivering to Nicholas and Joan any issues taken from the said
pourparty since the time of the death of Thomas.
Commitment to John Boste and Laurence Catrall, — by main-
prise of Thomas Wytham of Cornburgh, co. York, esquire, and
Richard Thornburgh of York, ' gentilman,' — of the keeping of
a messuage, 40 acres of land and 5 acres of meadow in Langdale,
co. Westmoreland, which Thomas Langdale held on the day
of his death of the king in chief, and which are in the king's hands
by the death of the said Thomas and by reason of the minority
of Thomas his son and heir ; to hold the same from Easter last
until the full age of the said heir, at a yearly farm of the 13s. 4d.
for which answer has been made to the king by the escheator in
the county of Westmoreland, and an increment of 12d. ; with
clause touching maintenance of houses, enclosures and buildings
and support of charges ; and proviso that if any other person shall
be willing without fraud to give more by way of increment for
the said keeping, then the said John and Laurence shall be bound
to pay such larger sum if they will have the keeping.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated etc.
Commitment (with like clause) to Thomas Bodulgate and John
Trevyllian, — by mainprise of John Bluet of Gryndenham, co.
Somerset, ' gentilman,' John Rem of Remes, co. Cornwall,
' gentilman,' Nicholas Golopyn of Bodmyn, co. Cornwall, ' gentil-
man,' Thomas Clemens of Leskerd, co. Cornwall, ' gentilman,'
and John Durant of Treveynon, co. Cornwall, ' gentilman,' — of the
keeping of the manors of Rostormell, Penlyn, Penknyth (with
the borough of Lostwythiell), Tyntagell, Moresk and Tewynton,
co. Cornwall, which are in the king's hands by the death of John
Cornwaille, knight ; to hold the same from the time of the death
of the said John Cornwaille for 7 years, rendering for the keeping
the extent or as much as may be agreed upon between them
and the treasurer by Pentecost next.
By bill of the treasurer. Dated by authority of Parliament.
Feb. 4. Exemplification of a charter of Adam Clemens, granting to
Westminster. Roger de Sancto Johanne (son of John de Sancto Johanne)
and to Cecily his wife, the manors of Stontone and Bertone
Feb. 1.
Feb. 17.
Jan. 21.
Feb. 18.
Membrane 8 — cont.
together with the church of Stontone, to wit, the lands, tenements,
rents, services, homages, woods, plains, meadows, feedings,
pastures, ways, paths, with all the liberties thereof and appurten-
ances, which the said Roger had lately given to Adam and his
heirs, to hold the same to the said Roger and Cecily and their
heirs male, in frank marriage, with reversion [revertantur] to the
right heirs of Roger, the charter being sealed by Adam, by order
of Richard I, on 4 February (secundo Non' Februar') 1193, at
Kyngeston, where the said Roger and Cecily were, on that day,
Vacated because otherwise in the Patent Roll, 22 Henry VI
[Calendar of Patent Rolls, 1441-1446, p. 240].
Commitment to William Lumnor and William Taverham, — by
mainprise of William Norwich of Norwich, ' gentilman,' and
Robert Reppes of Thorp, co. Norfolk